Quilts and Quiltmaking in America, 1978 to 1996
Blue Ridge Quilters
Blue Ridge Quiltmaking in the Late Twentieth Century
Map information accessed through the U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) Online Data Base, "our Nation's official repository of domestic geographic names information." Maps were originally generated by the U.S. Census Bureau's TIGER Mapping Service, "a public resource for generating high-quality, detailed maps of anywhere in the United States, using public geographic data." Map information was modified for illustration purposes. Map information…
Mamie Bryan
Mamie Lee Parks Bryan was born in 1900 in Alleghany County, North Carolina. She married Leonard Bryan in 1914, and they lived in the vicinity of Sparta, North Carolina. Leonard Bryan worked as a coal miner in West Virginia for thirty-two years in a company house and returning home, along with other North Carolina men, every two weeks.
Ila Patton
Ila Frances Hale Patton was born on September 9, 1905, in Galax (Grayson County), Virginia. She married Oscar Roy Patton and they raised their children in the same area. At the time of the interview, in 1978, Mrs. Patton lived with her daughter in her husband's family home. The white frame house, locally called the Patton Plantation, is located on a hillside overlooking the…
Maggie Shockley
Maggie Cochran Shockley was born on April 4, 1913, in Hillsville (Carroll County), Virginia. She graduated from Hillsville High School but was unable to go to college at that time. She married Everett Shockley and they raised three children. Mrs. Shockley worked as a farm wife, cultivating a garden and orchards, preserving the produce, and maintaining livestock. At the age of fifty-six she enrolled…
Donna Choate
Donna Greer Choate was born on September 25, 1909, in Baywood (Grayson County), Virginia. Her parents were James and Lucinda Brown Greer, and her grandmother had been a slave. After the death of her mother, Lucinda Brown had been raised by a white family, who enabled her to attend school.
Zenna Todd
Zenna Bottomly Todd was born on June 1, 1916, in Ennice (Alleghany County), North Carolina, and at the time of the interview in 1978, she had lived practically all her life in the same area. She married in 1934 and raised three sons. She remembered starting to make quilts when she was twenty-five years old. At that time she made "crazy quilts" which were…
Lura Stanley
Lura Brascombe Stanley was born on May 12, 1906, in Laurel Fork (Carroll County), Virginia. Her parents, James P. and Mary Ruth Dickerson Brascombe, were farmers, and the family raised its own food and made much of its own clothing. Lura's mother had a loom and wove blankets, some of which Lura still owned at the time of the interview in 1978. Lura Stanley…