Albany Atlas (Albany [N.Y.]) 1844-1853
Semiweekly Vol. 1, no. 1, (Mar. 1, 1844)-v. 10, no. 1105 (Oct. 14, 1853). Publisher: Henry H. Van Dyck, 1846-<1851>. "Democratic." Editors: James M. French, 1844-1846; William Cassidy, 1844-<1851>; Henry H. Van Dyck, 1846-<1851>. Daily ed.: Albany evening Atlas (Albany, N.Y. : 1843). Weekly eds.: Albany weekly Atlas (Albany, N.Y. : 1843), 1844-1846; Weekly Atlas (Albany, N.Y.), 1846-1852; Albany Atlas (Albany, N.Y. : 1852),…
Alexander's Express Messenger (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1844-1846
Weekly Jan. 3, 1844-Dec. 30, 1846. "Express" appears within title ornament in smaller type. "Dedicated to the ladies, and heads of families --- the merchant, the mechanic, the farmer, and the moralist." Alexander's pictorial messenger (DLC)sn 86072017
Alexander, Charles
Alexander's Weekly Messenger (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1838-184?
Weekly Vol. 2, no. 1 (Jan. 3, 1838)-v. 4, no. 27 (July 1, 1840) ; July 15, 1840- "Weekly" appears within title ornament in small type. Not published July 8, 1840. Latest issue consulted: Dec. 30, 1840. Alexander's express messenger: and Philadelphia weekly chronicle (DLC)sn 87052011 (OCoLC)2257149
American Eagle (Litchfield, Conn.) 1822-182?
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 9, 1822)- Issue for May 4, 1826 is American eagle supplement. Published at New Haven, Conn., Mar. 7, 1826- Issues for published by I. Bunce. Issues for Mar. 7, 1826- also called New ser., no. 1- Also issued online. Continues: Miscellany, or, Juvenile folio. Cf. History of Litchfield Co., Conn., 1881.
American Minerva : An Evening Advertiser (New-York [N.Y.]) 1795-1796
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 2, no. 436 (May 6, 1795)-v. 3, no. 820 (Apr. 30, 1796). Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 609 Also issued in microform from Readex Microprint Corp., and the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Semiweekly ed.: Herald; a gazette for the country. Minerva, & mercantile evening advertiser (DLC)sn 83030356 (OCoLC)9455779
Bunce, George - Webster, Noah
The American Naval and Commercial Register (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1795
Semiweekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 25, 1795)-v. 1, no. 7 (Dec. 19, 1795). Printers: J. Ormrod and E. Conrad. Also issued in microform from Readex Microprint Corp. Finlay's American naval and commercial register (DLC)sn 83025876 (OCoLC)9855545
American Sentinel (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1824-184?
Daily Vol. 8, no. 2336 (Mar. 8, 1824)- Ceased in Apr. 1847? Publishers: Jacob Frick & Co., <1824-1827>; Peter Hay & Co., <1829-1840>; John H. Frick, <1845-1846>. Also issued on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Weekly ed.: American sentinel (Philadelphia, Pa. : Weekly), 1824-<1836>. Triweekly ed.: American sentinel, and mercantile advertiser (Philadelphia, Pa. : Triweekly), 1824-<1845>. Cummings' evening telegraphic bulletin (DLC)sn…
The American Weekly Mercury (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1719-1749
Weekly Dec. 22, 1719- Ceased in 1749. "The first newspaper published in the middle colonies, and the fourth in order of time, published in America." Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 890 Available on microopaque and microfilm from Readex Microprint Corp. and on microfilm from Graphic Service Corp.
Bradford, Andrew
American Weekly Messenger (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1837-1837
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 4, 1837)-v. 1, no. 52 (Dec. 27, 1837). "Weekly" appears within title ornament in small type. Published every Wednesday. Vol. 1, no. 23 misnumbered 22. Alexander's weekly messenger (DLC)sn 84031759
American, and Commercial Daily Advertiser (Baltimore [Md.]) 1802-1853
Daily (except Sunday) Began in Sept. 1802. -v. 108, no. 17890 (Dec. 31, 1853). Publisher varies: Pechin & Frailey, <1804>; Dobbin, Murphy & Bose Contains several numbering irregularities. Accompanied by occasional supplements. Also issued on microfilm from University Microfilms. Description based on: Vol. 5, no. 1034 (Sept. 4, 1802). American and commercial advertiser (Baltimore, Md. : 1854) 2325-3177 (DLC)sn 85042111 (OCoLC)11779116
Amerikanischer Republikaner (Pottsville, Pa.) 1855-1909
Weekly Began in Sept. 1855; ceased in 1909? Cf. Arndt & Olson. German lang. press. Publishers: John P. Bertram, <1861>; Aaron E. Snyder & Casper Liebner, <1862->; Aaron E. Snyder, <1874-1876>. Republican. Cf. Arndt & Olson. German lang. press. In German; some notices in English. Description based on: Jahrg. 6, Nr. 44 (19. Juli 1861).
The Atlas (New-York [N.Y.]) 1830-1833
Weekly Vol. 3, no. 1 (Sept. 18, 1830)-v. 5, no. 52 (Sept. 7, 1833) ; v. 5, no. 1 sup. (Sept. 14, 1833)- Ceased Nov. 2, 1833. "A select literary and historical journal." Imprint varies: Eustis Prescott & Co., 1832-1833; Prescott, Swinborne & Co., 1833; Published ... for the Proprietors ... by Swinborne, Rogers & Co., 1833. Also issued on microfilm from the New…
Augusta Herald (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822
Semiweekly, 1816-1822 Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 17, 1799)- Ceased in 1822? Imprint varies: Printed by William J. Bunce, 1800-1804; William J. Hobby & William J. Bunce, 1804-<1815>.
Aurora (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-182?
Triweekly No. 760 (Nov. 7, 1800)- Published at: Frankford, Pa., Aug. 10-Oct. 30, 1802. Each issue dated for two consecutive days. Daily ed.: Aurora general advertiser.
Aurora & Pennsylvania Gazette (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1828-1829
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 16, no. 83 (Apr. 14, 1828)-v. 17, no. 314 (Dec. 31, 1829). Available on microfilm from the New York Public Library and the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Daily ed. of: Weekly Aurora; Aurora and Pennsylvania gazette.
Aurora and Franklin Gazette (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1824-1828
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 14, no. 2067 (Nov. 22, 1824)-v. 16, no. 82 (Apr. 12, 1828). Also issued in a weekly ed. Available on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Triweekly ed.: Aurora & Franklin gazette. Pennsylvania gazette (Philadelphia, Pa. : 1827 : Daily) (DLC)sn 86081874 (OCoLC)14409799 Aurora & Pennsylvania gazette 2638-6739 (DLC)sn 84026019 (OCoLC)10260705
Aurora General Advertiser (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1824
Daily (except Sunday) No. 1224 (Nov. 8, 1794)-v. 34, whole no. 12, 233 (Nov. 19, 1824). "Aurora" appears within title ornament in smaller type. Motto: "Surgo ut prosim." Imprint varies: Published at Bristol, Pa., Aug. 30-Oct. 19, 1799. Suspended with issue for Sept. 10, 1798 due to the death of publisher. Resumed with issue for Nov. 1, 1798. Available on microfilm from the Micro…
Duane, William J. (William John) - Bache, Benjamin Franklin
Baltimore Evening Post (Baltimore, Md.) 1805-1811
Triweekly Began in Mar. 1805? Ceased in 1811. Sometimes published with column heading: Evening post; Evening post for the country. Daily eds.: Baltimore evening post, mercantile daily advertiser, Mar.-June 8, 1805, and: Baltimore evening post (Baltimore, Md. : Daily), June 10, 1805-1811. Description based on: Apr. 2, 1805.
Baltimore Price Current ([Baltimore, Md.]) 1813-1830
Weekly No. 531 (June 26, 1813)-no. 1392 (Dec. 25, 1830). Printed by: Joseph Robinson, 96 Market St. Published at: Merchants Coffee-House, 36 South St. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 247 Gregory, Winifred. American Newspapers 1821-1936 p. 260 Available on microfilm from Readex (Early American Newspapers).
Baltimore Weekly Price Current ([Baltimore, Md.]) 1805-1813
Weekly No. 99 (Jan. 3, 1805)-no. 530 (June 12, 1813). Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 247 Gregory, W. American newspapers 1821-1836 p. 260 Available on microfilm from Readex (Early American Newspapers). Baltimore price current (Baltimore, Md. : 1813) (DLC)sn 88065022 (OCoLC)18311016
The Baltimore Whig (Baltimore, Md.) 1810-1814
Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 6, no. 817 (July 2, 1810)-May 6, 1814. Also issued on microfilm from the New York Public Library. American, and commercial daily advertiser (Baltimore, Md. : Daily) 2325-3169 (DLC)sn 84031211 (OCoLC)2257236
The Berks and Schuylkill Journal (Reading, Pa.) 1816-1910
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 8, 1816)-v. 97, no. 87 (Dec. 31, 1910). Publishers: George Getz, 1816-<1831>; John S. Richards, <1840>; Jacob Knabb, <1854>; J. Knabb & Co., <1869-1876>. Proprietors: Jacob Knabb, Jacob K. Sterrett & Thomas C. Zimmerman, <1876>. "Republican," <1876>. Shaw & Shoemaker 36934 Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers, p. 969 Supplements accompany some issues. Daily eds.: Reading times and dispatch, 1870-1881,…
Getz, George
The Boston Evening-Post (Boston [Mass.]) 1735-1775
Weekly No. 203 (Aug. 18, 1735) ; no. 2 (Aug. 25, 1735)-no. 2065 (Apr. 24, 1775). "Printed by T. Fleet at the Heart & Crown in Cornhill." Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 290 Also issued on microopaque and microfilm by Readex Microprint Corp.
The Boston Gazette, Or, Country Journal (Boston [Mass.]) 1755-1793
Weekly No. 1 (Apr. 7, 1755)-no. 2048 (Dec. 30, 1793). Title varies: Boston-gazette, and country journal, Apr. 12, 1756-Apr. 5, 1779; Boston gazette, and the country journal, Apr. 12, 1779-Dec. 30, 1793. Published in Watertown, Mass., June 5, 1775-Oct. 28, 1776. Suspended with Apr. 17, 1775 issue; resumed June 5, 1775. Also issued on microopaque and microfilm from Readex Microprint Corp. ; Microfilming Corp.…
Edes, Benjamin - Gill, John
Boston Patriot (Boston [Mass.]) 1809-1816
Semiweekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 3, 1809)-v. 14, no. 52 (Mar. 6, 1816). Publishers: Everett & Munroe, 1809-Mar. 7, 1810; Isaac Munroe, Mar. 10, 1810-May 1, 1811; Munroe & French, May 4, 1811-1813; D.C. Ballard, 1814-1816. Prospectus issued Feb. 10, 1809. Editor: David Everett, Mar. 10, 1810-Oct. 23, 1811. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 332 Vol. 7, no. 1 (Mar. 14, 1812)-v. 114,…
Everett, David
The Boston Post-Boy & Advertiser (Boston [Mass.]) 1763-1769
Weekly No. 302 (May 30, 1763)-no. 632 (Sept. 25, 1769). Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 335 Also issued on microopaque and microfilm from Readex Microprint Corp. Issued with odd numbers of the Massachusetts gazette (Boston, Mass. : 1768), May 23, 1768-1769. Massachusetts gazette, and the Boston post-boy and advertiser 2638-1133 (DLC)sn 83020609 (OCoLC)9451014
Bowen's Virginia Centinel & Gazette, Or, the Winchester Political Repository ([Winchester, Va.]) 1790-1796
Weekly Began in Apr. 1790. -v. 8, no. 411 (Feb. 19, 1796). Title varies slightly: Bowen's Virginia centinel & gazette, or, The Winchester repository, <1793-1795>; Virginia centinel and gazette, or, The Winchester repository, <1795>. The name Bowen appears over ornament, <1793>. Supplements accompany some issues. Description based on: Vol. 3, no. 112 (May 26, 1790). Bowen's Virginia gazette and the Winchester centinel (DLC)sn 94055773…
Bowen, Richard
Carbon Democrat (Mauch Chunk [i.e. Jim Thorpe], Pa.) 1847-1870
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 15, 1847)- ; -new ser. v. 3, no. 52 (Aug. 13, 1870). Publishers: Enos Tolan, <1849-1852>; George Bull, <1861>; Enos Tolan & W.H. Hibbs, <1863>; William P. Furey, <1869>. "Democratic." Editors: Enos Tolan, <1849-1852>, <1863>; W.H. Hibbs, <1863>. Issues for -Aug. 13, 1870 called also whole nos.-1185. Suspended in July 1849; resumed with Nov. 17, 1849 issue. Cf.…
The Charleston Daily Courier (Charleston, S.C.) 1852-1873
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 51 [i.e. 50], no. 15154 (July 1, 1852)-v. 71, no. 22512 (Apr. 5, 1873). Published: Charlston, SC. : Confederate States of America, or C.S.A., <1861-1863> Issues for Feb. 24, 1865-Nov. 18, 1865 called new ser., v. 1, no. 4-n.s., v. 1, no. 228. Available on microfilm from Bell & Howell Information and Learning. Merged with: Charleston daily news, to become:…
The Charleston Evening News (Charleston [S.C.]) 1845-1861
Daily (except Sun.) Began with Oct. 1, 1845 issue; ceased in 1861. Cf. NIM. Publishers: J.N. Cardozo, <1845>; Cardozo & Paxton, <1847>; W.Y. Paxton, <1852>; John Cunningham & Co., <1859>. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 61 (Dec. 11, 1845).
The Charleston Mercury (Charleston, S.C.) 1825-1868
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 4, no. 1036 (May 16, 1825)-v. 91, no. 12908 (Nov. 16, 1868). Suspended Feb. 12, 1865-Nov. 18, 1866. Available on microfilm from Micro Photo Div., Bell & Howell Co., and the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Triweekly eds.: Charleston mercury (Charleston, S.C. : Triweekly), <1827>-1861, and: Tri-weekly mercury, 1861-1868.
The Charleston Mercury (Charleston, S.C.) 182?-1861
Triweekly -v. 79, no. 11271 (Oct. 5, 1861). Publishers: Heart & Rhett, <1858>; R.B. Rhett, Jr., 1858-1861. Crandall: 5137. Numbering is irregular. Daily ed.: Charleston Mercury (Charleston, S.C. : 1825), <1827>-1861. Description based on: June 18/19, 1827. Tri-weekly Mercury (DLC)sn 83045169 (OCoLC)9334909
The City Gazette, and the Daily Advertiser (Charleston) 1787-1803
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 5, no. 786 (Nov. 6, 1787)-v. 22, no. 5,078 (Dec. 31, 1803). "Charleston" appears within the title ornament, 1792-1795. Available on microfilm from Readex Microprint Corp., and the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Weekly ed.: Carolina gazette, 1798-1804. City gazette (Charleston, S.C. : 1804) (DLC)sn 85041110 (OCoLC)12394718
The City Item (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1847-1850
Weekly Began with Sept. 25, 1847 issue. Cf. Rossell, G.E. Pa. newspapers. Ceased with Feb. 9, 1850 issue. At head of title, Dec. 30, 1848-Mar. 17, 1849: Philadelphia. Edition statement dropped, Mar. 24, 1849. Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 20 (Aug. 12, 1848). Fitzgerald's city item (DLC)sn 86077104 (OCoLC)13998750