The American Standard (Jersey City, N.J.) 1859-1875
Daily (except Sun.) No. 1 (Aug. 8, 1859)-no. 84 (Nov. 15, 1859); v. 1, no. 85 (Nov. 16, 1859)-v. 27, no. 83 (Apr. 8, 1875). Publishers: Metz & Brother, 1859; John H. Lyon & Co., 1859-<1861>; John H. Lyon, <1862-1875>. Editors: John H. Lyon, <1862-1871>; C. Young, <1872-1874>. "Democratic." Also issued on microfilm by the New Jersey State Library and as part of the…
The Bergen County Democrat, and New Jersey State Register (Hackensack, N.J.) 1861-1890
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 13 (Dec. 27, 1861)- Ceased with Feb. 31 [i.e. 28], 1890 issue. Cf. Wright, W.C. and Stellhorn, P.A. Direct of N.J. newspapers. Publishers: Burr & Winton, 1861-1862; Eben Winton, 1862-1870; Henry D. Winton, 1870-<1882>. Editors: Eben Winton, 1861-1870; Henry D. Winton, 1870-<1882>. "Democratic." Feb. 28, 1890 issue dated Feb. 31, 1890. Also issued on microfilm as part of the Civil…
The Christian Science Monitor (Boston, Mass.) 1983-2012
Weekly, Apr. 12, 2009-Apr. 2, 2012 Vol. 75, no. 218 (Oct. 3, 1983)- Ceased with vol. 104, issue 19 (Apr. 2, 2012). An activity of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. "To injure no man but to bless all mankind." Published as a daily newspaper, Oct. 3, 1983-Mar. 27, 2009; as a weekly periodical Apr. 12, 2009-Apr. 2, 2012. None published…
Christian Science Publishing Society
The Clifton Journal (Clifton, N.J.) 1916-1976
Weekly Began in 1916. Cf. Clifton news-journal, July 1, 1976. Ceased in 1976. Published by Max Kroll, 1938-1961. Cf. Clifton news-journal, July 1, 1976. Description based on: Vol. 17, no. 35 (Aug. 29, 1930). Clifton news (Clifton, N.J.) (DLC)sn 85035963 (OCoLC)13212339 Clifton news-journal (DLC)sn 85035964 (OCoLC)13212348
The Daily Patersonian (Paterson, N.J.) 1864-1865
Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 18, 1864)- Ceased in 1865. Also issued on microfilm as part of the Civil War newspapers collection. Paterson daily register (DLC)sn 85035859 (OCoLC)13233399 Paterson daily guardian, and Falls City register (DLC)sn 85035882 (OCoLC)13233422
Gettysburg Times (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1904-Current
Daily (except Sun.) Began with Jan. 1, 1904 issue. Published by Times and News Pub. Co., Nov. 12, 1910- Numbering erratic. Frequent supplements and special interest editions. Weekly eds.: Adams County news (Gettysburg, Pa.), 1908-<1917> ; Gettysburg times (Gettysburg, Pa. : 1942), 1942-1946. Description based on: Vol. 7, no. 62 (Jan. 1, 1909).
The Herald-News (Passaic, N.J.) 1932-Current
Daily Began with Apr. 4, 1932 issue. Issues for Jan. 2-4, 1964 also called: Tercentenary edition. Place of publication given as: Passaic-Clifton, N.J. Description based on: Apr. 13, 1945.
The Morning Call (Paterson, N.J.) 1889-1969
Daily (except Sun.) Began Jan. 28, 1889. -v. 175, no. 149 (Dec. 20, 1969). Published as: New morning call, Sept. 5, 1964-Apr. 10, 1965. Independent. Cf. Ayer, 1970. Publisher: Call Print. & Pub. Co., <1945- Also issued on microfilm by the Micro Photo Div., Bell & Howell. Description based on: Vol. 20, no. 148 (June 23, 1892). Morning news (Paterson, N.J. : 1967) Morning…
The Morning Call (Paterson, N.J.) 1885-1886
Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1, 1885)-v. 2, no. 75 (Mar. 29, 1886). Published by E.B. Haines, Mar. 8-29, 1886. Also issued on microfilm by the Micro Photo Div., Bell & Howell. Also issued in a Sunday ed. called: Sunday call (Paterson, N.J. : 1885). Paterson morning call (DLC)sn 85035892 (OCoLC)12290806
New-Jersey Eagle (Newark, N.J.) 1820-1845
Weekly Began with Nov. 3, 1820 issue; ceased in May 1845? Imprint varies: Printed by Jacob Johnson, 1820-1821; Printed for the proprietor by Gorham A. Hull, 1821-1822; Printed by William B. Kinney & James E. Gore, 1822-1823; Daniel A. Cameron, <1823>; Kinney & Cameron, <1824>-1825; Moses Lyon & Co., 1825-1828; T.B. Crowell, 1828-<1839>. Editors: William B. Kinney, 1820-<1825>; T.B. Crowell, <1829-1839>. Semiweekly ed. also…
Johnson, Jacob - Kinney, William B. (William Burnet)
Park Ridge Local (Park Ridge, N.J.) 1889-1968
Weekly Began with Jan. 30, 1889 issue; ceased with Dec. 26, 1968 issue. Cf. Wright, W.C. and Stellhorn, P.A. Direct. of N.J. newspapers. Merged with: Westwood local; and: Hillsdale local, to form: Pascack Valley local. Cf. Wright, W.C. and Stellhorn, P.A. Direct. of N.J. newspapers. Description based on: Vol. 41, no. 37 (Sept. 13, 1929). Westwood local Hillsdale local Pascack Valley local
Passaic City Herald (Passaic City, N.J.) 1872-1899
Weekly Began with Aug. 3, 1872 issue; ceased in 1899? Published by Orrin Van Derhoven and James E. Crowell, -Jan. 15, 1876. Editors: Orrin Van Derhoven and Joseph E. Crowell, <1875>-1876; Orrin Van Derhoven, <1876>. Description based on: Vol. 5, no. 215 (Sept. 23, 1876).
Paterson Daily Guardian (Paterson, N.J.) 1856-1864
Daily (except Sun.) Began with Nov. 17, 1856 issue. -v. 15, whole no. 2468 (Oct. 15, 1864). Editors: Orrin Van Derhoven, <1861>; Hugh Crowell Irish, <1861>. Also issued on microfilm as part of the Civil War newspapers collection. Continues: Tri-weekly guardian (non-extant?). Description based on: Vol. 8, whole no. 1414 (June 10, 1861). Daily Patersonian (DLC)sn 87068031 (OCoLC)15133093
The Paterson Daily Guardian, and Falls City Register (Paterson, N.J.) 1865-1871
Daily (except Sun.) Began in 1865. -v. 20, no. 13,160 (June 10, 1871). Has occasional supplements. Also issued on microfilm as part of the Civil War newspapers collection. Description based on: Vol. 16, no. 2624 (July 31, 1865). Paterson daily guardian (1871) (DLC)sn 84026326 (OCoLC)10405658
Paterson Daily Press (Paterson, N.J.) 1863-1907
Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 19, 1863)- Published by Chiswell & Wurts, <1865-1871>. Republican. Also issued on microfilm as part of the Civil War newspapers collection. Paterson press (Paterson, N.J. : Daily) (DLC)sn 87068147 (OCoLC)15673909
Paterson Daily Register (Paterson, N.J.) 1858-1865
Daily Began in 1858; ceased in 1865. Also issued on microfilm as part of the Civil War newspapers collection. Daily ed. of: Falls City register, and Paterson and Bergen advertiser. Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 97 (Oct. 24, 1859). Daily Patersonian (DLC)sn 87068031 (OCoLC)15133093 Paterson daily guardian, and Falls City register (DLC)sn 85035882 (OCoLC)13233422
Paterson Evening News (Paterson, N.J.) 1890-1969
Daily (except Sun. and holidays) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec 22, 1890)- ; -79th. yr., no. 18 (Jan. 11, 1969). "First in Paterson -- an independent newspaper for all the people." Beginning with the Sept. 21, 1929 issue, Saturday issues were called: Paterson evening news, Weekend edition. Sunday edition was called: Paterson Sunday news. July 15, 1950 issue is 60th anniversary issue. Also issued…
The Paterson Guardian (Paterson, N.J.) 1900-1915
Daily Began in 1900? Ceased with Sept. 25, 1915 issue. Editor: Edwin W.R. Lawrence, <1903>. Description based on: Vol. 88, no. 30 (Feb. 6, 1903). Paterson press (Paterson, N.J. : Daily) (DLC)sn 87068147 (OCoLC)15673909 Paterson press-guardian (DLC)sn 88071413
The Paterson Morning Call (Paterson, N.J.) 1886-1889
Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 2, no. 76 (Mar. 30, 1886)-v. 14, no. 23 (Jan. 26, 1889). Also issued on microfilm by the Micro Photo Div., Bell & Howell. Also issued in a Sunday ed. called: Sunday call (Paterson, N.J. : 1885), Mar.-Apr. 1886; Paterson Sunday call, Apr. 1886-1889. Morning call (Paterson, N.J. : 1889) (DLC)sn 84020522 (OCoLC)11013679
The Paterson Press (Paterson, N.J.) 1907-1915
Daily (except Sun.) Began with June 15, 1907 issue; ceased with Sept. 25, 1915 issue. "The paper that spends the evening with the family at home," . Description based on: May 16, 1910. Paterson guardian (DLC)sn 87068151 (OCoLC)15672887 Paterson press-guardian (DLC)sn 88071413
Paterson Volksfreund (Paterson, N.J.) 1870-1910
Triweekly, <1878-1910> Began in Oct. 1870; ceased in 1910? Published as: Paterson Volksfreund. Und Anzeiger für Paterson und Umgegend, <1876>. Has subtitle: Passaic und Bergen County Beobachter, <1873>. Publishers: Max Müller, <1873>; Carl August Böger, <1876>. Editor: Carl August Böger, <1876>. Democratic. Cf. Arndt & Olson. German lang. press. In German. Weekly ed.: New Jersey Staatszeitung und Anzeiger für Paterson und Umgegend, 1873-<1885>. Description…
Paterson Weekly Guardian (Paterson, N.J.) 1856-1865
Weekly Began in 1856; ceased in 1865. Published as: Paterson guardian weekly edition, May-Oct., 1856. Editors: Orrin Van Derhoven, <1864>; Lawrence Holms, <1864>. Also issued on microfilm as part of the Civil War newspapers collection. Description based on: New ser. no. 514, whole no. 1014 (May 13, 1856). Falls City register, and Paterson and Bergen advertiser Paterson weekly guardian. Falls City register (DLC)sn 87068155…
Paterson Weekly Guardian (Paterson, N.J.) 1871-1901
Weekly Began with June 30, 1871 issue; ceased in 1901? "Democratic." Daily ed.: Paterson daily guardian (1871). Description based on: Vol. 22, no. 178 (Apr. 25, 1873).
The Paterson Weekly Press (Paterson, N.J.) 1863-1902
Weekly Began with Sept. 26, 1863 issue; ceased with July 3, 1902 issue. "Republican." Also issued on microfilm as part of the Civil War newspapers collection. Description based on: Vol. 10, no. 490 (Mar. 20, 1873).
Princeton Press (Princeton, N.J.) 1873-1916
Weekly Vol. 42, no. 1 (Jan. 4, 1873)-v. 86, no. 6 (Feb. 5, 1916). Printed by Princeton University Press, <1909-1910>. Editor: Charles S. Robinson, 1873-<1876>; Edwin M. Norris, <1909>. Republican. Cf. Rowell, 1873. Princeton packet (Princeton, N.J. : 1916) (DLC)sn 85035901 (OCoLC)13039616
The Ramsey Journal (Ramsey, N.J.) 1892-1960
Weekly Began with May 26, 1892 issue; ceased with Nov. 24, 1960 issue. Cf. Wright, W.C. and Stellhorn, P.A. Direct. of N.J. newspapers. "The leading newspaper of the Borough of Ramsey, the Township of Mahwah, the Borough of Allendale and the boroughs of Saddle River and Upper Saddle River." Description based on: Vol. 66, no. 18 (July 4, 1957). Journal (Ramsey, N.J.)
The Record (Hackensack, N.J.) 1960-Current
Daily, Vol. 66, no. 85 (Sept. 14, 1960)- Publisher: Bergen Record Corp. . Issued <2003> by North Jersey Media Group, Inc. Published various geographic eds. for: East Bergen; West Bergen; Pascack Valley; Northern Valley; Central Bergen; Rockland County. Also issued on microfilm from Microfilming Corporation of America and Bell & Howell Information and Learning. Available on the Internet by subscription. Latest issue consulted: Vol.…
The Wall Street Journal (New York, N.Y.; New York) 1959-Current
Daily (except Sunday), 2005- Vol. 153, no. 32 (Feb. 16, 1959)- Some issues for - have slight subregional differences in content. Available on microfilm, microfiche and online. Articles selectively issued in CD-ROM version: Wall Street journal on disc. Latest issue consulted: Vol. 250, no. 27 (Aug. 2, 2007).
Dow Jones & Co - News Corporation
Weekly True American (Trenton, N.J.) 1856-1900
Weekly Vol. 36, no. 2 (Jan. 11, 1856)- Ceased in 1900. Publishers: David Naar, 1856-<1867>; Moses D. Naar, Joshua S. Day & Joseph L. Naar, <1876-1880>. Editor: David Naar, 1856-<1867>. Democratic. Suspended Aug.-Oct. 1861. Also issued on microfilm as part of the Civil War newspapers collection.