Collection Items
NewspaperAdirondack Herald (Wells, N.Y.) 1876-1947 Weekly Began in 1876. Cf. Ayer, 1942. Ceased with May 9, 1947 issue. Publishers: J.B. Morrison, <1888-1893>; G.S. Morrison, <1924-1927>; T.E. Brown, <1928>; Adirondack Herald Co., <1930>; Carl L. Fry estate, <1936>-1947. "Official County paper," <1928>. Numbering is irregular. Published from same office: Hamilton County record, <1936>-1947. Description based on: Vol. 16, no. 42 (Oct. 25, 1888).
- Date: 1876
NewspaperThe Adirondack Journal (Warrensburg, N.Y.) 1987-Current Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 5, 1987)- Publishers: Thom and Diane Randall, 1987-<1993>; Denton Publications, <1998>. Published at Warrensburg, N.Y., 1987-<1993>; at Elizabethtown, N.Y., <1998> "Hometown newspaper of Northern Warren county." Latest issue consulted: Mar. 11, 1998.
- Date: 1987
NewspaperAdirondack Mountain Times (Pottersville, N.Y.) 1984-Current Weekly Began in 1984. Publishers: Ralph E. Long, <1984>; William J. Kline & Son, <1986-1987>. Description based on: Vol. 4, no. 47 (Sept. 13-19, 1984).
- Date: 1984
NewspaperThe Adirondack Record-Elizabethtown Post (Au Sable Forks, N.Y.) 1920-1975 Weekly Vol. 13, no. 39 (Nov. 26, 1920)-v. 67, no. 34 (Sept. 4, 1975). Adirondack record-post (DLC)sn 87070411 (OCoLC)16954372
- Date: 1920
NewspaperAdirondack Times (Pottersville, N.Y.) 1983-1984 Weekly Vol. 3, no. 44 (Aug. 25, 1983)- Ceased in 1984. Adirondack mountain times (DLC)sn 85009370 (OCoLC)12388785
- Date: 1983
NewspaperAhskwa = the Bridge (Binghamton, N.Y.) 1981-Current Annual Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov.-Dec. 1981)- Latest issue consulted: Vol. 11 (late summer 1992).
- Contributor: Council for American Indian Rights
- Date: 1981
NewspaperThe Akron News (Akron, N.Y.) 19??-19?? Weekly Description based on: Vol. 42, no. 32 (Dec. 29, 1921).
- Date: 19??
NewspaperAkwesasne Phoenix (Akwesasne Mohawk Territory) ????-Current Biweekly "Mohawk owned." Numbering irregular. Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 3 (Jan. 17, 2000). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 1 [i.e. 2], no. 21 (Aug. 11, 2000).
- Date: 0000
NewspaperAlabama Reporter (Talladega, Ala.) 1843-1875 Weekly Began in 1843. Cf. Amer. newspapers, 1821-1936. Ceased in 1875? Cf. Ellison, R.C. Hist. and bibl. of Ala. newspapers in the 19th cent. Editors: M.G. & N.W. Shelley, <1843>; B.H. Spyker, <1844>; D. Sayre, <1844-1856>. Publishers: M. Shelley, <1850>; N. Shelley, <1854>; Cross & Cruikshank, 1854-1875. Whig. Merged with: Watch-tower (Talladega, Ala.), to form: Reporter and watchtower. Description based on: Vol. 1, no.…
- Contributor: Spyker, B. H. - Shelley, M. G. - Sayre, Daniel - Shelley, N. W.
- Date: 1843
NewspaperThe Albany Argus (Albany [N.Y.]) 1813-1825 Semiweekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 26, 1813)-v. 13, no. 1328 (Oct. 14, 1825). Publisher: Leake & Croswell, . Has occasional supplements. Also issued in microform from Readex Microprint Corp.; Micro Photo Div., Bell & Howell Co. Albany Argus & city gazette (DLC)sn 83030909 (OCoLC)9707642
- Date: 1813
NewspaperAlbany Argus (Albany [N.Y.]) 1832-1840 Weekly Began in 1832; ceased in Dec. 1840? Semiweekly ed.: Albany Argus (Albany, N.Y. : 1828). Extra ed.: Albany Argus (Albany, N.Y. : 1838), <1838>. Description based on: Vol. 3, no. 2 (July 5, 1834). Rough-hewer (DLC)sn 85099962 Weekly Argus and rough-hewer (DLC)sn 83030905
- Date: 1832
NewspaperThe Albany Argus (Albany [N.Y.]) 1828-1856 Semiweekly New ser., vol. 3, no. 15 (Jan. 1, 1828)- ; -(Feb. 12, 1856) = v. 15, no. 1559-v. 44, no. 4493. Publishers: Edwin Croswell, Obadiah Romney Van Benthuysen & Thomas M. Burt, 1831-1834; E. Croswell, O.R. Van Benthuysen, Thos. M. Burt & Sherman Croswell, 1834-1840; Edwin Croswell, Henry H. Van Dyck & Sherman Croswell, 1840-1843; Edwin Croswell & Sherman Croswell, 1843-1848; Edwin Croswell,…
- Date: 1828
NewspaperAlbany Argus & City Gazette (Albany [N.Y.]) 1825-1827 Semiweekly New ser., v. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 18, 1825)-new ser., v. 3, no. 14 (Dec. 28, 1827) = v. 13, no. 1329-v. 15, no. 1558. Publisher: Croswell & Van Benthuysen, 1826-1827. Printer: Edwin Croswell, 1825-1827. Available on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Daily eds.: Albany Argus & daily city gazette, 1825-Dec. 25, 1827, and: Daily Albany Argus, Dec. 27-28, 1827.…
- Date: 1825
NewspaperThe Albany Argus & Daily City Gazette (Albany [N.Y.]) 1825-1827 Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 15 [i.e. 18], 1825)-v. 3, no. 680 (Dec. 25, 1827). Publisher: Edwin Croswell & Obadiah Romney Van Benthuysen, 1826-1827. Printer: Edwin Croswell, 1825-1827. Republican. Available on microfilm from the Micro Photo Div., Bell & Howell Co. Semiweekly ed.: Albany Argus & city gazette. Extra ed.: Albany Argus & daily city gazette, extra, 1827. Daily Albany Argus…
- Date: 1825
NewspaperAlbany Atlas (Albany [N.Y.]) 1844-1853 Semiweekly Vol. 1, no. 1, (Mar. 1, 1844)-v. 10, no. 1105 (Oct. 14, 1853). Publisher: Henry H. Van Dyck, 1846-<1851>. "Democratic." Editors: James M. French, 1844-1846; William Cassidy, 1844-<1851>; Henry H. Van Dyck, 1846-<1851>. Daily ed.: Albany evening Atlas (Albany, N.Y. : 1843). Weekly eds.: Albany weekly Atlas (Albany, N.Y. : 1843), 1844-1846; Weekly Atlas (Albany, N.Y.), 1846-1852; Albany Atlas (Albany, N.Y. : 1852),…
- Date: 1844
NewspaperThe Albany Bee (Albany, N.Y.) 1840-18?? Daily Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 17, 1840)- Latest issue consulted: Vol. 1, no. 21 (July 11, 1840).
- Date: 1840
NewspaperAlbany Capitol (Albany, N.Y.) 189?-1??? Monthly, Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 45 (Aug. 18, 1894).
- Date: 189?
NewspaperThe Albany Centinel (Albany [N.Y.]) 1797-1806 Semiweekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 4, 1797)- Ceased Nov. 1806. Later published by Whiting & Leavenworth. Also issued on microfilm from Readex Microprint Corp. Republican crisis 2574-9846 (DLC)sn 83030862 (OCoLC)9695256
- Date: 1797
NewspaperThe Albany Chronicle (Albany, N.Y.) 1828-182? Semiweekly Began with Jan. 18, 1828 issue? Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. Daily ed.: Albany morning chronicle. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 19 (Mar. 22, 1828).
- Date: 1828
NewspaperThe Albany Chronicle (Albany, N.Y.) 1881-18?? Weekly Began in 1881. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 17 (Feb. 4, 1882).
- Date: 1881
NewspaperThe Albany Citizen (Albany, N.Y.) 1928-1929 Daily Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 26, 1928)-v. 1, no. 123 (Apr. 6, 1929).
- Date: 1928
NewspaperAlbany Daily Advertiser (Albany, N.Y.) 1822-1845 Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 8, no. 2170 (Sept. 27, 1822)-v. 37, no. 9111 (Apr. 14, 1845). Publishers: Charles R. & George Webster, 1822-1823; Martin, Hunter & Ryckman, 1823-<1826>; Hunter & Ryckman, <1827>-1830; G.W. Ryckman & Co., 1830-1831; Martin, Hunter & Co., <1831>; J.B. Van Schaick & Co., <1835-1837>; Otis Bishop, <1837>; Elisha W. & Charles Skinner, <1838>-1845. Editors: James Gordon Brooks, <1837>; John B.…
- Date: 1822
NewspaperAlbany Daily Knickerbocker (Albany [N.Y.]) 184?-1866 Daily (except Sunday) Ceased in 1866? Editor: Hugh J. Hastings, <1848-1850>. No paper issued Aug. 18, 1848. Also issued on microfilm from the New York Public Library. Description based on: Vol. 5, no. 49 (Aug. 19, 1847). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 8, no. 65 (Nov. 15, 1850). Albany Knickerbocker (DLC)sn 83030851 (OCoLC)9690888
- Date: 184?
NewspaperAlbany Daily State Register (Albany [N.Y.]) 1850-1856 Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 1, no. 23 (Apr. 18, 1850)- Ceased in 1856. Cf. French, J.H. Gazetteer of the state of N.Y., 1860. Publisher: W. Lacy & Co., <1852>. Proprietors: Jerome Fuller & Alexander Seward, <1850>. Editors: Jerome Fuller, <1850>; Alexander Seward, <1850>; Thomas M. Foote, <1852>. Daily state register (New York, N.Y.) (DLC)sn 83030755 (OCoLC)9659713
- Date: 1850
NewspaperAlbany Daily Statesman (Albany, N.Y.) 1856-1862 Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 24, 1856)- Ceased in 1862. Editors: Alexander Mann; C.D. Brigham, <1857>; James B. Swain, <1858-1860>. "American principles." Campaign ed.: Campaign statesman (non-extant?). Weekly ed.: Albany statesman. Latest issue consulted: Vol. 9, no. 1274 (May 23, 1860). Republican statesman (Albany, N.Y. : Daily) (DLC)sn 86053028 (OCoLC)13919320
- Date: 1856
NewspaperAlbany Evening Atlas (Albany [N.Y.]) 1843-1856 Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 3, no. 777 (Mar. 27, 1843)-v. 14, no. 4169 (Feb. 16, 1856). "Evening" appears within title ornament, <1845>-Oct. 3, 1853. Publishers: James M. French & William Cassidy, <1843>-1846; Henry H. Van Dyck, 1846-Feb. 16, 1856. "Democratic." Editors: Henry H. Van Dyck and William Cassidy, 1846-Feb. 16, 1856. No paper issued June 30, 1845. Also issued on microfilm from the New…
- Date: 1843
NewspaperAlbany Evening Atlas (Albany [N.Y.]) 1840-1841 Daily (except Sunday and holidays) Began with Dec. 10, 1840 issue. Gregory, Amer. newspapers. -v. 1, no. 185 (Apr. 17, 1841). "Democratic." Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 79 (Dec. 10, 1840). Albany morning Atlas (Albany, N.Y. : 1841) (DLC)sn 86079121
- Date: 1840
NewspaperAlbany Evening Journal (Albany [N.Y.]) 1830-1925 Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 22, 1830)-v. 95, no. 26,398 (Feb. 6, 1925). "Evening" appears within title ornament in small type, <1835-1919>. Publishers: Benjamin D. Packard, Chauncey Webster & Benjamin Hoffman, 1831; Benjamin D. Packard, Benjamin Hoffman & Andrew White, 1831-1833; Benjamin Hoffman & Andrew White, 1833-1841; William & Andrew White, 1842-1843; William White & Visscher Ten Eyck, 1843-1845; Thurlow Weed,…
- Date: 1830
NewspaperAlbany Evening News (Albany, N.Y.) 1922-1925 Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 10, 1922)-3rd year, no. 100 (Feb. 6, 1925). Albany evening journal (DLC)sn 83030911 Albany evening news and Albany evening journal (DLC)sn 96083517 (OCoLC)34347411
- Date: 1922
NewspaperAlbany Evening News (Albany, N.Y.) 1926-1937 Daily (except Sunday) 5th year, no. 30 (Nov. 13, 1926)-14th year, no. 222 (June 30, 1937). Available on microfilm from Micro Photo Division, Bell and Howell Co. Knickerbocker press (DLC)sn 84031296 (OCoLC)10821982 Knickerbocker news (Albany, N.Y. : 1937) (DLC)sn 84031297 (OCoLC)10822816
- Date: 1926
NewspaperAlbany Evening News and Albany Evening Journal (Albany, N.Y.) 1925-1926 3rd year, no. 101 (Feb. 7, 1925)-5th year, no. 29 (Nov. 12, 1926). Albany evening news (Albany, N.Y. : 1926) (DLC)sn 96083516
- Date: 1925
NewspaperAlbany Evening Post (Albany, N.Y.) 1865-1895 Daily (except Sun.) Began with Oct. 23, 1865 issue. Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. Ceased in 1895. Cf. Landmarks of Albany Co., N.Y., 1897. Editor: Richard M. Griffin, <1873-1876>. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 277 (Oct. 1, 1866). State (Albany, N.Y.)
- Contributor: Griffin, Richard M.
- Date: 1865
NewspaperAlbany Evening Times (Albany [N.Y.]) 1869-1881 Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 13, no. 205 (Feb. 15, 1869)-25th v. (Aug. 1, 1881). Editor: Theophilus C. Callicot, <1873-1875>. Publisher's name recorded in Rowell, 1871-1872. Publishers: Vincent W.M. Brown, <1871>; The Times Co., <1873-1876>. Has companion volume "To all the patrons of the Albany evening times" published on New Years day. Albany times (DLC)sn 88074033
- Date: 1869
NewspaperAlbany Evening Union (Albany [N.Y.]) 1882-1888 Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 29, 1882)-v. 7, no. 2031 (Sept. 18, 1888). Published as: Albany union, Apr.-Oct. 1885. Editor: F.K. White. Issues for Mar. 31, 1885 and Apr. 1, 1885 both called no. 877. Evening union (Albany, N.Y.) (DLC)sn 84031227
- Date: 1882
NewspaperThe Albany Freeholder (Albany [N.Y.]) 1845-1854 Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 9, 1845)- Ceased in 1854. Cf. French, J.H. Gazetteer of the state of N.Y., 1860. Publishers: C.F. Bouton, <1845>-1848; Frink & Grant, <1849>. "Anti-Rent." Editors: Thomas Ainge Devyr, 1845; A.G. Johnson, 1845-<1847>; Charles F. Bouton, <1847>-1848; Miner Frink, Jr., 1849-1851.
- Date: 1845
NewspaperAlbany Freie Blätter (Albany [N.Y.]) 18??-1912 Daily Ceased in 1912? Cf. Arndt & Olson. German lang. press. "Official Zeitung der Stadt Albany," <1892>. "Demokratische-Republikanische," <1874>; Democratic, <1892>. In German; some notices in English. On Sunday published with separate numbering as: Sonntagsgast. Description based on: Jahrg. 23, Nr. 139 (15. Sept. 1874).
- Date: 18??
NewspaperThe Albany Gazette (Albany [N.Y.]) 1771-1772 Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 25, 1771)- Ceased in 1772. Cf. L.C. 18th cent. newspapers (1936 ed.).
- Contributor: Robertson, James - Robertson, Alexander
- Date: 1771
NewspaperThe Albany Gazette (Albany [N.Y.]) 1817-1845 Semiweekly Began Mar. 31, 1817; ceased in 1845. Also issued on microfilm from the New York Public Library. Weekly eds.: Albany Whig, <1834-1835>; Voice of the people and Albany Whig, <1837>; Albany weekly gazette, <1838>-1845. Description based on: Vol. 34, no. 3176 (May 1, 1817).
- Date: 1817
NewspaperThe Albany Gazette (Albany, N.Y.) 1784-1817 Semiweekly, May 25, 1789-1817 Began May 28, 1784; ceased Mar. 22, 1817. Imprint varies: Printed by Charles R. Webster, 1784-1789; Printed by Charles R. and George Webster, 1789-1806; Printed by Websters and Skinner, 1806-1811; Printed by Websters and Skinners, 1811-1817. Supplements accompany some issues. Legislative ed.: Albany journal: or, The Montgomery, Washington and Columbia intelligencer. Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 56 (June 16,…
- Contributor: Webster, Charles Richard - Skinner, Elisha Webster - Skinner, Daniel - Skinner, Hezekiah - Webster, George
- Date: 1784
NewspaperThe Albany Gazette & Daily Advertiser (Albany [N.Y.]) 1817-1822 Daily (except Sun.) No. 465 (Mar. 25, 1817)-v. 8, no. 2170 (Sept. 26, 1822). Imprint varies: Published for Websters & Skinners, 1818-1819; Printed by Websters & Skinners, 1819-1822. Printer: Theodore V.W. Gould, 1817-1819. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers, p. 532 Also issued on microfilm from the New York Public Library. Semiweekly eds.: Albany gazette, for the country; Albany gazette (Albany, N.Y. : 1817). Albany daily…
- Contributor: Webster, Charles Richard - Gould, Theodore V. W. - Skinner, Elisha Webster - Skinner, Daniel - Skinner, Hezekiah - Stone, William L. (William Leete) - Webster, George
- Date: 1817
NewspaperThe Albany Journal (Albany [N.Y.]) 1830-189? Semiweekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 30, 1830)- "Semi-weekly" appears within title ornament in small type, <1887-1898>. Publishers: Benjamin D. Packard, Chauncey Webster & Benjamin Hoffman, 1831; Benjamin D. Packard, Benjamin Hoffman & Andrew White, 1831-1833; Benjamin Hoffman & Andrew White, 1833-1841; William & Andrew White, 1842-1843; William White & Visscher Ten Eyck, 1843-1845; Thurlow Weed, William White & Visscher Ten Eyck, 1845-1846; Ten…
- Contributor: Weed, Thurlow
- Date: 1830
NewspaperThe Albany Journal, Or, the Montgomery, Washington and Columbia Intelligencer (Albany [N.Y.]) 1788-1789 Weekly, Mar. 31, 1788-1789 Began Jan. 26, 1788; ceased May 1789. Also issued on microfilm by Readex Microprint Corp. as part of the Early American newspapers series. Semiweekly ed.: Albany gazette (Albany, N.Y. : 1784). Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 3 (Feb. 2, 1788).
- Contributor: Webster, Charles Richard - Webster, George
- Date: 1788
NewspaperThe Albany Knickerbocker (Albany, N.Y.) 1867-1877 Daily (except Sunday) Began in 1867? Ceased in Aug. 1877. Cf. Bi-centennial hist. of Albany, 1886. Description based on: No. 6620 (Mar. 22, 1867). Daily press (Albany, N.Y.) (DLC)sn 88074434 (OCoLC)18067124 Daily press. And Albany Knickerbocker (DLC)sn 88074125 (OCoLC)17383226
- Date: 1867
NewspaperThe Albany Microscope (Albany, N.Y.) 18??-18?? Weekly "Albany" appears within title ornament, Mar. 7, 1835-<1836>. Publishers: George Galpin & Henry D. Stone, <1834>; Henry D. Stone, 1834; Henry D. Stone & Joel Munsell, 1834-<1836>; D.D. Stone, <1841-1842>; W.S. McCulloch, <1843>; Smith & Cummings, <1847>. Issues for also called: Whole no. <223-729>. Description based on: Vol. 5, no. 11 (May 11, 1833).
- Date: 18??
NewspaperAlbany Morning Atlas (Albany [N.Y]) 1841-1843 Daily (except Sundays & holidays) Vol. 1, no. 186 (Apr. 19, 1841)-v. 3, no. 776 (Mar. 25, 1843). "Democratic." Weekly ed.: New-York Democrat (Albany, N.Y. : 1842). Albany evening Atlas (Albany, N.Y. : 1843) (DLC)sn 83030897
- Date: 1841
NewspaperAlbany Morning Express (Albany [N.Y.]) 1847-1856 Daily (except Sunday) Began with Sept. 13, 1847 issue. Cf. Bi-centennial hist. of Albany, 1886. -v. 9, no. 2639 (Mar. 22, 1856). Publishers: Stone & Henly, <1848-1849>; Munsell & Co., <1851>-1856. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 285 (Sept. 4, 1848).
- Date: 1847
NewspaperAlbany Morning Express (Albany [N.Y.]) 1857-1898 Daily, <1885-1895> Vol. 10, no. 1 (May 4, 1857)- Ceased in Dec. 1898. Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. "Morning" appears within title ornament, <1871-1876>. Editors: Jacob C. Cuyler, <1859-1876>; Addison A. Keyes, <1871-1876>. Has companion volume "Carriers' address of the Albany morning express" published on New Years day. Continues the numbering of: Albany morning express (Albany, N.Y. : 1847). Weekly eds: Albany weekly express…
- Date: 1857
NewspaperAlbany Morning Telegram (Albany, N.Y.) 1886-188? Weekly Began in 1886. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 10 (May 16, 1886). Morning Sunday telegram (DLC)sn 87070118 (OCoLC)16402020
- Date: 1886
NewspaperAlbany Morning Times (Albany [N.Y.]) 1856-1861 Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 21, 1856)- Ceased in Feb. 1861? Publishers: Stone & Co., <1856>; Barnes & Boyd, <1857>; David M. Barnes & Heber L. Godfrey, <1857-1860>. Evening courier (Albany, N.Y.) (DLC)sn 92062063 Albany times and courier (DLC)sn 83030790
- Date: 1856
NewspaperThe Albany Register (Albany [N.Y.]) 1788-1820 Semiweekly -v. 32, no. 24 (May 12, 1820). Began Oct. 13, 1788. Imprint varies: Robert Barber & Co., 1788-1791; Printed by John Barber & Solomon Southwick, 1792-1800; John Barber, 1800-1808; Solomon Allen, Jun., for the proprietor, 1808-1809; Solomon Allen, Jun., for S. Southwick, 1809-1812; H.C. Southwick, for S. Southwick, 1812-1816; Solomon Southwick, 1816-1817; Israel W. Clark, 1817-1819; Printed by Jeremiah Tryon, for the proprietors,…
- Contributor: Barber, John - Tryon, Jeremiah - Allen, Solomon - Clark, Israel W. - Southwick, Solomon - Southwick, Henry Collins - Barber, Robert
- Date: 1788