Collection Items
Book/Printed MaterialLe proprietaire en francoys. "... Des p[ro]prietes des choses fut tra[n]slate de latin en fra[n]coys lay de grace Mil.CCCC.lxxij [sic, i.e. 1372] par le co[m]ma[n]deme[n]t de tres puissant et noble prince Charles le quint ... Et le traslata son petit et humble chapellain frere Jehan Corbichon ...": Colophon. Imprint from colophon. Printer's device below colophon. Signatures: a⁸ ²a⁸ b-z⁸ [et]⁸ [con]⁸ A-B⁸ (leaf a8 blank). Goff B-148 Hain-Copinger…
- Contributor: Huss, Mathias - Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress) - Corbichon, Jean - Bartholomaeus
- Date: 1491
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Book/Printed MaterialIsidori Iunioris Hispalensis Episcopi Liber etimologiarum ad Braulionem Cesar Augustanum Episcopum scriptus incipit foeliciter.
Capitulam librum primum | Isidori Iunioris Hispalensis Episcopi epistola ad Braulionem Cesar Augustanum Episcopum | Isidori Ivnioris Hispalensis Episcopi Liber etimologiarvm ad Bravlionem Cesar Avgvstanvm Episcopvm scriptvs incipit foeliciter | Liber etimologiarum ad Braulionem Cesar Augustanum Episcopum scriptus Title from caption, leaf [2]4. Imprint from colophon; place of printing from Illustrated ISTC (CD-ROM, 2nd ed.) Signatures: [1]⁴ [2]¹⁰(+chi1) [3-13]¹⁰ [14]⁸([14]4+2chi1) [15-24]¹⁰ [25]⁸ [26]¹⁰ [27]¹⁰([27]10+3chi1+4chi1). Goff I-181 Hain 9273* GW M15250 BM 15th cent., II, p. 317 (IB. 5438, IB. 5440) Illustrated ISTC (CD-ROM, 2nd ed.) ii00181000 Capital spaces. LC copy imperfect: leaves [10]5, [10]6 wanting. Misbound: gathering [1] (table) bound at end.…- Contributor: Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress) - Kurfürstliche Bibliothek (Bavaria, Germany) - Isidore - Brem, Bonaventura - Zainer, Günther - Incunabula Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1472
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Book/Printed MaterialDe Docta Ignorantia.
Opuscula theologica et mathematica | Prohemium, [I]n hoc volumine [con]tinentur certi tractatus & libri altissime [con]templat[i]onis et doctrine Title from caption, pt. 1, leaf a2. Imprint from Illustrated ISTC (CD-ROM, 2nd ed.) Signatures, pt. 1: a⁸ b-r⁶ (last 2 leaves blank); pt. 2: a-f⁶ g-h⁸ i-z⁶ A⁶ B-C⁴ D⁶ E⁸ (last leaf blank). Hain-Copinger 5893 Goff N97 GW M26367 BM 15th cent., I, p. 157-158 (IB. 2265, IB. 2268; IB. 2266, IB. 2267) Illustrated ISTC (CD-ROM, 2nd ed.) in00095800 LC copy misbound:…- Contributor: Nicholas - Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress) - Flach, Martin
- Date: 1489
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Book/Printed MaterialDe laniis [sic] & phitonicis mulieribus.
De laniis & phitonicis mulieribus | De lamis & phitonicis mulieribus | De laniis [sic] et phitonicis mulieribus Ampersand in title transcription is a Tironian sign. Imprint from ISTC. Leaf d5 verso: "Ex constan[tem?] anno d[omi]ni mcccclxxxix die decima ianuarij. Tue celsitudinis humilis co[n]siliarius & seuulus vlricus molitoris de consta[n]tia decreto[rum] doctor." (Ampersand represents a Tironian sign.) Signatures: a-b⁸ c-d⁶ (d6 blank). Goff, F.R. Incunabula in American libraries, M-794 Hain, L. Repertorium bibliographicum, 11535* Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, M25188 Catalogue of books printed…- Contributor: Prüss, Johann - Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress) - Molitor, Ulrich
- Date: 1489
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Book/Printed MaterialMalleus maleficarum. By Henricus Institoris and Jacobus Sprenger. Imprint from colophon. Ampersand in imprint represents a Tironian sign. Imprint date transposed: statement of year precedes printer's name, while the day and month appear at the end of the statement. Signatures: [phi]⁸ a-q⁸ r¹⁰ ([phi]8 and r10 blank). Goff I-166 Hain-Copinger 9245* GW M12471 BM 15th cent., II, p. 438 (IA. 7468) Illustrated ISTC (CD-ROM, 2nd ed.)…
- Contributor: Institoris, Heinrich - Sprenger, Jakob - Koberger, Anton - Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1494
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Book/Printed MaterialMercurii Trismegisti Liber de potestate et sapientia Dei
Leaf pi1 begins: Tu quicunq[ue] es, qui haec legis, siue gra[m]maticus siue orator | Liber de potestate et sapientia Dei Title from caption, leaf a1; imprint from leaf pi1. Signatures: pi⁴ a-b⁸ c-f⁴ g⁸ (pi1 and g8 blank). Goff H-79 Hain-Copinger-Reichling 8458 GW 12312 BM 15th cent., V, p. 280 (IA. 20895) Illustrated ISTC (CD-ROM, 2nd ed.) ih00079000 Capital spaces with guide letters.- Contributor: Ficino, Marsilio - Dominici, Lucas - Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress) - Hermes
- Date: 1481
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Book/Printed MaterialHec practica narrat de presenti a[n]no et seque[n]tibus quamplurimis annis de nouis raris et inauditis rebus et gestis que futura sunt in hoc mu[n]do. Imprint from Goff and ISTC (online). This copy with state of colophon and quiring described by BM 15th cent. as second edition; reprint of IA. 2548 in BM 15th cent., v. 1, p.165; with different woodcuts on the title page and its verso. Colophon: Emendatum denuo presagiu[m] hoccine impressioni quoq[ue] iterum deditu[m] Anno domini M.cccc.xcix. In inclita vrbe Argentina vltima die mensis Decembris ...…
- Contributor: Lichtenberger, Johannes - Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress) - Kistler, Bartholomäus
- Date: 1500
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Book/Printed MaterialIoannis Pici Mirandulae Concordiae comitis Disputationum aduersus astrologos liber primus[-duodecimus].
Final page (leaf u6 verso) reads: Disputationes Ioannis Pici Mirandulae litterarum principis aduersus astrologia[m] diuinatrice[m] quibus penitus subneruata corruit | Adversus astrologos | Disputationum adversus astrologos Caption title (leaf a1 recto). Imprint from colophon (leaf t4 verso), with correction by Goff. "A reprint of pt. II of Hain 12993*, with original colophon unchanged [H12992*(II)]"--Goff. Signatures: a-s⁶ t⁴ u⁶. Goff, F.R. Incunabula in American libraries, P-640 Hain, L. Repertorium bibliographicum, 12994* Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, M33286 Incunabula Short Title Catalogue, ip00640000 Illustration on leaf k1. Capital spaces with guide letters. LC copy…- Contributor: Vitali, Bernardino Dei - Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress) - Pico Della Mirandola, Giovanni
- Date: 1498
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Book/Printed MaterialArtiu[m] & medicine doctoris magistri Matthei de Lucha de diebus creticis [sic] Dialogus.
Ad Lectorem | Artium et medicine doctoris magistri Matthei de Lucha De diebus criticis dialogus | De diebus criticis Title from caption on leaf a2. Place and date from colophon; printer from ISTC (online). Signatures: a⁸. Goff M-373 Hain-Copinger (Addendum)-Reichling 10257 GW M21768 BM 15th cent. IV, p. 136 (IA. 18993) ISTC (online) im00373000 One capital space with a guide letter.- Contributor: Matthaeus - Fritag, Andreas - Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1493
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Book/Printed MaterialIncipit liber co[m]pilat[i]o[n]is phisonomie
Incipit liber copilatois phisonomie | Liber compilationis phisonomie Uniform title from Goff; title from incipit; imprint from colophon. Signatures: [1-2¹⁰ 3-5⁸ 6⁶] Colophon: Anno domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo quarto hoc de phisonomia opus Petri padubanensis p[er] me Petrum maufer normanum Padue impressum est. Goff P-438 Hain 18 BM 15th cent. VII, 912-913 (IA. 29914) LC copy has slip mounted on p. [1] with inscription: Patris Magistri Fratris Gregorij Spennati Perusini, filij Conuentus…- Contributor: Petrus - Maufer, Petrus - Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1474
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Book/Printed MaterialPungi lingua. Illustrated title page (woodcut). Signatures: a-m⁸/⁴ n⁸. Goff, F.R. Incunabula in American libraries, C-340 Reichling, D. Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorium bibliographicum, 4775 Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, 6411 Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum, VI, p. 839 (IA. 29015) Illustrated ISTC (CD-ROM, 2nd ed.) ic00340000 Library of Congress. Lessing J. Rosenwald collection (1977), 275 Text printed in 2 columns;…
- Contributor: Cavalca, Domenico - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress) - Nani, Ercole
- Date: 1493
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Book/Printed MaterialIncomenza el libro del glorioso doctore misier sa[n]cto Agustino chiamato Manual[e]. Caption title. Spuriously attributed to St. Augustine. Place and publication date from colophon; printer from Goff. "A partial text"--Goff. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Goff A-1288 GW 2968 (calls for 25 lines) Illustrated ISTC (CD-ROM, 2nd ed.) ia01288000 LC copy has 24-25 lines per page. Formerly classified: Incun. 1487 A83616. vj21 2008-07-29.
- Contributor: Foxius, Hannibal - Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress) - Augustine
- Date: 1487
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Book/Printed MaterialIncip[it] ep[is]t[o]la s[an]c[t]i iheronimi ad paulinu[m] p[re]sbiteru[m], de om[ni]b[us] diuine historie libris ...
Uniform title : Bible. Latin. Vulgate. 1462 Title from incipit, leaf [1]1. Imprint from colophon, leaf [49]6. Signatures: [1-8]¹⁰ [9-10]⁸ [11-23]¹⁰ [24-25]⁸, [26-38]¹⁰ [39]¹² [40-48]¹⁰ [49]⁶([49]5+1). Goff, F.R. Incunabula in American libraries, B-529 Hain, L. Repertorium bibliographicum, 3050* (variant) Copinger, W.A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorium bibliographicum, 3050 Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, 4204 (with red incipits in both vols. and variant 1 of colophon) Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now…- Contributor: Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress) - Fust, Johannes - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Lothian, William Schomberg Robert Kerr - Bishop, Cortlandt F. (Cortlandt Field) - Schöffer, Peter - Ellys, Richard
- Date: 1462
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Book/Printed MaterialIncomencia il Libro chiamato'il monte di oratione.
At head of title: Aue verum corpus domini natum ex Maria uirgine | Monte di oratione Prayer at head of title in Latin; text in Italian. Title from caption, leaf a2. Imprint from Illustrated ISTC (CD-ROM, 2nd ed.) Assigned by GW to the 16th century. Cf. Goff. Formerly considered an incunabulum. Signatures: a⁴(-a1) b-g⁴. Goff M-850 Illustrated ISTC (CD-ROM, 2nd ed.) im00850000 Woodcut ill. on leaf g4v is of the crucified Christ. LC copy's initial A (leaf a2) and ill.…- Contributor: Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1501
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Manuscript/Mixed Material[Tractatus de membris beate et intemerate dei genetricis et virginis Marie intitulatus vinea domini Sabaoth] Scribal colophon suggests that the manuscript was copied by Gertrud Büchel. Explicit: Explicit tractatul[us[ de vinea d[omi]ni sabaoth [com]plet[us] i[n] oct[av]a ep[ip]h[an]ie a[nn]o d[omi]ni m.cccc.xciij p[er] me Sorore[m] gerdrudi[n] buchel p[ro]fessa[m] mo[n]iale[m] i[n] insula rola[n]di Oretis p[ro] ea amore dei. Latin. Ricci, S. de. Census of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada, p. 248, no. 187 Bond, W.H. Supplement to…
- Contributor: Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress) - Conradus
- Date: 1493
Book/Printed MaterialGerson de ymitatione cristi : Cum tractatulo de meditatione cordis
Gerson de imitatione Christi | De ymitatione Cristi Imprint from colophon. Signatures: [1-24]⁸ ([1]8, [24]7, [24]8 blank). Goff I-15. Hain 9093* GW M46805 BM 15th cent., II, p. 530 (IA. 9265) Illustrated ISTC (CD-ROM, 2nd ed.) ii00015000 Capital spaces. "Tractatus de meditat[i]one cordis Iohannis Gerson": leaves Clxxij-Clxxxij. LC copy has initials, capital strokes, underlining, and paragraph marks in red. Title page is annotated in ms. with the title of the 2nd work…- Contributor: Zainer, Johann - Gerson, Jean - Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1487
Book/Printed MaterialTractatus de spiritualibus ascensionibus. Title from leaf [Ia] (t.p.): Tractatus de sp[irit]ualibus ascensionibus. Library of Congress. Lessing J. Rosenwald collection, 196 Goff, F.R. Incunabula in American libraries, G-178 Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum, I, p. 303 (IA.5142) Proctor, R. Index to the early printed books in the British Museum, 1481 IGI 1618 (III) Polain, M.-L. Catalogue des livres imprimés au…
- Contributor: Zerbolt, Gerard - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Landen, Johann - Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1498
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Book/Printed MaterialRegula [quod] ad instar no[n] preiudicet familiaribus descriptis cu[m] decreto q[u]o efficaciores clausule nemini suffragentur.
Regula ad instar no preiudicet familiaribus descriptis cu decreto qo efficaciores clausule nemini suffragentur Title from caption. Goff describes this as the third (of 3) works in a possible "... composite edition made up of several works ... issued together and also separately ...". Cf. Goff I-151. May be an earlier printing of GW M12419; the first leaf as described appears to match, but the 2nd leaf is blank in this copy; the impression of uninked type can…- Contributor: Guldinbeck, Bartholomaeus - Catholic Church. Cancellaria Apostolica - Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress) - Catholic Church. Pope ( : Innocent VIII)
- Date: 1488
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Book/Printed MaterialRegule, ordinationes & constitutiones Cancellarie Sanctissimi domini nostri d[omi]ni Innocentii diuina prouidentia pape viii
Regule, ordinationes et constitutiones Cancellarie Sanctissimi domini nostri domini Innocentii divina providentia pape viii An assembly of papal edicts, etc., affecting the work of the chancery; dates of the documents range from 13 Sept. 1484 through 3 Apr. 1487. Title from first line, leaf [1]1. Ampersands in transcriptions represent Tironian signs. Imprint from ISTC. Published after 3 Apr. 1487. Cf. leaf [2]12: Lecta & publicata fuit suprascripta regula Rome in Cancellaria apostolica die martis tertia mensis Aprilis. Anno…- Contributor: Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress) - Kloster Wiblingen - Catholic Church. Pope ( : Innocent VIII) - Catholic Church. Cancellaria Apostolica - Silber, Eucharius
- Date: 1487
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Book/Printed Material[Misal po zakonu rimskoga dvora 1483]
Missale Romanum Glagoliticum | Missale Romanum Glagolitice | Missale Glagoliticum, 1483/1484 | Glagolitic missal of 1483 | Misal rimski In Church Slavonic of Croatian recension, printed in the Glagolitic alphabet. This is the earliest known Croatian-language printed book. Title from various reference sources. Over the years, scholars have suggested Rome, Venice, and the Croatian towns of Modruš and Kosinj as the place of publication. Cf. Anthony Niseteo, "The First Press in Croatia" in The Library Quarterly, vol. 30, no. 3 (July 1960), p.…- Contributor: Catholic Church - Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1483
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Book/Printed MaterialHeures a lusaige de Rom[m]e
Heures a lusaige de Rome Chiefly in Latin; t.p., portions of the almanac, and some captions in Middle French. Imprint from t.p.: Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Ro[m]me fure[n]t achieuez le xvi iour de Septembre. Lan Mil CCCCiiiixx et xviii pour Simon vostre libraire demourant a Paris a la rue neuue nostre dame a lymage sainct Iehan leuangeliste. Title and Pigouchet's device within illustrated border; text within illustrated…- Contributor: Chambolle-Duru (Firm) - Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress) - Brölemann, Arthur-Auguste - Newton, A. Edward (Alfred Edward) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Catholic Church - Pigouchet, Philippe - Vostre, Simon
- Date: 1498
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Book/Printed MaterialQui comincia el libro del maestro e del discipulo.
Libro del maestro e del discipulo Title from caption. The text is derived from the Elucidarium of Honorius Augustodunensis. Cf. Illustrated ISTC (CD-ROM, 2nd ed.) Signatures: a-e⁴. Goff H-337 Hain 8821 GW M09390 Illustrated ISTC (CD-ROM, 2nd ed.) il00332750 Text on the 1st page in a decorative woodcut frame. Text, excepting 1st page, printed in 2 columns. LC copy in a signed binding: Lloyd, London. Also available in digital form…- Contributor: Scinzenzeler, Ulrich - Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress) - Honorius
- Date: 1499
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Book/Printed MaterialEin Allerhailsamste warnung vor der falschenn lieb diser werlt.
Warnung vor der falschenn Lieb dieser Welt | Warnung vor der falschen Liebe dieser Welt Imprint from ISTC. A German version of Bernardinus Senensis: Speculum peccatorum de contemptu mundi (ISTC.) GW lists it anonymously. Signatures: [1]¹². Goff, F.R. Incunabula in American libraries, W-8 Hain, L. Repertorium bibliographicum, 16150* Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, M42933 Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum, volume 2, page 464 (IA. 8016) Incunabula Short Title Catalogue, iw00008000 Library of Congress.…- Contributor: Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Bernardino - Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress) - Wagner, Peter
- Date: 1489
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Book/Printed MaterialA honor & a labança de n[uest]ro senor ih[es]u [christ]o aqui comença el flos sanctorum con sus ethimologias
Aqui comença el flos sanctorum con sus ethimologias | Flos sanctorum con sus ethimologias Title from caption, leaf [1]1. Imprint from ISTC. Haebler suggests Santiago de Compostela as the place of printing, and Juan de Bobadilla as the printer. George D. Painter of the British Museum suggests in a letter to Frederick Goff that the work was likely printed in the second half of the 1470s, possibly in Seville. Signatures: [1]¹⁰ [2]¹² [3]¹⁰+1 [4]¹² [5-7]¹⁰ [8-11]¹² [12]¹⁰ [13]¹⁰+1…- Contributor: Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress) - Bobadilla, Juan De - Jacobus
- Date: 1472
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Book/Printed MaterialConcilium zu Constanz. Leaf ccxlviia: Hie endet sich das Concilium Buch geschehen zu Constencz, darinn man vindet wie die Herren gaystlich vnnd weltlich eingeritten seind vn[d] mit wieuil Personen, auch ir Wappen gemalet vnd wie sy abgeschiden seynd, auch die Sachen die darinn geschehen seind ... Library of Congress. Lessing J. Rosenwald collection, 97 Goff, F.R. Incunabula in American libraries, R-196 Catalogue of books printed in the…
- Contributor: Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress) - Murray, Charles Fairfax - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Richental, Ulrich Von - Eys, W. J. Van (Willem J.) - Sorg, Anton
- Date: 1483
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