Collection Items
Book/Printed MaterialMuḥārabah-ʼi Kābul va Qandahar
/ | محاربۀ کابل و قندهار / Historical account of Afghan wars, 1838-1919, between the states of Kabul and Kandahar against the British invaders, written by Munshī ʻAbd al-Karīm, a companion of Shāh Shujāʻ al-Mulk, the Amir of Afghanistan.…- Contributor: ʻabd Al-Karīm - Abd Al-Karīm
- Date: 1850-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialTaz̲kirah-i gulzār-i Aʻẓam
/ | تذکره گلزار أعظم / Biographical sketches and specimen of the works of Indian, Afghani and Central Asian writers from early times. Taz̲kirah-i gulzār-i Aʻẓam (The memorial known as the greatest flower meadow) is a biographical compendium…- Contributor: Aʻẓam, Muḥammad G̲h̲aus̲ K̲h̲ān - Abd Al-Ṣamad - ʻabd Al-Ṣamad
- Date: 1855-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialMujarrabāt-i Bū ʻAlī Sīnā maʻrūf bih Tuḥfat al-ʻāshiqīn
Tuḥfat al-ʻāshiqīn | مجربات بو على سينا معروف به تحفة العاشقين Lithographed. In Persian; translated from Arabic.- Contributor: Avicenna
- Date: 1856-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialḤayāt-i Afghānī
/ | حيات افغانى / Includes detailed contents in English (p. 5-19)--at back. Lithograph. Includes index. In In Urdu, Persian, Pushto and English.- Contributor: Khān, Muḥammad Ḥayāt
- Date: 1867-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialFatḥ al-aqfāl al-musammá bih Tuḥfat al-aṭfāl
/ | Tuḥfat al-aṭfāl | فتح الاقفال المسمى به تحفة الاطفال / On how to read and recite the Qurʹān.- Contributor: Jamzūrī, Sulaymān Ibn Ḥusayn - Nīk Muḥammad
- Date: 1871-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialMujarrabāt-i Akbarī-i Fārsī
/ | مجربات اکبرى، فارسى / On therapeutics, pharmacopoeias, Arab Medicine.- Contributor: Shāh Arzānī, Muḥammad Akbar Ibn Muḥammad
- Date: 1874-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialLillāh al-ḥamd va-al-minnah kih nuskhah-ʼi mutabarrikah al-mawsūm bi-Tuḥfat al-ʻulamāʼ
لله الحمد والمنه که نسخۀ متبرکه الموسوم بتحفة العلماء / | / Tuḥfat al-ʻulamā' (An offering for religious scholars) is ostensibly a tract addressed to the ʻulamā' (religious scholars) of Afghanistan, asking them to actively discourage the suspicion held by their followers toward things…- Contributor: Khān, ʻabd Al-Qādir
- Date: 1875-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialDīvān-i ʻĀyishah
/ Collected works of a noted Afghan poetess during the reign of ʻAbdurraḥmān K̲h̲ān, Amīr of Afghanistan, d. 1901. This work is a lithographic print, published in Kabul, of the collected poems of…- Contributor: Durrānī, ʻāyishah Afghān
- Date: 1881-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialKitāb-i musammá bi-tārīkh-i Sulṭānī
/ | Tārīkh-i Sulṭānī | Kitāb musammá bi-tārīkh-i Sulṭānī | کتاب مسمى بتاريخ سلطانى / Historical study of the Afghan rulers from the beginning of Islam. Tārīkh-i Sulṭānī (The Sulṭānī history) is a historical study of the Afghan people and the rulers of Afghanistan from the beginnings…- Contributor: Durrānī, Sulṭān Muḥammad Khān Ibn Mūsá Khān
- Date: 1881-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialPandnāmah-i dunyā va dīn : khāṭirat-i Amīr ʻAbd al-Raḥmān, bi-qalam-i khūdish
پندنامه دنيا و دين : خاطرات امير عبد الرحمان، بقلم خودش This work is an autobiography of 'Abd al-Raḥmān Khān, emir of Afghanistan from 1880 to 1901. It is styled, however, as a manual of advice and a mirror for princes. It is…- Contributor: ʻabd Al-Raḥmān Khān - Abd Al-Raḥmān Khān
- Date: 1883-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialĪn chand saṭrīst kih ḥaz̤rat-i bādishāh-i Islām panāh-i amīr ibn al-amīr ibn al-amīr Amīr ʻAbd al-Raḥman …
Naṣāyiḥʹnāmchah | Naṣāyiḥ nāmchah | اين چند سطريست که حضرت بادشاه اسلام پناه امير بن الامير بن الامير امير عبد الرحمن خان ادام الله سلطنته از براى قوم خود پيشينگوئى فرموده که از واردات زمانه مستظهر باشند مسمى به نصايحنامچه Lithographed. In Persian.- Contributor: ʻabd Al-Raḥmān Khān - Abd Al-Raḥmān Khān
- Date: 1886-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialMīzak-i jangī
/ | ميزک جنگى / On military and war music with special reference to Afghanistan.- Contributor: ʻazīzī, Mīr Sayf Al-Dīn - Azīzī, Mīr Sayf Al-Dīn
- Date: 1887-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialRisālah-i nājiyah
رساله ناجيه / | / On the significance of Jihād (holy war) in the Koran and Hadith.- Contributor: ʻabd Al-Raḥmān Khān - Abd Al-Raḥmān Khān
- Date: 1889-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialHuva huva al-mustaʻān al-minnah lillāh kih bi-ḥusn-i tawfīq-i janāb-i bārī Qānūn-i kārguz̲ārī dar muʻāmalāt-i ḥukūmatī va …
Qānūn-i kārguz̲ārī dar muʻāmalāt-i ḥukūmatī va taʻayyun-i jarāyim va siyāsāt kih az ḥuz̤ūr-i maʻdalat-i dastūr-i ḥaz̤rat-i Shahriyārī adāma Allāh mulkah | هو هو المستعان المنة لله که بحسن توفيق جناب بارى قانون کارگذارى در معاملات حکومتى و تعين جرايم و سياسات که از حضور معدلت دستور حضرت شهريارى ادام الله ملکه، جهة اهتداى حکام و رفاه طبقات انام در سنه ايت ايل ترکى، سال يکهزار و سه صد و سه مطابق سال هفتم جلوس ميمنت مانوس تقرير پذيرفته بود در شهر کابل، ربيع الثانى سنه ١٣٠٩ بمطبع دار السلطنه طبع گرديد Laws pertaining to the responsibilities of judges according to Islam in different criminal cases; the first ever law book published in Afghanistan. Qānūn-i kārguz̲ārī dar muʻāmalāt-i ḥukūmatī wa taʻayyun-i jarāyim wa siyāsāt…- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1891-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialRisālah-i mawʻiẓah
/ | رساله موعظه / Treatise recounting the accomplishments of ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Khān, Amir of Afghanistan with special reference to civil rights and citizenship in Afghanistan.- Contributor: Muḥammadzāʼī, Gul Muḥammad
- Date: 1893-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialAsās al-quz̤āt
/ | اساس القضات / Asās al-Quz̤āt (The basis for judges) is a lithographic book on Islamic jurisprudence, published in the late 19th century by the royal publishing house in Kabul. It was intended as a source…- Contributor: Muḥammadzāʼī, Gul Muḥammad - Alkūzāʼī, Aḥmad Jān Khān
- Date: 1893-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialTavārīkh-i khūrshīd-i jahān
/ | تواريخ خورشيد جهان / Tavarikh-i Khurshid-i Jahan (literally, Histories of the sun of the world) is primarily a history of Afghan Pushtun (or Pashtun) ancestry. It describes Afghan Pushtun genealogies, the various lineages, and the many…- Contributor: Ganḍāpūr, Sher Muḥammad K̲h̲ān - Ellis, Alexander George
- Date: 1894-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialTuḥfat al-mulūk
/ | تحفة الملوک / On improving religious, political and social ways of life; written on the order of Amir of Afghanistan ʻAbduraḥmān K̲h̲ān̲, d. 1901. Tuḥfat al-mulūk (An offering for kings) is a collection of dicta…- Contributor: Muḥammadzāʼī, Gul Muḥammad
- Date: 1894-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialDīvān-i Mullā Raḥmat Badakhshānī
/ | ديوان ملا رحمت بدخشانى / Collected works of a classical Afghan poet, first published during the reign of Ḥabīb Allah Khān, Amir of Afghanistan, during late 19th century. Divan-i Mullah Rahmat Badakhshani (The collected works of Mullah…- Contributor: Muḥammadzāʼī, Gul Muḥammad - Badakhshānī, Raḥmat
- Date: 1894-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialHāz̲ā kitāb-i ṭabbākhī al-musammá bih Khvān-i niʻmat
/ | Kitāb-i ṭabbākhī-i Khvān-i niʻmat | Khvān-i niʻmat | هذا کتاب طباخى المسمى به خوان نعمت / Includes index. Translation of: Dainty dishes for Indian tables. "Īn kitābīst kih dar avval bi-zabān-i Angrīzī būdah nām-i ān, Dainṭī ḍīshiz fār Inḍīyan ṭaybals ast"--Page 2. Lithographed. In Persian; translated from English.- Contributor: Muḥammadzāʼī, Gul Muḥammad
- Date: 1895-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialTuḥfah-ʼi Amīrī
/ | Kitāb-i Tuḥfah-ʼi Amīrī : | Ilm-i bārūdsāzī | تحفۀ اميرى / | ʻIlm-i bārūdsāzī On the art and knowledge of making explosives for war purposes. Tuḥfah-i Amīrī (The princely offering) is a book on the topic of gunpowder published in Afghanistan at the end of the…- Contributor: Muḥammadzāʼī, Gul Muḥammad
- Date: 1897-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialKitab-i ʻamal al-ṣāliḥīn
/ | Amal al-ṣāliḥīn | کتاب عمل الصالحين / | ʻAmal al-ṣāliḥīn This work is a lithographic print of a manuscript containing a treatise on pharmacology. It was produced in Kabul, in the Royal Printing House, by Ṣāliḥ ibn Ṣāliḥ Muḥammad and Sardār Gul…- Contributor: Muḥammadzāʼī, Gul Muḥammad - Liḥ Ibn Ṣāliḥ Muḥammad - Ṣāliḥ Ibn Ṣāliḥ Muḥammad
- Date: 1898-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialKalām al-mulūk, mulūk al-kalām : ḥasb al-farmān-i shahryār-i Afghānistān ḥaz̤rat z̤̤iyāʼ al-millah va al-dīn Amīr ʻAbd …
/ | nah-i jahānʹnamā | کلام الملوک، ملوک الکلام : حسب الفرمان شهريار افغانستان حضرت ض̤ياء المله و الدين امير عبد الرحمن خان غازى، خلد الله ملکه کتاب منتخبات انوار سهيلى که به نفس نفيس مبارک خود حضرت پادشاه اسلامپناه انتخاب فرموده : مسمى به أئينه جهاننما، که هر نکته أن ذخيرهايست که مسافران دنيا را زاد و توشه دين و دنيا حاصل و بهرهور ميگرداند / | Āʼīnah-i jahānʹnamā Āyinah-i jahān numā (The mirror of orrery) is a prose work of fables in Persian, which are relevant to both religious and worldly affairs. An orrery is a model representing the movements…- Contributor: Muḥammadzāʼī, Gul Muḥammad - Kāshifī, Ḥusayn Vāʻiẓ
- Date: 1900-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialTuḥfat al-amīr fī bayān-i sulūk al-mulūk va al-tadbīr
/ | Sulūk al-mulūk va al-tadbīr | تحفة الامير فى بيان سلوک الملوک و التدبير / Lithographed. Cover has date: 1298 [H Sh: 1919 or 1920; H Q: 1880 or 1881] Includes bibliographical references. In Persian, some in Arabic.- Contributor: Aḥmadzaʼī Takābī, Muḥammad Tāj Al-Dīn Afghān Ṣāfī
- Date: 1900-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialTāj al-tavārīkh : yaʻnī savāniḥ-i ʻumrī-i aʻláḥaz̤rat Amīr ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Khān vālī-i mamlakat-i khudādād-i Afghānistān
/ | تاج التواريخ : يعنى سوانح عمرى علىحضرت امير عبد الرحمن خان والى مملکت خداداد افغانستان / Shown here is volume one of the two-volume Tāj al-Tavārīkh (The crown of histories), which is the autobiography of 'Abd al-Raḥmān Khān, ruler of Afghanistan between 1880 and 1901. After long years…- Contributor: Nukhbah Lārī, Muḥammad Ḥusayn - ʻabd Al-Raḥmān Khān - Jaʻfar, Muḥammad - Abd Al-Raḥmān Khān
- Date: 1904-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialZubdat al-tajwīd
زبدة التجويد / | Zubdat al-tajvīd | / Lithographed. In Persian.- Contributor: Nīk Muḥammad - Afghānī, ʻabd Al-Khāliq Khān
- Date: 1904-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialMirʼāt al-arz̤, yaʻnī, Mukhtaṣar-i jughrāfiyah-i ʻālam : barā-yi ṭalabā-yi madāris-i qalamraw-i Afghānistān va mamālik-i maḥrūsah-i ān
Mukhtaṣar-i jughrāfiyah-i ʻālam | مرأة الارض، يعنے، مختصر جغرافيه عالم : براى طلباى مدارس قلمرو افغانستان و ممالک محروسه أن Brief geography of the world; a textbook of geography for Afghan students during the reign of Ḥabibullah Khān, the Amir of Afghanistan. Mirʼāt al-arz̤ (Mirror of the world) is a text on…- Date: 1905-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialKitāb-i baḥr al-favāʼid : Kullīyāt-i Riyāz̤ī : fihrist-i davāzdah kitāb-i dīvān-i Riyāz̤ī, majmūʻah-ʼi kih ānhā mawsūm …
Dīvān-i Riyāz̤ī | Kullīyāt-i Riyāz̤ī | کتاب بحر الفوائد : کليات رياضى : فهرست دوازده کتاب ديوان رياضى، مجموعۀ که انها موسوم بکتاب مستطاب بحر الفوائد است Historical study of Iran during the Qajar dynasty in 19th century and of Afghanistan during the rules of Shīr ʻAlī Khān, ʻAbdurraḥmān K̲h̲ān̲ and Ḥabīb Allāh Khān. Kullīyāt-i Riyāz̤ī (Riyazi's book, usually…- Contributor: Riyāz̤ī Haravī, Muḥammad Yūsuf
- Date: 1906-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialNiẓāmnāmah-ʼi dākʹkhānah
نظامنامۀ داکخانه | Title on page 2: Qavāʻd va niẓāmʹnāmah-ʼi dākkhānah Page 6, 2nd group is blank. "Niẓāmnāmah dar bāb-i tikithā-yi makhṣūṣʹkār-i dawlat"--Page 1, 2nd group.- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1909
- Resource: - 54 pages
Book/Printed MaterialRisālah hāz̲ā musammā bi-Kashf al-asrār : baʻz̤ muhimmāt-i z̤arūrī-i Qurʼān-i ʻaẓīm al-shān
/ | Risālah-ʼi Kashf al-asrār | Bi-Kashf al-asrār | Kashf al-asrār | رساله هذا مسما بکشف الاسرار : بعض مهمات ضرورى قرأن عظيم الشان / Commentary and explanation of some Qurʼānic verses. Kashf al-asrār (The unveiling of mysteries) is a book of Qur'anic commentary dating from the early 20th century. The author, Shir Ahmad, was from Kabul,…- Contributor: Aḥmad, Shīr
- Date: 1910-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialKitāb musṭatāb-i Sirāj al-tavārīkh : kih bi-tavajjuh-i z̲āt-i aqdas-i humāyūnī-i shān tasvīd-i vaqāyiʻ kardīdah būd
کتاب مسطتاب سراج التواريخ : که بتوجه ذات اقدس همايونى شان تسويد وقايع کرديده بود / | Sirāj al-tavārīkh | / Siraj al-Tavarikh (literally, Histories of light) is a work on the modern history of Afghanistan by Faiz Muhammad Katib Hazarah (1862 or 1863-1931), one of the earliest historians in Afghanistan. The book…- Contributor: Kātib Hazārah, Fayz̤ Muḥammad
- Date: 1912
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Book/Printed MaterialKitābchah-i niẓāmnāmah-i māliyāt-i shash kurūhī
کتابچه نظامنامه ماليات شش کروهى Binder's date: 1303. Lithographed.- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1912
- Resource: - 80 pages
Book/Printed MaterialNiẓāmnāmah-ʼi akhaz̲-i maḥṣūlāt-i gumrukāt
نظامنامۀ اخذ محصولات گمرکات Lithographed.- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1912
- Resource: - 76 pages
Book/Printed MaterialĀyā chih bāyad kard
آيا چه بايد کرد / Published as a supplement of the last issue of the first year of Sirāj al-Akhbār in 1330 [1912]. In Persian.- Contributor: Ṭarzī, Maḥmūd - Muḥammadzay, ʻabd Al-Khāliq Khān
- Date: 1912-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialTaʻlīmnāmah-ʼi piyādah
/ Manual of drill and tactics for the infantry of armed forces of Afghanistan.- Contributor: Muhammad Nadir Shah - Afghanistan. Afghan National Army
- Date: 1913-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialĪn nuskhah-i marghūb-i nādir-i muʻtabar-i kas̲īr al-khāṣṣīyat-i musammá bih Tīmūrʹnāmah-ʼi kullīyāt-i Fārsī
/ | Bi-ʻawn-i ṣannāʻ-i makīn va makkān va faz̤l-i khallāq-i zamīn va zamān | Bih Taymūrʹnāmah-ʼi kullīyāt-i Fārsī | n nuskhah-i marghūb-i nādir-i muʻtabar-i kas̲īr al-khāṣṣīyat-i musammá bih Taymūrʹnāmah-ʼi kullīyāt-i Fārsī | Taymūrʹnāmah-ʼi kullīyāt-i Fārsī | Bih Tīmūrʹnāmah-ʼi kullīyāt-i Fārsī | Tīmūrʹnāmah-ʼi kullīyāt-i Fārsī | اين نسخه مرغوب نادر معتبر کثير الخاصيت مسمى به تيمورنامۀ کليات فارسى / | Īn nuskhah-i marghūb-i nādir-i muʻtabar-i kas̲īr al-khāṣṣīyat-i musammá bih Taymūrʹnāmah-ʼi kullīyāt-i Fārsī Extensive historical study of Amir Timur's conquests of Afghan and Iranian cities. Kulliyat-e Farsi Taymurnamah (literally, The biographical account of Timur) is a biography of Timur or Tamerlane (1336-1405), the Turkic-Mongolian founder…- Contributor: Bukhārī, Muḥammad Qāsim Ibn ʻabd Al-Khāliq
- Date: 1913-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialQulūb-i aḥbāb al-musammá bih ʻUmdat al-farāʼiz̤, al-maḥshī bi-zubdat al-ʻarāʼiz̤ al-muʻarrā min al-ʻawāriz̤
/ | Umdat al-farāʼiz̤ | قلوب احباب المسمى به عمدة الفرائض، المحشى بزبدة العرائض المعرا من العوارض / | ʻUmdat al-farāʼiz̤ Laws of inheritance as described in the Koran in versified form with commentary. ʻUmdat al-farāʼiz̤ (The stanchion of divine precepts) is a 1914 book on the laws of inheritance as described in…- Contributor: Nīk Muḥammad
- Date: 1915-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialMiftāḥ al-ṣarf : az qavāʻid-i ʻArabīyah, ḥiṣṣah-ʼi avval
/ | مفتاح الصرف : از قواعد عربيه، حصۀ اول / In Persian and Arabic.- Contributor: Qārī, ʻabd Allāh
- Date: 1915-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialMiftāḥ al-naḥv
/ | Miftāḥ al-naḥw | مفتاح النحو / On Arabic grammar.- Contributor: Qārī, ʻabd Allāh
- Date: 1915-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialRisālah-ʼi Puṣhto, It̤āʻat-i ūlʹa al-amr Risālah-i Puṣhto It̤āʻat-i ūlā al-amr (On the obedience of the ruler in Pashto) is a tract meant to encourage obedience to the ruler of Afghanistan. The expression ūlā al-amr refers to one…
- Contributor: Khān, ʻabd Al-Rabb
- Date: 1915-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialKhulāṣat al-maqāmāt-i ḥaz̤rat-i Fīl subḥān
خلاصة المقامات حضرت فيل سبحان Lithographed. In Persian.- Contributor: Jāmī, Abū Al-Makārim Ibn ʻalāʾ Al-Mulk - Aḥmad Jām
- Date: 1916
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Book/Printed MaterialNiẓāmnāmah-ʼi albisah-ʼi ʻaskarīyah
نظامنامۀ البسۀ عسکريه Niẓāmnāmah-i albisah-i ʼaskarīyah (Military uniform regulation book) contains the uniform and dress regulations for the Afghan military under the rule of Amanullah Khan (reigned from 1919 to 1929). The book was published…- Contributor: Afghanistan. Maktab-I Funūn-I Ḥarbīyah
- Date: 1920
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Book/Printed MaterialJughrāfiyah-ʼi Afghānistān
جغرافيۀ افغانستان / On the geography of Afghanistan.- Contributor: Afghanistan. Vizārat-I Maʻārif - Ḥusayn, Muḥammad
- Date: 1920
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Book/Printed MaterialṬarz-i jadīd-i uṣūl-i taʻlīm-i makātib-i ibtidāʼī, marʹmuʻallim va mutaʻallim rā kāfī : musammá bih, Asās-i panjsālah-ʼi …
Asās-i panjsālah-ʼi Amāniyah | Sar rishtah-ʼi Afghānī | طرز جديد اصول تعليم مکاتب ابتدائى، مرمعلم و متعلم را کافى : مسمى به، اساس پنجسالۀ امانيه که ارکان جميع پروغرام جديد امضا فرمودۀ علىهضرت غازيرا در برگرفته Primary education in Afghanistan during Amanullah Khan, the Amir of Afghanistan, 1892-1960.- Date: 1920-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialNiẓāmnāmah-ʼi tashkīlāt-i asāsīyah-ʼi Afghānistān
نظامنامۀ تشکيلات اساسيۀ افغانستان Regulations on framing the constitution of Afghanistan.- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1921
- Resource: - 122 pages
Book/Printed MaterialNiẓāmnāmah-ʼi taqsīmāt-i mulkīyah-ʼi Afghānistān
نظامنامۀ تقسيمات ملكيۀ افغانستان With: Niẓāmnāmah-ʼi taqsīmāt-i mulkīyah-i Afghānistān. Kābul : Maṭbaʻah-i Tīpūgrāfī, 1300 [1921 or 1922]. Bound together subsequent to publication. In Persian.- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1921
- Resource: - 32 pages
Book/Printed MaterialMuʻahādah-i fīmāʹbayn Rūs va Afghānistān
معاهده فيمابين روس و افغانستان In Persian. Copy 2 with: Niẓāmnāmah-ʼi taqsīmāt-i mulkīyah-i Afghānistān. Kābul : Maṭbaʻah-i Tīpūgrāfī, 1300 [1921 or 1922]. Bound together subsequent to publication.- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1921
- Resource: - 16 pages
Book/Printed MaterialTaʻlīmātnāmah-ʼi piyādah
تعليماتنامۀ پياده Training manual of infantry forces of Afghanistan.- Contributor: Afghanistan. Vizārat-I Ḥarbīyah. Riyāsat-I Arkān-I Ḥarbiyah-ʼi ʻumūmī - Afghanistan. Afghan National Army
- Date: 1921
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Book/Printed MaterialKilīd-i tajvīd : yādgār-i Imām Sajāvandī Lahūkardī az yak vaṭandārash : barā-yi muʻallimān-i ibtidāʼīyah va mutaʻallimān-i …
کليد تجويد : يادگار امام سجاوندى لهوکردى از يک وطندارش : براى معلمان ابتدائيه و متعلمان رشديه On recitation and reading of the Qurʼān. This work is an introduction to the rules of pronunciation during the recitation of the Qur'an. It was written for students at the elementary and…- Contributor: Afghanistan. Vizārat-I Maʻārif - Sayf Al-Raḥmān
- Date: 1921-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialTārīkhchah-ʼi Afghānistān
تاريخچۀ افغانستان Short history of Afghanistan for Afghan students.- Contributor: Afghanistan. Vizārat-I Maʻārif
- Date: 1922-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialJughrāfīyah-ʼi kūchak
جغرافيۀ کوچک Jughrāfīyah-ʼi kūchak (A small geography) is a geography text for students. It begins with a definition of geography ("the science that reveals to us cities, mountains and the rivers on the earth")…- Contributor: Afghanistan. Vizārat-I Maʻārif
- Date: 1922-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialQānūnnāmah-ʼi taʻdād, yaʻnī, Qānūnnāmah-ʼi ḥāz̤irī
قانوننامۀ تعداد، يعنى، قانوننامۀ حاضرى | Qānūnnāmah-ʼi ḥāz̤irī Royal seal of Amanullah Khan, the then Amir of Afghanistan is stamped on page 14.- Contributor: Afghanistan. Maktab-I Funūn-I Ḥarbīyah - Afghanistan
- Date: 1923
- Resource: - 28 pages
Book/Printed MaterialẒuhūr al-amān
/ | ظهور الامان / Ẓuhūr al-amān (The advent of security) is a book on civics published during the reign of Ammanullah Khan (1919-29) as amir of Afghanistan. The book's title pays homage to the name of…- Contributor: Taqṣīr, ʻabd Al-Ḥaqq - Afghanistan. Vizārat-I Maʻārif
- Date: 1923-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialTārīkh-i ḥukamā-yi mutaqaddimīn az hubūṭ-i Ḥaz̤rat Ādam tā bi-vujūd-i āmadan-i Ḥaz̤rat ʻĪsá
/ | تاريخ حکماى متقدمين از هبوط حضرت آدم تا بوجود آمدن حضرت عيسى / Short biographical sketches of philosophers, B.C.- Contributor: Kātib Hazārah, Fayz̤ Muḥammad - Afghanistan. Vizārat-I Maʻārif. Riyāsat-I Dār Al-Tāʼlīf
- Date: 1923-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialNiẓāmnāmah-ʼi muʻāmalāt-i Nahr-i Razzāq-i samt-i shimālī
نظامنامۀ معاملات نهر رزاق سمت شمالى Afghan government's regulations related to Razzaq canal, an irrigation project in northern Afghanistan. Niẓāmnāmah-ʼi mu'āmilāt-i nahr-i razzāq-i samt-i shumālī (Bylaws regulating the transactions regarding the Razzaq Stream, Northern Quarter) is a collection…- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1923-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialNiẓāmnāmah-ʼi asāsī-ʼi dawlat-i ʻalīyah-ʼi Afghānistān
نظامنامۀ اساسى دولت عليۀ افغانستان | Dawlat-i ʻalīyah-ʼi Afghānistān Niẓāmnāmah-ʼi asāsī-ʼi dawlat-i ʻillīyah-ʼi Afghānistān is the Persian rendition of the constitution of Afghanistan dating from the early part of the reign of Amanullah Khan (1919-29). Drafted shortly after the defeat of…- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1923-01-01
- Resource: - 24 pages
Book/Printed MaterialTuḥfat al-amān fī sīrat al-nuʻmān
تحفت الامان فى سيرت النعمان / On the life of Abū Ḥanīfah, -767 or 768; the founder of the Sunni Hanafi school of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence).- Contributor: Kushkakī, Burhān Al-Dīn Khān - Afghanistan. Vizārat-I Maʻārif. Riyāsat-I Dār Al-Tāʼlīf
- Date: 1924
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Book/Printed MaterialNiẓāmnāmah-ʼi miʻyār al-awzān al-Amāniyah
نظامنامۀ معيار الاوزان الامانيه /- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1924
- Resource: - 28 pages
Book/Printed MaterialNiẓāmnāmah-ʼi jazā-yi ʻumūmī
نظامنامۀ جزاى عمومى | Jazā-yi ʻumūmī Imperial seal of Amir of Afghanistan, Amanullah Khan, dated 1301 [1922 or 1923] is stamped at page 75.- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1924
- Resource: - 88 pages
Book/Printed MaterialKhāvarʹzamīnʹnāmah : al-maʻrūf, Jangnāmah-ʼi Ḥaz̤rat ʻAlī al-Murtaz̤á
خاورزميننامه : المعروف، جنگنامۀ حضرتعلى المرتضى / | Khāvar-i zamīnʹnāmah | Jangnāmah-ʼi Ḥaz̤rat ʻAlī al-Murtaz̤á | / Fictionized account of the battles of ʻAlī ibn Abī Tālib, Caliph, 600 (ca.)-661.- Contributor: ʻabd Al-Aḥad, Muḥammad - Abd Al-Aḥad, Muḥammad
- Date: 1924-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialAṣr-i saʻādat
/ | عصر سعادت / On the life of Prophet Muḥammad, -632.- Contributor: Alīʹzādah, Riz̤ā - ʻalīʹzādah, Riz̤ā
- Date: 1925-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialNiẓāmnāmah-ʼi miqyāsāt
نظامنامۀ مقياسات Niẓāmnāmah-ʼi miqyāsāt (Rule book for measurement standards) deals with the standardization of measurement systems pertaining to length and weight, as well as currency. It was published in Afghanistan during the reign of…- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1926
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Book/Printed MaterialNiẓāmnāmah-ʼi qūnsulgarī-i dawlat-i ʻalayh-i Afghānistān
نظامنامۀ قونسلگرى دولت عليه افغانستان Royal seal of Amanullah Khan, the then Amir of Afghanistan is stamped on page 12.- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1926
- Resource: - 24 pages
Book/Printed MaterialNiẓāmnāmah-ʼi taʻlīmʹgāh-i āmirān va z̤ābiṭān-i Afghānistān
نظامنامۀ تعليمگاه آمران و ضابطان افغانستان "29 burj-i Saraṭān sanah-i 1305 Shamsī." Imperial seal of Amir of Afghanistan, Amanullah Khan is stamped at page 6.- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1926
- Resource: - 20 pages
Book/Printed MaterialNiẓāmnāmah-ʼi mudīrīyatʹhā-yi maʼmūrīn-i vizārāt
نظامنامۀ مديريتهاى مأمورين وزارات "13 Mizan sanah-i 1305." Royal seal of Amanullah Khan, the then Amir of Afghanistan is stamped on page 10.- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1926
- Resource: - 22 pages
Book/Printed MaterialQavāʻid-i Fārsī
/ | قواعد فارسى / In Persian.- Contributor: Qārī, ʻabd Allāh - Kātib Hazārah, Fayz̤ Muḥammad
- Date: 1926-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialMaʻrifat al-arz̤
/ | Vizārat-i Maʻārif, Riyāsat-i Dār al-Taʼlīf | Maʻrifat al-arḍ As is stated in the introductory chapter, the subject of Maʻrifat al-arz̤ (Knowledge of the Earth, or Introduction to geology) is "the structure and the continual evolution that [the Earth] has been…- Contributor: Kātib Hazārah, Fayz̤ Muḥammad - Afghanistan. Vizārat-I Maʻārif. Riyāsat-I Dār Al-Tāʼlīf - Arjumand
- Date: 1926-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialNiz̤āmnāmah da rasmo da taʻzīyah dārī
نظامنامه د رسمو د تعزيه دارى | Rasmo da taʻzīyah dārī Errata on page 10. Imperial seal of Amir of Afghanistan, Amanullah Khan is stamped at page 10.- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1927
- Resource: - 22 pages
Book/Printed MaterialNiẓāmnāmah-ʼi taʻmīrāt-i Laghmān
نظامنامۀ تعميرات لغمان Imperial seal of Amanullah Khan, the Amir of Afghanistan is stamped at page 8.- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1927
- Resource: - 20 pages
Book/Printed MaterialNiz̤āmnāmah da istiʻfā da māmūrīn da dawlat da Afghānistān
نظامنامه د استعفا د مامورين د دولت د افغانستان | Title on page 1: Niz̤āmnāmah da istiʻfā da mulkī māmūrīno Royal seal of Amanullah Khan, the then Amir of Afghanistan is stamped on page 6.- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1927
- Resource: - 20 pages
Book/Printed MaterialHidāyāt-i ṣūrat-i fayṣalah-i qatl va ḥabs-i davām kih bi-maḥākim-i ʻadliyah-ʼi āyandah bar vafq-i ān fayṣalah taḥrīr …
هدايات صورت فيصله قتل و حبس دوام که بمحاکم عدليۀ آينده بر وفق آن فيصله تحرير شود- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1928
- Resource: - 18 pages
Book/Printed MaterialDawlat-i mustaqillah-ʼi Afghānistān va vaẓāyif-i millat-i Afghān
/ | دولت مستقلۀ افغانستان و وظايف ملت افغان / Dawlat-i mustaqilah-ʼi Afghānistān va vaẓāyif-i millat-i Afghān (The independent government of Afghanistan and the duties of its citizens) is an early 20th century work on the rights and duties of citizenship for…- Contributor: Muḥyī Al-Dīn, Ghulām - Afghanistan. Vizārat-I Maʻārif. Riyāsat-I Dār Al-Tāʼlīf
- Date: 1928-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialTārīkh-i futūḥāt-i Islāmīyah
/ | تاريخ فتوحات اسلاميه / Tarikh-e Futuhat-e Islamiyah (History of Islamic conquests) is a two volume work chronicling Islamic historical events, particularly wars, battles, and conquests. It is also known as Tawarikh-e Islam (History of Islam) and…- Contributor: Saljūqī, Fakhr Al-Dīn Khān - Daḥlān, Aḥmad Ibn Zaynī
- Date: 1929-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialDīvān-i ʻAbd al-Ghafūr Nadīm
ديوان عبد الغفور نديم | Title on page 193: Dīvān-i Nadīm | Dīvān-i Nadīm Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. In Persian.- Contributor: Nadīm Kābulī, ʻabd Al-Ghafūr
- Date: 1930
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Book/Printed MaterialRūyadād-i Riyāsat-i Dīvān-i ʻĀlī-i Ḥukūmat-i Shāhī-i Afghānistān : rājiʻ-i bi-maḥākamah-ʼi khāʼinīn-i millat va ghaddārān-i mamlikat : …
رويداد رياست ديوان عالى حکومت شاهى افغانستان : راجع بمحاکمۀ خائنين ملت و غداران مملکت : محمد ولى و محمود سامى "Kih bi-amr-i janāb ʻAbd al-Aḥad Khān, raʻīs-i Shūrā-yi Millī, ʻAṭāʼ Allāh Khān munshī-i Dīvān-i ʻĀlī bih tartībish pardākhtah ast"--Cover.- Contributor: Afghanistan. Starah Maḥkamah - Khān, ʻaṭāʼ Allāh
- Date: 1930
- Resource: - 180 pages
Book/Printed MaterialLāʼiḥah-ʼi intikhābāt-i Majlis-i Shūrā-yi Millī-i Afghānistān
لائحۀ انتخابات مجلس شوراى ملى افغانستان | Lāyiḥah-ʼi intikhābāt-i Majlis-i Shūrā-yi Millī-i Afghānistān Royal seal of Amanullah Khan, the then Amir of Afghanistan is stamped on page 17.- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1930
- Resource: - 30 pages
Collection[Laws of Afghanistan]. [Dari language legal publications] Additional materials with other dates of publication may be found in this collection.
- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1931
Collection[Laws of Afghanistan]. [Pushto language legal publications] Additional materials with other dates of publication may be found in this collection.
- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1931
Book/Printed MaterialNādir Afghān
نادر افغان / On the life of Muhammad Nadir Shah, Amir of Afghanistan, 1883-1933.- Contributor: Kashkakī, Burhān Al-Dīn
- Date: 1931
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Book/Printed MaterialSakīnat al-fuz̤alāʼ mawsūm bi-ism-i tārīkhī-i Bahār-i Afghānī
/ | Bahār-i Afghānī | سکينة الفضلاء موسوم باسم تاريخى بهار افغانى / Lithographed. Includes bibliographical references (page 120).- Contributor: Rustāqī, ʻabd Al-Ḥakīm
- Date: 1931-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialTardīd-i shāyiʻāt-i bāṭilah-ʼi shāh-i makhlūʻ : ʻayn-i fayṣalah-ʼi numrah 5 Lūyah-i Jirgah-i 1309 Afghānistān
ترديد شايعات باطلۀ شاه مخلوع : عين فيصلۀ نمره ٥ لويه جرگه ١٣٠٩ افغانستان Cover title. Includes a list of members of the Afghan Parliament, year 1309 [1930]. In Persian and Urdu.- Date: 1931-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialTaʻlīmātʹnāmah barā-yi taḥqīqāt-i ibtidāʼiyah-i qatl va jarḥ va qaṭʻ-i ṭarīq va sirqat
تعليماتنامه براى تحقيقات ابتدائيه قتل و جرح و قطع طريق و سرقت | At head of title: Vizārat-i Tanẓīmīyah-ʼi Vilāyāt-i Shimālīyah-ʼi Afghānistān, Shuʻbah-ʼi Istikhbārāt Lithographed.- Date: 1933
- Resource: - 24 pages
Book/Printed MaterialKitāb al-mustaṭāb-i musammá bih Dīvānah-i Mashrab Namangānī
Dīvānah-i Mashrab Namangānī | کتاب المستطاب مسمى به ديوانه مشرب نمنگانى Poems. Lithographed. In Uzbek (Arabic script); title and publisher information in Persian.- Contributor: Mashrab, Boboraḣim
- Date: 1934-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialTashkīlāt va davāyir-i māliyātī-i Afghānistān
تشکيلات و دواير مالياتى افغانستان / Plans for different organizations and departments of Afghan Ministry of Finance; chiefly designed for officials of the concerned ministry. Tashkīlāt va davāyir-i māliyātī-i Afghānistān (Tax institutions and offices of Afghanistan) is a…- Contributor: Afghanistan. Vizārat-I Māliyah - Manchūlī, Zhīnū
- Date: 1935
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Book/Printed MaterialYāddāsht-i yak musāfir : darbārah-ʼi sarguz̲asht-i mardum-i Tājīk, inqilāb-i Ūktābr, va jumhūrīyat-i Tājīkistān
/ Memoirs of the author on the socio-political history of Tajikistan during early 20th century. Yāddāsht-i yak musāfir (Memoirs of a traveler) is an account of the political and social history of the…- Contributor: Afghān, Faz̤l Aḥmad
- Date: 1935-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialUṣūlnāmah-ʼi mūtur rānī va gādī rānī dar Afghānistān Uṣūlnāmah-ʼi mūtur rānī va gādī rānī (Guidebook for the driving of motor vehicles and carts in Afghanistan) is a handbook for drivers in Afghanistan. The book was published in 1,000 copies on…
- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1939
- Resource: - 26 pages
Book/Printed MaterialUṣūlnāmah-ʼi taʻziyahʹdārī dar Afghānistān
اصولنامۀ تعزيهدارى در افغانستان Uṣūlnāmah-ʼi taʼziyahʹdāri dar Afghānistān (Guidebook for visits of condolence in Afghanistan) is a short tract consisting of 13 injunctions concerning public mourning in Afghanistan, particularly with regard to visits of condolence. The…- Contributor: Afghanistan
- Date: 1939
- Resource: - 10 pages
Book/Printed MaterialQavāʻid-i Pushtū Qavaʼid-i Pushtū (Pushto grammar) is a linguistic work, produced by Pushto Tolanah (Pushto Academy), an Afghan governmental literary organization that was founded in 1938 in Kabul to promote Pushto language, literature, and…
- Contributor: Ayāzī, Muḥammad Aʻẓam
- Date: 1939
- Resource: - 242 pages
Book/Printed MaterialTaʻlīmātnāmah-ʼi safarʹkharch-i Urdū
تعليماتنامۀ سفرخرچ اردو | At head of title: Vizārat-i Ḥarbīyah Guidelines for the boarding and lodging of Afghan armed forces.- Contributor: Afghanistan. Vizārat-I Ḥarbīyah
- Date: 1949
- Resource: - 28 pages
Book/Printed MaterialTārīkh-i adabiyāt-i Afghānistān
تاريخ ادبيات افغانستان / | At head of title: Vizārat-i Maʻārif, Riyāsat-i Dār al-Taʼlīf History of Persian literature in Afghanistan.- Contributor: Kuhzād, Aḥmad ʻalī - Afghanistan. Vizārat-I Maʻārif. Riyāsat-I Dār Al-Tāʼlīf
- Date: 1951
- Resource: - 440 pages
Book/Printed MaterialMīrzā ʻAbd al-Raḥīm Raḥīmī
ميرزا عبد الرحيم رحيمى / On the life and works of ʻAbd al-Raḥīm Raḥīmī, 20th century Persian poet from Afghanistan. This book is a brief biography and introduction to the work of Mirza ʻAbd al-Rahim Rahimi, an…- Contributor: Bakhtānī, ʻabd Allāh - Historical Society of Afghanistan - Raḥīmī, ʻabd Al-Raḥīm
- Date: 1960
- Resource: - 74 pages
Book/Printed MaterialInkishāf-i Umūr-i Sarvay va Iḥṣāʼiyah-ʼi Arāz̤ī dar Afghānistān = Development of Cadastral Survey in Afghanistan
انکشاف امور سروى و احصائيۀ اراضى در افغانستان = Development of Cadastral Survey in Afghanistan | Inkishāf-i Umūr-i Sarvī va Iḥṣāʼiyah-ʼi Arāz̤ī dar Afghānistān | Inkishāf-i Umūr-i Survī va Iḥṣāʼiyah-ʼi Arāz̤ī dar Afghānistān | Development of Cadastral Survey in Afghanistan "Vizārat-i Jalīlah-i Māliyah ; Ministry of Finance ; Riyāsat-i Sarvī va Iḥṣāʼiyah-ʼi Arāz̤ī dar Afghānistān ; Cadastral Survey of Afghanistan"--Page 17. Early imprint. In Persian.- Contributor: Afghanistan. Vizārat-I Māliyah - Afghan Cartographic & Cadastral Survey Institute
- Date: 1965
- Resource: - 36 pages
Book/Printed MaterialTadrīs-i durūs-i ijtimāʻī dar makātib-i s̲ānavī
تدريس دروس اجتماعى در مکاتب ثانوى / | At head of Title: Da Kābul Pohantūn On teaching social studies in secondary schools of Afghanistan.- Contributor: Farmalī, Muḥammad Muḥsin - Kābul Pohantūn
- Date: 1965
- Resource: - 124 pages
Book/Printed MaterialFuqahā-yi Balkh
/ | Fuqahāʼ-i Balkh | Fuqahā-yi nāmī-i Balkh-i bāstān | فقهاى بلخ / Short biographies of Muslim jurists from Balkh, Afghanistan.- Contributor: Balkhī, Muḥammad Ḥanīf Ḥanīf
- Date: 1966-01-01
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