Collection Items

  • Collection
    Ethnic Grocers in the Urban Midwest : Archie Green Fellows Project, 2014-2015 Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available Collection of oral history interviews documenting the occupational folklore of ethnic grocery store owners and workers in the Midwest. In 2013, folklorist Lucy Long received an Archie Green Fellowship from the American Folklife Center to document the work-related experiences and occupational histories of ethnic grocery store owners and workers in the Cleveland, Columbus, and Toledo, Ohio areas. Interviewees include store workers, managers and owners,…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Dia, Younes - Kwakye, Gifty F. - Elkhechen, Nailam - Neiden, George - Chillapalli, Revathi - American Folklife Center - Afful, Ernest - Ponce Gomez, Oscar - Snyadanko, Iryna - Long, Lucy M. - Neiden, Maria - Hariri, Bahaa - Ham, Sypha
    • Date: 2014
  • Audio Recording
    Mark Nafziger interview conducted by Meredith McGriff, 2018-10-22 Mark Nafziger, the owner of Brush Creek Pottery, discusses his work as a potter. The pottery is part of Sauder Village, a tourist attraction which houses a number of craftspeople making both historical and contemporary objects. Mark talks about his education, the establishment of Brush Creek Pottery, his relationship with others at Sauder Village, the development of his production line, some of the changes…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - McGriff, Meredith A. E. - Nafziger, Mark
    • Date: 2018
  • Collection
    Multigenerational African-Descended Farmers of the Midwest : Surviving Erasure : Archie Green Fellows Project, 2019-2021
    Original project title: Multi-Generational African American Farmers of the Midwest Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Collection consists of 22 occupational folklife interviews conducted by historian Anna-Lisa Cox. The interviews focus primarily on occupational information documenting the oral histories and folkways of older, multigenerational African American farmers in rural Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan, some of whom are descendants of Black pioneers who settled this region starting in the 1790s. By the 1850s, these states had over 300 thriving African…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Cravey, Georgia - Anderson, Victor - Gallion, Judy Morris - Thomas, Logan - Anderson, Jackie R. - American Folklife Center - Jones, Alma Louise - Anderson, Carl - Morris, Glenn ... Occupational Folklife Project - Cravey, Georgia - Anderson, Victor - Gallion, Judy Morris - Thomas, Logan - Anderson, Jackie R. - American Folklife Center - Jones, Alma Louise - Anderson, Carl - Morris, Glenn - Walden, Jonathan - Jones, Brent Edward - Jamerson, Denise - Greer, Dwight - Montegue, Carol - Tabler, Cecil - Morris, Russell - Anderson, Harry - Walden, Carolyn Sallee - Casey, Delores Hardiman - Madison, Stanley - Brinkman, Jan Morris - Butcher, David - Jamerson, Deanthony - Taylor, Lishawna - Nolcox, Travis - Harris, Eddie L. - Granger, Joyce M. - Greer, Norman - Hardiman, Dennis A. - Norman, Barbara James - Morecraft, Peggy Morris - Morton, Phyllis Granger - Green, Marva A. - Cox, Anna-Lisa - Nolcox, Vivian - Lawson, Bill
    • Date: 2019
  • Audio Recording
    James Colby Howard interview conducted by Delainey Morgan Bowers, 2020-06-18 James C. Howard discusses the path that led him to become an independent professional wrestler starting in 2016. Howard speaks about his family's love for the sport, the development of his alter ego Crash Jaxon, his first match, the effects of social media on the sport, wrestling styles, the course of his career, and offers an insider's perspective on how the indie circuit is…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Bowers, Delainey Morgan - Howard, James Colby
    • Date: 2020
  • Audio Recording
    Oscar Ponce Gomez interview conducted by Lucy Long, 2014-02-14 In this interview, San Marcos Grocery's owner Oscar Ponce Gomez talks about his journey from Mexico to Indiana and then on to Toledo, Ohio. He describes opening his grocery store and restaurant. He describes the types of foods offered, and explains why it is different from Tex-Mex, and the pride he takes in its being homemade, authentic, and high-quality. He talks about specific dishes…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Ponce Gomez, Oscar - Long, Lucy M.
    • Date: 2014-01-01
  • Audio Recording
    Nailam Elkhechen interview conducted by Lucy Long, 2014-05-22 Originally from Lebanon, nutritionist, traditional cook, and food-store customer Nailam Elkhechen discusses shopping at ethnic groceries (particularly Middle Eastern stores) in Toledo, Ohio and Dearborn, Michigan. She describes the role ethnic groceries play in their communities as social spaces; their relationship to the economic networks within the ethnic community; store owners and staff and their interactions with customers and their surrounding communities; and how…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Long, Lucy M. - Elkhechen, Nailam
    • Date: 2014-01-01
  • Audio Recording
    Bahaa Hariri interview conducted by Lucy Long, 2014-05-20 Bahaa Hariri is the son of a Middle Eastern grocery store owner in Toledo, Ohio. He talks about the history of the store (Halal Meat Market) and its role within the local Middle Eastern community. The store doesn't need to Americanize their offerings because so many of their customers are Arabic. He explains how food brings ethnic communities like his together, but how his…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Hariri, Bahaa - Long, Lucy M.
    • Date: 2014-01-01
  • Audio Recording
    Younes Dia interview conducted by Lucy Long, 2014-05-20 Younes Dia, the Lebanese-American owner of So Sweet Lebanese and French Pastries shop in Toledo, Ohio, discusses the historic connections between Lebanese and French pastry making. He relates his personal history, his family's history, and the challenges of establishing his new store, which opened three months ago. He talks about the Middle Eastern community in Toledo; marketing Lebanese food to non-ethnic customers; running his…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Long, Lucy M. - Dia, Younes
    • Date: 2014-01-01
  • Audio Recording
    Revathi Chillapalli interview conducted by Lucy Long, 2014-03-20 Revathi Chillapalli discusses her motivations for opening her store, the Deepam Grocery, Catering, Deli, and Restaurant. She talks about her desire to create community and to share her cooking skills. She also discusses regional Indian cooking styles; the southeastern Indian state of Andhra where she comes from; entering the food business; nutrition and healthy eating; holidays and celebrations; religious dietary guidelines; and the ethnic…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Long, Lucy M. - Chillapalli, Revathi
    • Date: 2014-01-01
  • Audio Recording
    Iryna Snyadanko interview conducted by Lucy Long, 2014-04-16 Ukrainian-born Iryna Snyadanko had worked in a grocery store in her homeland before immigrating. She talks about earning a degree in hospitality management since coming to the US about a decade ago. She describes starting and running her grocery store, the Ukrainian Village and Deli Grocery in Parma Heights, Ohio; and her interest in establishing a business that utilizes her expertise as a manager…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Snyadanko, Iryna - Long, Lucy M.
    • Date: 2014-01-01
  • Audio Recording
    Sypha Ham interview conducted by Lucy Long, 2014-03-18 Sypha Ham, the owner and operator of Westgate Import Market in Columbus, Ohio talks about leaving Cambodia and coming to the US as a refugee; and settling first in Virginia before moving to Ohio in 1981. She discusses opening one of the first stores in the area to offer Cambodian and southeast Asian food; her family and their relationship to her store; the long…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Long, Lucy M. - Ham, Sypha
    • Date: 2014-01-01
  • Audio Recording
    George Neiden and Maria Neiden interview conducted by Lucy Long, 2015-06-23 Maria Neiden and George Neiden (mother and son) talk about the history of their sausage-making business and store, their personal histories, and their attitudes towards their work. They share thoughts on the value of well-crafted food and on keeping alive ethnic food traditions. They express pride in the healthfulness of their products; their approach to work; the challenges of juggling a family business with…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Neiden, Maria - Long, Lucy M. - Neiden, George
    • Date: 2015-01-01
  • Audio Recording
    Gifty F. Kwakye interview conducted by Lucy Long, 2015-06-01 Gifty Kwakye, owner and operator of Gifty African Market in Columbus, Ohio, discusses how and why she opened her grocery store; the differences between African and American store management; her long hours and how her family helps out; and how much she enjoys her customers. She also talks about how her shop serves as a social center for the local Ghanaian community as well…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Long, Lucy M. - Kwakye, Gifty F.
    • Date: 2015-01-01
  • Audio Recording
    Ernest Afful interview conducted by Lucy Long, 2015-06-01 Ernest Afful, whose parents own and operate Accra African Market in Columbus, was born in Ghana and grew up in the US. He talks about how and why his parents started the store, and what he enjoys about working there. He also discusses his family's immigration history; growing up African in the US; and his work environment. He explains that most of the store's…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Afful, Ernest - Long, Lucy M.
    • Date: 2015-01-01
  • Collection
    Kitchen Workers in Central Ohio : Archie Green Fellows Project, 2017-2018 Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available In 2017, Jess Lamar Reece Holler, an independent Ohio-based folklorist, received an Archie Green Fellowship from the American Folklife Center to document the occupational experiences and traditions of "back-of-house" kitchen workers in or near Columbus, Ohio. She interviewed 16 veteran, part-time, and more recently employed food employees working kitchens, community markets, food trucks, and pop-up eateries. As she notes, the contemporary emphasis on celebrity…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Purser, Jeremy - American Folklife Center - Panchal, Kamal - Phettaphong, Amp - Ardrey, Adele Eliza - Averette, Estella - Bennett, Jack Dale - Panchal, Ami - Shea, Molly ... Occupational Folklife Project - Purser, Jeremy - American Folklife Center - Panchal, Kamal - Phettaphong, Amp - Ardrey, Adele Eliza - Averette, Estella - Bennett, Jack Dale - Panchal, Ami - Shea, Molly - Holler, Jacob Warren Reece - Marchese, Jim - Bajgai, Suk Dev - Barouxis, James - Cook, Kursten - Wagner, Jameson - Barouxis, Pete - Soriano, Juan Carlos - Holler, Jess Lamar Reece - Nguyen, Phuong Mai
    • Date: 2017
  • Audio Recording
    Jack Dale Bennett interview conducted by Jess Lamar Reece Holler, 2018-05-31 Jack Dale Bennett Jr. discusses his experiences working in the restaurant and food service industry in Columbus, Ohio, as well as his food industry work experiences in Connecticut, and Knoxville, Tennessee. He talks about working in food trucks, pizza shops, French brigade-style kitchens, farms and resorts. He shares his thoughts on the cultures of kitchen work and the future of Columbus's food scene.
    • Contributor: Bennett, Jack Dale - Holler, Jess Lamar Reece - Occupational Folklife Project
    • Date: 2018-01-01
  • Audio Recording
    Juan Carlos "Armanii" Soriano interview conducted by Jess Lamar Reece Holler, 2018-06-14 Juan Carlos ("Armanii") Soriano, a La Poblanita taco truck worker and the eldest son of the truck's founder/owner Marciela Soriano, discusses his life and how his mother came to open the beloved Mexican food truck in Columbus's Clintonville neighborhood, just across the street from the Marzetti's salad dressing factory. Juan traces his family's entrance into the booming DIY Columbus food scene. He talks about…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Holler, Jess Lamar Reece - Soriano, Juan Carlos
    • Date: 2018-01-01
  • Audio Recording
    Phuong Mai Nguyen and Amp Phettaphong interview conducted by Jess Lamar Reece Holler, 2018-06-14 The Indochine Cafe's owners and chefs Phuong Mai Nguyen and Amp Phettaphong share their early experiences as political refugees and asylum seekers from Vietnam. Phuong Mai came in the first wave. Amp's family was stuck in Thai refugee camps for almost ten years and could not immigrate until 1986. They discuss their family's occupations and food culture; their upbringings as a young children and…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Nguyen, Phuong Mai - Holler, Jess Lamar Reece - Phettaphong, Amp
    • Date: 2018-01-01
  • Audio Recording
    Estella Averette interview conducted by Jess Lamar Reece Holler, 2018-06-13 In this interview, emergent vegan pop-up chef, caterer, and brand new weekly meal-service-provider Estella Averette shares her sudden and surprising path to veganism and Columbus's DIY food scene via her father's stomach cancer diagnosis. The interview followed directly on the heels of Averette's first-ever vegan pop-up event, held at Clintonville's Park of Roses on June 10, 2018, and much of it focuses on Averette's…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Holler, Jess Lamar Reece - Averette, Estella
    • Date: 2018-01-01
  • Audio Recording
    Ami Panchal and Kamal Panchal interview conducted by Jess Lamar Reece Holler, 2018-06-12 This interview with Banana Leaf Indian Restaurant husband and wife co-owners Kamal and Ami Panchal details the origins of the restaurant; the couple's previous lives and careers in Gujarat; coming to Columbus to be with their only son; the traditions, ethics and philosophy of Hindu vegetarianism; and the couple's beliefs about the importance of vegetarian Indian food to health. Kamal and Ami also detail…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Holler, Jess Lamar Reece - Panchal, Ami - Panchal, Kamal
    • Date: 2018-01-01
  • Audio Recording
    James Barouxis interview conducted by Jess Lamar Reece Holler, 2018-06-04
    Jimmy Barouxis and Yanni Agalos interview
    Interview with James "Jimmy" Barouxis, a real estate agent and the owner/manager of Buckeye Donuts, an iconic, multi-generational doughnut shop on High Street in Columbus, Ohio. The shop is located directly across from Ohio State University's main campus. In this interview, Jimmy details his family's Greek heritage and continued connection to Greece; his childhood in and around Buckeye Donuts--which his grandfather and father converted…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Holler, Jess Lamar Reece - Barouxis, James - Agalos, Yanni
    • Date: 2018-01-01
  • Audio Recording
    Warren interview conducted by Jess Lamar Reece Holler, 2018-05-24 In this interview, baker, landscaping-company owner, farmer and artist "Warren" shares their journey in Columbus's back-of-house kitchen and food scene. Warren talks about growing up outside of Westerville, Ohio; early influences on their sense of kitchen creativity; college eating experiences; and exposure to the booming organic food/farm movement of the late-2000s, after graduating from Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Warren details their career, which…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Holler, Jess Lamar Reece
    • Date: 2018-01-01
  • Audio Recording
    Kursten Cook interview conducted by Jess Lamar Reece Holler, 2018-05-24 In this interview, hourly/shift manager Kursten Cook details her childhood in Gahanna, Ohio. She talks about starting work for a local Columbus BBQ chain, City Barbeque and Catering, in its Gahanna's location as a high-schooler, and her almost ten-year career with the restaurant. The interviewee discusses her move from front-of-house to back-of-house work, including her discovery of the art of BBQ ("it's not just…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Holler, Jess Lamar Reece - Cook, Kursten
    • Date: 2018-01-01
  • Audio Recording
    Adele Eliza Ardrey interview conducted by Jess Lamar Reece Holler, 2018-06-11 In this marathon interview (almost 4 hours!), Adele Ardrey discusses her upbringing in Athens County (Ohio), Cleveland, and Columbus; her mother's relationships and her family life; food culture at home; her parents' meeting while working at the Casa Nueva, a worker-owned cooperative Mexican restaurant in Athens; and her early exposure to a local, sustainable version of the food service industry when she began working…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Holler, Jess Lamar Reece - Ardrey, Adele Eliza
    • Date: 2018-01-01
  • Audio Recording
    Jim Marchese interview conducted by Jess Lamar Reece Holler, 2018-06-08 Rubino's Pizza cook and owner Vincent "Jim" Marchese details his upbringing in Flytown/Italian Village, in what is now Columbus's rapidly-gentrifying Short North District, during the 1950s and 1960s. He discusses his family's Italian heritage and foodways; and his family's involvement in the pizza establishment and their eventual purchase of Bexley's Rubino's Pizza, which was famed for its ultra-thin "Columbus-style" cracker-crust-and-provolone pizza. Jim talks about…
    • Contributor: Occupational Folklife Project - Marchese, Jim - Holler, Jess Lamar Reece
    • Date: 2018-01-01