Collection Items
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 99 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Dibble Jred Beaumont JefferBOn CoDiet3 Page 1 TEXAS STOSIBS OF EXSLAVBS 42033M EOSA GHEES 85 years old was bom at Ketchi Louisiana bat as soon as she was old enough be cams…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 98 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King EsSlave Autobiographies 0 W Green Page 5 never did work on Sundays Jist set around and rest worked in bad weather Dey never Dey never did go to de field till seven…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 97 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King BX Slave Autobiographies 0 W Green Page 4 de soldiers killin and robbing After two or three years in de camp with de orphans my kin found me and took me home…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 96 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King KxSlave Autobiographies 0 Green Page 3 While us orphan chillen was at Little Rock dere come a terrible soreness of de eyes de cholera I heard tell twas caused from Every little…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 95 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King 420064 BXSLAYE STORIIS lexas Page Qno Q 0 I Green son of frank and of Mary inn Marksf was horn In slavery at Bradly Cof Arkansas June 26f 1859 His owners the…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 94 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exslave Stories Texas page Three beck dies and when he buried de lightnin1 corae and split de grave and de coffin wide open Well tirae goes on some more and den Lizzie…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 93 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exsftave Stories Page Two Page Two oo C his squirmin and twist in1 and he the bigges1 debbil on earth We leaves right away for Texas and goes to marsters ranch in…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 92 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King 420118 IL EXSLATE STORIES Texas Page One JAMSS GSSSES is half American Indian and half Nero He was born a slave to John Williams of Petersburg Va became a free boy t…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 91 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exslave Stories Texas Page Six M I met my wife down on Black Creek and I freighted two yers after we was married thing would do We got married so long ago…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 90 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exslave Stories Texas Page Five When one of the slaves would die thsy would bury em on the land there DR Regflar little cemetery there have doctors for em Oh yes they…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 9 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exslave Stories Texas Page Four j a lifl lodestone and brimstone and asafoetida and resin and bluestone and gum arable and a pod or two red pepperm Put dis in de red…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 89 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exslave stories Texas Page Pour Oj tf My grandfather he would tell us things to keep the whip off our backs He would sayf fChillen work work and work hard know how…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 88 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Ixslave stories Texas Page Three 11 After work at nights there wasnH much sett in1 fall into bed and go to sleep Q3 u f rouna youd On Saturday night they didn1…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 87 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exslave stories Texas page Two QO 05 Our house we had to live in I tell you we had a tough affair a picket concern you might say no house atall one…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 86 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King 420060 SJUSIulVE STORIES Texas PageQne iXTSTIN QBUfl came to Texas from Mississippi with his grandfather father mother nd brother George Harper owned the family He raised cotton on Peach Creek near Gonzales…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 85 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exslave Stories 2exas Page Seven w For twenty years my health aint been so good and I cant work even nowf though nnr health is better1 n in the past I had…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 84 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exslave Storias Texas f Page Six Lat them go thay way f ecus a thatfs what theyre going to do anyway scaradar of tham than wa was of tha debbil 0 V…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 83 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exslave Stories Page Five yr Texas Then he said to me look after things Andrew you is old nough to be a man and Take care of Missus and see that none…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 82 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exslave Stories Texas Page Four masters slaves gittin a beatin1 a nigger driver was yy We had a overseer but didnt know wh t Marse Boh had some nigger dogs like other…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 81 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exslave Stories Texas Page Three p O all the boys and gals gits converted when theyfs fbout twelve or fifteen year old Then on Sunday afternoon Marse Bob larnd us to read…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 80 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Esslave Stories Texas Page Two R fJ llarse Bob didnft put his little niggers in the fields till theys big nough to work and the mammies was give time off from the…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 8 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Sixslave Stories Texas Page Three dusts out dere faster den a wink Dat broke up he prayin1 under dat tree I never studied cunjurinr but I knows dat scorripins and things dey…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 79 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King 420345 E3USLAVS STORIES Texas 74 Page One JUJDBEtf G0QH1AN 97 was born a slave of the Goodman family near Birmingham Alabama His master moved to Smith County Texas when Andrew was three…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 78 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exslave Stories Texas Page Three Jft When we gits on de boat it flops dis way and dat scart me I sho dont want to see no more days like dat one…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 77 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exslave Stories Texas now We had coread Page Two and p blackeyed peas and beans and sorghum flasses Old master give us our rations and iffen dat didnft fill us up we…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 76 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King 4201350 EXSLAVE STOHIES Texas Page One rf x MATTIE GILMOEE lives in a little cabin on E Fifth Avenue in Corsicana Texas A smile came to her lips as she recalled days…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 75 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Enslave Stories Fa e Three Texas pafie Three M Us have plenty wild game wild geese and ducks gwd Dey was gatars t Fishim an mighty I seed dera Mte a mans…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 74 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Bxslye Stories Texas Q Page Tm member see him whip nobody He didnt low n ill treatment All de folks rsund he place say he niggers mint and spoiled De liTl white…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 73 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King 420303 KJ ENSLAVE STORIES Texas y Page One 68 GABRIEL GILBEKP was brn in slavery en the plantation ef Belizare Breussard in New Iberia Parish Louisiana He dees net knew his age…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 72 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exslave Stories Texas Page Two Massa have hunner1 s of acres you never git off en his Ian things in de house fV U You could walk all dsy and An he…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 71 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King 1000 66 EISLAVS STORIES Texas PRISCIILA GIBSON is not sure of her age but thinks she was born about 1856 in Smith County Mississippi to Mary Puckett and her Indian husband They…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 70 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exslave Stories Texas PageJFwo Dat not da osliest thing dam old conjure men do Dey powder up da rattle of fen de snake and tie it up in de little old rag…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 7 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exslave Stories Texas page Two m dat old Brazos River done changeits course up bove de bend and move to de west 11 1 marries Nancy Clsrk in 1879 but no chilluns…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 69 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Bxdslave Stories fexas Page Two ct other places not on ours Marse Jrazier he didnt work us too hard and give Saturday and Sunday off 1 Hefs all right and give good…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 68 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King 20130 X3USIA7X STORMS Texas PageOne 03 ROSAHNA PRAZIKR was bom a slave on the Prazier plantation in Mississippi She does not remember her masters given name nor does she know her age9…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 67 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exslave Stories lexas Page Three M 01d massa he de kind man what let de niggers have dey prayer meetin He give feja a big cabin for dat Shout like dis H…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 66 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exclave Stories Texas Page Two Lots of time we eat cooshcoosh ujl Dat make out of meal and water You bile de water and salt itf den put in de corcmeal and…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 65 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King 120002 B3USLAVE STORIES Texas Page One OBELIA ALSXIE FRANKS was born on the plantation of Valerian Martin9 near Opelousas Louls iana She does not know her age but thinks she is near…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 64 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exslave Stories Texas Page Five in de hotel dininfroom cause Ifs workin1 for de hotel man J B Gkodhue De Rev Elder Venable what am de old cullud preacher marries us git…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialImage 63 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King Exslave Stories Texas needs and give dem part de crop dem Page Four Q He vide up de pig litters and such mongst He give dem de start Den after two three…
- Date: 1936-01-01