Advertiser and Union (Dunkirk, N.Y. ; Fredonia, N.Y.) 1868-1913
Weekly Began in 1868. Cf. Hough, F.B. Gazetteer of the State of N.Y., 1873. Ceased in 1913? Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. Published simultaneously at Fredonia, N.Y., . Publishers: Benton & Cushing, <1869-1873>; Benton & White, <1876>; White & Durrell, <1877>; C.F. White & Co., <1890-1892>. Editor: C.E. Benton, <1873-1876>. Description based on: Old ser., vol. 18, no. 31 (Jan. 8, 1869) = New…
Benton, C. E.
The Advocate (Buffalo, N.Y.) 1857-1861
Weekly Vol. 8, no. 378 (Apr. 2, 1857)-v. 12, no. 624 (Dec. 26, 1861). "A religious weekly, devoted to the family circle." Buffalo Christian advocate (Buffalo, N.Y. : 1862) (DLC)sn 93063727 (OCoLC)27197912
Akwesasne Notes (Middletown, Conn.; Buffalo, N.Y.) 1969-1997
Quarterly, 1995-1997 Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1969)- Ceased with: New series, vol. 2, no. 2 (spring Apr./May/June 1997). Copies for the first three months of publication were issued without a title; "Akwesasne news" appears on p. 16 of Mar. 1969 issue. Editor: Rarihokwats [Jerry Gambill],1969-1970; Rarichokwats and Ateronhiatakon, Jan. 1971; Rarichokwats, Ateronhiatakon and Anonaowenrate, Mar. 1971; Rarichokwats, Apr. 1971-Aug. 1973?; John Mohawk, 1973?-1996.…
Rarihokwats - Wesleyan University (Middletown, Conn.). Indian Studies Program - Mohawk, John - State University of New York at Buffalo. Program in American Studies - Mohawk Nation at Akwesasne
The Albany Argus (Albany [N.Y.]) 1828-1856
Semiweekly New ser., vol. 3, no. 15 (Jan. 1, 1828)- ; -(Feb. 12, 1856) = v. 15, no. 1559-v. 44, no. 4493. Publishers: Edwin Croswell, Obadiah Romney Van Benthuysen & Thomas M. Burt, 1831-1834; E. Croswell, O.R. Van Benthuysen, Thos. M. Burt & Sherman Croswell, 1834-1840; Edwin Croswell, Henry H. Van Dyck & Sherman Croswell, 1840-1843; Edwin Croswell & Sherman Croswell, 1843-1848; Edwin Croswell,…
The Albany Gazette (Albany, N.Y.) 1784-1817
Semiweekly, May 25, 1789-1817 Began May 28, 1784; ceased Mar. 22, 1817. Imprint varies: Printed by Charles R. Webster, 1784-1789; Printed by Charles R. and George Webster, 1789-1806; Printed by Websters and Skinner, 1806-1811; Printed by Websters and Skinners, 1811-1817. Supplements accompany some issues. Legislative ed.: Albany journal: or, The Montgomery, Washington and Columbia intelligencer. Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 56 (June 16,…
Skinner, Hezekiah - Webster, Charles Richard - Skinner, Daniel - Webster, George - Skinner, Elisha Webster
The Albany Journal (Albany [N.Y.]) 1830-189?
Semiweekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 30, 1830)- "Semi-weekly" appears within title ornament in small type, <1887-1898>. Publishers: Benjamin D. Packard, Chauncey Webster & Benjamin Hoffman, 1831; Benjamin D. Packard, Benjamin Hoffman & Andrew White, 1831-1833; Benjamin Hoffman & Andrew White, 1833-1841; William & Andrew White, 1842-1843; William White & Visscher Ten Eyck, 1843-1845; Thurlow Weed, William White & Visscher Ten Eyck, 1845-1846; Ten…
Weed, Thurlow
The Albany Microscope (Albany, N.Y.) 18??-18??
Weekly "Albany" appears within title ornament, Mar. 7, 1835-<1836>. Publishers: George Galpin & Henry D. Stone, <1834>; Henry D. Stone, 1834; Henry D. Stone & Joel Munsell, 1834-<1836>; D.D. Stone, <1841-1842>; W.S. McCulloch, <1843>; Smith & Cummings, <1847>. Issues for also called: Whole no. <223-729>. Description based on: Vol. 5, no. 11 (May 11, 1833).
Albany Morning Express (Albany [N.Y.]) 1847-1856
Daily (except Sunday) Began with Sept. 13, 1847 issue. Cf. Bi-centennial hist. of Albany, 1886. -v. 9, no. 2639 (Mar. 22, 1856). Publishers: Stone & Henly, <1848-1849>; Munsell & Co., <1851>-1856. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 285 (Sept. 4, 1848).
Albany Morning Express (Albany [N.Y.]) 1857-1898
Daily, <1885-1895> Vol. 10, no. 1 (May 4, 1857)- Ceased in Dec. 1898. Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. "Morning" appears within title ornament, <1871-1876>. Editors: Jacob C. Cuyler, <1859-1876>; Addison A. Keyes, <1871-1876>. Has companion volume "Carriers' address of the Albany morning express" published on New Years day. Continues the numbering of: Albany morning express (Albany, N.Y. : 1847). Weekly eds: Albany weekly express…
The Albany Register (Albany [N.Y.]) 1788-1820
Semiweekly -v. 32, no. 24 (May 12, 1820). Began Oct. 13, 1788. Imprint varies: Robert Barber & Co., 1788-1791; Printed by John Barber & Solomon Southwick, 1792-1800; John Barber, 1800-1808; Solomon Allen, Jun., for the proprietor, 1808-1809; Solomon Allen, Jun., for S. Southwick, 1809-1812; H.C. Southwick, for S. Southwick, 1812-1816; Solomon Southwick, 1816-1817; Israel W. Clark, 1817-1819; Printed by Jeremiah Tryon, for the proprietors,…
Southwick, Henry Collins - Southwick, Solomon - Barber, John - Tryon, Jeremiah - Clark, Israel W. - Barber, Robert - Allen, Solomon
Albany Weekly Journal (Albany [N.Y.]) 1834-190?
Semiweekly, 1899-1903 Began in 1834. Editors: Thurlow Weed, 1834-<1840>, <1843-1855>, 1858-1863; George Dawson, 1846-1856, 1858-<1863>, 1870-<1876>; Frederick W. Seward, 1854-<1863>; John Ten Eyck, 1854-<1863>; Philip Ten Eyck, <1858-1863>; J.D. Parsons, <1858-1863>; George W. Demers, 1867-1870; Charles E. Smith, 1870-<1876> Publishers: Benjamin Hoffman & Andrew White, 1834-1841; William & Andrew White, 1842-1843; William White & Visscher Ten Eyck, 1843-1845; Thurlow Weed, William White & Visscher…
The Albion Saturday Chronicle (Albion, N.Y.) 187?-1888
Weekly Ceased with: Sept. 7, 1888? "Official paper of Albion." Available on microfilm from Biels Microfilm Corp. Description based on: Vol. 3, no. 40 (June 28, 1879). Orleans County herald (DLC)sn 84031097
Alexander's Express Messenger (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1844-1846
Weekly Jan. 3, 1844-Dec. 30, 1846. "Express" appears within title ornament in smaller type. "Dedicated to the ladies, and heads of families --- the merchant, the mechanic, the farmer, and the moralist." Alexander's pictorial messenger (DLC)sn 86072017
Alexander, Charles
All (Jamestown, N.Y.) 1891-189?
Began in 1891? Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 7 (Oct. 13, 1891). Jamestown daily all (DLC)sn 94057549
Allegany Citizen (Allegany, N.Y.) 1896-1976
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 21, 1896)-v. 82, no. 50 (Dec. 16, 1976). Publishers: Mutschlechner and Nickoson, <1896>; Jos. Mutschlechner, <1897>; Allie Mutschlechner, <1950>; Harald E. Carls, <1973>; J. Mark Moyer, <1975>. Editors: Mutschlechner and Nichoson, <1896>.
American and Commercial Advertiser (Baltimore [Md.]) 1861-1869
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 123, no. 20,209 (June 14, 1861)-v. 137, no. 22,861 (Dec. 31, 1869). Publisher varies: Dobbin & Fulton, June 14, 1861-July 1, 1864; Chas. C. Fulton & Son, July 2, 1864-Dec. 31, 1869. Also published a triweekly ed. Available on microfilm from Micro Photo, Inc. Baltimore American and commercial advertiser (Baltimore, Md. : 1870) 2332-9475 (DLC)sn 84038667 (OCoLC)11429807
The American Rural Home (Rochester, N.Y.) 1871-1891
Weekly Began in 1871; ceased in 1891? Published in Rochester, N.Y., and Chicago, Ill., Dec. 1, 1888-. also called: Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 2 (Jan. 14, 1871); title from caption Latest issue consulted: Vol. 17, no. 53 (Dec. 31, 1887).
Ameryka-Echo (Toledo, Ohio) 1959-19??
Weekly Rok. 91, no. 31 (2 sierp., 1959)- Contains numbering inconsistencies. Available on microfilm from Center for Archival Collections, Bowling Green, Ohio. In Polish. Published in various eds.
The Amherst Bee (Williamsville, N.Y.) 1879-Current
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 27, 1879)- Publishers: Adam L. Rinewalt, 1879-1907; George J. Measer Sr., 1907-1965; George J. Measer, 1965-1994; Trey Measer, 1994- "So doth the busy bee improve each golden hour." "Official newspaper: Town of Amherst, Village of Williamsville, County of Erie, Amherst Central Schools, Sweet Home Central Schools, Williamsville Central Schools." 75th Anniversary Edition issued on Mar. 25, 1954, also…
The Argus (Albany [N.Y.]) 1865-1921
Daily, May 15, 1877-1921 Vol. 40, no. 12,217 (May 15, 1865)-v. 109, no. 14 (Jan. 14, 1921). Editors: William Cassidy, 1865-1873; Daniel Manning, 1865-1873; J. Wesley Smith, 1865-1873; Stephen C. Hutchins, 1873-1878. Special "Women's ed." published: Apr. 18, 1895. Special 40 p. Industrial ed. published: Nov. 3, 1912. Sunday issues carried own volume and issue numbering. Available on microfilm from the Micro Photo Div.,…
The Argus (Albany [N.Y.]) 1865-1???
Weekly Began in May 1865? Ceased in 1894? Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. "Democratic." Editors: William Cassidy, 1865-1873; Daniel Manning, 1865-1873; J. Wesley Smith, 1865-1873; Stephen C. Hutchins, 1873-1878. The "Carriers address to the subscribers of the Argus" (1865-1879), and the "Argus carrier's address" (1880-1894)--were issued at the beginning of each year to all subscribers of the Argus. Daily ed.: Argus (Albany, N.Y. :…