Simple English Wikipedia
The dataset is composed of the content of Simple Wikipedia including articles and revision history in XML. The XML dumps are in a Export format and compressed in bzip2 and .7z formats; while SQL dumps are in mysqldump
Wikimedia Foundation
Software, E-Resource
Dataset of National Endowment for the Humanities grants, 1980-1989
NEH grants dataset, 1980-1989
"Information about NEH grants is contained in the files named These files are broken into decades. The data is described in the file NEH_GrantsDictionary.pdf. Note that Metadata for grants that antedate the NEH electronic grants management system is sparser than that for more recent grants. The XML files for grants are available in two formats: one with hierarchical XML (a grant may have…
National Endowment for the Humanities
Software, E-Resource
Transcription dataset from "the crystal: a record of visions and conferences with the in-dwellers of the spirit world” by Frederick Hockley, Harry Houdini Collection, Rare Book and Special Collection Division
By the People transcription campaign title: Seers, spiritualists, and the spirit work : the experiments of Frederick Hockley | Crystal : a record of visions and conferences with the in-dwellers of the spirit world : transcription dataset
This dataset is an export of transcriptions for 4,656 images from the "the crystal : a record of visions and conferences with the in-dwellers of the spirit world” created by volunteers participating in the Library of Congress crowdsourcing program By the People ( campaign Seers, Spiritualists, and the Spirit World: The experiments of Frederick Hockley. It contains text created by volunteers through a transcription…
Harry Houdini Collection (Library of Congress) - Hockley, Frederick - By the People (Program)
Software, E-Resource
Amazing grace : [dataset]
Amazing grace collection | Chasanoff/Elozua Amazing grace collection
Collection compiled by Allan Chasanoff and Raymon Elozua. The collection highlights the history of the hymn “Amazing Grace” from the earliest printing of the song to selected performances of it on published and field recordings. These items have been collected from several divisions in the Library of Congress, including the Music Division, the American Folklife Center, the Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division,…
Elozua, Raymon - Library of Congress - Chasanoff, Allan
Software, E-Resource
Transcription datasets from the Blackwell family papers, Manuscript Division
By the People transcription campaign title : The Blackwells: an extraordinary family
This dataset is an export of transcriptions for 56,187 images from the Blackwell Family Papers digital collection created by volunteers participating in the Library of Congress crowdsourcing program By the People ( campaign The Blackwells: An Extraordinary Family. It contains text created by volunteers through a transcription and review process, volunteer-created tags, digital collections metadata, and metadata representing the arrangement of the items in…
By the People (Program)
Software, E-Resource
Transcription dataset from the World War II Rumor Project, American Folklife Center
By the People transcription campaign title : information and disinformation : the World War II rumor project
This dataset is an export of transcriptions for 9,189 images from the World War II Rumor Project Collection digital collection created by volunteers participating in the Library of Congress crowdsourcing program By the People ( campaign Information and Disinformation: The World War II Rumor Project. It contains text created by volunteers through a transcription and review process, volunteer-created tags, digital collections metadata, and metadata…
By the People (Program)
Community Memorialization Project Data pages
Website for dataset created 2015. The Community Memorialization Project began in 2015. Project by: Radhika Hettiarachchi with Search for Common Ground, Sri Lanka. The Community Memorialization Project is an archive of 320 village histories and life stories of individuals and groups, collected and archived to memorialize the experiences of violence and conflict in three Sri Lankan districts. Using the archive, the project creates opportunities…
Hettiarachchi, Radhika - Centre for Human Resource Development (Colombo, Sri Lanka) - Viluthu - Herstories Project (Sri Lanka) - Search for Common Ground (Sri Lanka)
Herstories Project Data pages
Website for dataset created July 2012. The Herstories Project --This is a list of the documentation available from Ampara, Batticaloa, Kilinochchi, Kurunegala, Moneragala, Mullaitivu, Vavuniya. Project date 2012-2013. Project by Radhika Hettiarachchi with Viluthu Centre for Human Resource Development, Sri Lanka The Herstories Archive is an oral history archive of women's life stories from Sri Lanka's civil war. This documentation initiative comprises life histories…
Herstories Project (Sri Lanka) - Centre for Human Resource Development (Colombo, Sri Lanka) - Hettiarachchi, Radhika - Viluthu
Software, E-Resource
Transcription dataset from the William A. Gladstone Afro-American military collection, Manuscript Division
By the People transcription campaign title : Brothers in arms : the Gladstone Afro-American military collection
This dataset is an export of transcriptions for 3,097 images from the William A. Gladstone Afro-American Military Collection created by volunteers participating in the Library of Congress crowdsourcing program By the People ( campaign Brothers in Arms: The Gladstone Afro-American Military Collection. It contains text created by volunteers through a transcription and review process, volunteer-created tags, digital collections metadata, and metadata representing the arrangement…
Gladstone, William A. - By the People (Program)
Software, E-Resource
Transcription dataset from the Mary Church Terrell Papers, Manuscript Division
By the People transcription campaign title : Mary Church Terrell : advocate for African Americans and women
This dataset is an export of transcriptions for 24,936 images from the Mary Church Terrell Papers created by volunteers participating in the Library of Congress crowdsourcing program By the People ( campaign Mary Church Terrell: Advocate for African Americans and Women. It contains text created by volunteers through a transcription and review process, volunteer-created tags, digital collections metadata, and metadata representing the arrangement of…
Terrell, Mary Church - By the People (Program)
Software, E-Resource
Transcription dataset from the George Washington Papers, Manuscript Division
By the People transcription campaign title : Ordinary Lives in George Washington's Papers
This dataset is an export of transcriptions for 593 images from the George Washington Papers digital collection created by volunteers participating in the Library of Congress crowdsourcing program, By the People ( campaign, Ordinary Lives in George Washington's Papers. It contains text created by volunteers through a transcription and review process, volunteer-created tags, digital collections metadata, and metadata representing the arrangement of the items…
Washington, George - By the People (Program)
Software, E-Resource
Transcription datasets from the Samuel J. Gibson Diary and Correspondence, Manuscript Division
By the People transcription campaign title : This Hell-upon-earth of a prison : Samuel J. Gibson's Andersonville Diary
This dataset is an export of transcriptions for 90 images from the Samuel J. Gibson Diary and Correspondence created by volunteers participating in the Library of Congress crowdsourcing program By the People ( campaign, "This Hell-upon-earth of a Prison": Samuel J. Gibson's Andersonville Diary. It contains text created by volunteers through a transcription and review process, volunteer-created tags, digital collections metadata, and metadata representing…
Gibson, Samuel J. - By the People (Program)
Software, E-Resource
Transcription dataset from “such eventful times”: women and the American Civil War transcription campaign, Manuscript Division
By the People transcription campaign title : “Such eventful times”: women and the American Civil War
This dataset is an export of transcriptions for 4,638 images of materials representing Mary Ann Arnold, Mary Ann Bickerdyke, Betty Herndon Maury, and Dora Stephens , contained in the John Carvel Arnold Papers, Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers, Betty Herndon Maury Maury Papers, and Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers digital collections, respectively. The transcriptions were created by volunteers participating in the Library of Congress crowdsourcing program…
By the People (Program)
Software, E-Resource
Transcription dataset from the James A. Garfield papers - diaries, Manuscript Division
By the People transcription campaign title : James A. Garfield diary: "his confidential friend"
This dataset is an export of transcriptions for 2,462 images from the James A. Garfield Papers digital collection created by volunteers participating in the Library of Congress crowdsourcing program By the People ( campaign James A. Garfield Diary: “His Confidential Friend.” It contains text created by volunteers through a transcription and review process, volunteer-created tags, digital collections metadata, and metadata representing the arrangement of…
Garfield, James A. (James Abram) - By the People (Program)
Software, E-Resource
Transcription dataset from the George S. Patton papers - diaries, Manuscript Division
By the People transcription campaign title : War diaries of George S. Patton
This dataset is an export of transcriptions for 3,281 images from the George S. Patton Papers: Diaries digital collection created by staff transcribers through the Library of Congress crowdsourcing program By the People ( staff campaign War Diaries of George S. Patton. It contains text created through a transcription and review process, tags, digital collections metadata, and metadata representing the arrangement of the items…
Patton, George S. (George Smith) - By the People (Program)
Software, E-Resource
Dataset from tribal leaders directory
Tribal leaders directory
"The Tribal Leaders Directory provides contact information for each federally recognized tribe. The electronic, map based, interactive directory also provides information about each BIA region and agency that provides services to a specific tribe. Additionally, the directory provides contact information for Indian Affairs leadership."--Directory website. Available in three formats: CSV, JSON, and XML. Archived by the Library of Congress May 2019. Description based on…
United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs
Book/Printed Material
Gateway National Recreation Area Sandy Hook Unit, Fort Hancock, Mess Hall Building #58, Monmouth County, New Jersey : historic structure report
Mess Hall Building #58, Fort Hancock, New Jersey, Sandy Hook Unit, Gateway National Recreation Area : historic structure report | Mess Hall Building #58, Fort Hancock, Gateway National Recreation Area
"March 2011." "Prepared for National Park Service Denver Service Center." Appendix D, Historical photographs, and appendix G, Historical documents, appear on the accompanying CD-ROMs. Includes bibliographical references (p. 176-178). Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site.
United States. National Park Service. Northeast Region - John Milner Associates - United States. National Park Service. Denver Service Center
Software, E-Resource
Transcription datasets from Rosa Parks Papers, Manuscript Division
By the People transcription campaign title : Rosa Parks : in her own words
This dataset is an export of transcriptions for 1,769 images from the Rosa Parks Papers created by volunteers participating in the Library of Congress crowdsourcing program By the People ( campaign, Rosa Parks: In Her Own Words. It contains text created by volunteers through a transcription and review process, volunteer-created tags, digital collections metadata, and metadata representing the arrangement of the items in the…
Parks, Rosa - By the People (Program)
Nickel, Robert K. - Midwest Archeological Center (U.S.) - De Vore, Steven Leroy
Project Linework
Dataset includes data files (Shapefile, GeoJSON, Adobe Illustrator files, zipped). Digital handcrafted vector linework files for cartographic use in multiple aesthetic styles. This dataset includes the following styles: 1981, Angular, charmingly inaccurate, Elmer Casual, Geo-Metro, Geomotional, Liana, Moriarty Hand, Times Approximate, Twenty Seven, Wargames, and Weekend Update. Title from dataset website, viewed May 7, 2023.
Bennett, Sarah - Elmer, Martin E. - Huffman, Daniel P. - Moriarty, Dylan - Adkins, Jonah - McClendon, Dennis - Maarel, Hans Van Der
OpenStreetMap 2020 global data layers
Title from gis format documentation: OpenStreetMap data in layered GIS format | OpenStreetMap Shape files & Geopackage
Data is structured into eight geographic regions: Africa, Antarctica, Australia-Oceania, Asia, Central America, Europe, North America, and South America. Global data for 2020 is available in two format options: shapefile and geopackage. One geopackage file is available for each geographic region. Each geopackage contains all thematic data for the specified geographic region. Alternately, the same 2020 data is also available in shapefile format, structured…
Openstreetmap (Project)
OpenStreetMap 2014 global data layers
Title from gis format documentation: OpenStreetMap data in layered GIS format | OpenStreetMap Shapefiles
Data is structured into eight geographic regions: Africa, Antarctica, Australia-Oceania, Asia, Central America, Europe, North America, and South America. Global data for 2014 is available in shapefile format, structured by geographic region and by theme. Due to the 2 GB file size restriction on shapefiles, some thematic data compressed files will contain multiple shapefiles. Geospatial vector data layers exported from OpenStreetMap on 01/01/2014, processed…
Openstreetmap (Project)
OpenStreetMap 2015 global data layers
Title from gis format documentation: OpenStreetMap data in layered GIS format | OpenStreetMap Shapefiles
Data is structured into eight geographic regions: Africa, Antarctica, Australia-Oceania, Asia, Central America, Europe, North America, and South America. Global data for 2015 is available in shapefile format, structured by geographic region and by theme. Due to the 2 GB file size restriction on shapefiles, some thematic data compressed files will contain multiple shapefiles. Geospatial vector data layers exported from OpenStreetMap on 01/01/2015, processed…