Alameda County Gazette (San Leandro [Calif.]) 1856-1876
Weekly Began in 1856. -v. 21, no. [29] (Dec. 29, 1876). Published in: Oakland, Calif., 1873-Dec. 29, 1876. Numbering is irregular. Master negatives are available for duplication from: California Newspaper Microfilm Archive; for further information consult the CNMA at: Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 3 (Aug. 30, 1856). Oakland weekly transcript and Alameda County gazette (DLC)sn 92069013
Alta California (San Francisco, Calif.) 1849-1850
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 4, 1849)- Ceased Jan. 21, 1850. Available on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service and Recordak Corp. Master negatives are available for duplication from: California Newspaper Microfilm Archive; for further information consult the CNMA at: Weekly alta California (DLC)sn 84025972 (OCoLC)10855184
The Amador Dispatch (Jackson, Cal.) 18??-1989
Daily, Nov. 7, 1977-June 5, 1989 -v. 131, no. 82 (June 5, 1989). Publishers: Dan & Marge Barnett, <1984>. Published with the corresponding day of the week preceding the title, Nov. 10-Dec. 19, 1986. On Fridays published as: Amador dispatch weekender, Oct. 10, 1980-Nov. 2, 1984. Suspended for a time during the Civil War. Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. Master negatives are available for…
Boston Cultivator ([Boston, Mass.]) 1841-1876
Weekly Vol. 3, no. 44 (Oct. 30, 1841)-v. 38, no. 46 (Nov. 11, 1876). Vol. 25, no. 7 (Feb. 14, 1863)-v. 38, no. 46 (Nov. 11, 1876) called also whole no. 1259-1971. Vol. 10, no. 24 (June 10, 1848). New England rural home American cultivator (DLC)sn 91057084 (OCoLC)9219789
Boston Daily Advertiser (Boston, Mass.) 1836-1921
Daily Vol. 42, no. 13686 (Jan. 1, 1836)-v. 218, no. 221 (Aug. 9, 1921). Vol. 84, no. 132 (Dec. 5, 1854)-v. 157, no. 53 (Mar. 3, 1891) called also no. 12636-5056. Also issued on microfilm from Graphic Microfilm of New England, and the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Semiweekly eds.: Independent chronicle & Boston patriot (Boston, Mass. : Semiweekly), 1836-1840, and: Boston semi-weekly advertiser,…
The Boston Gazette, Or, Country Journal (Boston [Mass.]) 1755-1793
Weekly No. 1 (Apr. 7, 1755)-no. 2048 (Dec. 30, 1793). Title varies: Boston-gazette, and country journal, Apr. 12, 1756-Apr. 5, 1779; Boston gazette, and the country journal, Apr. 12, 1779-Dec. 30, 1793. Published in Watertown, Mass., June 5, 1775-Oct. 28, 1776. Suspended with Apr. 17, 1775 issue; resumed June 5, 1775. Also issued on microopaque and microfilm from Readex Microprint Corp. ; Microfilming Corp.…
Edes, Benjamin - Gill, John
Boston Journal for California (Boston [Mass.]) 1848-18??
Irregular Began in 1848. "The Boston journal for California will be published immediately previous to the closing of the great mails for California." Available at selected locations in San Francisco. Semiweekly ed.: Boston journal (Boston, Mass. : Semiweekly), 1848-1849, and: Boston semi-weekly journal, 1849-18. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 5 (Jan. 28, 1849).
Boston Semi-Weekly Advertiser (Boston, Mass.) 1840-1879
Semiweekly Vol. 77, no. 6166 (May 27, 1840)- Ceased in 1879? Editors: Charles Hale, Charles F. Dunbar, <1865>. Published by Charles Hale, 1853-<1863>; Charles Hale & Co., 1864-1865; Dunbar, Waters & Co., 1865-1869; Daily Advertiser Co., 1869- Printers: Clark, Homer & Lillie, <1840>. Also issued on microfilm from Spaulding Co., Graphic Microfilm Division, Stoughton, Mass. Formed by the union of: Boston commercial gazette (Boston,…
Dunbar, Charles Franklin - Hale, Nathan - Hale, Charles
Bridgeport Chronicle-Union (Bridgeport, Mono County, Cal.) 1880-1930
Weekly Began in 1880. -Dec. 13, 1930. Published daily during the aftermath of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake as: Daily chronicle-union, Apr. 23-27, 1906, and numbered vol. 1, no. 1-v. 1, no. 5. Master negatives are available for duplication from: California Newspaper Microfilm Archive; for further information consult the CNMA at: Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 26 (Nov. 6, 1880) = v.…
Brother Jonathan (New York [N.Y.]) 1839-186?
Weekly Began July 13, 1839. Editors vary: N.Y. Willis & H. Hastings Willis, <1841> ; John Neal, <1843>; Henry C. Deming, <1844>; Benjamin H. Day, <1851-1860>. Publisher varies: Griswold and Co., 1839; Wilson & Co., 1839-<1842>; J. Winchester, <1844>; Wilson and Co., <1845-1851>; Benjamin H. Day, <1852-1862>. Vol. 3, no. 10 (Sept. 4, 1841)=whole no. 113. Issued a semi-annual pictorial sheet for the Fourth…
The Bugle (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1852-1852
Semiweekly Began in 1852. -v. 1, no. 16 (Oct. 26, 1852). "Winfield Scott" appears in masthead ornament. "Whig." Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 2 (Sept. 7, 1852).
Whig State Central Committee
The Bulletin (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1924
Daily Vol. 80, no. 37 (May 20, 1895)-v. 138, no. 65 (June 21, 1924) = 40th year-69th year. Also issued on microfilm from Bell & Howell, Micro Photo Div.; the University of California, Berkeley. Master negatives are available for duplication from: California Newspaper Microfilm Archive; for further information consult the CNMA at: San Francisco journal and daily journal of commerce (DLC)sn 90051956 (OCoLC)22724990…
California Christian Advocate (San Francisco, Calif.) 1851-19??
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 10, 1851)- Publishers: John B. Hill, -Oct. 6, 1886; J.D. Hammond, Oct. 13, 1886-. "Published for the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church," -Dec. 14, 1881.
California Daily Courier (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1850-1851
Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 1, 1850)- Ceased in 1851. Published as: California courier, . Publisher: James M. Crane, <1851>. Editors: James M. Crane, Francis W. Rice, <1850>; James M. Crane, <1851>. Preceded by: Pacific courier-extra Cf. Kemble, E.C. Hist. of Calif. newspapers, 1846-1858. Suspended <1852>. Cf. NIM. Also issued on microfilm from the University of California, Berkeley. Weekly ed.: California…
California Herald (New York [N.Y.]) 1848-1849
Irregular No. 1 (Dec. 26, 1848)- Ceased in 1849. Cf. Fox, L.H. New York City newspapers. Weekly ed.: Weekly herald (New York, N.Y. : 1836). Daily ed.: New York herald (New York, N.Y. : 1840).
The California Mail (San Francisco, Calif.) 1854-1855
Weekly Began Oct. 30, 1854; ceased in Sept? 1855. Cf. Kemble, E.C. Hist. of Ca. newspapers, 1962. The word "California" appears over the masthead ornament. Published every Saturday morning. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 5 (Nov. 27, 1854).
California Spirit of the Times (San Francisco, Calif.) 1857-1859
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 25, 1857)- Ceased in Jan. 1859. Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. The word "California" appears over the masthead ornament. Also issued on microfilm from University Microfilms Inc. Fireman's journal and military gazette (DLC)sn 84027118 (OCoLC)10961613 California spirit of the times and fireman's journal (DLC)sn 84035878 (OCoLC)11474283
The California Star (Yerba Buena [Calif.]) 1847-1848
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 9, 1847)-v. 2, no. 23 (June 10, 1848). Yerba Buena later became known as San Francisco. Editors: E.P. Jones, 1847; Edward C. Kemble, 1847-1848. Printed an "Extra in advance of the California star," Oct. 24, 1846. Also issued online and on microfilm from Bell & Howell, Micro Photo Div. Master negatives are available for duplication from: California Newspaper…
California Temperance Organ (San Francisco, Ca.) 1853-18??
Weekly Began in 1853. Suspended with Oct. 18, 1853 issue; resumed with Nov. 1, 1853 issue; suspended with Mar. 7, 1854 issue; resumed with Apr. 25, 1854 issue. Available on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 14 (July 26, 1853).
California True Delta (New Orleans, La.) 1850-18??
Semimonthly Began Mar. 14, 1850. "For circulation in California, Oregon, Sandwich Islands, and China." Other editions: Daily true delta, and New Orleans weekly true delta, were distributed in New Orleans. Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 12 (Nov. 7, 1852).
California Weekly Courier (San Francisco, Calif.) 1850-1851
Semimonthly Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 1, 1850)- Ceased in 1851? Sometimes published as: California courier. Also issued on microfilm from the University of California, Berkeley. Daily ed.: California daily courier. Weekly ed.: California weekly courier.
Carson Daily Independent (Carson City, N.T. [i.e. Nev.]) 1863-1864
Daily (except Mon.) Began with July 27, 1863 issue; ceased with Oct. 11, 1864 issue. Cf. Lingenfelter, R. Newspapers of Nev., 1854-1979. Publisher: , I. Crawford. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 31 (Sept. 1, 1863).