The Albany Register (Albany [N.Y.]) 1788-1820
Semiweekly -v. 32, no. 24 (May 12, 1820). Began Oct. 13, 1788. Imprint varies: Robert Barber & Co., 1788-1791; Printed by John Barber & Solomon Southwick, 1792-1800; John Barber, 1800-1808; Solomon Allen, Jun., for the proprietor, 1808-1809; Solomon Allen, Jun., for S. Southwick, 1809-1812; H.C. Southwick, for S. Southwick, 1812-1816; Solomon Southwick, 1816-1817; Israel W. Clark, 1817-1819; Printed by Jeremiah Tryon, for the proprietors,…
Barber, Robert - Clark, Israel W. - Southwick, Solomon - Allen, Solomon - Southwick, Henry Collins - Tryon, Jeremiah - Barber, John
Aurora (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-182?
Triweekly No. 760 (Nov. 7, 1800)- Published at: Frankford, Pa., Aug. 10-Oct. 30, 1802. Each issue dated for two consecutive days. Daily ed.: Aurora general advertiser.
The Boston Gazette, Or, Country Journal (Boston [Mass.]) 1755-1793
Weekly No. 1 (Apr. 7, 1755)-no. 2048 (Dec. 30, 1793). Title varies: Boston-gazette, and country journal, Apr. 12, 1756-Apr. 5, 1779; Boston gazette, and the country journal, Apr. 12, 1779-Dec. 30, 1793. Published in Watertown, Mass., June 5, 1775-Oct. 28, 1776. Suspended with Apr. 17, 1775 issue; resumed June 5, 1775. Also issued on microopaque and microfilm from Readex Microprint Corp. ; Microfilming Corp.…
Edes, Benjamin - Gill, John
The Boy's Gem (Oswego [N.Y.]) 18??-18??
Published by: P.K. White, H.L. Strong, C.S. Collins, . Description based on: Aug. 31, 1864. Latest issue consulted: Sept. 19, 1864.
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, N.Y.) 1849-1938
Daily, -1938 Vol. 8, no. 114 (May 14, 1849)-v. 97, no. 245 (Sept. 4, 1938). Multiple editions: First edition; Home news edition; MX edition; Wall St. edition; Sports final edition. Also issued in microform from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service, and the New York Public Library. Available (1849-1902) via the World Wide Web. Published sections called: Home talk the star, ; Home talk…
The Buffalo Commercial (Buffalo, N.Y.) 1890-1924
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 59 (Mar. 1, 1890)- = 19,205- Ceased with Dec. 15, 1924 issue. Cf. Newspapers in microform: U.S., 1948-1972. Publishers: James D. Warrens & Co., 1890- ; James I. Warrens' Sons, <1909>; Charles A. Finnegan, <1919>. Also issued on microfilm from Buffalo and Erie County Public Library. and the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Evening post (Buffalo, N.Y.) (DLC)sn 93063800 (OCoLC)27299529
Buffalo Morning Express (Buffalo, N.Y.) 1878-1926
Daily, Sept. 30, 1883-1926 33rd year, no. 1 (Jan. 7, 1878)-v. 42, no. 40 (June 13, 1926). Published on Sunday as: Sunday morning express, 1883-1890, and as: The Illustrated Buffalo express, 1890-192u, and as: Buffalo Sunday express, 192u-1926. Special 70th Anniversary number issued Jan. 15, 1916 with numbering: Vol. 71, no. 1; titled: Buffalo express. Issue called: Extra number issued as a Souvenir of…
Cayuga Chief (Auburn, N.Y.) 1849-1857
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 4, 1849)- Ceased in 1857. Published at Fort Atkinson, Wis., . Publishers: Thurlow W. Brown, <1851>; T.W. & Emma Brown, . Wisconsin chief 2640-5849 (DLC)sn 84035941 (OCoLC)11209908
Christian Ambassador (New York [N.Y.]) 1851-1866
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 4, 1851)-v. 16, no. 52 (Dec. 29, 1866) = vol. 22-old v. 36. Old v. 35, no. 49-52, and 36, no. <2>-48 repeated in numbering. Volumes for Jan. 1, 1859-Dec. 30, 1865 "published by a committee for the New York State Convention of Universalists"; for Jan. 6-Dec. 29, 1866 by the Executive Committee of the Convention. Formed by…
New York State Convention of Universalists
The Chronicle (Phoenix, N.Y.) 1885-1892
Weekly Began in 1885; ceased in 1892. Cf. Churchill, J.C. Landmarks of Oswego County N.Y. 1895. Harrison Bros., editors and managers. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 46 (May 5, 1885).
The Church Journal (New-York) 1853-1872
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 5, 1853)-v. 19, no. 987 (Dec. 27, 1871); new ser., v. 20, no. 1 (Jan. 4, 1872)-new ser., v. 20, no. 45 (Nov. 7, 1872). Title from caption. "Edited by clergymen of the city of New-York." Issues for Jan. 4, 1872-Nov. 7, 1872 called also whole no. 989-whole no. 1032. Also issued on microfilm by American Theological Library…
Constitutionalist (Plainfield, N.J.) 1868-1911
Weekly Began with Jan. 2, 1868 issue; ceased with Dec. 28, 1911 issue? Editors: William L. Force, <1876>; Albert L. Force, <1876>. "Democratic." Description based on: Vol. 4, no. 1 (Jan. 5, 1871).
The Daily Citizen (Vicksburg, Miss.) 1859-1864
Daily Began in 1859; ceased in 1864. Issues for printed on wallpaper. Issue July 2, 1863 is a "fac-simile used as a supplement to the Chicago Herald." Description based on: June 18, 1863. Latest issue consulted: July 2, 1863.
The Daily Graphic : An Illustrated Evening Newspaper (New York [N.Y.]) 1873-1889
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 4, 1873)-v. 50, no. 5129 (Sept. 23, 1889). "An illustrated evening newspaper." "Four editions daily." Special issues accompany some numbers. Also issued on microfilm from the N.Y. State Library, the New York Public Library, and the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Weekly eds.: Weekly graphic (New York, N.Y. : 1874), 1874, and: Weekly graphic (New York,…
The Daily Palladium (Oswego, N.Y.) 1890-1908
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 27, no. 102 (May 1, 1890)-v. 45, no. 218 (Oct. 10, 1908). Available on microfilm from Oswego County Library System. Other eds.: Oswego weekly palladium, 1890-1906; Oswego semi-weekly palladium, 1906-1908. Oswego palladium (Oswego, N.Y. : 1908 : Daily) (DLC)sn 88075670 (OCoLC)17722141
Essex County Republican (Keeseville, Essex County, N.Y.) 1839-1989
Weekly Began in Sept. 1839. Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers, 1937. -v. 148, no. 17 (Apr. 5, 1989). Called "Keeseville ed.", <1905-1933>. Publishers: Wendell Lansing, <1840>; N.J. Milliken & J.F. Morgan, <1844>; Jonathan Tarbell, <1851-1853>; N.C. Boynton, <1864>; W. Lansing & Son, <1875-1876>; Essex County Republican Co., <1908-1911>. Editors: Jonathan Tarbell, <1851-1853>; J.W. Reynolds, <1858>; Wendell Lansing, <1875-1876>. "Whig," <1852>; "American, " <1853>; "Republican,…
The Evening Post (New York [N.Y.]) 1832-1920
Daily (except Sunday) No. 9413 (Oct. 17, 1832)-no. 12115 (Jan. 3, 1842) ; v. 40, no. 1 (Jan. 5, 1842)-v. 119, no. 307 (Nov. 15, 1920). Publishers: William G. Boggs, <1844> ; William C. Bryant & Co., <1847-1879> ; Evening Post Pub. Co., <1883>. Issue for Nov. 16, 1901 has supplement called "1801 One hundredth anniversary supplement 1901." Also issued on microfilm from the…
Bryant, William Cullen
The Examiner and Chronicle (New-York [N.Y.]) 1865-1881
Weekly Vol. 42, no. 8 (Mar. 2, 1865)-v. 58, no. 49 (Dec. 8, 1881). Printer: Thomas A. Pettegrew, <1865> Volumes for Mar. 2, 1865-Feb. 26, 1874 continue the numbering of both the Examiner, v. 42, no. 8-v. 51, no. 9, and the Chronicle, v. 19, no. 39-v. 28, no. 40; issues for Mar. 5, 1874-1881 assume the numbering of the Examiner. Also issued on…
Fayetteville Bulletin (Fayetteville, N.Y.) 1895-1933
Weekly Began in 1895 Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. -v. 38, no. 30 (July 27, 1933). Published on Friday. "A bright and modern country weekly." Description based on: Vol. 3, no. 22 (Aug. 9, 1901). Manlius eagle (Manlius, N.Y. : 1902) (DLC)sn 91066037 (OCoLC)23173423 Eagle-bulletin (Fayetteville, N.Y. : 1933) (DLC)sn 84031467
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper (New York, N.Y.) 1855-1891
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 15, 1855)-v. 73, no. 1889 (Nov. 28, 1891). Has supplements. Also issued on microfilm from Library of Congress Photoduplication Service. Also issued on microfilm from UMI. German language ed.: Frank Leslie's illustrirte Zeitung, 1857-1891. Frank Leslie's illustrated weekly (DLC)sn 98068089 (OCoLC)8781041
Fulton Patriot ([Fulton, N.Y.]) 1846-1858
Weekly Began in 1846; ceased in 1858. Publisher: John A. Place, <1850>. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 36 (May 5, 1847). Oswego County gazette (DLC)sn 85026433 (OCoLC)12223440 Fulton patriot and gazette (DLC)sn 83031015 (OCoLC)9741842
The Fulton Patriot (Fulton, N.Y.) 1892-Current
Weekly Began in 1892. Publishers: Frank M. Cornell, <1899-1900>; Leroy N. Hodge, <1988-1993>. Published at: Fulton and Oswego Falls, N.Y., -Feb. 12, 1902. Published as both: The Fulton patriot, and: The Patriot, <1989-1993>. Description based on: 63rd year, no. 2 (Jan. 13, 1899). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 148, no. 3 (Jan. 19, 1993).
Fulton Patriot and Gazette (Fulton, N.Y.) 1858-1892
Weekly Began in 1858; ceased in 1892. Publishers: Bennett Bros., <1873>. Available on microfilm. Description based on: New ser., vol. 3, no. 5 (Dec. 19, 1860). Latest issue consulted: New ser., vol. 31, no. 36 (Sept. 7, 1888). Fulton patriot (Fulton, N.Y. : 1892) (DLC)sn 88074584 (OCoLC)18230060
The Fulton Times (Fulton, N.Y.) 1868-191?
Weekly Began in June 1868. Cf. Fulton, N.Y., 1901. Daily ed.: Fulton evening times. Description based on: Vol. 5, no. 42 (Mar. 19, 1873). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 47, no. 6 (Dec. 9, 1914).
The Hampden Post (Springfield, Mass.) 1838-1854
Weekly Vol. 9, no. 37 (Sept. 12, 1838)-[v. 25, no. 31] (Aug. 2, 1854) = whole no. 447-1270. Proprietors: Erasmus D. Beach, 1838-1843; Alanson Hawley, <1843>; D.S. Ruddock & Co., <1844>; D.F. Ashley, <1845-1852>. Editors: E.D. Beach, 1838-1843; A. Hawley, <1843-1845>; Wm. L. Smith, D.F. Ashley, <1848-1851>; W. Trench, <1852>.
Beach, Erasmus D.
Hannibal News (Hannibal, N.Y.) 1876-1879
Weekly Began in Dec. 1876; ceased in June 1879. Cf. Churchill, J.C. Landmarks of Oswego County N.Y., 1895. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 23 (May 23, 1877). Hannibal reveille (DLC)sn 83031389 (OCoLC)9868944 Hannibal news and reveille (Hannibal, N.Y. : 1879) (DLC)sn 94057604 (OCoLC)30524228
Hannibal Reveille (Hannibal [N.Y.]) 1866-1879
Weekly, 1873-1879 Began Oct. 1866; ceased in June 1879. Cf. Churchill, J.C. Landmarks of Oswego County N.Y., 1895. Proprietors: George V. Emens, D.D.S., 1866-1873; A.N. Brandt, 1873-1879. Editor: George V. Emens, <1867-1873>. Published on Thursday, <1873>. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 8 (Nov. 1, 1867). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 7, no. 10 (Mar. 27, 1873). Hannibal news (Hannibal, N.Y. : 1876) (DLC)sn 94057663…
The Home Journal (New-York [N.Y.]) 1846-1901
Weekly New ser., no. 1 (Nov. 21, 1846)- = Whole no. 41- Ceased Mar. 23, 1901. Published every Saturday. "The first series of a new series of the National Press, remodelled and improved, is issued this day under the title of The Home Journal." "For the cultivation of the memorable, the progressive, and the beautiful." Editors: Geo. P. Morris and N.P. Willis, 1846- Supplements…
Willis, Nathaniel Parker - Morris, George Pope
Indiana Sentinel (Connersville, Ind.) 1832-183?
Weekly Began with: Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 2, 1832). "Whig" Cf. Miller, John W. Indiana newspaper bibliog. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 2, 1832); title from masthead. Latest issue consulted: Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 2, 1832). Indiana sentinel, and working man's advocate (DLC)sn 85054338
The Lakeside Press (Cleveland, N.Y.) 1873-1936
Weekly Began in 1873. Cf. Churchill, J.C. Landmarks of Oswego County N.Y., 1895. Ceased in 1936? Editor: Charles R. King, <1876>; Mrs. H.J. Beebe, <1930>. Publishers: Charles R. King, <1876-1886>; E.A. Blair, <1911>; Hugh Parker, <1930>. Also issued on microfilm from the New York State Library. Description based on: Vol. 3, no. 50 (July 15, 1876). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 58, no. 6 (Feb.…
The Louisville Daily Journal (Louisville, Ky.) 1833-1868
Daily Began in 1833. -v. 38, no. 295 (Nov. 7, 1868). Published as: Louisville journal, with no masthead -Mar. 18, 1839. Publishers: Prentice & Weissinger, <1840>; Prentice, Henderson & Osborne, -May 17, 1867; Journal Office Co., May 18, 1867; Louisville Journal Co., May 20, 1867-<1868> Available on microfilm from Bell & Howell. Evening eds.: Louisville evening bulletin; Evening bulletin (Louisville, Ky.). Campaign ed.: Louisville…
Prentice, George D. (George Denison)
The Maryland Journal, and the Baltimore Advertiser (Baltimore [Md.]) 1773-1794
Semiweekly, Oct.-Dec. 1794 Vol. 1, no. 1 (Aug. 20, 1773)-v. 21, no. 63 (Dec. 30, 1794). Publisher varies: W. Goddard and James Angell, - Published as: Maryland journal and Baltimore advertiser, Aug. 21, 1776-Dec 30, 1794. Available on Microfilm from: Zepp Microfilming Service, Inc. ; Microfilming Corp. of America, Birth of America Series. Merged with: Edward's Baltimore daily advertiser, to form: Maryland journal, and…
Angell, James - Goddard, William
Morning Herald (Titusville [Pa.]) 1865-1869
Daily Began Sept. 17, 1865? -v. 6, no. 143 (Nov. 30, 1869). "The only daily paper in the oil regions." Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 1 (Sept. 18, 1865). Titusville morning herald (Titusville, Pa. : 1869)
The New Oswego County Messenger (Oswego, N.Y.) 1980-1980
Daily (except Saturday, Sunday and holidays) No. 1 (Oct. 13, 1980)-no. 57 (Dec. 31, 1980). "The local paper by local people." Published by: Oswego News Employees Assoc., Inc., Oct. 15,1980- Oswego County messenger (DLC)sn 93063571 (OCoLC)27453539
New York Herald Tribune (New York [N.Y.]) 1926-1966
Daily Vol. 86, no. 29,051 (May 31, 1926)-v. 126, no. 43,483 (Apr. 24, 1966). Publisher: New York Herald Tribune, Inc., Regular "magazine" issue called: Today's living. Suspended Dec. 1-5, 1953; Dec. 12-28, 1958; Dec. 9, 1962-Mar. 1963; and Sept. 17-26, 1965 due to strikes. Available on microfilm from Recordak Corp., Eastman Kodak Co. and the Micro Photo Div., Bell & Howell Co. Includes: New…