Related Resources
National Checklist
America Preserved: A Checklist of Historic Buildings, Structures, and Sites Recorded by the Historic American Buildings Survey / Historic American Engineering Record. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress Cataloging Distribution Service, 1995.
1,184 pages. 60 b&w photos, 32 drawings. Updated and improved checklist; the first since the 1983 book Historic America. Cites over 29,000 structures and sites, including addresses, number of items for each type of material cites (the number of measured drawings, photographs, and pages of text) to aid the researcher in assessing the collection's scope. Introduction gives guidelines on how to use the book and how to order copies from the Library of Congress Photoduplication Service.
Available from Cataloging Distribution Service, P.O. Box 75840, Washington, D.C. 20013- 5840; tel. 1-800-255-3666; (202) 707-6100
Older National Checklist with Illustrated Essay (1983)
Historic America: Buildings, Structures, and Sites Recorded by the Historic American Buildings Survey and the Historic American Engineering Record, edited by C. Ford Peatross, checklist compiled by Alicia Stamm. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1983.
While the checklist of 16,000 structures in this publication was superseded by that in America Preserved, the seventeen illustrated essays are still of use. The essays cover the survey's first half-century in generous detail, and indicate the range of architectural materials available at the Library of Congress.
Out of print, but available in many libraries. 708 pgs.; 441 illus. (287 photos, 154 measured drawings). ISBN 03-000-00149-4.
1992 Bibliography of HABS/HAER Publications
HABS/HAER: An Annotated Bibliography, compiled by James C. Massey, Nancy B. Schwartz, and Shirley Maxwell; edited by Caroline R. Bedinger; printed by the Government Printing Office, 1992. (The bibliography is available online via, digitized by several institutions.)
A brief description of every known publication produced by the Historic American Buildings Survey and the Historic American Engineering Record, from inception through 1990. This bibliography is the definitive work on publications issued by HABS/HAER. For example, it lists all state catalogs: Alabama, District of Columbia, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Texas, Utah, and Virginia.
Microform Publications
The Historic American Buildings Survey, Part I: Microfiche Edition. Teaneck, N.J.: Somerset House, 1981. [Library of Congress catalog record:]
1,567 60-frame positive silver microfiche. 45,000 photographs and 35,000 pages of text describing the 16,738 buildings represented in the Library's collection as of December 31, 1979. Arranged geographically, this microfiche provides complementary access to the microfilms of measured drawings produced by the Library of Congress (see below). Was sold as a complete set or by individual states. Does not include measured drawings.
The Historic American Buildings Survey, Part II: Microfiche Edition. Alexandria, Virginia: Chadwyck-Healey, 1988- . [Library of Congress catalog record:]
2,270 60-frame positive silver halide microfiche. Covers both HABS & HAER. Includes photographs, written records received by the Library of Congress between 1979-1988, and measured drawings received between 1933-1988. Arranged geographically by state.
Historic American Buildings Survey. [LOT 12023 - Microfilm and Electrostatic Prints of Measured Drawings in the Library of Congress]. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress Photoduplication Service, 1974.
63 reels of 35mm silver halide safety base microfilm reproducing all 34,000 measured drawings transferred to the Library of Congress between 1933 and 1974, grouped by states. Available either as microfilm (silver or diazo) or as 8x10-inch electrostatic prints (Xerox CopyFlo). May be ordered as a complete set or by individual states. (Note: within the states, counties are not recorded alphabetically; the entire state must be ordered.) Structures best represented in this collection are colonial, Georgian, Early Republican, Gothic
Available from the Duplication Services, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20540-5230 (202-707-5640 or 202-707-1771 [fax]).