Alexander's Weekly Messenger (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1838-184?
Weekly Vol. 2, no. 1 (Jan. 3, 1838)-v. 4, no. 27 (July 1, 1840) ; July 15, 1840- "Weekly" appears within title ornament in small type. Not published July 8, 1840. Latest issue consulted: Dec. 30, 1840. Alexander's express messenger: and Philadelphia weekly chronicle (DLC)sn 87052011 (OCoLC)2257149
Alexander, Charles
The American Centinel and Mercantile Advertiser (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1816-1820
Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Aug. 26, 1816)- Ceased in Aug. 1820. Cf. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers. "Democratic." Includes bibliographical references (Shaw & Shoemaker 36728; Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers, page 888). Weekly eds.: American centinel; American sentinel (Philadelphia, Pa. : Weekly). American sentinel and mercantile advertiser (Philadelphia, Pa. : Daily) (DLC)sn 85025790
Frick, Jacob
The Athenian (Athens, Pa.) 1876-1876
Weekly Began in 1876; ceased in 1876? Cf. Heverly, C.F. History and geography of Bradford Co., Pa. 1615-1924. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 18 (Nov. 18, 1876).
The Athenian (Athens, Bradford County, Pa.) 1852-1854
Weekly Began in Aug. 1852. Cf. Heverly, C.F. History and geography of Bradford Co., Pa. 1615-1924. Ceased in Sept. 1854. Cf. Rossell, G. Pa. newspapers. Published every Wednesday morning. "A family newspaper." Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 7 (Oct. 5, 1853). Athens gazette (Athens, Pa. : 1854) (DLC)sn 84024555
Athens Gazette (Athens, Pa.) 1870-1918
Weekly Began in Apr. 1870; ceased in Dec. 1918. Cf. Salisbury, R. Pa. newspapers. Title from masthead,, viewed August 11, 2020. Published by G.W. Spaulding & Co., <1876>. Published every Thursday. Suspended with May 25, 1876 issue; resumed with Apr. 16, 1877 issue. Cf. Heverly, C.F. History and geography of Bradford Co., Pa., 1615-1924. Vol. 3, no. 46 (Feb. 26, 1873). Vol. XLI,…
Bradford Settler (Meansville [i.e. Towanda], Pa.) 1823-1833
Weekly ; new ser., v. 1, no. 1 (Aug. 16, 1823)- Began in 1823; ceased with Mar. 2, 1833 issue. Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. Published as: Settler, . Imprint varies: Meansville [i.e. Towanda], Pa., 1823-1827; Towanda, Pa., 1828-1833. Publishers: James P. Bull, 1823-<1830>; Hamlet A. Kerr, <1832>. Description based on: Vol. 4, no. [52] (Aug. 9, 1823). Northern banner (Towanda, Pa.) (DLC)sn 86081277
The Cincinnati Times-Star (Cincinnati Ohio) 1893-1958
Daily (except Sunday), July 16, 1923-1958 Vol. 56, no. 19 (Jan. 23, 1893)-v. 119, no. 172 (July 19, 1958). Frequency varies slightly. Issue for Apr. 25. 1940 called: 100th Anniversary issue: and includes facsimile of Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 25, 1840)--of the title: Spirit of the times. Other ed.: Kentucky times-star, <1929>-1958. Cincinnati post (Cincinnati, Ohio : 1890) (DLC)sn 84028694 Cincinnati post and…
Commercial Advertiser (New-York [N.Y.]) 1797-1804
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 2, 1797)-v. 7, no. 1939 (Jan. 10, 1804). Imprint varies: Published by E. Belden & Co., 1799-1803; Printed, for the proprietor, by J. Mills, 1803-1804. Some issues accompanied by supplements. Also issued in microform from Readex Microprint Corp. and the New York Public Library. Semiweekly ed.: Spectator (New-York, N.Y. : 1797). New-York commercial advertiser (New York,…
Webster, Noah - Belden, Ebenezer - Hopkins, George F. (George Folliet) - Lewis, Zechariah
The Democrat (Towanda, Pa.) 1835-1837
Weekly Began in July 1835; ceased in Mar. 1837. Cf. Heverly, C.F. Hist. and geography of Bradford Co. Pa. 1615-1924. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 38 (Apr. 23, 1836). Northern banner (Towanda, Pa.) (DLC)sn 86081277 Northern banner and Bradford Democrat (Towanda, Pa. : 1837) (DLC)sn 86081276
Detroit Daily Advertiser (Detroit, Mich.) 1836-1862
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 11, 1836)-v. 27 no. 296 (July 7, 1862). Publishers: George L. Whitney, <1836>; George Dawson & Morgan Bates, <1839>; A.S. Williams, <1844-1845>; Rawson, Duncklee & Co., <1848>; Duncklee, Wales & Co., <1851-1852>; Frederick Morley, <1860>. Editors: A.S. Williams & F.A. Harding, <1844-1845>; George W. Wisner, <1848>; Rufus Hosmer, <1851>. Weekly ed.: Detroit weekly advertiser, 1839-1862. Semiweekly…
Elmira Advertiser (Elmira, Chemung County, N.Y.) 1854-18??
Daily (except Sunday), Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 8, 1854)- Publishers: Fairman Brothers, 1854-1855; S.B. Fairman, 1855-<1856>. Suspended in Dec. 1854; resumed with Feb. 19, 1855 issue. Cf. Towner, A. Our county and its people, 1892. Dec. 7, 1855 issue misdated Nov. 30, 1855. Available on microfilm from Eastman Kodak Co.; Micro Photo Division, Bell & Howell. Weekly eds.: Elmira advertiser (Elmira, N.Y. :…
Elmira Daily Free Press (Elmira, N.Y.) 1879-1???
Daily (except Sunday) Began in 1879. Cf. Ayer, 1880. Also issued in a weekly edition called: Weekly free press (Elmira, N.Y.). Description based on: 1st year, no. 71 (Mar. 24, 1879). Latest issue consulted: Dec. 8, 1881.
Elmira Daily Gazette (Elmira, N.Y.) 1856-1881
Daily (except Sunday) Began in 1856. Cf. Hist. of Elmira, Horseheads and the Chemung Valley, 1868. Ceased in 1881. Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. "Daily" appears in title ornament in small type, <1876>. "Democratic." Publishers: William C. Rhodes, <1857>; F.A. DeVoe, <1862>; Louis A. & Chas. Hazard, <1866>; Gazette Co., <1871-1876>. Editor: William C. Rhodes, <1857>. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 190 (Mar.…
Essex Register (Salem, Mass.) 1807-1840
Semiweekly New ser., no. 1 (July 23, 1807)-no. 151 (Dec. 31, 1808) = Whole no. 749-901 ; v. 9, no. 1 (Jan. 4, 1809)-v. 40, no. 105 (Dec. 31, 1840). Publisher varies: Palfray & Chapman, - Motto: "Here shall the people's rights maintain, Unaw'd by influence, and unbrib'd by gain; Here patriot truth its glorious precepts draw, Pledg'd to religion, liberty and law." Brigham,…
The Evening News (Athens [i.e. Sayre], Pa.) 1892-1918
Daily Began in 1892. Cf. Rossell, G. Pa. newspapers. Ceased with Dec. 1, 1918 issue? Also issued in a weekly edition called: Athens news (Athens, Pa.). Absorbed by: Evening times (Sayre, Pa.), Dec. 1918. Vol. 7, no. 112 (Apr. 27, 1899). Evening times (Sayre, Pa.) 0746-4843 (DLC)sn 83003341 (OCoLC)10078889
The Evening Times (Sayre, Pa.) 1917-200?
Daily (except Sundays and holidays), Began with Jan. 29, 1917 issue. Cf. Heverly, C.F. Hist. and geography of Bradford Co. Pa. 1615-1924. Title from masthead,, viewed August 11, 2020. "Sayre, Athens and South Waverly, Pa, Waverly, N.Y." Vol. 27, no. 289 (Mar. 11, 1918). Vol. 95, no. 146 (August 30, 1986);, viewed August 11, 2020. Morning times (Sayre, Pa.) 1553-2283 (DLC) 2004215884…
The Federal Gazette and Philadelphia Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1790-1793
Daily (except Sunday), Apr. 5, 1790-Dec. 31, 1793 Vol. 4, total no. 468 (Apr. 1, 1790)- ; -v. 10, no. 16030 [i.e. 1630] (Dec. 31, 1793). Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 905 Vol. 9, no. 1239 (Sept. 26, 1792) misdated Sept. 27, 1792. Vol. 10, no. 1610-1630 misnumbered no. 16010-16030. Total numbering dropped in 1790. Supplements accompany some numbers. Also issued in microform from…
Brown, Andrew
The Federal Spy (Springfield [Mass.]) 1794-1805
Weekly Began in Dec. 1794. -v. 14, no. 2 (Dec. 31, 1805). Publishers: F. Stebbins, June 7, 1796-Oct. 1, 1799; T. Ashley, Oct. 1, 1799-; Ashley & Brewer, -Mar. 8, 1803; H. Brewer, Mar. 8, 1803-Aug. 6, 1805; L. Baker, Aug. 13, 1805-Dec. 31, 1805. Printers: T. Ashley, ; Ashley & Brewer, -1803. Published on Tuesday, 1794-Nov. 1797; Monday, Nov. 1797-; Tuesday, ; Monday,…
Ashley, Timothy - Baker, Luther - Brewer, Henry - Hooker, John Worthington - Stebbins, Francis
The Freeman's Journal (Cooperstown, Otsego County, N.Y.) 1819-1922
Weekly Began 1819. -v. 114, no. 23 (Jan. 4, 1922). Published as: Freeman's journal with which is combined the Milford tidings, May 28, 1919-June 2, 1920. Publishers: John H. Prentiss, 1819-<1845>; Samuel M. Shaw, <1851-1876>; S.M. Shaw & Co., <1883>; Freeman's Journal Co., <1918>-1922. Editor: Samuel M. Shaw, <1857-1876>. "Democratic," <1861-1868>; "Democratic-Republican," <1875-1876>; "Democratic," <1918>. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 567 Also issued on…
The Freeman's Journal, Or, the North-American Intelligencer (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1781-1792
Weekly No. 1 (Apr. 25, 1781)-no. 52 (Apr. 17, 1782) ; vol. 2, no. 53 (Apr. 24, 1782)-v. 12, no. 578 (May 16, 1792). Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 907 Some issues accompanied by section: Postscript. Also issued in microopaque and microfilm from Readex Microprint Corp. and on microfilm from Research Publications, Inc.
General Advertiser (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1791-1794
Daily (except Sunday) No. 274 (Aug. 16, 1791)-no. 1223 (Nov. 7, 1794). Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 916 Suspended Sept. 27-Nov. 23, 1793. Supplement accompanies Aug. 9, 1794. Also issued in microform from Readex Microprint Corp.; Micro Photo Div., Bell & Howell Co. Aurora general advertiser 2574-8475 (DLC)sn 84026161 (OCoLC)10309245
Harrisburg Chronicle (Harrisburg [Pa.]) 1820-1842
Weekly, Vol. 7, no. 43 (Feb. 3, 1820)-v. 15, no. 20 (Oct. 29, 1827) ; new ser., v. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 3, 1827)- Ceased in 1842. Issues for Nov. 3, 1827- called new ser., v. 1, no. 1- ; issues for called .
The Hartford Courant (Hartford, Conn.) 1887-Current
Daily, Oct. 5, 1913- Vol. 50 [i.e. 51], no. 161 (July 9, 1887)- Includes section titled: Manchester extra, weekly, July 1991- Articles selectively issued in CD-ROM version by Newsbank: Hartford courant, 1991-, and as part of: Newsbank News File, Jan 1996-, and on microfiche as part of: Newsbank Reference Services. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms and Microfilm Corp. of America. Semiweekly ed.: Connecticut…
Manchester Daily Union (Manchester, N.H.) 1856-1880
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Aug. 12, 1856)- ; v. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 31, 1863)-v. 18, no. 62 (June 12, 1880). Published during political campaigns 1856-1863, thereafter continuously. Volume numbering irregular. Weekly eds.: Union Democrat (Manchester, N.H. : 1851), and: Weekly union (Manchester, N.H. : 1861), and: Union Democrat (Manchester, N.H. : 1862), and: Union Democrat and New Hampshire agriculturist. Daily…
The Mercury (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1838
Weekly Vol. 5, no. 1 (Jan. 3, 1833)-v. 10, no. 11 (Mar. 15, 1838). Editors: David Hale and Gerald Hallock, <1836> Also issued on microfilm from State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Mercury, and weekly journal of commerce (DLC)sn 83030529 (OCoLC)9604297
Moore's Rural New-Yorker (Rochester, N.Y.; New York City) 1850-1878
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 3, 1850)-v. 37, no. 25 (June 22, 1878). "An original weekly agricultural, literary and family journal." "Progress and improvement." Imprint varies: published in Rochester, N.Y., <1850-1868>; published in New York, N.Y. and Rochester, N.Y., <1869>; published in New York, N.Y., <1870-1878> Issues for called also whole no. <261-1249> Rural New-Yorker (DLC)sn 85054617 (OCoLC)10770496
Bailey, Gamaliel - Whittier, James A. L. (James Anson Lawrence) - Phelps, Amos A. (Amos Augustus)
The National Gazette and Literary Register (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1820-1841
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1, 1820)-v. 21, no. 6467 (May 31, 1841). Also issued on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Vol. 19, no. 2849 (October 22, 1839). National gazette and literary and commercial register (DLC)sn 86081005 (OCoLC)12891427