Collection Items
Book/Printed MaterialThe Amazon and Madeira rivers : sketches and descriptions from the note-book of an explorer Franz Keller was a German engineer who spent 17 years in Brazil. In 1867, Keller and his father were commissioned by the minister of public works in Rio de Janeiro to explore the Madeira River in order to determine the feasibility of building a railroad to circumvent rapids that made steamship navigation impossible on part of the river. This book, published some seven years…
- Contributor: Keller, Franz
- Date: 1875
- Resource: - 268 pages
MapBrazil, Bolivia & Peru
Brazil, Bolivia and Peru "This hand-colored map of the northern part of South America originally appeared in A New General Atlas Exhibiting The Five Great Divisions of the Globe, published by John Grigg (1792-1864) in Philadelphia in 1829. It shows the still somewhat vague demarcation of the borders between countries in the interior of the continent. Grigg's atlas was based on the work of Conrad Malte-Brun (1755-1826), a…- Contributor: Grigg & Elliot - Young, J. H. (James Hamilton)
- Date: 1829-01-01
MapMap of Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uruguay ; Map of Chili. Relief shown by hachures. "Entered according to Act of Congress ... 1870 by S. Augustus Mitchell, jr. ... Pennsylvania." Maps include insets of "Harbor of Rio Janeiro," "Harbor of Bahia," and "Island of Juan Fernandez." Decorative border picturing grape vines surrounds the two maps. In margin : "69." From: Mitchell's new general atlas. Philadelphia : S. Augustus Mitchell, 1871 or 1872. Available also through…
- Contributor: Mitchell, S. Augustus (Samuel Augustus)
- Date: 1871-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialAn account of a voyage up the river de la Plata, and thence over land to Peru. With observations on the inhabitants, as well as Indians and Spaniards; the cities, commerce, fertility, … Acarete du Biscay was a Frenchman, possibly of Basque origin, about whom very little is known. In December 1657 he embarked from Cádiz, Spain for the Plate River region of South America, posing as the nephew of a Spanish gentleman to circumvent a ban by Spain on visits by foreigners to its New World possessions. In 1658 he traveled overland across the Argentine pampas…
- Contributor: Pre- Imprint Collection (Library of Congress) - Acarete
- Date: 1698
Resource: View All Pages | PDF
Book/Printed MaterialConstitutions of the Province of San Antonio de los Charcas Issued and Received in the Provincial Chapter Celebrated in the Convent of Saint Francis of the City of La Paz.
Constitvciones de la provincia de Sant Antonio de los Charcas hechas y recebidas en el capitulo prouincial celebrado en el Conuento de San Francisco dela Ciudad dela Paz Constituciones de la provincia de Sant Antonio de los Charcas hechas y recebidas en el capitulo provincial celebrado en el Convento de San Francisco dela Ciudad de la Paz (Constitutions of the province of San Antonio de los Charcas issued and received in the Provincial Chapter celebrated in the Convent of Saint Francis of the city of La Paz) was published in Lima, Peru,…- Date: 1616-01-01
- Resource: - 68 pages
Book/Printed MaterialSermon by the Reverend Father Diego de Castro on the Death of Father Luis Lopez, Bishop of Quito and Elected Bishop of Charcas, of the Order of Saint Augustine.
Sermon en la mverte del maestro Don Fray Lvys Lopez de la Orden de sant Augustin Obispo de Quito Sermon en la muerte del maestro Don Fray Luys Lopez de la Orden de sant Augustin Obispo de Quito (Sermon by the Reverend Father Diego de Castro on the death of Father Luis Lopez, Bishop of Quito and elected Bishop of Charcas, of the Order of Saint Augustine) was published in Lima, Peru, in 1606. Luis López de Solís was appointed bishop of Quito,…- Contributor: Castro, Diego De, 1615
- Date: 1606-01-01
- Resource: - 56 pages
MapThe Course of the River of the Amazons, Based on the Account of Christopher d'Acugna.
Le cours de la riviére des Amazones dressé sur la relation Nicolas Sanson (1600-67) is considered by many to be the founder of the French school of cartography. Originally from Abbeville, he was also known as Sanson d'Abbeville. He was trained as a military engineer but became a prolific cartographer who produced over 300 maps. Around 1643, he began publishing maps, working with publisher Pierre Mariette. This 1680 map of the Amazon most likely is…- Contributor: Sanson, Nicolas
- Date: 1680-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
MapMap of the Region of the Iténez or Guaporé River and Its Tributaries.
Plano da região do Rio Itenes ou Guaporé e seus afluentes This pen-and-ink watercolor map shows the Iténez-Guaporé River Basin. The map shows the location of the fortress of Nossa Senhora da Conceição dos Portugueses and the deployment of Spanish troops under command of Alonso Berdugo and Aymerich Tete. This river, now known in Brazil as the Guaporé, forms the border between the Brazilian provinces of Rondônia and Mato Grosso, before flowing north into Bolivia,…- Contributor: Crespo, Miguel Blanco
- Date: 1767-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
MapParaguay, or the Province of the Rio de la Plata, with the Adjacent Regions Tucamen and Santa Cruz de la Sierra.
Paraguay, ó prov. de Rio de La Plata, cum regionibus adiacentibus Tucuman et Sta. Cruz de la Sierra / Guiljelmus Blaeuew excudit This map of Paraguay and the Rio de la Plata basin is the work of Willem Blaeu (1571-1638), the founder of a famous Dutch mapmaking dynasty. Blaeu studied astronomy, mathematics, and globe-making with the Danish scholar Tycho Brahe before establishing his mapmaking studio in Amsterdam. In 1633, he was appointed mapmaker of the Dutch East India Company. In 1635, together with his sons Joan…- Contributor: Blaeu, Willem Janszoon
- Date: 1616-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
MapExtent and Location of the Governments of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Matogroso, Cuyaba, and Towns of Native Americans Called Chiquitos.
Extension y situacion de los goviernos de Sta. Cruz de la Sierra, Matogroso, Cuyaba, y pueblos de los indios llamados los Chiquitos This map shows the present-day Bolivian provinces of Santa Cruz de la Sierra and Chiquitos, and the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. The map indicates the settlements of native people, known at that time as Chiquitos. This area was a center of Jesuit activity and many of the settlements may have been the remnants of Jesuit centers, called reducciones (reductions or townships). The Jesuits…- Date: 1789-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
MapMap of Bolivia. This 1894 map of Bolivia highlights the country's main geographic features, including the Andes Mountains in the west and the lowlands in the east. The map shows major towns and cities, the capitals of departments, departmental borders, completed and projected railroads, highways, and navigable rivers. Mines for copper, gold, silver, and tin are indicated, reflecting Bolivia's role as a major mineral producer. Neighboring parts…
- Date: 1894-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
MapMap of Bolivia, Showing Forest and Agriculture Areas, and Mineral Localities. This 1912 map shows the agricultural, forest, and mineral wealth of Bolivia. Mineral production is shown as located mainly in the western part of the country, in or near the Andes Mountains. The locations of mines producing antimony, bismuth, copper, gold, lead, silver, wolfram, and tin, Bolivia's most important mineral product, are indicated. Tin was mined in the departments of Cochabamba, La Paz, Oruro,…
- Date: 1912-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
MapColton's Peru and Bolivia. This 1855 map of Peru and Bolivia shows topographical features, cities, towns, forts, rapids, and rivers. National and regional boundaries are marked in pink, green, yellow, and blue. An inset map of Lima, the capital of Peru, appears in the lower-left-hand corner. In the upper right are the River Madeira, forming part of the border between Peru and Brazil, and the Amazon, the upper…
- Date: 1855-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
MapLake Titicaca.
Lago Titicaca This map of Lake Titicaca was made by Rafael E. Baluarte, cartographer of the Geographical Society of Lima, for a presentation to the society in December 1891 of a monographic study of the lake by Dr. Ignacio La Puente. It is based on surveys and explorations of the lake and its environs by the British diplomat and explorer Joseph Barclay Pentland (1797--1873), the Italian-Peruvian…- Contributor: Baluarte, Rafael E. - Erhard (Firm) - La Puente, D. Ignacio
- Date: 1893-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Photo, Print, DrawingNatives Enjoy Dancing. This photograph from Bolivia shows indigenous peoples dressed in traditional costume playing musical instruments. The photograph is from the collection of the Columbus Memorial Library of the Organization of American States (OAS), which includes 45,000 photographs illustrative of life and culture in the Americas. Many of the photographs were taken by prominent photographers on OAS missions to member countries. The OAS was established in…
- Date: 1976-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Photo, Print, DrawingFestival in Oruro (Bolivia). This photograph shows a group of dancers in elaborate costumes in a band at the Carnival of Oruro in Bolivia. The carnival, which takes place every year, lasts ten days and features examples of popular arts in such forms as masks, textiles, and embroidery. The main event is the procession or entrada, in which the dancers walk the four-kilometer processional route repeatedly for a…
- Date: 1963-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Photo, Print, DrawingCarnival in Oruro (Bolivia). This photograph shows a carnival dancer in Oruro, Bolivia, in an elaborate costume and grotesque mask and gloves. The carnival, which takes place every year, lasts ten days and features examples of popular arts in such forms as masks, textiles, and embroidery. The main event is the procession or entrada, in which the dancers walk the four-kilometer processional route repeatedly for a full 20…
- Date: 1970-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page