Technical Information
Reference Images
Most of the digital images displayed in the Lamb Studios Archive were produced as part of an initial collection survey and inventory.
- These images were produced using a Nikon Coolpix E995 digital camera mounted on a tripod.
- The pixel dimensions of each of these images is 2048 x 1536.
- Most were initially saved using JPEG compression in JPEG File Interchange Format. A small number of these images were saved in uncompressed TIFF format. Where available, a link to the uncompressed TIFF file will be visible when viewing enlargements from the thumbnail version of each image.
These images are provided to accommodate general researching purposes, however they are not likely to be sufficient to produce any high quality reproductions. The catalog records will not display a reproduction number for these items.
Selected Higher Resolution Images
Selected items from the collection (initially, 25 items illustrating the range of the collection) were scanned subsequently at a spatial resolution of 600 pixels-per-inch. These higher quality reproductions may satisfy most reproduction purposes. Where they exist, the catalog record describing the item will cite a reproduction number such as:
REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-DIG-ppmsca-10802 (digital file from original neg.) [ view items scanned at high resolution]