The Advance (Middletown, N.Y.) 188?-18??
Weekly Publisher: N.E. Conkling, <1888>. Published on Saturday. Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 54 (July 23, 1887). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 4, no. 81 (Jan. 28, 1888).
The Advertiser (Kinderhook, N.Y.) 191?-19??
Weekly "The paper that is read.", <1927>. Valatie [N.Y.] also appears in the masthead, <1928>. Published by: Frank C. Fowler, <1917-1927>; The Hudson Valley Pub. Co., <1928>-1929; Frank C. Fowler, 1929-<1939>. Editor: R.H. Reed, <1928>. Issue for May 20, 1921 also called no. 3; issue for Jan. 16, 1925 also called vol. 5, no. 3. Description based on: Jan. 26, 1917. Latest issue consulted:…
The Aegis and Gazette (Worcester, Mass.) 1866-1896
Weekly Began in Jan. 1866; ceased in June 1896. Proprietors: Doe and Woodwell, May 3, 1869-July 1, 1871; Charles H. Doe & Co., July 8, 1871-. Republican. Editors: G.W. Foss, Jan. 1-June 30, 1866; C.B. Thomas, 1867-1869; C.H. Doe, May 3, 1869-. Daily ed.: Worcester evening gazette. Description based on: Vol. 65, no. 9 (Mar. 3, 1866).
The Albany Advertiser (Albany [N.Y.]) 1815-1817
Semiweekly Began Sept. 27, 1815. -no. 156 (Mar. 22, 1817). C.S. Brigham, Early American newspapers p. 527 Also issued on microfilm by Readex Microprint Corp. Merged with: Country courier; to form: New-York advertiser. Description based on: No. 2 (Sept. 30, 1815). Country courier 2159-0397 (DLC)sn 83030230 (OCoLC)9383749 New-York advertiser (DLC)sn 83030011 (OCoLC)9303862
Albany Argus (Albany [N.Y.]) 1832-1840
Weekly Began in 1832; ceased in Dec. 1840? Semiweekly ed.: Albany Argus (Albany, N.Y. : 1828). Extra ed.: Albany Argus (Albany, N.Y. : 1838), <1838>. Description based on: Vol. 3, no. 2 (July 5, 1834). Rough-hewer (DLC)sn 85099962 Weekly Argus and rough-hewer (DLC)sn 83030905
The Albany Argus (Albany [N.Y.]) 1828-1856
Semiweekly New ser., vol. 3, no. 15 (Jan. 1, 1828)- ; -(Feb. 12, 1856) = v. 15, no. 1559-v. 44, no. 4493. Publishers: Edwin Croswell, Obadiah Romney Van Benthuysen & Thomas M. Burt, 1831-1834; E. Croswell, O.R. Van Benthuysen, Thos. M. Burt & Sherman Croswell, 1834-1840; Edwin Croswell, Henry H. Van Dyck & Sherman Croswell, 1840-1843; Edwin Croswell & Sherman Croswell, 1843-1848; Edwin Croswell,…
The Albany Argus (Albany [N.Y.]) 1813-1825
Semiweekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 26, 1813)-v. 13, no. 1328 (Oct. 14, 1825). Publisher: Leake & Croswell, . Has occasional supplements. Also issued in microform from Readex Microprint Corp.; Micro Photo Div., Bell & Howell Co. Albany Argus & city gazette (DLC)sn 83030909 (OCoLC)9707642
Albany Argus (Albany [N.Y.]) 1838-18??
Weekly Began in 1838? Published on Saturday. Semiweekly ed.: Albany Argus (Albany, N.Y. : 1828). Weekly ed.: Albany Argus (Albany, N.Y. : 1832). Description based on: No. 3 (June 30, 1838). Latest issue consulted: No. 21 (Nov. 3, 1838).
Albany Evening News (Albany, N.Y.) 1926-1937
Daily (except Sunday) 5th year, no. 30 (Nov. 13, 1926)-14th year, no. 222 (June 30, 1937). Available on microfilm from Micro Photo Division, Bell and Howell Co. Knickerbocker press (DLC)sn 84031296 (OCoLC)10821982 Knickerbocker news (Albany, N.Y. : 1937) (DLC)sn 84031297 (OCoLC)10822816
Albany Evening Union (Albany [N.Y.]) 1882-1888
Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 29, 1882)-v. 7, no. 2031 (Sept. 18, 1888). Published as: Albany union, Apr.-Oct. 1885. Editor: F.K. White. Issues for Mar. 31, 1885 and Apr. 1, 1885 both called no. 877. Evening union (Albany, N.Y.) (DLC)sn 84031227
The Albany Microscope (Albany, N.Y.) 18??-18??
Weekly "Albany" appears within title ornament, Mar. 7, 1835-<1836>. Publishers: George Galpin & Henry D. Stone, <1834>; Henry D. Stone, 1834; Henry D. Stone & Joel Munsell, 1834-<1836>; D.D. Stone, <1841-1842>; W.S. McCulloch, <1843>; Smith & Cummings, <1847>. Issues for also called: Whole no. <223-729>. Description based on: Vol. 5, no. 11 (May 11, 1833).
The Albany Register (Albany [N.Y.]) 1788-1820
Semiweekly -v. 32, no. 24 (May 12, 1820). Began Oct. 13, 1788. Imprint varies: Robert Barber & Co., 1788-1791; Printed by John Barber & Solomon Southwick, 1792-1800; John Barber, 1800-1808; Solomon Allen, Jun., for the proprietor, 1808-1809; Solomon Allen, Jun., for S. Southwick, 1809-1812; H.C. Southwick, for S. Southwick, 1812-1816; Solomon Southwick, 1816-1817; Israel W. Clark, 1817-1819; Printed by Jeremiah Tryon, for the proprietors,…
Southwick, Henry Collins - Tryon, Jeremiah - Clark, Israel W. - Allen, Solomon - Barber, Robert - Southwick, Solomon - Barber, John
Albany Telegram (Albany, N.Y.) 18??-1???
Weekly "Clubbed with the Elmira telegram." Published on Saturday. Description based on: Vol. 5, no. 2 (Mar. 15, 1890). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 9, no. 3 (Mar. 24, 1894). Sunday telegram (Albany, N.Y.) (DLC)sn 91066291 (OCoLC)24037956
Albany Weekly Journal (Albany [N.Y.]) 1834-190?
Semiweekly, 1899-1903 Began in 1834. Editors: Thurlow Weed, 1834-<1840>, <1843-1855>, 1858-1863; George Dawson, 1846-1856, 1858-<1863>, 1870-<1876>; Frederick W. Seward, 1854-<1863>; John Ten Eyck, 1854-<1863>; Philip Ten Eyck, <1858-1863>; J.D. Parsons, <1858-1863>; George W. Demers, 1867-1870; Charles E. Smith, 1870-<1876> Publishers: Benjamin Hoffman & Andrew White, 1834-1841; William & Andrew White, 1842-1843; William White & Visscher Ten Eyck, 1843-1845; Thurlow Weed, William White & Visscher…
Weed, Thurlow
Alexander's Express Messenger (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1844-1846
Weekly Jan. 3, 1844-Dec. 30, 1846. "Express" appears within title ornament in smaller type. "Dedicated to the ladies, and heads of families --- the merchant, the mechanic, the farmer, and the moralist." Alexander's pictorial messenger (DLC)sn 86072017
Alexander, Charles
Alexander's Pictorial Messenger (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1847-1848
Weekly Jan. 6, 1847- Ceased in 1848. "Pictorial" appears within title ornament in small type. Philadelphia Saturday gleaner (DLC)sn 87062031 National gleaner and family weekly messenger (DLC)sn 87079924
The Alliance (Pawling, N.Y.) 1890-189?
Weekly Began in 1890? Publisher: Philip H. Smith, <1891>- Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 16 (May 28, 1891). Latest issue consulted: July 23, 1891. Harlem Valley chronicle (DLC)sn 92061563 (OCoLC)25651386
The Alta California (San Francisco, Calif.) 1849-1869
Trimonthly, <1869> Began in 1849? -May 8, 1869. "For circulation in the Atlantic States, Europe, South America and the West Indies." Masthead of each issue for contains the name(s)--of the steamer(s) which carried that issue. Available on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service, and Recordak Corp. Weekly eds.: Alta California (San Francisco, Calif. : Weekly), 1849-1850; Weekly alta California, 1850-1869. Description based…
Altamont Enterprise (Altamont, N.Y.) 1892-1958
Weekly Vol. 9, no. 1 (July 15, 1892)-74th year, no. 37 (Mar. 28, 1958) = Whole no. 417- Publishers: Enterprise Co., 1892-1903; Junius D. and John D. Ogsbury, 1903-<1905>; John D. Ogsbury, <1917-1932>; Howard C. Ogsbury, Marvin C. Vroman, and James Pino, -1958. "Devoted to vicinity interests and the gathering of local news." "The Enterprise is the leading local paper in Albany County." Published…
Amenia Times (Amenia, N.Y.) 1852-1912
Weekly Began with Apr. 7, 1852 issue; ceased with June 29, 1912 issue? Editors: J.W. Dutcher, <1864>; J.W. Hoysradt, <1868>; William L. De Lacey, <1876>; Charles Walsh, <1876-1879>. Publishers: Joel Benton, <1852>; J.W. Dutcher, <1864>; J.W. Hoysradt, <1868>; Charles H. Scott, Jr., <1873>; De Lacey & Walsh, <1876>. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 2 (Apr. 14, 1852). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 61, no.…
The American (Poughkeepsie, N.Y.) 1845-1850
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 6, 1845)- Ceased in 1850. Publisher's name recorded in French, J.H. Gazetteer of the state of N.Y., 1860. "Native American." Extra, issued Dec. 3, 1845, precedes Vol. 1, no. 1. Also issued on microfilm from the New York Public Library. Poughkeepsie American (DLC)sn 83031845 (OCoLC)10004618
The American Citizen (Ithaca, N.Y.) 1855-1863
Weekly Vol. 26, no. 27 (July 18, 1855) ; v. 1, no. 2 (July 25, 1855)-v. 1, no. 19 (Nov. 21, 1855) ; v. 26, no. 46 (Nov. 28, 1855)- Ceased in 1863. Issues for Nov. 18, 1857-Feb. 6, 1861 also called: The American citizen and old Ithaca chronicle. Whole numbering added beginning with: . Tompkins County Democrat (DLC)sn 83031141 Ithaca citizen and Democrat…
American Journal (Ithaca, N.Y.) 1817-1823
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Aug. 20, 1817)-v. 6, no. 48 (July 9, 1823). Motto: "Pedg'd but to truth, to liberty and law, --no favor sways us, and no fear shall awe." Available on microfilm from Readex Microprint Corp. as part of the Early American newspapers series. Ithaca journal (Ithaca, N.Y. : 1823) 2576-0351 (DLC)sn 83031159 (OCoLC)9802555
American Mechanic and Rhinebeck Gazette (Rhinebeck, N.Y.) 1851-18??
Weekly Began in 1851? "And Rhinebeck gazette" appears below title ornament. Published by: T.G. Noxon, <1857>. Issue for Feb. 15, 1851 also called: Gazette Vol. 6, no. 35. Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 32 (Feb. 15, 1851). Rhinebeck gazette and American citizen (DLC)sn 85042810 (OCoLC)12868055
American Messenger (New York [N.Y.]) 1843-1923
Monthly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1843)- Ceased in Mar. 1923? Published simultaneously in Boston and Philadelphia, <1843>; in Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cincinnati and New Orleans, <1858>. Vol. 4, no. 1 (Jan. 1846) = whole no. 37- Christian herald (Chappaqua) 0009-5354 (OCoLC)1554447
The Argus (Albany [N.Y.]) 1865-1???
Weekly Began in May 1865? Ceased in 1894? Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. "Democratic." Editors: William Cassidy, 1865-1873; Daniel Manning, 1865-1873; J. Wesley Smith, 1865-1873; Stephen C. Hutchins, 1873-1878. The "Carriers address to the subscribers of the Argus" (1865-1879), and the "Argus carrier's address" (1880-1894)--were issued at the beginning of each year to all subscribers of the Argus. Daily ed.: Argus (Albany, N.Y. :…
The Athens Herald (Athens, N.Y.) 19??-1969
Weekly Ceased in 1969? Published by: G.E. Bleezarde, <1955>. "Published every Thursday from the home of Mrs. Walter Herr", <1959>. Editor: George Edward Bleezarde, <1948>; local editor: Marion Herr, <1959>. Description based on: Vol. 11, no. 14 (Oct. 21, 1948). Greenville local and continuation of the Cairo herald (DLC)sn 88074492 (OCoLC)18077510
Atkinson's Saturday Evening Post (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1831-1832
Weekly Vol. 10, whole no. 492 (Jan. 1, 1831)-v. 12, whole no. 596 (Dec. 29, 1832). "A family newspaper, devoted to literature, morality, science, news, agriculture and amusement." Also issued online and on microfilm from UMI, as part of the American Periodical series, 1800-1850. Merged with: Saturday bulletin (Philadelphia, Pa. : 1827), to form: Atkinson's Saturday evening post and bulletin. Cf. Salisbury, R. Pa.…
Atkinson, Samuel Coate
The Atlas & Argus (Albany [N.Y.]) 1856-1865
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 31, no. 9253 (Feb. 18, 1856)-v. 40, no. 12216 (May 13, 1865). "And" appears within title ornament in small type, Dec. 7, 1858-1865. Publisher: William Cassidy, 1865. Editors: Calvert Comstock, 1856-1865; William Cassidy, 1856-1865. Available on microfilm from the Micro Photo Div., Bell & Howell Co. Weekly ed.: Atlas & Argus (Albany, N.Y. : Weekly), 1856-<1861>. New York City ed.:…
Aurora (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-182?
Triweekly No. 760 (Nov. 7, 1800)- Published at: Frankford, Pa., Aug. 10-Oct. 30, 1802. Each issue dated for two consecutive days. Daily ed.: Aurora general advertiser.
The Aurora Daily News (Aurora, Ill.) 1875-1878
Daily (except Sunday) Began in 1875? -v. 5, no. 29 (Jan. 9, 1878). Description based on: Vol. 3, no. 181 (Aug. 30, 1876). Daily news (Aurora, Ill. :1878) (DLC)sn 94054392 (OCoLC)30332557
Aurora General Advertiser (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1824
Daily (except Sunday) No. 1224 (Nov. 8, 1794)-v. 34, whole no. 12, 233 (Nov. 19, 1824). "Aurora" appears within title ornament in smaller type. Motto: "Surgo ut prosim." Imprint varies: Published at Bristol, Pa., Aug. 30-Oct. 19, 1799. Suspended with issue for Sept. 10, 1798 due to the death of publisher. Resumed with issue for Nov. 1, 1798. Available on microfilm from the Micro…
Bache, Benjamin Franklin - Duane, William J. (William John)
The Balance, and Columbian Repository (Hudson, N.Y.) 1801-1807
Weekly No. 1 (May 21, 1801)-no. 33 (Dec. 31, 1801); no. 1 (Jan. 5, 1802)-no. 52 (Dec. 28, 1802); v. 2, no. 1 (Jan. 4, 1803)-v. 6, no. 52 (Dec. 29, 1807). Also issued in microform from the Readex Microprint Corp.; also available online. Issued with: Balance advertiser. Balance (Hudson, N.Y. : 1808) 2156-4655 (DLC)sn 83025565 (OCoLC)9612875
Croswell, Harry - Chittenden, George - Sampson, Ezra
Banner of Liberty (Middletown, N.Y.) 1848-1889
Weekly, July 4, 1855-1889 Began in Aug. 1848; ceased in 1889? Published at South Middletown, N.Y., <1849>; Middletown, N.Y., <1864>; at New York City, <1866-1872>; at Middletown, N.Y., <1873>; at Ellenville, N.Y., <1874>-1889. Publisher varies: Thomas E. and Gilbert H. Benedict, <1876-1877>. Independent, <1856-1867>; Democratic, <1868-1876>. Suspended Sept. 3, 1861; resumed May 10, 1864. Suspended during the summer of 1872. Campaign ed.: National campaign…
Beebe, Gilbert J.
Baptist Advocate (New York, N.Y.) 1839-1845
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 11, 1839)-v. 7, no. 7 (June 26, 1845). Issues for May 16, 1840-June 26, 1845 also called: whole no. 52-whole no. 319. Also issued on microfilm by American Theological Library Association. New-York recorder (New York, N.Y. : 1845) (DLC)sn 83030457 (OCoLC)9648013
Barrytown Explorer (Barrytown, N.Y.) 1958-1982
Monthly, Nov. 24, 1958- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 23, 1958)- Ceased in Apr. 1982? Published "a special edition of the Barrytown explorer" titled: Barrytown warrant, Oct. 1978, called Vol. 1, no. 1. Editor: Helen R. Chapman, 1958-<1972>.
The Beacon (Lambertville, N.J.) 1862-1883
Weekly Began with Nov. 14, 1862 issue; ceased with Apr. 27, 1883 issue. Publishers: Clark Pierson, 1862-1869; P.K. Hazen and I.S. Roberts, 1869-1875; Phineas K. Hazen, 1875-1883. Editors: Clark Pierson, 1862-1869; Phineas K. Hazen, 1869-1883. Also issued on microfilm as part of the Civil War newspapers collection. Description based on: 28th year, no. 1000 (Jan. 24, 1873). Lambertville beacon (DLC)sn 85035768 (OCoLC)12101610
Beacon Daily Herald (Beacon, N.Y.) 1913-1927
Daily (except Sunday and holidays) July 8, 1913- ; -[v.] 34 (June 11, 1927). "Official paper of the city of Beacon and town and village of Fishkill." Available on microfilm from Micro Photo Division, Bell and Howell Co. Beacon journal (Beacon, N.Y.) (DLC)sn 84031280 Beacon journal-herald (DLC)sn 84031281
Beacon Journal (Beacon, N.Y.) 19??-1927
Daily (except Sunday and holidays) -v. 38, no. 143 (June 11, 1927). Volume numbering irregular. Issue for June 11, 1927 called also 75th anniversary edition. Available on microfilm from Micro Photo Division, Bell and Howell Co. Description based on: Vol. 36, no. 128 (Mar. 2, 1923). Beacon daily herald (DLC)sn 84031279 Beacon journal-herald (DLC)sn 84031281