The Afro-American (Baltimore, Md.) 1931-193?
Weekly Began in 1931? Numerous issues called: Washington ed.; some issues lack edition statement. Imprint varies: published in Washington, D.C., Mar. 3, 1934- Microfilm available from Recordak. Description based on: 40th year, no. 27 (Apr. 4, 1931). Latest issue consulted: 45th year, no. 46 (Aug. 15, 1936).
Alta California (San Francisco, Calif.) 1849-1850
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 4, 1849)- Ceased Jan. 21, 1850. Available on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service and Recordak Corp. Master negatives are available for duplication from: California Newspaper Microfilm Archive; for further information consult the CNMA at: Weekly alta California (DLC)sn 84025972 (OCoLC)10855184
The Amarillo Globe (Amarillo, Tex.) 1924-1951
Daily (except Sat.) Began Feb. 20, 1924. -28th year, no. 205 (Nov. 30, 1951). Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 6 (Feb. 26, 1924). Amarillo times (DLC)sn 86088024 Amarillo globe-times (DLC)sn 86088054
American and Daily Advertiser (Baltimore, Md.) 1799-1802
Daily (except Sunday) Est. May, 14, 1799; ceased in 1802. Cf. Brigham, History and Bibliography of American Newspapers. "American" appears above ornament in masthead. Available on microfilm from Micro Photo, Inc. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 3 (May 16, 1799). American, and commercial daily advertiser (Baltimore, Md. : Daily) 2325-3169 (DLC)sn 84031211 (OCoLC)2257236
American, and Commercial Daily Advertiser (Baltimore [Md.]) 1802-1853
Daily (except Sunday) Began in Sept. 1802. -v. 108, no. 17890 (Dec. 31, 1853). Publisher varies: Pechin & Frailey, <1804>; Dobbin, Murphy & Bose Contains several numbering irregularities. Accompanied by occasional supplements. Also issued on microfilm from University Microfilms. Description based on: Vol. 5, no. 1034 (Sept. 4, 1802). American and commercial advertiser (Baltimore, Md. : 1854) 2325-3177 (DLC)sn 85042111 (OCoLC)11779116
Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock, Ark.) 1866-1866
Weekly Vol. 45, no. 1 (July 7, 1866)-v. 45, no. 12 (Sept. 25, 1866). Available on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Weekly Arkansas gazette 2638-1923 (DLC)sn 82016484 (OCoLC)9529609
The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1875
Daily (except Monday) Vol. 2, no. 89 (Oct. 1, 1869)-v. 8, no. 55 (Aug. 19, 1875). Published in a morning and evening ed. Also issued on microfilm by the Microfilming Corp. of America., and the Library of Congress Photoduplication Service; also available online. Atlanta daily constitution 2473-1536 (DLC)sn 83016859 (OCoLC)10177631
The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-2001
Daily, Oct. 28, 1884- Vol. 14 (Sept. 15, 1881)-v. 134, no. 97 (Nov. 4, 2001). Also issued on microfilm from Recordak, Bell & Howell Information and learning, Kraus Microfilms, Microfilming Corporation of America, and Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service; also available online. Weekly ed.: Weekly constitution (Atlanta, Ga. : 1881); Constitution (Atlanta, Ga. : Weekly); and: Atlanta constitution (Atlanta, Ga. : Weekly). Evening ed.:…
The Atlanta Daily Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) 1875-1875
Daily (except Monday) Vol. 8, no. 56 (Aug. 20, 1875)-v. 8, no. 68 (Sept. 3, 1875). Also issued on microfilm from the Microfilming Corp. of America., Recordak, and the Library of Congress Photoduplication Service; also available online. Constitution (Atlanta, Ga. : 1875) 2473-1552 (DLC)sn 83016860 (OCoLC)10177687
The Atlas & Argus (Albany [N.Y.]) 1856-1865
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 31, no. 9253 (Feb. 18, 1856)-v. 40, no. 12216 (May 13, 1865). "And" appears within title ornament in small type, Dec. 7, 1858-1865. Publisher: William Cassidy, 1865. Editors: Calvert Comstock, 1856-1865; William Cassidy, 1856-1865. Available on microfilm from the Micro Photo Div., Bell & Howell Co. Weekly ed.: Atlas & Argus (Albany, N.Y. : Weekly), 1856-<1861>. New York City ed.:…
Cleveland Plain Dealer (Cleveland [Ohio]) 1885-1961
Daily Vol. 44 (Mar. 16, 1885)-v. 120, no. 258 (Sept. 15, 1961). Democratic. Suspended Jan. 5-Feb. 6, 1946; Nov. 3-27, 1956. Also issued on microfilm from Library of Congress Photoduplication Service, and Microfilming Corporation of America. Subject and personal name index: 1933-1938. 7 v. Weekly eds.: Cleveland weekly plain dealer (Cleveland, Ohio : 1854), 1885-18uu; and: Weekly plain dealer (Cleveland, Ohio), 18uu-1904. Daily evening…
The Commercial Gazette (Wyandotte, Kansas) 1858-1861
Weekly -vol. II, no. 23 (January 19, 1861) Began in 1858? Published by: MacDonald & Taylor, Aug. 25-Sept. 29, 1860; R.B. Taylor, Oct. 6, 1860-Jan. 19, 1861. "Republican ... favor making Kansas a free state." Also issued in a daily edition called: Wyandotte daily commercial gazette. Vol. 1, no. 38 (June 4, 1859); title from masthead, (viewed May 6, 2020) Wyandotte commercial gazette…
The Connecticut Courant (Hartford [Conn.]) 1791-1914
Semiweekly, Dec. 13, 1894-Oct. 29, 1914 Vol. 27, no. 1365 (Mar. 21, 1791)-v. 109, no. 542,085 (Jan. 3, 1874) ; v. 109, no. 2 (Jan. 10, 1874)-v. 149, no. 86 (Oct. 29, 1914). Published a triweekly ed., 1840-<1841>. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 22 Issue for Jan. 10, 1874 called also whole no. 542,086. Includes numbering irregularities. Supplements accompany some issues. Available on microopaque…
Goodwin, George
The Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) 1875-1876
Daily (except Monday) Vol. 8, no. 69 (Sept. 4, 1875)-v. 9, no. 106 (Oct. 19, 1876). Also issued on microfilm from the Microfilming Corp. of America, and the Library of Congress Photoduplication Service; also available online. Daily constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) 2473-1579 (DLC)sn 83016861 (OCoLC)10177773
The Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1869
Daily (except Monday), June 28, 1868-1869 Began with June 16, 1868 issue? -v. 2, no. 88 (Sept. 30, 1869). Issued on microfilm by the Microfilming Corp. of America; also available online. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 2 (June 17, 1868). Atlanta constitution (Atlanta, Ga. : 1869) 2473-151X (DLC)sn 83016858 (OCoLC)10177529
Corpus Christi Daily Herald (Corpus Christi, Tex.) 1908-1911
Daily (except Mon.) Began in 1908?; ceased in 1911? Merged with: Corpus Christi daily caller, to form: Corpus Christi caller and daily herald. Description based on: Vol. 3, no. 35 (Apr. 8, 1910). Corpus Christi daily caller Corpus Christi caller and daily herald (OCoLC)14109141
Daily Albany Argus (Albany [N.Y.]) 1827-1856
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 3, no. 681 (Dec. 27, 1827)-v. 31, no. 9252 (Feb. 16, 1856). Publishers: Edwin Croswell, Obadiah Romney Van Benthuysen & Thomas M. Burt, 1831-1834; E. Croswell, O.R. Van Benthuysen, Thos. M. Burt & Sherman Croswell, 1834-1840; Edwin Croswell, Henry H. Van Dyck & Sherman Croswell, 1840-1843; Edwin Croswell & Sherman Croswell, 1843-1848; Edwin Croswell, Sherman Croswell & Samuel M. Shaw,…
The Daily Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) 1876-1881
Daily (except Monday) Vol. 9, no. 107 (Oct. 20, 1876)-v. 14 [no. 78] (Sept. 14, 1881). Issues for Sept. 6-14, 1881 have no issue numbering but constitute no. 69-78. Available on microfilm from Recordak, New Orleans, La., and Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service; also available online. Weekly eds.: Weekly constitution (Atlanta, Ga. : 1868), 1876-1878, and: Atlanta weekly constitution (Atlanta, Ga. : 1878), 1878-1881.…
Daily Democratic Statesman (Austin, Tex.) 1873-1880
Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 2, no. 73 (Jan. 8, 1873)-v. 9, no. 313 (July 14, 1880). Also issued on microfilm from UMI. Also published in a weekly ed.: Weekly democratic statesman (Austin, Tex. : 1871). Austin daily statesman (Austin, Tex. : 1880) 2473-5604 (DLC)sn 86088147 (OCoLC)14062574
Daily Express (San Antonio, Tex.) 1870-1871
Daily (except Monday) Vol. 4, no. 1 (Jan. 1, 1870)-v. 5, no. 270 (Nov. 12, 1871). Also issued on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. San Antonio daily express (San Antonio, Tex. : 1871) 2640-1215 (DLC)sn 84024141 (OCoLC)10566143
The Daily Express (San Antonio, Tex.) 1891-1911
Daily Vol. 26, no. 320 (Nov. 16, 1891) - v. 64, no. 56 (Feb. 25, 1911). From Apr. 4- Dec. 31, 1894, published as: San Antonio daily express. Also issued on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service, and Micro Photo Div., Bell & Howell Co. Also published in a semiweekly ed. called: The semiweekly express. San Antonio express (San Antonio, Tex. :…
The Daily Globe (Washington [D.C.]) 1844-1845
Daily (except Sunday) New ser., v. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1, 1844)-new ser., v. 2, no. 103 (Apr. 30, 1845) = whole no. 3907-4321. Continuous pagination. Available on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Title was sold to new publishers in 1845. Original publishers began publishing a different newspaper in 1848 using same title. Daily union (Washington, D.C.) 2381-0378 (DLC)sn 82003410 (OCoLC)8770145
Blair, Francis Preston - Rives, John C. (John Cook)
The Daily Herald (San Antonio [Tex.]) 1866-1877
Daily Vol. 4, no. 33 (Jan. 1, 1866)- Ceased in Oct. 1877. Also issued on microfilm from Southwest Micropublishing Inc., El Paso, Tex. San Antonio daily herald (San Antonio, Tex. : 1877) (DLC)sn 95078922
Daily National Intelligencer (Washington City [D.C.]) 1813-1869
Daily (except Sunday), Feb. 6, 1865- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1, 1813)- Ceased in 1869. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 101 Suspended Aug. 24-30, 1814. Also issued on microform from Readex Microprint Corp., and on microfilm from the Library of Congress. Triweekly ed.: National intelligencer (Washington, D.C. : 1810). Weekly eds.: Weekly national intelligencer (Washington, D.C.), 1841-1869, and: Universal gazette (Philadelphia, Pa. :…