Central African Republic: Law Enacted to Protect Human Rights Defenders
On December 27, 2024, the National Assembly of the Central African Republic adopted a aimed at protecting human rights defenders. (Loi portant promotion et protection des défenseurs des droits de l’Homme.)BackgroundIn January 2006, several human rights defenders in the Central African Republic were subjected to serious threats and intimidation. This incident highlighted the precarious situation … Continue reading “Central African Republic: Law Enacted to…
Gilbert, Louis
Libya: Ministry of Interior Announces Planned Reinstatement of Morality Police
On November 6, 2024, the Minister of Interior of Libya’s National Unity Government, Imad Al-Trabelsi, announced that the morality police, which had been abolished in 2011, would be reactivated. Trabelsi also stated that he will discuss with the Minister of Education and the Prime Minister imposing a mandate that all female students in Libya wear … Continue reading “Libya: Ministry of Interior Announces Planned…
Jordan: Criminal Court of Appeal Sentences Journalist to One Year Imprisonment for Criticizing Authorities on Social Media
On July 5, 2024, Amnesty International reported that Jordanian authorities arrested journalist Ahmed Hassan al-Zoubi on July 2, 2024. The arrest was based on a criminal court ruling against al-Zoubi for posting a comment on Facebook that was critical to the Jordanian government.The Public Prosecution charged al-Zoubi with “inciting strife.” According to Amnesty International, the … Continue reading “Jordan: Criminal Court of Appeal Sentences…
Sadek, George
Tajikistan: New Law Bans Muslim Clothing and Limits Religious Celebrations
On June 20, 2024, the President of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, signed Law No. 2048 on Regulating Traditions and Ceremonies. The law bans the wearing of clothes “alien to national culture,” prohibits children’s celebrations for the two major Muslim holidays, imposes restrictions on celebrations for pilgrims returning from Mecca, and limits the duration and number of … Continue reading “Tajikistan: New Law Bans Muslim Clothing…
Fremer, Iana
Israel: High Court of Justice Orders Government to Comply with Law on Detainees to Continue Operating Detention Facility
On September 18, 2024, the High Court of Justice determined that the detention in the Sde Teiman detention facility of persons from Gaza suspected of terrorism and hostile activities must fully comply with the requirements of the Detention of Unlawful Combatants Law, 5762-2002, as amended (IUCL), and the IUCL (Conditions of Detention) Regulations 5762-2002 (IUCL … Continue reading “Israel: High Court of Justice Orders…
Levush, Ruth
India: Supreme Court Stays Requirement for Eatery Owners to Display Names Along Routes of Annual Hindu Pilgrimage
On July 22, 2024, the Supreme Court of India issued an interim order staying directives issued by police in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand requiring restaurants and eatery owners along the routes of an annual Hindu pilgrimage to disclose the names of owners and employees on display boards.BackgroundThe annual pilgrimage of Kanwar Yatra … Continue reading “India: Supreme Court Stays Requirement for…
Ahmad, Tariq
South Korea: Amendments to Take Effect Addressing Constitutionality of Family Relations Registration Act
On July 19, 2024, amendments to South Korea’s Act on Registration of Family Relations enacted to correct provisions found unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court will come into effect.Act No. 19547 (July 18, 2023) amended the Act on Registration of Family Relations (Act No. 8435, May 17, 2007, as amended) in accordance with a March 2023 … Continue reading “South Korea: Amendments to Take Effect…
Umeda, Sayuri
India: Government Begins Implementing Controversial Citizenship Amendment Act
On May 15, 2024, the government of India began to grant citizenship to applicants under a controversial law that grants citizenship to certain religious minorities fleeing neighboring Muslim-majority countries but excludes Muslim and other religious minorities fleeing persecution in the region.The law in question, the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019, received presidential assent on December 12, … Continue reading “India: Government Begins Implementing Controversial Citizenship…
Ahmad, Tariq
Switzerland: European Court of Human Rights Finds Switzerland Failed to Implement Regulations to Combat Climate Change
On April 9, 2024, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) delivered a landmark decision, ruling that the Swiss Confederation had failed to comply with its duties under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) concerning climate change. It ruled that the Swiss state’s inactions violated article 8 (right to respect … Continue reading “Switzerland: European Court of Human Rights…
Gesley, Jenny
Sweden: Parliament Approves Law Allowing for Temporary ‘Safety Zones’
On April 10, 2024, the Swedish Parliament voted 151–148 to approve an amendment to the Police Act (SFS 1984:387), allowing for the creation of “safety zones” starting April 25, 2024.Under the amendment, “safety zones” (säkerhetszon) are defined as temporary zones in a defined area where the Swedish Police Authority (Polismyndigheten) may create a security zone … Continue reading “Sweden: Parliament Approves Law Allowing for…
Hofverberg, Elin
Germany: Federal Administrative Court Rejects Granting Access to Lethal Drugs to Commit Suicide
In joint decisions published on March 4, 2024, the German Federal Administrative Court (Bundesverwaltungsgericht, BVerwG) denied the plaintiffs permission to acquire sodium pentobarbital for the purpose of suicide. The court considered the denials compatible with the constitutionally protected right to a self-determined death under article 2, paragraph 1 in conjunction with article 1, paragraph 1 … Continue reading “Germany: Federal Administrative Court Rejects Granting…
Gesley, Jenny
Tunisia: Draft Law Proposed to Regulate the Work and Funding of Nongovernmental Organizations Operating in the Country
On February 28, 2024, members of the Commission of Rights and Freedoms of the Tunisian parliament met to discuss a new draft law that would regulate the work and funding of nongovernmental organizations operating in the country. The draft law would replace Law No. 88 of 2011 on regulating the work of nongovernmental organizations.Explanatory MemorandumAccording … Continue reading “Tunisia: Draft Law Proposed to Regulate…
Sadek, George
India: Assam Legislative Assembly Passes Assam Healing (Prevention of Evil) Practices Bill, 2024
On February 26, 2024, the Legislative Assembly of Assam passed the Assam Healing (Prevention of Evil) Practices Bill, 2024. According to the bill’s preamble, the aim of the bill is to “bring social awakening in the society”; “create healthy, science-based knowledge” and a “safe environment to protect human health against evil and sinister practices”; and … Continue reading “India: Assam Legislative Assembly Passes Assam…
Ahmad, Tariq
Pakistan: Supreme Court Releases on Bail an Ahmadi Muslim Detained for Distributing Proscribed Commentary on Holy Quran
On February 6, 2024, the Supreme Court of Pakistan issued a two-judge decision (which included the chief justice), releasing on bail an applicant who was arrested and charged with “distributing/disseminating a proscribed book” — the Tafseer-e-Sagheer, an Urdu commentary on the Holy Quran attributed to the Ahmadi Muslim minority community. The community is considered heretical … Continue reading “Pakistan: Supreme Court Releases on Bail…
Israel: Parliament Adopts Law Expanding Authority to Detain Unlawful Combatants During Wartime or Significant Military Action
On December 18, 2023, the Knesset (Israel’s parliament) passed the Detention of Unlawful Combatants Law (Amendment No. 4 and Temporary Order – Iron Swords), 5784-2023 (2023 amendment law), amending the Detention of Unlawful Combatants Law, 5762-2002, as amended (the law).The 2023 amendment law is one of the temporary measures adopted following the declaration of a … Continue reading “Israel: Parliament Adopts Law Expanding Authority…
Levush, Ruth
Scotland: Court Upholds UK Government Order to Block Gender Recognition Bill from Becoming Law
On December 8, 2023, the Court of Session in Scotland issued an opinion refusing a petition for judicial review of the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill (Prohibition on Submission for Royal Assent) Order 2023 and upholding the order, which blocks the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill by prohibiting it from being submitted to receive royal … Continue reading “Scotland: Court Upholds UK Government Order…
Feikert-Ahalt, Clare
England and Wales: High Court Rules Government Plan to House Asylum Seekers in Military Barracks Lawful
On December 6, 2023, the British High Court dismissed a claim for judicial review of a government plan to use two decommissioned Ministry of Defence sites to house asylum seekers under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015. The government had stated that it intended to apply for permission to use … Continue reading “England and Wales: High Court Rules…
Feikert-Ahalt, Clare
United Kingdom: Government Reviewing Regulatory Framework Governing Pornography
On December 1, 2023, the government of the United Kingdom (U.K.) announced that it had appointed Baroness Bertin to conduct a review of pornography legislation, regulation, and law enforcement in the country. The review will consider many aspects of pornography to ensure there “is an effective regulatory, criminal justice system and law enforcement response to … Continue reading “United Kingdom: Government Reviewing Regulatory Framework…
Feikert-Ahalt, Clare
Iraq: Authorities Arrest Two Social Media Creators for Indecency and Publishing ‘Degrading Content’ on TikTok
Law enforcement authorities in Baghdad arrested and detained a male and a female Iraqi citizen on November 30 and December 2, 2023, respectively, on charges that they had created indecent content on TikTok. Subsequently, both TikTokers were charged with committing an indecent act that violates public moral and decency.The arrests of the well-known Iraqi female … Continue reading “Iraq: Authorities Arrest Two Social Media…
Sadek, George
Egypt: Authorities Deport Four Foreign Nationals for Protesting in Front of Foreign Ministry Building
On December 3, 2023, the Egyptian authorities deported four foreign nationals for illegally protesting in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The four foreign nationals were activists from the United States, Australia, Argentina, and France who were calling on the Egyptian government to, among other things, enable flow of humanitarian aid through the Rafah … Continue reading “Egypt: Authorities Deport Four Foreign Nationals…
Sadek, George
Denmark: Parliament Approves Government Amendment of Penal Code Criminalizing ‘Inappropriate Treatment’ of Holy Texts
On December 7, 2023, the Danish parliament voted to amend the Danish Penal Code (Straffeloven (LBK nr 1360 af 28/09/2022) to criminalize “inappropriate treatment of a text that has a significant religious importance to a recognized religious community, or an object, that appears to be such a text.” (§ 110 e stk 2 Straffeloven, as … Continue reading “Denmark: Parliament Approves Government Amendment of…
Hofverberg, Elin
United Kingdom: Supreme Court Rules Relocating Asylum Seekers to Rwanda Unlawful
On November 15, 2023. the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom (U.K.) upheld a judgment from the Court of Appeal that the government’s policy seeking to remove to Rwanda asylum seekers whose claims are determined to be inadmissible and to have their claims heard by the Rwandan authorities was incompatible with the European Convention on … Continue reading “United Kingdom: Supreme Court Rules Relocating…
Feikert-Ahalt, Clare
Australia: High Court Rules Indefinite Immigration Detention Unlawful
On November 8, 2023, at a hearing in the case of NZYQ v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs & Anor, the High Court of Australia, the highest court in the federal judicial hierarchy, pronounced its ruling that certain provisions in the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) regarding immigration detention are “beyond the legislative power … Continue reading “Australia: High Court Rules Indefinite Immigration…