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Collection Indian Political and Social Issues Web Archive

About this Collection

The Indian Political and Social Issues Web Archive is comprised of sites that follow the constantly changing scene of political and social issues in India, South Asia, and diasporic communities. Some sources are also from Pakistan considering the influence such issues have beyond Indian borders. Content includes individual journalists, news sources, online magazines, blogs, zines, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and international organizations. The collection includes the primary websites as well as some selected social media sites. The selection of websites represents a diversity of organizations from a vast array of political stances and viewpoints.

A number of sites originally crawled in the limited Kashmir Legal Status 2019 Web Archive continue to be crawled in this collection. It is recommended that this collection be used in tandem with the physical collection of newspapers and periodicals available in multiple Indian languages and in English. For additional governmental sites, visit the Indian Government Web Archive.

Collection Period: February 2020 to present (this is an ongoing archive).

Frequency of Collection: The majority of sites in the collection were targeted for capture monthly, with fewer targeted for capture quarterly, weekly, or once.

Languages: Collection material in English, with Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, and Bengali.

Acquisition Information: Sites have been added incrementally since the project began and will continue to be added as they are identified.