The Albany Gazette (Albany [N.Y.]) 1817-1845
Semiweekly Began Mar. 31, 1817; ceased in 1845. Also issued on microfilm from the New York Public Library. Weekly eds.: Albany Whig, <1834-1835>; Voice of the people and Albany Whig, <1837>; Albany weekly gazette, <1838>-1845. Description based on: Vol. 34, no. 3176 (May 1, 1817).
The Albany Journal (Albany [N.Y.]) 1830-189?
Semiweekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 30, 1830)- "Semi-weekly" appears within title ornament in small type, <1887-1898>. Publishers: Benjamin D. Packard, Chauncey Webster & Benjamin Hoffman, 1831; Benjamin D. Packard, Benjamin Hoffman & Andrew White, 1831-1833; Benjamin Hoffman & Andrew White, 1833-1841; William & Andrew White, 1842-1843; William White & Visscher Ten Eyck, 1843-1845; Thurlow Weed, William White & Visscher Ten Eyck, 1845-1846; Ten…
Weed, Thurlow
Albany Weekly Journal (Albany [N.Y.]) 1834-190?
Semiweekly, 1899-1903 Began in 1834. Editors: Thurlow Weed, 1834-<1840>, <1843-1855>, 1858-1863; George Dawson, 1846-1856, 1858-<1863>, 1870-<1876>; Frederick W. Seward, 1854-<1863>; John Ten Eyck, 1854-<1863>; Philip Ten Eyck, <1858-1863>; J.D. Parsons, <1858-1863>; George W. Demers, 1867-1870; Charles E. Smith, 1870-<1876> Publishers: Benjamin Hoffman & Andrew White, 1834-1841; William & Andrew White, 1842-1843; William White & Visscher Ten Eyck, 1843-1845; Thurlow Weed, William White & Visscher…
Alexander's Pictorial Messenger (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1847-1848
Weekly Jan. 6, 1847- Ceased in 1848. "Pictorial" appears within title ornament in small type. Philadelphia Saturday gleaner (DLC)sn 87062031 National gleaner and family weekly messenger (DLC)sn 87079924
Alexander, Charles
Alexander's Weekly Messenger (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1838-184?
Weekly Vol. 2, no. 1 (Jan. 3, 1838)-v. 4, no. 27 (July 1, 1840) ; July 15, 1840- "Weekly" appears within title ornament in small type. Not published July 8, 1840. Latest issue consulted: Dec. 30, 1840. Alexander's express messenger: and Philadelphia weekly chronicle (DLC)sn 87052011 (OCoLC)2257149
Alexander, Charles
American Citizen (Warsaw, N.Y.) 1836-184?
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 22, 1836)- Published in Warsaw, N.Y., 1836; in Perry, N.Y., 1837-1839; simultaneously in Perry, N.Y. and Rochester, N.Y.,
The Balance, and Columbian Repository (Hudson, N.Y.) 1801-1807
Weekly No. 1 (May 21, 1801)-no. 33 (Dec. 31, 1801); no. 1 (Jan. 5, 1802)-no. 52 (Dec. 28, 1802); v. 2, no. 1 (Jan. 4, 1803)-v. 6, no. 52 (Dec. 29, 1807). Also issued in microform from the Readex Microprint Corp.; also available online. Issued with: Balance advertiser. Balance (Hudson, N.Y. : 1808) 2156-4655 (DLC)sn 83025565 (OCoLC)9612875
Chittenden, George - Sampson, Ezra - Croswell, Harry
Beobachter Am Genesee (Rochester, N.Y.) 1852-1879
Semiweekly Began Apr. 10, 1852; ceased in 1879? Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. Published on Wednesday and Saturday. Published by: Adolph Nolte, <1857>. Daily ed.: Rochester Beobachter. Description based on: Jahrg. 4, Nr. 68 (25. Aug., 1855). Wochenblatt
Boston Daily Journal (Boston [Mass.]) 1845-1872
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 12, no. 3712 (Apr. 1, 1845)-v. 39, no. 13058 (May 31, 1872). Published as the evening ed., 1851-1872. Republican. Publishers: Henry & Charles Rogers, May 20, 1854-July 16, 1855; Charles O. Rogers, July 17, 1855-Aug. 20, 1869; Journal Newspaper Co, Aug. 21, 1869-<1872>. Supplements accompany some numbers. Also issued on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Morning ed.:…
Boston Daily Traveller (Boston [Mass.]) 1856-1894
Daily (except Sun. and holidays) Began Oct. 1, 1856; ceased Dec. 18, 1894? Aug. 11/16, 1890 issue called also "Special Grand Army edition." Published as Boston morning traveller, Apr. 13-Sept. 15, 1857; "Morning" appears in title ornament. Publishers: Worthington, Flanders & Co., for the Traveller Newspaper Association, 1858-1859. Editors: F. Andrews, 1856; S. Bowles, 1857; J.B. Morss, <1858-1859>; C.C. Hazewell, <1858>-1859; H.M. Stimson, <1858>-1859.…
Bowles, Samuel - Andrews, Ferdinand
The Boston News-Letter (Boston [Mass.]) 1704-1726
Weekly, July 10, 1721-1726 No. 1 (Apr. 17-24, 1704)-no. 1196 (Dec. 22-29, 1726). At head of title: N.E., 1704-1707; New=England, 1707-1726. First continuously published newspaper in America. Suspended May 1709-Jan. 1, 1710. Due to old style dating, Jan. 1-Mar. 25, 1711-1716 dated as the previous year. (E.g., Jan.-Mar. 1712 dated 1711). Also issued on microopaque and microfilm by Readex Microprint Corp. Weekly news-letter (Boston,…
The Bristol Press (Bristol, Conn.; Bristol, Ct) 1890-Current
Daily (except Sundays and holidays), Sept. 21, 2009- Vol. 20, no. 50 [i.e. 49] (Dec. 4, 1890)- Available on microfilm from UMI. In English and German, . Other editions available: Plainville news (Plainville, Conn. : 1889), 1890-19 ; Valley press, 197 -Feb. 1984 ; Bristol/Valley press, Feb. 1984-Feb. 1985. Latest issue consulted: Vol. 151, no. 335 (Sept. 13, 2022) (surrogate). New Britain herald (2009)…
Brother Jonathan (New York [N.Y.]) 1839-186?
Weekly Began July 13, 1839. Editors vary: N.Y. Willis & H. Hastings Willis, <1841> ; John Neal, <1843>; Henry C. Deming, <1844>; Benjamin H. Day, <1851-1860>. Publisher varies: Griswold and Co., 1839; Wilson & Co., 1839-<1842>; J. Winchester, <1844>; Wilson and Co., <1845-1851>; Benjamin H. Day, <1852-1862>. Vol. 3, no. 10 (Sept. 4, 1841)=whole no. 113. Issued a semi-annual pictorial sheet for the Fourth…
Buffalo Gazette (Village of Buffalo, Niagara County, N.Y.) 1811-1818
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1, (Oct. 3, 1811)-v. 7, no. 27 (Apr. 14, 1818). Published as: Buffalo gazette, and Niagara intelligencer, June-Dec. 1815. Published at Williamsville, N.Y., Jan. 18, 1814-Mar. 28, 1815. Publishers: S. & H. Salisbury, 1811-1818; Carpenter & Salisbury, 1818. Issues for -Apr. 14, 1818 called also: whole no. <115>-339. Niagara patriot (DLC)sn 83030915
Salisbury, Hezekiah Alexander - Salisbury, Smith Hamilton
Buffalo Morning Express (Buffalo, N.Y.) 1878-1926
Daily, Sept. 30, 1883-1926 33rd year, no. 1 (Jan. 7, 1878)-v. 42, no. 40 (June 13, 1926). Published on Sunday as: Sunday morning express, 1883-1890, and as: The Illustrated Buffalo express, 1890-192u, and as: Buffalo Sunday express, 192u-1926. Special 70th Anniversary number issued Jan. 15, 1916 with numbering: Vol. 71, no. 1; titled: Buffalo express. Issue called: Extra number issued as a Souvenir of…
Charleston Courier (Charleston, S.C.) 1803-1852
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 10, 1803)-v. 50, no. 15153 (June 30, 1852). Available on microfilm from Bell & Howell Information and Learning; Harvard University; and Charleston Library Society. Triweekly ed.: Courier (Charleston, S.C. : Triweekly), <1809>-1852. Weekly eds.: Carolina weekly messenger, <1807-1810>, and: Carolina gazette (Charleston, S.C.), 1803-1840. Vol. 45, no. 13652 (Aug. 2, 1847). Charleston daily courier (Charleston, S.C.)…
Chicago Evening Post (Chicago, Ill.) 1869-1874
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 4, no. 188 (Apr. 14, 1869)-v. 9, no. 93 (Jan. 10, 1874). Continues the numbering of Evening post (Chicago, Ill.). Preservation microfilmed in cooperation with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library as part of the United States Newspaper Program; the years 1869-1874 (on 8 microfilm reels) are available for purchase from OCLC Preservation Service Centers. Weekly eds.: Chicago post…
Chronicle-Express (Penn Yan, N.Y.) 1926-Current
Weekly Vol. 103, no. 2 (Jan. 13, 1926)- = whole no. 5306- Special "Summer Issue" published annually, <1963>- Publishers: Penn Yan Print. Co., Inc., 1926; Sidney E. Ayers, <1926>; James R. Carberry, <1961>-1968; Donald E. Good, <1969>; Mrs. Birdie Tuttle, 1972- ; George M. Barnes, <1990>; Cherry Road Media, <2020?-> Summer issues have annual numbering, <6th Annual (1965:7:1)-20th Annual (1982)> Formed by the union…
Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800
Daily (except Sunday) No. 5219 (Jan. 1, 1796)-no. 7421 (Sept. 30, 1800). Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 896 Also issued in microform from Readex Microprint Corp. Poulson's American daily advertiser 2640-8724 (DLC)sn 84026367 (OCoLC)2266393
The Clifton Springs Press (Clifton Springs, N.Y.) 1877-1947
Weekly -v. 10, no. 39 (Oct. 2, 1947). Began in 1877? Description based on: Vol. 13, no. 50 (Mar. 19, 1891). Newark courier-gazette, the Marion enterprise (DLC)sn 88074506 Newark courier-gazette, the Marion enterprise, Clifton Springs press (DLC)sn 88074531
The Connecticut Courant (Hartford [Conn.]) 1791-1914
Semiweekly, Dec. 13, 1894-Oct. 29, 1914 Vol. 27, no. 1365 (Mar. 21, 1791)-v. 109, no. 542,085 (Jan. 3, 1874) ; v. 109, no. 2 (Jan. 10, 1874)-v. 149, no. 86 (Oct. 29, 1914). Published a triweekly ed., 1840-<1841>. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 22 Issue for Jan. 10, 1874 called also whole no. 542,086. Includes numbering irregularities. Supplements accompany some issues. Available on microopaque…
Goodwin, George
The Connecticut Courant (Hartford, Conn.) 1764-1774
Weekly No. 1 (Nov. 19, 1764)-no. 492 (May 31, 1774). No. 1 preceded by introductory issue on Oct. 29, 1764 called: No. 00. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 22 Available on microopaque from Readex Microprint Corp. and on microfilm from Graphic Microfilm Service, Readex Microprint Corp., Microfilm Corp. of America, and Bell & Howell Information and Learning. Connecticut courant and Hartford weekly intelligencer 2691-4948…
Connecticut Observer (Hartford, Conn.; Hartford, Conn) 1825-1839
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan 4, 1825)-v. 15, no. 3 (Jan. 19, 1839). "The profits of this paper will be devoted to the Domestic Missionary Society of Connecticut." Printed by Peter B. Gleason & Co., <1826-1829>. Editor: Horace Hooker, <1826>. Issues for Jan. 1826-1839 also called: Whole no. 53-782. Connecticut observer, and New-York Congregationalist 2642-8644 (DLC)sn 85038311 (OCoLC)12248106
Hooker, Horace
Connecticut Spectator (Middletown [Conn.]) 1814-181?
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 20, 1814)- Available on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service, and Readex Microprint Corp. Latest issue consulted: Vol. 2. no. 104 (Apr. 10, 1816).
Daily Albany Argus (Albany [N.Y.]) 1827-1856
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 3, no. 681 (Dec. 27, 1827)-v. 31, no. 9252 (Feb. 16, 1856). Publishers: Edwin Croswell, Obadiah Romney Van Benthuysen & Thomas M. Burt, 1831-1834; E. Croswell, O.R. Van Benthuysen, Thos. M. Burt & Sherman Croswell, 1834-1840; Edwin Croswell, Henry H. Van Dyck & Sherman Croswell, 1840-1843; Edwin Croswell & Sherman Croswell, 1843-1848; Edwin Croswell, Sherman Croswell & Samuel M. Shaw,…
The Daily Bee ([Boston, Mass.]) 1842-1843
Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 25, 1842)-v. 2, no. 154 (Apr. 24, 1843). "Daily" appears above masthead ornament. Published in two daily editions. Publishers: Bradbury, Harmon & Co., Oct. 20-Dec. 24, 1842; Howland, Bradbury, Harmon & Co., Dec. 26, 1842-1843. Editor: C.J. Howland, Aug. 8, 1842-1843. Weekly ed.: Boston weekly bee, 1843. Boston daily bee (DLC)sn 84022198
The Daily Citizen (Vicksburg, Miss.) 1859-1864
Daily Began in 1859; ceased in 1864. Issues for printed on wallpaper. Issue July 2, 1863 is a "fac-simile used as a supplement to the Chicago Herald." Description based on: June 18, 1863. Latest issue consulted: July 2, 1863.
The Daily Messenger (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 191?-Current
Daily (except Sunday) Motto: "Oldest newspaper west of Hudson River." "Ontario County" appears within the masthead ornament, . Weekly ed.: Daily Ontario County messenger. Description based on: Vol. 118, no. 267 (Nov. 11, 1918).
Daily State Record (Topeka, Kan.) 1861-186?
Daily (except Monday) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 26, 1861)- Publisher: S.D. MacDonald & Co., Feb. 26-Mar. 3, 1863, <1865>. Published only during sessions of the state legislature. Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. "Republican." Also issued on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Weekly ed.: State record (Topeka, Kan. : 1859).
Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, N.Y.) 1884-Current
Daily Vol. 52, no. 257 (Sept. 13, 1884)- "And" in logo device. Issued a special "Seneca Falls ed." several times during each day in conjunction with Celebrate '98 at Women's Rights National Historical Park, Seneca Falls, N.Y., July 1998. Also issued on microfilm from Rochester Public Library, Remington Rand, Inc.; Recordak Microfilm; Micro Photo Division, Bell & Howell Co. Latest issue consulted: Vol. 169,…
The Elmira Gazette (Elmira, Tioga County, N.Y.) 1828-185?
Weekly Began in Aug. 1828. Cf. Faibisoff, S.G. Bibl. of newspapers in 14 N.Y. counties. Chemung County was formed from Tioga County, Mar. 29, 1836. Publishers: J.A. Smith, <1830>; Job A. Smith & Brinton Paine, <1832>; Cyrus Pratt, <1838>; Underhill & Pratt, <1839>; George W. Mason & William C. Rhodes, 1841-1848; George W. Mason, 1848-<1855>. Issue for Oct. 19, 1839 numbered: Vol. 12, whole…