Italy: Commission to Supervise Professional Sport Clubs Established
On June 1, 2024, Decree Law No. 71 of May 31, 2024, which establishes a commission to oversee the financial integrity of professional sports clubs, entered into effect in Italy. Sports Club Commission The legislation provides that the Independent Commission for the Verification of the Economic and Financial Balance of Professional Sports Clubs (“Commission”), shall be established … Continue reading “Italy: Commission to Supervise…
Figueroa, Dante
El Salvador-United States: Customs Mutual Assistance Agreement Ratified
On October 7, 2024, El Salvador and the United States strengthened their bilateral partnership by signing a Customs Mutual Assistance Agreement (CMAA). The agreement was signed by Benjamin Mayorga, Director General of Customs in El Salvador, and Troy Miller, Acting Commissioner of the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at the time.The CMAA was approved internally … Continue reading “El Salvador-United States: Customs Mutual…
Alvarez, Stephania
Netherlands: District Court Orders Government to Adhere to 2030 Nitrogen Reduction Targets
On January 22, 2025, the Dutch District Court in The Hague (Rechtbank Den Haag) held that the Dutch government acted unlawfully by failing to meet the national statutory nitrogen targets set for 2025 and 2030, and ordered it to reduce nitrogen emissions.Specifically, the court ordered the government to bring 50% of the nitrogen-sensitive nature in … Continue reading “Netherlands: District Court Orders Government to…
European Union: Directive on Gender Balance on Corporate Boards Enters into Effect
On December 28, 2024, the Gender Balance on Corporate Boards Directive entered into effect in the European Union (EU) member states. The directive aims to balance gender representation on the boards of companies listed on public exchanges in the EU “by establishing effective measures that aim to accelerate progress towards gender balance,” in particular by … Continue reading “European Union: Directive on Gender Balance…
Gesley, Jenny
Guatemala: First-Ever Competition Law Enacted
After 23 years of debating initiatives on the subject, Guatemala has finally passed a Competition Law (Ley de Competencia), Decree 32-2024, to regulate monopolistic practices. It was signed into law by President Bernardo Arévalo on December 5, 2024, and published in the official gazette December 9.The Competition Law seeks to protect consumers from anticompetitive practices, … Continue reading “Guatemala: First-Ever Competition Law Enacted”
Goitom, Hanibal
Chile: Framework Law on Cybersecurity Comes into Force
Key provisions of Chile’s Framework Law on Cybersecurity came into effect January 1, 2025. The new law is part of the government’s broader agenda to address cybersecurity challenges and the rise of cybercrime, including increasingly sophisticated attacks on government infrastructure and private companies.Enacted March 26, 2024, the law creates the National Cybersecurity Agency (ANCI), an … Continue reading “Chile: Framework Law on Cybersecurity Comes…
Alvarez, Stephania
Philippines: Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters Ratified
The Philippines government has announced that on January 7, 2025, it adopted the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters by depositing an instrument of ratification with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the depositary of this convention.The convention will enter into force in the Philippines on May 1, 2025. The OECD … Continue reading “Philippines: Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance…
Guerra, Gustavo
Egypt: Law on Personal Data Implemented
On December 15, 2024, Egypt’s Consumer Protection Agency has warned citizens to be cautious of deceptive advertisements and to avoid sharing personal data, particularly identification card numbers and credit card information, on untrustworthy websites, to protect their privacy and prevent identity theft.The agency urged consumers to shop through secure websites that protect personal data, and … Continue reading “Egypt: Law on Personal Data Implemented”
Sadek, George
Israel: Legislation Criminalizes Denial of the October 7 Attacks
On January 21, 2025, the Knesset (Israel’s parliament) passed the Prohibition of Denial of Massacre Incidents of October 7, 2023 (the Shemini Atzeret Massacre) Law 5785-2025.The law prohibits denial of the events of October 7, 2023, when members of Hamas crossed the security fence separating Gaza and Israel, killed more than 1200 people, wounding 7,500, … Continue reading “Israel: Legislation Criminalizes Denial of the…
Levush, Ruth
Australia: Employees’ Right to Disconnect After Work Takes Effect
In August 2024, provisions in the Fair Work Amendment (Closing Loopholes No. 2) Act 2024 (Cth) giving employees the right to disconnect from work-related communications outside of working hours came into effect in Australia for employers with at least 15 employees; the provisions will take effect for smaller businesses in August 2025. The amendments, now contained … Continue reading “Australia: Employees’ Right to Disconnect…
Goitom, Hanibal
Turkey: Competition Authority Updates Policy on Administrative Fines for Anticompetitive Conduct
On December 27, 2024, the Turkish Competition Authority (TCA) published the Regulation on Administrative Fines for Anticompetitive Agreements, Concerted Practices, and Abuse of Dominant Position (2024 Regulation) in the Official Gazette.The 2024 Regulation repeals and replaces a 2009 regulation on the same topic.In accordance with article 16 of the Law no. 4054 on the Protection … Continue reading “Turkey: Competition Authority Updates Policy on…
Goitom, Hanibal
Armenia: New Law Provides State Support for High-Tech and IT Sectors
On January 1, 2025, Law No. HO-498-N on State Support for the High-Tech Sector, which seeks to support Armenia’s entire economy by helping develop businesses focused on scientific and technical innovations, including information technology, entered into force.The law introduces a registration procedure in a new state registry for individual entrepreneurs and companies operating in high-tech … Continue reading “Armenia: New Law Provides State Support…
Fremer, Iana
El Salvador: Cybersecurity and Data Protection Laws Enacted
On November 12, 2024, El Salvador’s Legislative Assembly approved Decree No. 143, the Cybersecurity and Information Security Law, and Decree 144, the Law for the Protection of Personal Data. The two laws are intended to protect individuals’ information in cyberspace and in the custody of public and private institutions. They were published in the November … Continue reading “El Salvador: Cybersecurity and Data Protection…
Alvarez, Stephania
Central African Republic: Law Enacted to Protect Human Rights Defenders
On December 27, 2024, the National Assembly of the Central African Republic adopted a aimed at protecting human rights defenders. (Loi portant promotion et protection des défenseurs des droits de l’Homme.)BackgroundIn January 2006, several human rights defenders in the Central African Republic were subjected to serious threats and intimidation. This incident highlighted the precarious situation … Continue reading “Central African Republic: Law Enacted to…
Gilbert, Louis
Ecuador: Law on Energy Generation Enacted to Address Energy Crisis
On October 27, 2024, Ecuador enacted the Framework Law to Promote Energy Generation. President Daniel Naboa presented the legislation to the National Assembly as a bill designated as “urgent on economic matters,” and thus subject to expedited consideration, in response to Ecuador’s ongoing energy crisis, exacerbated by the country’s overreliance on hydroelectric plants.BackgroundThe Minister of … Continue reading “Ecuador: Law on Energy Generation Enacted…
Alvarez, Stephania
Switzerland: Burqa Ban Enters into Force
On January 1, 2025, a prohibition on covering one’s face in public places, commonly known as the “burqa ban,” entered into force in Switzerland. The prohibition implements a popular initiative on a burqa ban that was approved by Swiss voters in 2021. The popular initiative was launched after the Swiss Council of States (upper house … Continue reading “Switzerland: Burqa Ban Enters into Force”
Gesley, Jenny
Denmark: Citizen Proposal to Ban Minors’ Use of Tiktok, Snapchat, and Instagram Qualifies for Parliamentary Consideration
On November 26, 2024, the Danish Parliament announced that a citizen initiative to ban minors from using Tiktok, Snapchat, and Instagram reached 50,000 supporters, qualifying the initiative for parliamentary review. On December 12, 2024, members presented the initiative to Parliament, which will hold a first reading of the proposal on February 20, 2025.Rules on Citizen’s … Continue reading “Denmark: Citizen Proposal to Ban Minors’…
Hofverberg, Elin
Israel: Family Court Orders Child Born After Misplacement of Embryo During IVF to Be Transferred to Her Genetic Parents
On November 24, 2024, the family court of Rishon Letzion ordered that a child born in 2022 from an embryo implanted in the wrong woman during IVF should be transferred to her biological parents because they should be considered her lawful parents, custodians and guardians.(Fam. C. 61932-09-23 (RL), Takdin Legal Database (in Hebrew).)BackgroundThe birth mother … Continue reading “Israel: Family Court Orders Child Born…
Levush, Ruth
El Salvador: Law on Nuclear Energy Enacted
On October 23, 2024, El Salvador’s Congress approved a Nuclear Energy Law that establishes a framework for the regulation, management, and supervision of nuclear activities within the country.The law provides that the state will oversee and regulate critical activities such as site selection, design, construction, operation, and decommissioning of nuclear facilities, and the handling of radioactive … Continue reading “El Salvador: Law on Nuclear…
Alvarez, Stephania
European Union: Court of Justice Allows Limits on Investor Participation in Law Firms
On December 19, 2024, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) held that member states of the European Union (EU) may prohibit purely financial investors from holding shares in law firms, to safeguard the independence of lawyers and ensure compliance with their professional and ethical obligations. The CJEU ruled that member states have … Continue reading “European Union: Court of Justice Allows…
Gesley, Jenny
Cameroon: Law Enacted to Provide Legal Recognition of Customary Marriages
On December 23, 2024, Cameroon’s National Assembly passed Law No. 2024/016, granting legal recognition to customary marriages. This reform aims to integrate traditional practices into Cameroon’s formal legal framework, enhance protection for couples married according to local customs, and address concerns about safeguarding women’s rights within the context of customary marriages.Despite the historic prevalence of … Continue reading “Cameroon: Law Enacted to Provide Legal…
Gilbert, Louis
Turkey: Constitutional Court Upholds Requirement that Marriage Last One Year Before Consensual Divorce
On November 28, 2024, the Constitutional Court of Turkey issued a judgment dismissing a constitutional challenge brought against article 166, paragraph 3, of the Turkish Civil Code (“TCC”), which provides that a marriage must have lasted for at least a year before the spouses may obtain a consensual divorce.Challenged Provision and Legal Basis Article 166, … Continue reading “Turkey: Constitutional Court Upholds Requirement that…
Goitom, Hanibal
El Salvador: Law Enacted to Modernize Family Registry System
El Salvador’s Legislative Assembly has approved a new Law on the Family Status Registry that updates the country’s system for registering births, deaths, marriage, and other events affecting personal status. The law will replace the “Transitory Law on the Family Status Registry and Marital Property Regimes,” which has been in effect since 1995, and the … Continue reading “El Salvador: Law Enacted to Modernize…
Alvarez, Stephania
Tunisia: Legislation Proposed to Curb “Brain Drain”
On November 30. 2024, members of the Tunisian Parliament announced their intention to propose legislation requiring medical doctors and engineers trained in Tunisian universities to pay financial compensation to the Tunisian government if they decide to work outside Tunisia within five years from their graduation. The new law aims to prevent brain drain from the … Continue reading “Tunisia: Legislation Proposed to Curb “Brain…