Collection Items
Film, VideoTaking President McKinley's body from train at Canton, Ohio
Title from Edison films catalog, no. 135: Body leaving the train at Canton, Ohio | Title from Edison films catalog, no. 225: Body leaving the train, Canton, Ohio "Here, as in the other pictures, we secured a most advantageous location, and we present a life-size view of the casket containing the body of President McKinley as it is slowly and carefully taken from the window of the car which bore it from the Capitol to Canton. The casket is placed upon the shoulders of ten stalwart sailors and soldiers and borne to…- Contributor: Thomas A. Edison, Inc - Paper Print Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1901
Film, VideoArrival of McKinley's funeral train at Canton, Ohio
Title in Edison films catalog: Funeral train arriving at Canton Station "It is apparent that the camera was placed on a platform of a train station. A steam locomotive pulling several passenger cars can be seen nearing the camera position and coming to a stop. The remainder of the film is concerned with the people who get off the train and walk off the platform"--Early motion pictures. "In recording this scene the position of our…- Contributor: Thomas A. Edison, Inc - Paper Print Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1901
Film, VideoPanoramic view of the President's house at Canton, Ohio
Title in Edison films catalog no. 135: Circular panorama of President McKinley's house | Variant title from AFI catalog: film beginnings, 1893-1910: Circular panorama of President William McKinley's house, Canton, O. | Variant title from AFI catalog: film beginnings, 1893-1910: Circular panorama, President McKinley's house, Canton, O. "Here we present probably the most interesting and valuable of the McKinley funeral series. Our camera is located opposite the McKinley home on Market Street, Canton, at 9 A.M. on the day of the funeral, September 19th, 1901. As the camera revolves, immense crowds of people who are slowly passing the house come into view. The soldiers of the National Guard of the State…- Contributor: Niver (Kemp) Collection (Library of Congress) - Thomas A. Edison, Inc - Paper Print Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1901
Film, VideoPresident Roosevelt at the Canton station
Title in Edison film company catalog, no. 135: President Roosevelt at Canton station | Variant title from AFI catalog, film beginnings, 1893-1910: President Roosevelt, Canton station "In this picture we show President Roosevelt and Cabinet standing at the station with bare heads, while the casket of President McKinley is being placed in the hearse. As the hearse leaves the station the President and his Cabinet start for their carriages. Our panoramic device is here started and this picture finishes with a circular panorama of the Canton station and Public Square.…- Contributor: Thomas A. Edison, Inc - Paper Print Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1901
Film, VideoFuneral leaving the President's house and church at Canton, Ohio
Title in Edison films catalog, no. 135: President McKinley's body leaving the house and church "In this picture we show a most perfect view of the front entrance of the McKinley home in the background. The hearse which is to bear the President's body to its last resting place drives into view. President Roosevelt's Cabinet forms in line on either side of the walk. The Admirals of the Navy and the Generals of the Army form lines in their…- Contributor: Thomas A. Edison, Inc - Paper Print Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1901
Film, VideoMcKinley's funeral entering Westlawn Cemetery, Canton [Ohio]
McKinley's funeral entering West Lawn Cemetery, Canton | Title from Edison films catalog: Funeral cortege entering Westlawn Cemetery at Canton, Ohio "Funeral Cortege Entering Westlawn Cemetary at Canton, Ohio. Another of our cameras is in an excellent position at the entrance to the Westlawn Cemetery, Canton, Ohio, and as the funeral procession approaches, it is set in motion. The first to appear in this scene is the Black Horse Cavalry, Troop A, of Cleveland, Ohio, followed by the G.A.R. escort, the members of which make…- Contributor: Thomas A. Edison, Inc - Paper Print Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1901