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Collection Southeast Asia Banking and Finance Web Archive

About this Collection

The Southeast Asia Banking and Finance Web Archive focuses on the role of the government in the banking and financial sectors in Southeast Asia. In much of the region, governments play a significant role in many aspects of capital, financial, and monetary policy.

This web archive complements the Library of Congress’s rich collection of primary resources in print on banks in Southeast Asia, and aims to give researchers access to a range of sites related to government involvement in financial markets in the region. As publishing in the banking and finance sectors in Southeast Asia moves online, web archiving has become increasingly important in developing collections that provide a window to developments in banking and finance.

Sites captured in the current web archive include those of government banks and government majority held autonomous banks, Islamic financial institutions particularly in Indonesia and Malaysia where government backing is strong for such establishments, microfinancing agencies within the government that provide specialized services that address marginalized individuals with little access to capital, government banking and financial authorities, stock and security exchange websites, bond market organizations, which are central to interest rates, and selected government agencies that are tasked with economic development such as ministries of economic affairs or government investment boards.

Collection Period: May 2017 to present (this is an ongoing archive).

Frequency of Collection: Sites in the collection were targeted for capture twice-yearly.

Languages: Collection material in English, with Burmese, Indonesian, Khmer, Lao, Malay, Thai, and Vietnamese.

Acquisition Information: Sites have been added incrementally since the project began and will continue to be added as they are identified.