Arcade Herald (Arcade, N.Y.) 1927-1969
Weekly Vol. 36, no. 33 (Oct. 14, 1927)- Ceased with July 10, 1969 issue. Some issues for titled: "Delevan press;" some titled: "Arcade herald." Holland review (DLC)sn 87070072 Tri-county times (Arcade, N.Y.) (DLC)sn 88074477 (OCoLC)18026844
The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-2001
Daily, Oct. 28, 1884- Vol. 14 (Sept. 15, 1881)-v. 134, no. 97 (Nov. 4, 2001). Also issued on microfilm from Recordak, Bell & Howell Information and learning, Kraus Microfilms, Microfilming Corporation of America, and Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service; also available online. Weekly ed.: Weekly constitution (Atlanta, Ga. : 1881); Constitution (Atlanta, Ga. : Weekly); and: Atlanta constitution (Atlanta, Ga. : Weekly). Evening ed.:…
Attica News (Attica, Wyoming County, N.Y.) 1872-19??
Weekly Began in 1872. Publishers: A.W. Landsittel, <1890>; Frank Norris & Co., <1895>. Merged with: Country post, and Wyoming County times to form: Wyoming County times, the Attica news. Description based on: Vol. 19, no. 15 (Aug. 28, 1890). Country post Wyoming County times (DLC)sn 84035923 Wyoming County times, the Attica news (DLC)sn 89071266 (OCoLC)19675180
Attica Weekly News (Attica, N.Y.) 1872-187?
Weekly Began in 1872. Cf. Rowell, 1873. Editor: Charles F. Meloy, <1873>. Publishers: Charles F. Meloy, <1873>; Gath & Bishop, <1876>. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 33 (Feb. 15, 1873).
The Avon Herald (Avon, N.Y.) 1894-1903
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 7, 1894)- Ceased in Oct. 1903? Genesee Valley courier (DLC)sn 89071298 (OCoLC)19892657 Avon herald and courier (DLC)sn 88074748
The Avon Herald (Avon, N.Y.) 1905-193?
Weekly Began in 1905. Publishers: Florence Van Allen, <1905-1921>; L.C. Gilles, A.C. Van Allen, <1932>. Description based on: Vol. 30, no. 10 (July 27, 1905). Avon independent-news (DLC)sn 89071246 Herald-news (Avon, N.Y.) (DLC)sn 88074241
Avon Herald and Courier (Avon, N.Y.) 1903-1905
Weekly Began with Oct. 21, 1903 issue? Ceased in 1905. Description based on: Vol. 29, no. 16 (Sept. 1, 1904). Avon herald (Avon, N.Y. : 1905) (DLC)sn 89071247 (OCoLC)19533598
Avon Herald-News (Avon, N.Y.) 1939-1966
Weekly Vol. 64, no. 49 (Oct. 6, 1939)-v. 92, no. 9 (Nov. 23, 1966). Published as Avon herald-news and the Rush Henrietta edition on Apr. 21, 1955. Includes supplement called: Sanders supplement. Rush-Henrietta herald (Rochester, N.Y.) (DLC)sn 88074770 (OCoLC)18505805 Rush Henrietta herald and Avon herald-news (DLC)sn 88074239 (OCoLC)8695720
The Avon Independent-News (Avon, N.Y.) 1931-193?
Weekly Began with Feb. 23, 1931 issue? Description based on: Vol. 25, no. 16 (Dec. 24, 1931). Avon herald (Avon, N.Y. : 1905) (DLC)sn 89071247 (OCoLC)19533598 Herald-news (Avon, N.Y.) (DLC)sn 88074241
The Avonian (Avon Springs, N.Y.) 1875-188?
Weekly Began in 1875. Cf. Rowell, 1875. Published as: New Avonian, . Published as: Weekly Avonian . Editors: B.H. Randolph, <1876>; T.E. Wilson, <1876>. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 62 (May 26, 1876).
Boston American (Boston, Mass.) 1907-1908
Daily Began with vol. 3, no. 358 (Mar. 17, 1907); ceased with vol. 5, no. 268 (Dec. 16, 1908). Also issued on microfilm from Graphic Microfilm of New England. Description based on: Vol. 3, no. 358 (Mar. 17, 1907); title from masthead. Latest issue consulted: Vol. 4, no. 102 (June 30, 1907). Boston evening American (Boston, Mass. : 1908) (DLC)sn 91057093 (OCoLC)24000907
Boston Evening Transcript (Boston, Mass.) 1872-1941
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 45, no. 13070 (Nov. 11, 1872)-v. 112, no. 101 (Apr. 30, 1941). Issue for July 24, 1930 also called "100th Anniversary edition." Available on microfilm from University Microfilms International. Weekly ed.: Boston weekly transcript, 1872-<1917>. Vol. 50, no. 15449 (Aug. 30, 1877),
Boston Patriot (Boston [Mass.]) 1809-1816
Semiweekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 3, 1809)-v. 14, no. 52 (Mar. 6, 1816). Publishers: Everett & Munroe, 1809-Mar. 7, 1810; Isaac Munroe, Mar. 10, 1810-May 1, 1811; Munroe & French, May 4, 1811-1813; D.C. Ballard, 1814-1816. Prospectus issued Feb. 10, 1809. Editor: David Everett, Mar. 10, 1810-Oct. 23, 1811. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 332 Vol. 7, no. 1 (Mar. 14, 1812)-v. 114,…
Everett, David
The Brighton-Pittsford Post (Pittsford, N.Y.) 1942-Current
Weekly, Apr. 2, 1942- Vol. 10, no. 18 (Apr. 2, 1942)- Published 1942-<1957> by East Rochester Herald Corp; <1957>-Sept. 1975 by Genesee Valley Newspapers, inc.; Sept. 1975- by Wolfe Publications. Latest issue consulted: Vol. 62, no. 43 (Oct. 19, 1994) (surrogate).
Brockport Democrat (Brockport, N.Y.) 1870-1925
Weekly Began with July 21, 1870 issue. Cf. Landmarks of Monroe Co., N.Y., 1895. Ceased in 1925? Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. Publishers: Johnson Brigham, <1873>; C. & G.F. Marsh, <1876>; C. Marsh & Co., <1882>. Description based on: Vol. 3, no. 33 (Mar. 19, 1873). Brockport republic (DLC)sn 86053142 Brockport republic and Brockport Democrat (OCoLC)11037721
The Brockport Republic (Brockport, N.Y.) 1856-1925
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 17, 1856)-v. 69, no. 39 (June 25, 1925). Publishers: Horatio N. Beach, <1866>; Lorenzo T. Beach, <1876>. Editors: Horatio N. Beach, <1866-1876>; Lorenzo T. Beach, <1876>. "Republican," <1876>. Also issued online. Brockport Democrat (DLC)sn 83030957 Brockport republic and Brockport Democrat (OCoLC)11037721
Brother Jonathan (New York [N.Y.]) 1839-186?
Weekly Began July 13, 1839. Editors vary: N.Y. Willis & H. Hastings Willis, <1841> ; John Neal, <1843>; Henry C. Deming, <1844>; Benjamin H. Day, <1851-1860>. Publisher varies: Griswold and Co., 1839; Wilson & Co., 1839-<1842>; J. Winchester, <1844>; Wilson and Co., <1845-1851>; Benjamin H. Day, <1852-1862>. Vol. 3, no. 10 (Sept. 4, 1841)=whole no. 113. Issued a semi-annual pictorial sheet for the Fourth…
The Buffalo Commercial (Buffalo, N.Y.) 1890-1924
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 59 (Mar. 1, 1890)- = 19,205- Ceased with Dec. 15, 1924 issue. Cf. Newspapers in microform: U.S., 1948-1972. Publishers: James D. Warrens & Co., 1890- ; James I. Warrens' Sons, <1909>; Charles A. Finnegan, <1919>. Also issued on microfilm from Buffalo and Erie County Public Library. and the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Evening post (Buffalo, N.Y.) (DLC)sn 93063800 (OCoLC)27299529
Buffalo Commercial Advertiser (Buffalo, N.Y.) 184?-1890
Daily (except Sunday) Ceased Feb. 1890. Also issued on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Triweekly ed.: Commercial advertiser (Buffalo, N.Y.), <1844>. Weekly eds.: Buffalo patriot and journal, 184<4>-187<2>; Buffalo commercial weekly patriot and journal, 187<3>; Buffalo weekly commercial, <1882>. Description based on: Vol. 9, no. 2673 (May 24, 1843). Buffalo commercial (DLC)sn 84031818 (OCoLC)11233039
Buffalo Courier Express (Buffalo, N.Y.) 1926-1964
Daily Vol. 91, no. 195 (July 14, 1926)-v. 130, no. 53 (Sept. 11, 1964). Issue for July 18, 1926 published with title: Buffalo courier and Buffalo Sunday express. "Buffalo" appears over masthead ornament, <1927>. Also available on microfilm from ProQuest. Courier express (DLC)sn 88074337 (OCoLC)17624424
Buffalo Daily Courier (Buffalo, N.Y.) 1846-1888
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 1, no. 128 (Dec. 1, 1846)-v. 53, no. 182 (June 30, 1888). Also issued in a triweekly edition. Publishers: Manchester & Co., 1846-Oct. 2, 1847; Robert D. Foy & Co., Oct. 4, 2847-Mar. 29,1848; Seaver & Foy, Mar. 30,1848- ; J. Warren & Co., <1865-1868>; Courier Co., <1875-1888>. Also issued on microfilm from Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society and…
Buffalo Evening News (Buffalo, N.Y.) 1880-1982
Vol. [1] (Oct. 11, 1880)-v. 204, no. 181 (Oct. 8, 1982). Issue for Aug. 24, 1913 called Perry centennial number. Also issued on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Buffalo news (Buffalo, N.Y. : Daily) 0745-2691 (DLC)sn 82008105 (OCoLC)8882862
The Buffalo Evening Times (Buffalo [N.Y.]) 1891-1921
Daily Vol. 8, no. 23 (June 1, 1891)-[38th yr., no. 292] (Aug. 24, 1921). Published as: Buffalo daily times, Aug. 27, 1897-Aug. 2, 1898. Published on Sunday as: Sunday morning times; Buffalo Sunday times, <1893>. "The only Democratic evening newspaper in Buffalo or western New York." Buffalo times (Buffalo, N.Y.) (DLC)sn 94057509 (OCoLC)29787412