Collection Items

  • Book/Printed Material
    The Gift of the Followers of the Path of Muhammad. Timbuktu, founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries of Timbuktu contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution to Islamic and…
    • Contributor: Al-Mukhtār Ibn Aḥmad Ibn Abī Bakr Al-Kuntī Al-Kabīr, Sayyid
    • Date: 1809-01-01
    • Resource: - 319 pages

  • Book/Printed Material
    A Summary Explanation of the Pronouncements of the Scholars and Theologians. Timbuktu, founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries of Timbuktu contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution to Islamic and…
    • Contributor: Al-Din Ali Ibn Al-Amdi, Sayf
    • Date: 1500-01-01
    • Resource: - 14 pages

  • Book/Printed Material
    Askiyah's Questions and al-Maghili's Answers [al-Maghili's Tract on Politics]. Timbuktu, founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries of Timbuktu contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution to Islamic and…
    • Contributor: Al-Maghili, Muhammad Ibnu Abdul Kareem, About
    • Date: 1450-01-01
    • Resource: - 42 pages

  • Book/Printed Material
    Knowledge of the Movement of the Stars and What It Portends in Every Year. Timbuktu, founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries of Timbuktu contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution to Islamic and…

  • Book/Printed Material
    Explanations of Problems in Arithmetic with Examples. Timbuktu, founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries of Timbuktu contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution to Islamic and…

  • Book/Printed Material
    Curing Diseases and Defects Both Apparent and Hidden. Timbuktu, founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries of Timbuktu contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution to Islamic and…
    • Contributor: Sayyid Ahmad Ibn Amar Al-Raqadi Al-Tumbukti Al-Kunti, 17th Century
    • Date: 1700-01-01
    • Resource: - 506 pages

  • Book/Printed Material
    On the Calculation of Numbers in the Science of Astronomy. Timbuktu, founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries of Timbuktu contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution to Islamic and…

  • Book/Printed Material
    Explanation of the Work of al-Ghazali and Nuh ibn al-Tahir al-Fulani. Timbuktu, founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries of Timbuktu contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution to Islamic and…
    • Contributor: Sulaymān Ibn Aḥmad
    • Date: 1800-01-01
    • Resource: - 21 pages

  • Book/Printed Material
    Poem. Timbuktu (present-day Tombouctou in Mali), founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries there contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution…
    • Contributor: Al-Mukhtār Ibn Aḥmad Ibn Abī Bakr Al-Kuntī Al-Kabīr, Sayyid
    • Date: 1500-01-01
    • Resource: - 6 pages

  • Book/Printed Material
    Commentary on the Work "Examples of Legal Hypotheses". Timbuktu (present-day Tombouctou in Mali), founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries there contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution…
    • Contributor: Tumbukti, Al-Qadi Muhammad Ibn Al-Imam Uthman Al-Wakari
    • Date: 1500-01-01
    • Resource: - 25 pages

  • Book/Printed Material
    The Beginner's Guide to Commercial Transactions (The Protection of Individuals in Commercial Transactions). Timbuktu (present-day Tombouctou in Mali), founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries there contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution…
    • Contributor: Fulānī, Aḥmad Ibn Bawḍ Ibn Muḥammad
    • Date: 1800-01-01
    • Resource: - 8 pages

  • Book/Printed Material
    The Ladder of Ascent in Obtaining the Procurements of the Sudan: Ahmad Baba Answers a Moroccan's Questions about Slavery. Timbuktu (present-day Tombouctou in Mali), founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries there contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution…
    • Contributor: Tumbukti, Ahmad Baba Ibn Ahmad Ibn Umar Ibn Muhammad Aqit
    • Date: 1615-01-01
    • Resource: - 16 pages

  • Book/Printed Material
    The Spears of the Party of the Merciful against the Throats of the Party of the Reviled. Timbuktu (present-day Tombouctou in Mali), founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries there contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution…
    • Contributor: Tāl, ʻumar Ibn Saʻīd
    • Date: 1858-01-01
    • Resource: - 486 pages

  • Book/Printed Material
    The Rewards of the Enlightened for their Defense of the Status of God's Chosen Saints. Timbuktu (present-day Tombouctou in Mali), founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries there contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution…
    • Contributor: Sūqī, Muḥammad (Al-Mulaqqab) Bāb Al-Rashīd Ibn Muḥammad Al-Muṣṭafá Ibn Muḥammad Al-Bashīr - Al-Mukhtār Ibn Aḥmad Ibn Abī Bakr Al-Kuntī Al-Kabīr, Sayyid
    • Date: 1858-01-01
    • Resource: - 108 pages

  • Book/Printed Material
    The Goal of Seekers, a Commentary on the Work "The Mother of Proofs". Timbuktu (present-day Tombouctou in Mali), founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries there contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution…
    • Contributor: Alfā Simb, Aḥmad Ibn - Miṣrī, Muḥammad Ibn Muḥammad Ibn Muḥammad
    • Date: 1712-01-01
    • Resource: - 138 pages

  • Book/Printed Material
    The Beautiful Jewels for Edification in the Pillars of the Faith. Timbuktu (present-day Tombouctou in Mali), founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries there contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution…
    • Contributor: Kharṭūmī, Arbab
    • Date: 1500-01-01
    • Resource: - 116 pages

  • Book/Printed Material
    The Foundations of Justice for Legal Guardians, Governors, Princes, Meritorious Rulers, and Kings (The Administration of Justice for Governors, Princes and the Meritorious Rulers). Timbuktu (present-day Tombouctou in Mali), founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries there contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution…
    • Contributor: Usuman Dan Fodio
    • Date: 1754-01-01
    • Resource: - 10 pages

  • Book/Printed Material
    Useful Stories and Verses as Sources for Guidance and Emulation. Timbuktu (present-day Tombouctou in Mali), founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries there contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution…
    • Contributor: Ahwāzī, Al-Ḥasan Ibn ʻalī, 973
    • Date: 1000-01-01
    • Resource: - 39 pages

  • Book/Printed Material
    The Response of Ahmad al-Bakayi to the Letter of Amir Ahmad, Ruler of Massinah. Timbuktu (present-day Tombouctou in Mali), founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries there contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution…
    • Contributor: Bākī Ibn Sayyid Muḥammad Ibn Sayyid Al-Mukhtār Al-Kuntī, Aḥmad
    • Date: 1853-01-01
    • Resource: - 84 pages

  • Book/Printed Material
    Book of the Blessed Merits of Crafts and Agriculture. Timbuktu (present-day Tombouctou in Mali), founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries there contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution…

  • Book/Printed Material
    Commercial Agreement (Slave Trade). Timbuktu (present-day Tombouctou in Mali), founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries there contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution…

  • Book/Printed Material
    Commercial Agreement (Gold as Currency). Timbuktu (present-day Tombouctou in Mali), founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries there contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution…

  • Book/Printed Material
    Certificate of Emancipation for Female Slave. Timbuktu (present-day Tombouctou in Mali), founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries there contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution…

  • Book/Printed Material
    The Response of Ahmad al-Bakayi to the Letter of Amir Ahmad, Ruler of Massinah. Timbuktu (present-day Tombouctou in Mali), founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries there contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution…
    • Contributor: Bākī Ibn Sayyid Muḥammad Ibn Sayyid Al-Mukhtār Al-Kuntī, Aḥmad
    • Date: 1853-01-01
    • Resource: - 18 pages

  • Book/Printed Material
    The Story of Dhu al-Qarnayn (Better Known as Alexander the Great). Timbuktu (present-day Tombouctou in Mali), founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries there contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution…
    • Contributor: Malik, Abu 'Abdu - Tanu, 'Abd Al-Qadir
    • Date: 1744-01-01
    • Resource: - 287 pages