Paraguayan writer Hugo Rodríguez-Alcalá reading from his poetry
In Spanish. Production level cataloging. Recorded for the Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape. Recorded Jan. 3, 1979, in the Library of Congress Recording Laboratory, Studio B, Washington, D.C. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site.
Rodríguez-Alcalá, Hugo - Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape (Library of Congress) - Palabra Archive (Library of Congress)
Audio Recording
Paraguayan writer Augusto Roa Bastos reading from his work
Short story in Spanish from his collection, El trueno entre las hojas. Recorded Oct. 31, 1958, USIS, Buenos Aires. Diameters: first tape--7 in.; second tape--5 in. Recorded for the Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape. Archive of Hisp. Lit. on Tape, p. 402-403. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Preservation master. Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress Magnetic…
Roa Bastos, Augusto - Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape (Library of Congress) - Palabra Archive (Library of Congress)
Gatti Cardozo, Gustavo - Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape (Library of Congress) - Palabra Archive (Library of Congress)
Audio Recording
Paraguayan poet and writer Renée Ferrer reading from her work
Ms. Ferrer reads from Peregrino de la eternidad, De lugares, momoentos e implicancias varias, Hay surcos que no se llenan, Voces sin replica, Cascaita de nuez, Peregrino de la eternidad, Desde el cañadón de la memoria, Peregrinio de la eternidad, Viaje a destiempo, Sobreviviente, Peregrino de la eternidad, De lugares, momentos e implicancias varias, Itinerario del deso, De lugares, momentos e implicancias varias, Itinerario…
Ferrer, Renée - Dorn, Georgette M. - Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape (Library of Congress) - Palabra Archive (Library of Congress)
Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape (Library of Congress) - Palabra Archive (Library of Congress) - Appleyard, José-Luis
Audio Recording
Paraguayan poet José María Gómez Sanjurjo reading from his work
Poems in Spanish. Recorded Jan. 18, 1983, U.S. Embassy, Asunción. Recorded for the Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape. Production level cataloging. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site.
Gómez Sanjurjo, José María - Palabra Archive (Library of Congress) - Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape (Library of Congress)