Uses close-up, stop motion photography to portray the life cycle and habits of cicadas in brood 10 of 1936.
United States. Department of Agriculture. Motion Picture Service - Evans, Raymond - Turvey, Carl - American Film Center - Hyslop, James Augustus
Film, Video
American scrapbook
Dramatized incidents show various phases of life in the United States: the use of the centralized traffic control to direct the passing of two trains on a single track; the use of modern transit systems in the mass transportation of people; the enjoyment of fishing as a sport; the quiz program; modern applications of the principle of jet propulsion.
Copyright Collection (Library of Congress) - General Electric Company
Film, Video
Alternate title from main titles: Manchuria
Depicts the Japanese occupation of Manchukuo. Describes the mechanization of industry. Includes scenes showing coal and iron mines, steel mills, railroads, government buildings, new housing, native Chinese life, shops and trade, the Russian influence in Harbin, the raising of soy beans, schools, and hospitals.
Eastman Kodak Company. Teaching Films Division - Bryan, Julien H. (Julien Hequembourg)
Film, Video
News parade of the year 1945
MP3043 U.S. Copyright Office Copyright: Castle Films, Inc.; 15Nov45; MP3043. Editor, Eugene W. Castle. Contents from MAVIS record. Not viewed. Sources used: M/B/RS Film and Television catalog card; original cataloging record (fi 53000007); Copyright catalog, motion pictures, 1950-1959, p. 237; M/B/RS Dictionary catalog card.
Castle, Eugene W. - Copyright Collection (Library of Congress) - Castle Films, Inc
Film, Video
From wheat to bread
Demonstrates primitive methods of making bread; depicts a pioneer grist mill and a modern flour mill with its complex machines such as sifters, and purifiers; and shows the mixing, kneading, steaming, rising, and baking of bread in a bakery.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Inc - Eastman Teaching Films, Inc. (Rochester, N.Y.) - George Eastman House Collection (Library of Congress)
Film, Video
Buying a cow
Original French title: Achat embarrassant | English language translation title: Embarrassing purchase
An urban husband and wife, walking in the countryside outside Paris, are so impressed with the delicious taste of a cow's milk that they buy the cow and try to bring it back to their Parisian apartment. After many misadventures, the cow is stolen right after they reach their front door.
Société Des Établissements Gaumont - Afi/Marshall (George) Collection (Library of Congress) - George Kleine (Firm)
Film, Video
The rival brothers' patriotism
French language translation title: Patriotisme des frères rivaux
Two brothers, Jim and Robert, who are rivals for the same woman, Mary, enlist in the Union Army during the Civil War. Six months later at camp, Jim inadvertently reads Mary's letter to Robert and realizes Mary loves Robert. That same day, Jim and Robert are charged with carrying a message through enemy territory. While on their mission, Jim confesses that he read Mary's…
Afi/Marshall (George) Collection (Library of Congress) - Pathé Frères (France) - American Kinema - Pathé Frères (U.S.)
Film, Video
Dud leaves home
Variant title from Library of Congress video collection, v. 3, Origins of American animation insert: Us fellers: "Dud leaves home" | Copyright title: Goldwyn-Bray Pictographs, no. 7009
Dud wants to buy his girlfriend Maime an ice cream cone so he breaks open his mother's bank, and splits their last dime in half in the process. His mother punishes him so he runs away. Dud is scared by imaginary ghosts in the dark, so he runs back home where he gets a spanking from his mother.
TR in St. Paul, Minn. [1917]
Theodore Roosevelt in St. Paul, Minn. 1917 | TR in Saint Paul, Minn. 1917 | Roosevelt Memorial Association title: TR in St. Paul, Minn., 1918 | Roosevelt Memorial Association title: TR speaking at St. Paul, Minn., 1918
Roosevelt views a large pro-war parade assembled in his honor in St. Paul, Minn. on Sept. 28, 1917. Long shot of large American flag as it is carried by women through crowd; close shots of officials on platform observing parade, including Roosevelt; Louis W. Hill, parade organizer and civic leader; Joseph A. A. Burnquist, governor of Minnesota (1915-1921); and Vivian R. Irvin, mayor of…
Burnquist, J. A. A. (Joseph Alfred Arner) - Hill, Louis Warren - Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection (Library of Congress) - Irvin, Vivian R. - Roosevelt, Theodore
Film, Video
TR speaking in St. Paul, Minnesota, 1918
Theodore Roosevelt speaking in St. Paul, Minnesota, 1918 | TR speaking in Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1918
Views of TR, wearing a mourning armband for his son Quentin, delivering a speech from a covered platform to a large crowd gathered in an open area of what appears to be a factory and surrounding area; close-up of TR, prepared text in hand, speaking to the camera.
Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection (Library of Congress) - Roosevelt, Theodore
Film, Video
TR at San Diego Exposition, 1915
Theodore Roosevelt at San Diego Exposition, 1915 | Theodore Roosevelt attends San Diego Exposition, 1915
Theodore Roosevelt attends the Panama-California Exposition on Roosevelt Day, July 27, 1915. He arrives at the United States Government Building in an open touring car with two men in the rear seat. The man who is wearing a ribbon on his coat appears to be George W. Marston, park commissioner. Gilbert Aubrey Davidson, president of the Exposition, and others greet Roosevelt and his party.…
Marston, George W. - Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection (Library of Congress) - Roosevelt, Edith Kermit Carow - Davidson, Gilbert Aubrey - Roosevelt, Theodore - Stineman, Ralph P.
Film, Video
[Charles E. Hughes speaking during campaign, Duquesne, Pa., 1916]
Universal animated weekly
Presidential candidate Charles Evans Hughes campaigns in Pittsburgh vicinity on Sept. 27, 1916. Hughes was on a strenuous tour in an attempt to knit together various Republican factions. In Pittsburgh area he was joined by Republican notables, some of whom had been at odds with him: Senator Boies Penrose, Philander Knox, William Flinn. Hughes spoke in opposition to the eight-hour day and was silent…
Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection (Library of Congress) - Universal Film Manufacturing Company - Community Motion Picture Service, Inc - Roosevelt Memorial Association
Film, Video
King Edward's funeral, 1910 [2]
Ceremonial funeral procession of King Edward VII (1901-1910) passing through the streets of London on May 20, 1910. Views of the moving casket, heads of state walking behind the casket, the royal carriage, and various marching military units. Attending the ceremony were Kaiser Wilhelm II, Stéphen Pichon, Kings of Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and Theodore Roosevelt, representing the United States. Roosevelt is…
Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection (Library of Congress) - Roosevelt, Theodore
Film, Video
TR speaking at [Pueblo] Colorado, 1912
Theodore Roosevelt speaking at Pueblo, Colorado, 1912
As part of a Western tour, TR addresses crowd in his campaign for the Presidency under the Progressive Party banner in what appears to be Pueblo, Colorado, on September 19, 1912. Long shots of gathered crowd, with views of two cameramen on a platform with the sign: Mile High Photo Co., Denver. Views from varying distances of TR speaking with prepared text, from a…
Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection (Library of Congress) - Roosevelt, Theodore
Film, Video
Shall we prepare?
Roosevelt Memorial Association title: TR speaking at Sagamore | Roosevelt Memorial Association title: TR in Metropolitan Magazine office, 1916 | Theodore Roosevelt speaking at Sagamore | Theodore Roosevelt in Metropolitan Magazine office, 1916
Two sequences of TR: Sequence 1: views of TR walking onto the porch of Sagamore Hill, Oyster Bay, N.Y., facing the camera, and then speaking on military preparedness during WWI; Sequence 2: views of TR sitting at his desk in the Metropolitan Magazine office in New York City and speaking with a man who may be Carl Hovey, editor of the magazine.
Paramount Pictures Corporation - Bray Studios - Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection (Library of Congress) - Hovey, Carl - Roosevelt, Theodore
Film, Video
TR speaking at the Battery, 1910
Theodore Roosevelt speaking at the Battery, 1910
Upon returning to the United States after an extended tour abroad, Theodore Roosevelt is welcomed with elaborate festivities in New York City on June 18, 1910. There are views of Roosevelt and Cornelius Vanderbilt, the chairman of the welcoming committee, walking toward the Battery Park platform, with photographers lining their approach. Mayor William J. Gaynor greets Roosevelt at the base of the Battery platform,…
Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection (Library of Congress) - Gaynor, William Jay - Roosevelt, Theodore - Vanderbilt, Cornelius
Film, Video
TR reviews and addresses troops [Fort Sheridan, Ill.]; TR riding in auto, Chicago, 1917
TR riding in auto, Chicago, 1917 | Theodore Roosevelt reviews and addresses troops [Fort Sheridan, Ill.] | Theodore Roosevelt riding in auto, Chicago, 1917
Two segments of TR during a midwestern speaking tour in support of military preparedness. On September 27, 1917, TR visited the officers' training camp at Fort Sheridan, Illinois. Views of troops marching past a reviewing stand for inspection by TR and several civilian and military personnel; identified on the platform with TR are Captain Georges Etienne Bertrand (wearing beret), a visiting Frenchman who instructed…
Meeker, Arthur - Ryan, James A. - Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection (Library of Congress) - Insull, Samuel - Bertrand, Georges Etienne - Universal Film Manufacturing Company - Roosevelt, Theodore
Film, Video
TR's return to New York, 1910. [No. 1]
Theodore Roosevelt's return to New York, 1910
On June 18, 1910, Theodore Roosevelt returned to New York City after a fifteen-month tour abroad, having travelled through Africa and western Europe. An elaborate city celebration drawing a million people marked his homecoming. Aboard the ocean liner Kaiserin Auguste Victoria ex-President and Mrs. Roosevelt were met by a revenue cutter, the Manhattan, carrying the Roosevelt children. TR then went aboard a larger cutter,…
Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection (Library of Congress) - Braunstein, Nathan - Roosevelt Memorial Association
Film, Video
President Harding and Calvin Coolidge [1]
Various scenes of the official notification ceremonies held on July 22, 1920 for Warren G. Harding, selected as the Presidential candidate by 17th Republican National Convention and Calvin Coolidge, selected as the Vice Presidential nominee. Opening views of Harding, followed by scenes of him and his wife, Florence Kling Harding, in Marion, Ohio; Harding, Coolidge, and Will H. Hays, Republican National Committee chairman, getting…
Hays, Will H. (Will Harrison) - Lodge, Henry Cabot - Morrow, Edwin P. - Community Motion Picture Service, Inc - Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel) - Republican National Convention - Coolidge, Calvin - Harding, George T. - Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection (Library of Congress) - Harding, Florence Kling
Film, Video
President Wilson arrives in New York to lead fourth Liberty Loan parade [1918]
Views of fourth Liberty Loan ceremonies in New York City and Washington, Sept. 1918. Inaugurating a national drive for the sale of liberty bonds, President Wilson, his wife Edith, and mother-in-law, Mrs. W. H. Bolling, arrive in New York on Sept. 27, 1918. At Pennsylvania Railroad Station they are greeted by crowds and joined by the President's two daughters, Margaret Wilson and Eleanor McAdoo,…
Pathé Exchange - International Film Service - Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection (Library of Congress) - Roosevelt Memorial Association
Film, Video
Women suffragettes visit TR at Sagamore [1917]
Women suffragettes visit Theodore Roosevelt at Sagamore, 1917
Film is the opening of the second New York State suffrage campaign on Sept. 8, 1917 at Sagamore Hill. The first campaign, beginning in 1913, was unsuccessful; the woman suffrage amendment was rejected by the voters in 1915. On Nov. 6, 1917, the suffrage amendment to the New York State Constitution was approved by the voters. The suffragists invited to Sagamore Hill were headed…
Whitehouse, Vira Boarman - Reid, Helen Rogers - Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection (Library of Congress) - Laidlaw, H. B. (Harriet Burton) - Roosevelt, Theodore
Film, Video
Last known home of Czar Nicholas
Camera pans the home of a merchant named Ipatiev, where Nicholas II, last Russian emperor, and his royal family were executed in Ekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk), July 1918. Second sequence is views of men, identified by interior title as Bolshevik prisoners, standing behind barbed wire as guards patrol.
Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection (Library of Congress) - Rainey, Paul James
Film, Video
A visit to Theodore Roosevelt at his home at Sagamore Hill, Oyster Bay, L.I., 1912
Original U.S. release title: Visit to the illustrious colonel | French language translation title: Visite à l'illustre colonel | Theodore Roosevelt
First film footage taken of Theodore Roosevelt at his home at Sagamore Hill, Oyster Bay, Long Island, summer of 1912. Views of the house and surrounding grounds. Roosevelt reviews his mail, assisted by his son Archie. William P. Helm, Associated Press correspondent for New York City and Washington from 1910 to 1918, who was detailed to Woodrow Wilson and Roosevelt during the 1912 campaign,…
Roosevelt, Archibald B. (Archibald Bulloch) - Pathé Frères (U.S.) - Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection (Library of Congress) - Helm, William P. (William Pickett) - Roosevelt, Theodore - Roosevelt Memorial Association
Film, Video
President McKinley's funeral, 1901. [No. 1]
Title in Theodore Roosevelt Association film collection catalog: President McKinley's funeral, 1901 [1]
Three sequences of the funeral ceremonies held for President William McKinley: Sequence 1: McKinley's body lay in state in the Rotunda of the Capitol, Washington, D.C. on Sept. 17, 1901; views of officers on horseback, the Artillery Band (wearing dark headdresses), a squadron of cavalry, a battalion of artillery and coast artillery, Marine Band (wearing white helmets), battalion of Marines, civilians carrying umbrellas (may…
Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection (Library of Congress) - Biograph Company - Roosevelt Memorial Association
Film, Video
Leonard Wood lays cornerstone of Roosevelt House, 1921
Pathé news
On Jan. 6, 1921, the restoration of TR's birthplace by the Woman's Roosevelt Memorial Association is officially begun with the laying of the Roosevelt House cornerstone. Views of crowds pressing around platform; Major General Leonard Wood, TR's longtime friend and political associate, preparing to set stone in place; Corinne Robinson, TR's sister and a frequent participant in Roosevelt House activities, speaking to assembled crowd.…
Pathé Exchange - Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection (Library of Congress) - Roosevelt Memorial Association