The Appeal-Avalanche (Memphis, Tenn.) 1890-1890
Daily Vol. 50, no. 285 (Nov. 9, 1890)-v. 50, no. 294 (Nov. 18, 1890). Continues the numbering of the Memphis appeal. Also issued on microfilm from Bell & Howell, Micro-Photo Div. Formed by the union of: Memphis appeal, and: Memphis avalanche (Memphis, Tenn. : Daily : 1885). Memphis appeal-avalanche 2574-268X (DLC)sn 86071412 (OCoLC)13516304
The Benton Tribune (Benton, Ky.) 1887-1???
Weekly Began in 1887. Cf. Ayer, 1897. Merged with: Democrat (non-extant) to form: Tribune-democrat. Description based on: Vol. 3, no. 24 (Apr. 9, 1891). Democrat Tribune-democrat (Benton, Ky.) (DLC)sn 85052152
The Calloway Times (Murray, Ky.) 1892-1927
Weekly Began in 1892; ceased in 1927. Description based on: Vol. 3, no. 79 (Oct. 19, 1897). Times-herald (Murray, Ky.) (DLC)sn 86069443
The Charleston Daily Courier (Charleston, S.C.) 1852-1873
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 51 [i.e. 50], no. 15154 (July 1, 1852)-v. 71, no. 22512 (Apr. 5, 1873). Published: Charlston, SC. : Confederate States of America, or C.S.A., <1861-1863> Issues for Feb. 24, 1865-Nov. 18, 1865 called new ser., v. 1, no. 4-n.s., v. 1, no. 228. Available on microfilm from Bell & Howell Information and Learning. Merged with: Charleston daily news, to become:…
Clarksville Chronicle (Clarksville, T.[Tenn.]) 183?-18??
Weekly Began with July 14, 1830 issue. Cf. NIM. Also issued on microfilm from Tennessee State Library and Archives. Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 18 (Oct. 4, 1834). Clarksville weekly chronicle (Clarksville, Tenn. : 1855) 2327-8870 (DLC)sn 88061075 (OCoLC)17797159
Clarksville Jeffersonian (Clarksville, Ten[N].) 1843-1873
Weekly Began with Mar. 18, 1843 issue. Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. Ceased in 1873? Cf. NIM. Issues for called also: whole no. <346-> Often skips publication for last week in Dec. or first week in Jan. Also issued on microfilm from Tennessee State Library and Archives. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 2 (Mar. 25, 1843).
The Clarksville Star (Clarksville, Tenn) 1890-1939
Semiweekly, Nov. 19, 1935-Feb. 13, 1939 Began in 1890. -v. 44, no. 16 (Feb. 13, 1939). Publishers: Star Pub. Co., <1924>-1936; Star Print. Co., 1936-1939. Many issues lack volume an/or issue numbering. Description based on: 34th year (May 9, 1924). Daily star (Clarksville, Tenn.) (DLC)sn 89058329
Clarksville Tobacco Leaf (Clarksville, Tenn.) 1869-1879
Weekly Began with Feb. 11, 1869. -v. 10, no. 52 (Feb. 6, 1879). Publishers: Martin V. Ingram, 1869; Ingram & Doak, 1869-1873; Ingram, Doak, & Ligon, 1874-1875; H.M. Doak, 1875-1876; M.V. Ingram, 1876-1879. Editors: M.V. Ingram, T.M. Riley, <1876>. Available on microfilm from Tennessee State Library and Archives. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. (Apr. 22, 1869). Clarksville semi-weekly tobacco leaf (DLC)sn 88061078
The Daily Item (Murray, Ky.) 189?-18??
Daily Issued also in a weekly edition called: Saturday item (Murray, Ky.). Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 4 (Feb. 13, 1893).
Daily Kentucky New Era (Hopkinsville, Christian County, Ky.) 1888-1945
Daily (except Sun.) Began in 1888. Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. -v. 57, no. 97 (Mar. 10, 1945). Weekly eds.: Weekly Kentucky new era, <1889>-1903, and: Weekly new era (Hopkinsville, Ky.), 1903-1910, and: Kentucky new era (Hopkinsville, Ky. : 1910), 1910-<1926> Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 12 (Nov. 18, 1889). Kentucky new era (Hopkinsville, Ky. : Daily) (DLC)sn 86069372 (OCoLC)14064300
Evening Mirror (New York [N.Y.]) 1844-1859
Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 7, 1844)- Ceased in 1859. Cf. NIM, U.S. 1948-1983. Published as: New York daily evening mirror, June 3-14, 1845. Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. Publishers: Morris, Willis & Fuller, 1844-1845; Hiram Fuller, 1845-1857; Evening Mirror Print. & Pub. Co., 1857-<1858>. Editor: Hiram Fuller, <1846-1857>. Printers: J.A. & George W. Wood. Issues for Oct. 7, 1844- called:…
Fuller, Hiram
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper (New York, N.Y.) 1855-1891
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 15, 1855)-v. 73, no. 1889 (Nov. 28, 1891). Has supplements. Also issued on microfilm from Library of Congress Photoduplication Service. Also issued on microfilm from UMI. German language ed.: Frank Leslie's illustrirte Zeitung, 1857-1891. Frank Leslie's illustrated weekly (DLC)sn 98068089 (OCoLC)8781041
The Hickman County Gazette (Clinton, Ky.) 1904-Current
Weekly Began in 1904. Cf. Ayer, 1979. Published 100th anniversary of Newspaper publishing in Hickman County ed., April 30, 1953. "Democratic." Cf. Ayer, 1979. Description based on: 17th year, no. 46 (Oct. 30, 1919).
The Kentucky New Era (Hopkinsville, Ky.) 1870-1885
Weekly Began in 1870. Cf. Rowell, 1871. -v. 16, no. 12 (Sept. 18, 1885). "A Democratic organ devoted to political and general news, literature, agriculture, and the material interests of Kentucky and the country." Publishers' name recorded in Rowell, 1873. Publishers: Morris & Caruth, 1870-1871; Van Bussum & McCarroll, 1871-1872; Feland, Clarke & Co., 1872-1873; Warfield & Gaines, <1874>; S.M. Gaines & Co., <1875-1877>.…