All Presentations by Theme

Serving: Our Voices offers users dozens of online presentations centered on a wide variety of different topics and themes relating to the experience of military service. Each individual presentation highlights a handful of related Veterans History Project collections, specially chosen to illuminate the specific theme. In the menu to the left and in the list below, we have organized these individual presentations into larger categories, to guide your exploration of them.
Creative Expressions of Service
- Art of War
- Line by Line: Transcribed Correspondence
- Military Photographers: Framing the Shot
- Personal Snapshots: Picturing the Vietnam War
- "Please Write Often": Wartime Correspondence
- Veterans and the Arts: Showcase Companion
Diverse Experiences in Service
- African Americans at War: Fighting Two Battles
- Asian Pacific Americans: Going for Broke
- Breaking Ground and Boundaries: Veteran Changemakers
- Buffalo Soldiers: The 92nd in Italy
- Determined to Serve: African American Women in World War II
- "Equality of Treatment and Opportunity": Executive Order 9981
- First, Serve: Athletes in Uniform
- Hispanic Veterans in Service
- Jewish Veterans of World War II
- Legacies of Service: Celebrating Native Americans
- Prisoners of War
- Serving in Silence: LGBTQ+ Veterans
- They Also Served: Coast Guard/Merchant Marine
- The WASP: First in Flight
- Women of Five Wars
- Women at War
Impact of Service
- Disabled Veterans
- The GI Bill: 75 Years of Opportunity
- In Memoriam: Honoring the Fallen
- PTSD: A Lasting Impact of War
Occupations and Specialties in Service
- Chaplains: On a Divine Mission
- Healing with Honor: Medical Personnel
- Helicopters: The Multi-Mission Aircraft
- Military Intel: The Inside Story
- Military Photographers: Framing the Shot
- Submarines: The Silent Service
- Wings of War
Eras of Service
World War I (1917 – 1918)
World War II (1941 – 1945)
- The Aleutian Islands: WWII's Unknown Campaign
- Battle of the Bulge
- Buffalo Soldiers: The 92nd in Italy
- China-Burma-India: WWII's Forgotten Theater
- D-Day (June 6, 1944)
- Determined to Serve: African American Women in World War II
- Guadalcanal: 75 Years Later
- Jewish Veterans of World War II
- Pearl Harbor: 70th Anniversary
- War’s End: VE- and VJ-Days
- The WASP: First in Flight
Korean War (1950 – 1953)
Vietnam War (1962 – 1973)
- In Country: Stories from the Vietnam War
- Personal Snapshots: Picturing the Vietnam War
- Vietnam War: Looking Back