Collection Items
MapAtlas of Athens county, Ohio, to which is added a township map of the state of Ohio, also an outline and railroad map of the United States. Phillips, 2355 LC Panoramic maps (2nd ed.), 677.1, 693.1, 709.1 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
- Contributor: Lake, D. J.
- Date: 1875-01-01
MapCombination atlas map of Logan county, Ohio, LC Panoramic maps (2nd ed.), 680.1 LC Panoramic maps (2nd ed.), 691.1 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. On cover: New historical atlas of Logan county, Ohio. "History of Logan county, Ohio": p. i-viii. "Personal sketches": p.ix-xii. LC copy conserved, encapusulated and rebound.
- Contributor: Stewart, D. J.
- Date: 1875-01-01
MapAn illustrated historical atlas of the state of Minnesota Extra numbered pages: 205 1/2, 206 1/2. LC Panoramic maps (2nd ed.), 3820, 3880, 3990,4030 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. 2 copies
- Contributor: Andreas, Alfred Theodore
- Date: 1874-01-01
MapMap of Winona County, Minnesota. 1867. Phillips, 2046 LC Panoramic maps (2nd ed.), 414.1 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
- Contributor: Bennett, L. G. (Lyman G.)
- Date: 1867-01-01
MapA. T. Andreas' illustrated historical atlas of the State of Iowa.
Illustrated historical atlas of the State of Iowa LC Panoramic maps (2nd ed.), 2051, 2082, 2091, 2092, 2121, 2231, 2241 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.- Contributor: Andreas, A. T. (Alfred Theodore)
- Date: 1875-01-01
MapPictorial St. Louis, the great metropolis of the Mississippi valley; a topographical survey drawn in perspective A.D. 1875, Phillips, 15266 LC Panoramic maps (2nd ed.), 439 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
- Contributor: Compton, Richard J. - Dry, Camille N.
- Date: 1876-01-01
Resource: View All Images
MapPanoramic view of the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia 1879. Perspective map not drawn to scale. Bird's-eye view. LC Panoramic maps (2nd ed.), 1071 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Indexed for points of interest. Vault AACR2: 100; 651/1
- Contributor: Ruger, A.
- Date: 1879-01-01
MapTruro, Nova Scotia, 1889 Relief shown pictorially. Bird's-eye view. "Entered according to Act of Parliament of Canada in the year 1889 by Duncan D. Currie in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture." LC map sheet inserted in mylar pocket. LC copy imperfect: Discoloration. Includes mines and mineral resources information, brief index to points of interest, and illustrations. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as…
- Contributor: Currie, Duncan D.
- Date: 1889-01-01
MapMoncton, New Brunswick, 1888 Relief shown pictorially. Pictorial panoramic view of metropolitan area showing principal buildings and attractions. LC map sheet inserted in mylar pocket. LC copy imperfect: Liquid staining along bottom margin and torn along edges. Includes drawings of major buildings in margin and directory to points of interest. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
- Contributor: Currie, Duncan D.
- Date: 1888-01-01
MapVue de Quebec, capitale du Canada. LC Panoramic maps (2nd ed.), 1073.3 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Includes "Renvois" indicating 10 important buildings as seen from the east. Vault AACR2: 100; 440; 651/1
- Contributor: Le Rouge, Georges-Louis
- Date: 1755-01-01
MapBird's eye view of Sherbrooke, P.Q. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Includes index and inset of "Spring Brewery C.H. Fletcher." Acquisitions control no. 95-4
- Date: 1881-01-01
MapBird's eye view of Brantford, province Ontario, Canada 1875. Perspective map not drawn to scale. LC Panoramic maps (2nd ed.), 1069 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Includes illus. and index to points of interest. AACR2
- Contributor: Chicago Lithographing Co - Charles Shober & Co - Brosius, H.
- Date: 1875-01-01
Map[Bird's eye view of Chatham, Ontario. Perspective map not drawn to scale. LC Panoramic maps (2nd ed.), 1070 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Includes illus. LC copy imperfect: Borders trimmed off. AACR2
- Date: 1870-01-01
MapCity of Ottawa, Canada with views of principal business buildings. Perspective map not drawn to scale. Bird's-eye view. LC Panoramic maps (2nd ed.), 1073 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Includes col. illus. AACR2: 651/1
- Contributor: Toronto Lithographing Company
- Date: 1895-01-01
MapSt. Thomas. Perspective map not drawn to scale. Oriented with north toward the lower left. Bird's-eye-view. LC Panoramic maps (2nd ed.), 1074 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Includes illus. and index to points of interest. LC copy annotated in red and blue giving orientation and points of interest. AACR2
- Contributor: J. Knauber & Co - Stoner, J. J. - Brosius, H. - C.H. Vogt (Firm)
- Date: 1896-01-01
MapWinnipeg Bird's-eye view. Includes statistical data and ill. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. PM3 Acquisitions control no. 99-47 Vault
- Contributor: Fonseca, W. G.
- Date: 1884-01-01
MapBird's-eye view of Victoria, Vancouver Island, B.C. 1878. Perspective map not drawn to scale. Indexed for points of interest. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. AACR2: 100; 651/1; 710/1
- Contributor: Glover, E. S. (Eli Sheldon) - A.L. Bancroft & Company - Waitt (M.W.) & Co
- Date: 1878-01-01
MapVictoria, B.C. 1889. Perspective map not drawn to scale. Bird's-eye-view. LC Panoramic maps (2nd ed.), 1077 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Indexed for points of interest. AACR2: 651/1
- Contributor: Ellis & Co
- Date: 1889-01-01
MapView of Victoria, Vancouver Island. LC Panoramic maps (2nd ed.), 1075 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Shows points of interest. AACR2: 651/1; 700/1; 710/2
- Contributor: Picken, Thomas - Tiedemann, H. O. - Day & Son
- Date: 1860-01-01
MapVictoria, B.C. and vicinity 1884. LC Panoramic maps (2nd ed.), 1076.1 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. AACR2: 651/1
- Contributor: West Shore (Firm) - Samuel, Leo - Ferguson (J.B.) & Co., Victoria, B.C.
- Date: 1884-01-01
MapBird's eye view of the city of Augusta, Maine, 1878 Relief shown pictorially. Oriented with north to the right. Includes index to points of interest. Copy imperfect: Stained, brittle. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. PM3 Acquisitions control no.: 2007-209
- Contributor: Beck & Pauli - Stoner, J. J. - Ruger, A.
- Date: 1878-01-01
MapBar Harbor, Mt. Desert Island, Maine. Perspective map not drawn to scale. Bird's-eye-view. LC Panoramic maps (2nd ed.), 243 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. AACR2: 651/1; 710/1
- Contributor: Morris, G. W., Portland, Me., Pub - Geo. H. Walker & Co
- Date: 1886-01-01
MapBird's eye view of the City of Bangor, Penobscot County, Maine, 1875 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Indexed for points of interest. PM3 Vault
- Contributor: Koch, Augustus - Stoner, J. J.
- Date: 1875-01-01
MapBlue Hill, Maine, 1896. Bird's-eye view. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Includes index to points of interest and ancillary view of area from the quarries to Parker's Point. LC copy imperfect: Brittle, darkened, and stained. PM3 Acquisitions control no. 98-11
- Date: 1896-01-01
MapBridgton, Maine, U.S.A. : 1888 Bird's-eye view. "Fred C. Gibbs, Bridgton, Me. Sole Agent For The Sale of This Picture." Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Includes index to points of interest and col. ill. PM3
- Contributor: Burleigh Litho
- Date: 1888-01-01