Peru: Law on Application of Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Enacted
On August 7, 2024, the Peruvian Congress enacted Law No. 32.107 of 2024. The law’s stated purpose is to provide for the application and scope of crimes against humanity and war crimes within the Peruvian legal framework. This is done in accordance with the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Convention on … Continue reading “Peru: Law on Application of Crimes…
Alvarez, Stephania
United States: Federal Appellate Court Denies Stay of Extradition of Former Peruvian President Charged with Money Laundering Crimes
On April 5, 2023, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued an order denying a motion to stay the extradition of former Peruvian President Alejandro Toledo Manrique (Toledo) pending appellate review of the denial of Toledo’s petition for habeas corpus. (Manrique v. Kolc, No. 22-15705 (9th Cir. 2023) (Decision as amended … Continue reading “United States: Federal Appellate Court Denies…
Myers, Louis
Peru: New Law Passed Imposing Criminal Penalties for Price Gouging and Hoarding of Essential Goods
(Sept. 14, 2020) On August 29, 2020, the Congress of Peru promulgated Law No. 31040 of August 28, 2020, which amends the Penal Code and the Code of Protection and Defense of the Consumer. The new law introduces the concept of essential goods and services for the life and health of people in order to […]
Rodriguez-Ferrand, Graciela
Peru: Public Sector Employees to Work Remotely until End of Year
(June 1, 2020) On May 10, 2020, the government of Peru issued Legislative Decree No. 1505, authorizing public entities to implement remote work until December 31, 2020, for public sector workers confronting the COVID-19 health emergency. The exceptional temporary measures are aimed at ensuring that civil servants return to their workplaces gradually, under conditions that guarantee […]
Rodriguez-Ferrand, Graciela
Peru: Council of Ministers Cancels Controversial Quarantine Schedule Based on Gender
(Apr. 30, 2020) On April 10, 2020, Peru’s Council of Ministers issued Supreme Decree 064-2020-PCM, which cancelled a quarantine schedule based on gender that had been adopted to reduce the contagion curve of COVID-19 in the country. Supreme Decree 057-2020-PCM of April 2, 2020, had mandated that men and women would be able to circulate […]
Rodriguez-Ferrand, Graciela
Peru: President Enacts Decree Changing Requirements for Foreigners Convicted of Crimes to Serve Sentences Abroad
(Jan. 31, 2020) On January 23, 2020, the president of Peru, Martín Vizcarra, with the approval of the Council of Ministers, enacted Emergency Decree 018-2020 to change the prerequisites for foreigners to serve a Peruvian criminal sentence in their own country. (Decreto de Urgencia 018-2020 (DU 018-2020) que Optimiza los Criterios y Requisitos para que […]
Rodriguez-Ferrand, Graciela
Peru: Paid Leave for Caretakers of the Disabled Implemented
(July 29, 2019) On July 8, 2019, Peru’s Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (Ministerio de Trabajo y Promotion del Empleo) issued Supreme Decree No. 009-2019-TR, granting public and private employees the right to take paid leave to care for disabled persons under their care. (Decreto Supremo 009-2019-TR, Concede el Derecho de Licencia al Trabajador […]
Rodriguez-Ferrand, Graciela
New Zealand: Agreements with Five Countries Exclude Compulsory Investor-State Dispute Settlement Processes
(Mar. 26, 2018) On March 9, 2018, the New Zealand Minister for Trade and Export Growth, David Parker, announced that the government has signed “side letters” with five other countries that are also party to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP, also referred to as TPP11) that exclude compulsory investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) […]
Buchanan, Kelly
Peru: Judicial Determination of Out-of-Wedlock Paternity
(Aug. 10, 2017) The Peruvian Congress, by a unanimous vote, has amended the law governing the process for establishing filiation of children. Under the amendment, Law 30628, anyone with a legitimate interest in obtaining a paternity determination may file a petition before a Justice of the Peace in order to obtain such a determination. (Ley que Regula el […]
Rodriguez-Ferrand, Graciela
Peru: Paris Accord on Climate Change Ratified
(Sept. 2, 2016) On July 21, 2016, Peru ratified the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, adopted in Paris, France, under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). (Ratifican el Acuerdo de París [Ratification of the Paris Agreement], EL PERUANO (July 25, 2016); Paris Agreement (Dec. 12, 2015), UNFCCC website.) On July 25, 2016, Peru deposited […]
Rodriguez-Ferrand, Graciela
Peru: National Plan on Gender-Based Violence 2016-2021 Approved
(Sept. 1, 2016) Peru’s Ministry of the Woman and Vulnerable Populations (known by the initials MMPV) approved a national plan on gender-based violence that will apply to all levels of government and all entities involved in the prevention, punishment, and eradication of such violence. (Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables, Decreto Supremo Nº 008-2016-MIMP que […]
Rodriguez-Ferrand, Graciela
Chile; Colombia; Mexico; Peru: Trade Protocol Signed
(Feb. 18, 2014) The President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, with his counterparts the Presidents of Colombia, Chile, and Peru, signed an Additional Protocol to the Framework Agreement for the Pacific Alliance. The signing took place on February 10, 2014, at the closing ceremony of the 8th Pacific Alliance Summit, held in Cartagena de Indias, […]
Gutierrez, Norma
Peru: New Law Granting Right of Consultation to Indigenous Peoples
(Sept. 27, 2011) On September 8, 2011, the Peruvian Congress passed by a unanimous vote the new Law on the Right of Consultation of Indigenous Peoples. (Ley 29785 del Derecho a la Consulta Previa a los Pueblos Indígenas u Originiarios Reconocido en el Convenio 169 de la Organización Internacional delTrabajo (OIT) of Aug. 8, 2011 […]
Rodriguez-Ferrand, Graciela
Peru: Anti-Smoking Law
(Apr. 21, 2010) On April 1, 2010, the Peruvian Congress passed Law No. 29517, which declares all closed facilities, health care centers, educational centers, public and private means of transportation, and the interiors of workplaces to be smoke-free environments. (Ley No 29517 [in Spanish], Congress of the Republic of Peru website, (last visited Apr. […]
Rodriguez-Ferrand, Graciela
Peru: Congress Debates Legislation Decriminalizing Abortion
(Nov. 6, 2009) On October 7, 2009, Peru's Special Revision Commission on the reform of the Criminal Code approved an amendment that would decriminalize abortions performed in cases of rape or congenital malformations of the fetus. The amendment also permits abortions for pregnancies resulting from unwanted artificial inseminations. Currently, these abortions are penalized with imprisonment […]
Rodriguez-Ferrand, Graciela
Peru: Constitution Amended to Improve Annual Presentation of the General Account
(Sept. 28, 2009) On September 7, 2009, President Alan García Pérez of Peru promulgated Law No. 29401, amending articles 80 and 81 of the Constitution to improve the system of presentation and evaluation of the General Account of the Republic. The amended article 80 states that the Minister of Economy and Public Finance is to […]
Ferreira, Dario
Peru: General Law on Tourism Promulgated
(Sept. 25, 2009) On September 17, 2009, President Alan García Pérez of Peru promulgated Law No. 29408, declaring tourism to be of national interest and a priority policy of the state for the development of the country. The objective of the Law is to promote, encourage, and regulate the sustainable development of tourism activities. The […]
Ferreira, Dario
Peru: Legislative Power Amended in the Constitution
(Sept. 25, 2009) On September 7, 2009, President Alan García Pérez of Peru promulgated Law No. 29402, amending article 90 of the Political Constitution of Peru, on legislative power. Article 90 as amended states that the legislative power resides in the Chamber of Congress of the Republic, comprising 130 members. Members of Congress are chosen […]
Ferreira, Dario
Peru: New Provisions on Police Detention and on Crimes Discovered in Flagrante
(Sept. 9, 2009) On June 8, 2009, President Alan Garcia Perez of Peru promulgated Law No. 29372, amending the Code of Criminal Procedure. The changes include provisions of article 259, on police detention and on citizens' arrest for crimes discovered in flagrante, and the date of enforcement of articles 259 and 260. According to the […]
Ferreira, Dario
Peru: Persons with Disabilities
(Sept. 9, 2009) On August 1, 2009, President Alan Garcia Perez of Peru promulgated Law No. 29392 establishing administrative violations and related sanctions for noncompliance with Law No. 27050, the general law on persons with disabilities, and its regulation. The new law is applicable to individuals and to public and private corporations covered under Law […]
Ferreira, Dario
Peru: Mandatory Insurance for Traffic Accidents
(July 1, 2009) On May 13, 2009, Javier Velasquez Quesquen, the President of the Congress of Peru, enacted a law amending Law No. 28515 on the promotion of transparency of information concerning the mandatory insurance to cover traffic accidents (known as SOAT). The amendment establishes the obligation of insurance companies to provide written notification to […]
Ferreira, Dario
Peru: Public Defender Service
(June 30, 2009) On May 13, 2009, President Alan Garcia Perez of Peru signed the Law on the Public Defender Service that regulates the purpose, principles, functions, types and conditions, and organization of the service, as well as access to it. The purpose of the Service is to assure the right to defense through financial […]
Ferreira, Dario
Peru: Registry of Information on Life Insurance Contracts
(June 3, 2009) On May 8, 2009, the President of the Congress of Peru signed Law No. 29355, creating the National Registry of Information on Contracts of Life Insurance and Personal Accidents with Coverage of Death or Accidental Death. The purpose of the Registry is to provide information on the insured and, at their death, […]
Ferreira, Dario
Peru: Labor Inspection Law Amended
(May 5, 2009) On April 8, 2009, President Alan Garcia Perez of Peru signed a law amending article 6 of the General Law on Labor Inspection, dealing with the assignment of jurisdictions for the authorities (Law No. 28806). Article 6 states that inspector supervisors and labor inspectors are authorized to carry out, in their entirety, […]
Ferreira, Dario
Peru: Universal Health Insurance
(May 5, 2009) On April 8, 2009, President Alan Garcia Perez of Peru signed a framework law on universal health coverage. The law guarantees the full right of every individual to social security in matters of health and sets forth norms concerning access to, and the functions of, regulation, financing, provision of services by, and […]