Collection Items
NewspaperAllentown Times (Allentown, Pa.) 1937-1959 Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 12, 1937)-v. 23, no. 37 (July 31, 1959). Editor: Herbert Peterson.
- Date: 1937
NewspaperAllentown Times (Allentown, Pa.) 1932-19?? Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Aug. 21, 1932)- Published every Friday. Publisher: Alexander Fetsko.
- Date: 1932
NewspaperThe American Eagle (Easton [Pa.]) 1799-1805 Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 10, 1799)- Ceased in Nov. 1805? Cf. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers. Evans 35101 Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers, p. 843 In English; includes articles in German, June 22-July 20, 1805. German supplements: Beylage zu dem Americanischen Adler; Beylage zu dem Amerikanischen Adler.
- Contributor: Longcope, Samuel
- Date: 1799
NewspaperAurora (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-182? Triweekly No. 760 (Nov. 7, 1800)- Published at: Frankford, Pa., Aug. 10-Oct. 30, 1802. Each issue dated for two consecutive days. Daily ed.: Aurora general advertiser.
- Date: 1800
NewspaperBaltimore Bulletin (Baltimore, Md.) 1950-19?? Weekly Began in 1950? Publisher: Alexander Fetsko. Editor: James Smithfield. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 2 (June 16, 1950).
- Date: 1950
NewspaperBangor Daily News (Bangor, Pa.) 1???-1958 Daily (except Sat. and Sun.) -Feb. 20, 1958. Editor: W.R. Grubb. Issues for called <51st yr., no. 8>. Description based on: Vol. 12, no 141 (Jan 19, 1916). Daily news (Bangor, Pa. : 1958) (DLC)sn 88079127
- Date: 1???
NewspaperBangor Observer (Bangor, Pa.) 1879-1906 Weekly Began in Mar. 1879; ceased in 1906? Description based on: Vol. 15, no. 18 (June 29, 1893).
- Date: 1879
NewspaperThe Bath News (Bath, Pa.) 1915-1945 Weekly Began in 1915; ceased in 1945? Description based on: Vol. 4, no. 6 (Oct. 11, 1918).
- Date: 1915
NewspaperThe Bath Review (Bath, Pa.) 1907-1909 Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 24, 1907)- Ceased in 1909?
- Date: 1907
NewspaperBauder Shopping Journal (Hellertown, Pa.) 1950-19?? Weekly Began with Jan. 18, 1950 issue. Description based on: 587th issue (Aug. 2, 1972).
- Date: 1950
NewspaperThe Bedford Inquirer (Bedford, Pa.) 1842-1848 Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 24, 1842)-v. 6, no. 33 (Aug. 11, 1848). Early issues called "new ser." Bedford Democratic inquirer (DLC)sn 85025164
- Date: 1842
NewspaperBethlehem Bulletin (Bethlehem, Pa.) 1926-Current Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 19, 1926)- Publishers: M. Janosov, <1926>; Peerless Pub. Co., <1933>; Alexander Fetsko, <1947>; Bernard J. Fetsko, <1985->. Editors: Richard Ernest Fowler, <1941>; James B. Smithfield, <1947>.
- Date: 1926
NewspaperBethlehem Daily Times (Bethlehem, Pa.) 1867-1889 Daily (except Sun.) Began with June 10 or 11, 1867 issue. -v. 22, no. 311 (Feb. 2, 1889). Issued from the same office: Spirit of the times and educator. Available on microfilm from Microfilm Corp. of Pa. Issues for Apr. 7-18, 1874 included: Morning progress (South Bethlehem, Pa.). Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 109 (June 12, 1867). Daily times (Bethlehem, Pa. : 1889)…
- Date: 1867
NewspaperThe Bethlehem Globe (Bethlehem, Pa.) 1920-1925 Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 27, no. 10 (Dec. 31, 1920)-v. 31, no. 257 (Oct. 17, 1925). Also issued on microfilm from Microfilm Corp. of Pa. Bethlehem times (DLC)sn 86063545 Bethlehem globe-times (DLC)sn 85038437
- Date: 1920
NewspaperThe Bethlehem Globe-Times (Bethlehem, Pa.) 1925-1977 Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 59, no. 18,203 (Oct. 19, 1925)-v. 110, no. 34,228 (Sept. 10, 1977). Also issued on microfilm from Microfilm Corp. of Pa. Globe-times (Bethlehem, Pa.) (DLC)sn 87080314
- Date: 1925
NewspaperThe Bethlehem Times (Bethlehem, Pa.) 1892-1925 Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 26, no. 190 (Sept. 12, 1892)-v. 59, no. 218 (Oct. 16, 1925). Bethlehem globe (DLC)sn 87080313 Bethlehem globe-times (DLC)sn 85038437
- Date: 1892
NewspaperCarbon Democrat (Mauch Chunk [i.e. Jim Thorpe], Pa.) 1847-1870 Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 15, 1847)- ; -new ser. v. 3, no. 52 (Aug. 13, 1870). Publishers: Enos Tolan, <1849-1852>; George Bull, <1861>; Enos Tolan & W.H. Hibbs, <1863>; William P. Furey, <1869>. "Democratic." Editors: Enos Tolan, <1849-1852>, <1863>; W.H. Hibbs, <1863>. Issues for -Aug. 13, 1870 called also whole nos.-1185. Suspended in July 1849; resumed with Nov. 17, 1849 issue. Cf.…
- Date: 1847
NewspaperThe Catasauqua Times and Northampton Times (Northampton, Pa.) 1961-1962 Weekly Vol. 1, no. 17 (July 21, 1961)-v. 1, no. 43 (Jan. 26, 1962). "Serving the 7 Big boroughs of the Cement belt." Publisher: Bernard J. Fetsko. Times (Northampton, Pa.) (DLC)sn 88079103
- Date: 1961
NewspaperCatholic Herald (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1872-1873 Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 22, 1872)-v. 3, no. 71 (Nov. 15, 1873). Also issued on microfilm by American Theological Library Association.
- Date: 1872
NewspaperCatholic Standard (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1866-1895 Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 6, 1866)-v. 30, no. 48 (Nov. 30, 1895). Issues for Jan. 12, 1867-Nov. 30, 1895 called also whole no. 54-whole no. 1553. Also issued on microfilm by American Theological Library Association; and Notre Dame Library. Publishers: Mark Wilcox, 1868-1873; Hardy & Mahony, 1873-1893; Charles A. Hardy, 1893-1895. Cf. Pa. Hist. Commission. Merged with: Catholic times (Philadelphia, Pa.), to…
- Date: 1866
NewspaperThe Catholic Standard and Times (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1895-Current Weekly (except July 4th and last week of Dec.), July 13, 1978- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 7, 1895)- Special "commemorative edition" published Apr. 3, 1986. Includes supplements. Also issued on microfilm by American Theological Library Association. Official organ of: Archdiocese of Philadelphia, with the Diocese of Allentown, July 8, 1971-Aug. 3, 1989; of: Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Aug. 10, 1989- Merger of: Catholic standard…
- Date: 1895
NewspaperThe Cement News (Siegfried [i.e. Northampton], Pa.) 1900-1957 Weekly Began in 1900; ceased in 1957? Editor: Edward J. Royer. Description based on: Vol. 13, no. 43 (Sept. 4, 1903).
- Date: 1900
NewspaperCleveland Herald (Cleveland, Ohio) 1950-19?? Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 17, 1950)- Publisher: Alexander Fetsko.
- Date: 1950
NewspaperCorrespondent Und Demokrat (Easton, Pa.) 1861-1875 Weekly Neuer Bd. 1, Nr. 1 (2. Jan., 1861)- Ceased in Dec. 1875. Cf. Arndt & Olson. German lang. press. Publishers: Cole & Morwitz, <1873-1874>. Jan. 2, 1861- issues continue the numbering of: Northampton Correspondent (Easton, Pa. : 1806), and also carry the numbering of: Unabhängige Demokrat (Easton, Pa. : 1854). Issues for <19. Feb., 1873-> called also . Also issued on microfilm. In…
- Date: 1861
NewspaperThe Daily Eastonian (Easton [Pa.]) 1854-18?? Daily (except Sun.), <1857> Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 21, 1854)- Publisher: Samuel L. Cooley, <1857>. Also issued in a weekly edition: Eastonian (Easton, Pa.).
- Date: 1854
NewspaperDaily Evening Express ([Easton, Pa.]) 1860-1865 Daily (except Sun.) Began in 1860? -v. 16, no. 368 (Jan. 20, 1865). The word "daily" appears above masthead ornament. Also issued on microfilm as part of the Civil War newspapers collection. Description based on: Vol. 6, no. 51 (Jan. 5, 1861). Daily evening express and Lehigh Valley advertiser (DLC)sn 85054610 (OCoLC)12075154
- Date: 1860
NewspaperDaily Evening Express and Lehigh Valley Advertiser ([Easton, Pa.]) 1865-1865 Daily (except Sunday) Jan. 21, 1865-Nov. 4, 1865. The word "daily" appears above masthead ornament. Issues for Jan. 21, 1865- called also v. 16, no. 368- Easton daily express (Easton, Northampton County, Pa. : 1865) (DLC)sn 85054609 (OCoLC)12075151
- Date: 1865
NewspaperThe Daily Express (Easton [Pa.]) 1866-1867 Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 24, no. 39 (Nov. 23, 1866)-v. 25, [no.] 60 (June 17, 1867). Also issued on microfilm as part of the Civil War newspapers collection. Easton express (Easton, Northampton County, Pa. : 1867) (DLC)sn 83032033 (OCoLC)2260568
- Date: 1866
NewspaperDaily Free Press (Easton, Pa.) 1875-1887 Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 17, no. 51 (Apr. 1, 1875)- ; -21st year, no. 292 (Sept. 21, 1887). Free press (Easton, Pa. : Daily) (DLC)sn 86053434
- Date: 1875
NewspaperDaily Globe (South Bethlehem, Pa.) 1894-1897 Daily Began in 1894. Cf. Ayer, 1898. -v. 3, no. 250 (Oct. 23, 1897). Supplements accompany some issues. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 11 (Jan. 1, 1895). Globe (South Bethlehem, Pa.) (DLC)sn 86063530
- Date: 1894
NewspaperThe Daily News (Bangor, Pa) 1894-1??? Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Aug. 6, 1894)- Bangor daily news (Bangor, Pa.) (DLC)sn 88079130
- Date: 1894
NewspaperDaily Times (Bethlehem, Pa.) 1867-1867 Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 4, 1867)-v. 1, no. 107 (June 8, 1867). Also issued on microfilm from Microfilm Corp. of Pa. Bethlehem daily times (DLC)sn 83031994
- Date: 1867
NewspaperDaily Times (Bethlehem, Pa.) 1889-1892 Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 23, no. 1 (Feb. 4, 1889)-v. 26, no. 189 (Sept. 10, 1892). Also issued on microfilm from Microfilm Corp. of Pa. Bethlehem times (DLC)sn 86063545
- Date: 1889
NewspaperThe Democrat & Argus (Easton, Pa.) 1830-1849 Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 17, 1830)- ; -n.s. v. 5, no. 52 (Mar. 8, 1849). Published as: Democrat and Argus, <1848>. The word "and" printed below masthead ornament, <1841>. Imprint varies: Printed ... by Samuel Innes, <1831>; William H. Hutter, <1848>. "Democratic Republican," <1831-1848>. Editor: William H. Hutter, <1848>. Issues for -Mar. 8, 1849 called also -old ser. v. 18, no. 10.…
- Date: 1830
NewspaperDer Northampton Advertiser, Und Allentaun Gazette (Northampton [Allentown, Pa.]) 1807-1810 Weekly Began in 1807; ceased in 1810. Cf. Rossell, G. Pa. newspapers. Description based on: No. 31 (17. Sept., 1808).
- Date: 1807
NewspaperDer Northampton Correspondent (Easton, Pa.) 1806-1860 Weekly Nr. 1 (25. Jan. 1806)- Ceased in Dec. 1860. Cf. Arndt & Olson. German lang. press. Published from the same office: Pennsylvania herald, and Easton intelligencer; People's instructor; Easton centinel. Issue for called also . Available on microfilm from Recordak Corp. In German. Unabhängige Demokrat (Easton, Northampton County, Pa. : 1854) (DLC)sn 86083315 Correspondent und Demokrat (DLC)sn 84026722
- Contributor: Hütter, Christian Jacob - Hütter, Georg Christian - Hütter, Charles Lewis
- Date: 1806
NewspaperDer Northampton Correspondent Und Allgemeiner Deutscher Anzeiger (Easton, Pa.) 18??-18?? Weekly Issues for Sept. 14, 1843- called also Bd. 5, Nr. 11- Issues for called also . Available on microfilm from Recordak Corp. Description based on: Bd. 42, Nr. 48 (Sept. 14, 1843).
- Date: 18??
NewspaperDer Unabhängige Demokrat (Easton, Pa.) 1854-1860 Weekly Bd. 6, Nr. 18 (März 9, 1854)-Bd. 13, Nr. 8 (Dec. 19, 1860). Issues for -Dec. 19, 1860 called also -Ganze Nr. 906. Available on microfilm. Northampton Correspondent (Easton, Northampton County, Pa. : 1806) (DLC)sn 83025970 Correspondent und Demokrat (DLC)sn 84026722
- Date: 1854
NewspaperDer Unabhangige Demokrat Und Northampton Und Carbon Caunties Anzeiger (Easton, Pa.) 1847-1847 Weekly Bd. 1, Nr. 1 (14. Jan. 1847)-Bd. 1, Nr. 5 (11. Feb. 1847) = Ganze Nr. 175-Ganze Nr. 179. Unabhängige Demokrat und Northampton und Monroe Caunties Anzeiger (DLC)sn 86071367
- Date: 1847
NewspaperDer Unabhängige Demokrat Und Northampton Und Monroe Caunties Allgemeiner Neuigkeits-Bote (Easton, Pa.) 1850-1854 Weekly Bd. 3, Nr. 4 (Dec. 5, 1850)-Bd. 6, Nr. 17 (März 2, 1854) = Ganze Nr. 377-Ganze Nr. 551. Available on microfilm. Unabhängige Demokrat (Easton, Northampton County, Pa. : 1854) (DLC)sn 86083315
- Date: 1850
NewspaperDer Unabhängige Demokrat Und Northampton Und Monroe Caunties Anzeiger (Easton, Pa.) 1847-1850 Weekly Bd. 1, Nr. 6 (18. Feb. 1847)-Bd. 3, Nr. 3 (Nov. 28, 1850) = Ganze Nr. 180-Ganze Nr. 376. Unabhängige Demokrat und Northampton und Monroe Caunties allgemeiner Neuigkeits-Bote (DLC)sn 86083314
- Date: 1847
NewspaperThe Easton Argus ([Easton, Pa.]) 1853-1869 Weekly Vol. 26, no. 48 (Feb. 10, 1853)-v. 42, no. 52 (Mar. 4, 1869). Easton weekly Argus (DLC)sn 83032032
- Date: 1853
NewspaperThe Easton Centinel (Easton, Pa.) 1817-1834 Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 11, 1817) ; -n.s. v. 1, no. 26 (Feb. 14, 1834). Published from the same office: Northampton Correspondent. Shaw & Shoemaker 40718 Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers, p. 843 Issues for -Feb. 14, 1834 called also -old ser., v. 17, no. 32. Also issued on microfilm from Micro Photo Division of Bell and Howell. Easton sentinel (Easton, Northampton County,…
- Contributor: Hütter, Christian Jacob - Hütter, Georg Christian
- Date: 1817
NewspaperEaston Daily Argus (Easton, Pa.) 186?-1917 Daily (except Sun.) Ceased in 1917? Publishers: J.P. Correll & Oliver L. Fehr, <1879>; O.L. Fehr, <1890>. On Sept. 22, 1879 publisher started a new numbering. Vol. 2, no. 128 (May 3, 1869). Easton express (Easton, Northampton County, Pa. : 1867) (DLC)sn 83032033 (OCoLC)2260568 Easton express, Easton Argus (DLC)sn 87078430 (OCoLC)15027041
- Date: 186?
NewspaperEaston Daily Express ([Easton, Pa.]) 1855-1860 Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 5, 1855)- Ceased in 1860? Daily evening express (Easton, Northampton County, Pa.) (DLC)sn 85054607 (OCoLC)12074687
- Date: 1855
NewspaperThe Easton Daily Express (Easton, Pa.) 1865-1866 Daily (except Sunday) Nov. 6, 1865-Nov. 22, 1866. Some issues lack vol. and numbering designation. Issues for -Nov. 22, 1866 called -v. 24, no. 39. Also issued on microfilm as part of the Civil War newspapers collection. Daily express (Easton, Northampton County, Pa. : 1866) (DLC)sn 85054611 (OCoLC)12075142
- Date: 1865
NewspaperThe Easton Daily Free Press (Easton, Pa.) 1866-1869 Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 25, 1866)-v. 6, no. 43 (Apr. 17, 1869). Publisher: J.K. Dawes, <1867>. "Radical Republican." Also issued on microfilm from Micro Photo Div. of Bell and Howell. Evening free press (Easton, Pa.) (DLC)sn 88079117
- Date: 1866
NewspaperThe Easton Daily Free Press (Easton, Pa.) 1872-1875 Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 11, no. 130 (Aug. 1, 1872)-v. 17, no. 50 (Mar. 31, 1875). Also issued on microfilm from Micro Photo Div. of Bell and Howell. Daily free press (Easton, Pa.) (DLC)sn 88079158
- Date: 1872