Collection Items

  • Book/Printed Material
    The Nabhani Offering on the History of the Arabian Peninsula. Al-Tuḥfat al-Nabhānīya fī tārīkh al-jazīra al-ʻArabīya (The Nabhani offering on the history of the Arabian Peninsula) is by Muḥammad ibn Kahlīfa ibn Ḥamd ibn Mūsā al-Nabhānī (1883 or 1884-1950 or 1951). The author was a teacher at the Masjid al-Ḥarām in Mecca (as was his father). The younger al-Nabhani started this work after his visit to Bahrain, and a request that he write a…
    • Contributor: Nabhānī, Muḥammad Ibn Khalīfah, 1950
    • Date: 1923-01-01
    • Resource: - 449 pages

  • Book/Printed Material
    What I Know: The Initial Goals and Foundation of the Committee of Union and Progress, and the Catastrophe and Dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire. Bildiklerim: İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyetinin maksud taʼassus ve surat-i teşkili, ve Devlet-i Aliei Osmaniyenin sebeb felaket ve İnkılabı (What I know: The initial goals and foundation of the Committee of Union and Progress, and the catastrophe and dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire) covers Ottoman political history from the reign of Sultan Abdülaziz (1861-76) until 1915. The majority of the work is devoted to political…
    • Contributor: Salâhî, Mehmed - Eşref
    • Date: 1918-01-01
    • Resource: - 104 pages

  • Map
    Sixth Map of Asia.
    Sexta Asiae tabula
    Several editions of Ptolemy's Geographia (Geography), translated into Latin from the original Greek, were published in Europe in the 15th century. This map is from the 1478 edition, which was published in Rome. Ptolemaic atlases included 12 maps of Asia. The "Sixth Map of Asia" covered the Arabian Peninsula. The outlines of this map are crude, but many geographic features, including the Red Sea,…
    • Contributor: Ptolemy, 2nd Century
    • Date: 1478-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    The Coast of Arabia the Red Sea, and Persian Sea of Bassora Past the Straits of Hormuz to India, Gujarat and Cape Comorin.
    De Kusten van Arabie het Roode Meer,en Persie Zee van Bassora voor by 't Nau van Ormus Tot aan den Indus, Guzaratte en Kaap Comorin
    This 1707 map of the Arabian Peninsula and adjacent regions is the work of Pieter van der Aa (1659-1733), a Dutch publisher and bookseller based in Leiden who specialized in reissuing maps acquired from earlier mapmakers. The map appears to be based on an earlier Portuguese work, and uses a mix of Dutch, Latin, and Portuguese for titles and place names. The map covers…
    • Contributor: Aa, Pieter Van Der
    • Date: 1707-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    A Drawing (with a Western Perspective) of the East Indies from the Promontory of Good Hope to Cape Comorin.
    Occidentalior Tractus Indiarum Orientalium a Promontorio Bonae Spei ad C. Comorin
    This portolan map by the Dutch engraver, publisher, and map seller Frederick de Wit (1629 or 1630-1706) shows the Indian Ocean from the Cape of Good Hope to the west coast of India (Malabar). The map was first published in 1675 and was reprinted in 1715. It is oriented with east at the top. Kishm is placed in the present-day United Arab Emirates (UAE)…
    • Contributor: Wit, Frederik De
    • Date: 1675-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Sixth Map of Asia: Which Includes Arabia Felix, Carmania, and the Persian Gulf.
    Asiae Tabula VI: Arabiam Felicem, Carmaniam Ac Sinum Persicum
    This map from Ptolemy's Geographia was published in 1578 and reprinted on many occasions between 1584 and 1704. It is much more finely engraved than maps in previous Ptolemy editions. The map mentions several places in present-day Qatar (Abucei, Leaniti, Themi, Asateni, and Aegei). Names added to this edition of the map include Mesmites Sinus, Idicar, and a second Idicar, located in present-day Kuwait.…
    • Contributor: Ptolemy, 2nd Century
    • Date: 1578-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    A Chart of the Coast of Arabia, the Red Sea and Persian Gulf, Drawn from the Chart of the Eastern Ocean. This English map is a reprinting, with slight changes, of an earlier French map published in 1740 by order of Jean-Frédéric Phélypeaux, Count de Maurepas (1701-81), secretary of state under King Louis XV. The map was drawn from an earlier chart of the Eastern Ocean, "improv'd from particular surveys and regulated by astronomical observations." This English edition of the de Maurepas map has a…
    • Contributor: Child, G.
    • Date: 1740-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Map of the Coast of Arabia, the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf.
    Carte de la Coste d'Arabie, Mer Rouge, et Golfe de Perse
    This 1740 map is by the French cartographer and hydrographer Jacques-Nicolas Bellin (1703-72). It was published by order of Jean-Frédéric Phélypeaux, Count de Maurepas (1701-81), secretary of state under King Louis XV. The map focuses exclusively on the coastlines, and provides no detail about the interior of the Arabian Peninsula. It shows pearl banks along the coast from Bahrain to Julfar. Qatar is noted…
    • Contributor: Bellin, Jacques-Nicolas - Maurepas, Jean-Frédéric Phélypeaux
    • Date: 1740-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Arabia. This 1662 Latin map of Arabia is a copy of an earlier map by Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1571-1638), the founder of the Blaeu cartographic firm. It is one of the first maps to show internal features of the Arabian Peninsula. Mountains are depicted, oases denoted by trees, and points used to indicate pearl deposits in the Arabian Gulf. The map uses dotted lines to…
    • Contributor: Blaeu, Willem Janszoon
    • Date: 1622-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Arabia. This map of 1616, with Latin place names, is a reprint of a work by Jodocus Hondius (1563-1612), a Flemish cartographer and engraver who settled in Amsterdam in about 1593 and established a business that produced globes and the first large maps of the world. The place names on the map are unclear. "Coromanis" is shown on many older maps as located in present-day…
    • Contributor: Hondius, Jodocus
    • Date: 1616-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Arabia. This 1616 map is a reprint of a map originally published in 1598 by Jodocus Hondius (1563-1612), a Flemish cartographer and engraver who settled in Amsterdam in about 1593 and established a business that produced globes and the first large maps of the world. The map covers the territory from west of the Gulf of Suez to the eastern side of the Arabian Peninsula,…
    • Contributor: Hondius, Jodocus
    • Date: 1598-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    A Current and Correct Depiction of Arabia Felix, Arabia Petraea, and Arabia Deserta.
    Arabie Felicis, Petraeae et Desertae nova et accurata delineatio
    This map from 1658 was published by Johannes Janssonius (1588-1664), or Jan Jansson. Jansson was born in Arnhem, the son of Jan Jansson the Elder, a publisher and bookseller. Jansson's maps are similar to those of Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1571-1638), the founder of the Blaeu cartographic firm, and Jansson is sometimes accused of copying from his rival, but many of his maps predate those…
    • Contributor: Jansson, Jan
    • Date: 1658-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Map of Ancient Arabia.
    Arabiae Veteris Typus
    This map of the Arabian Peninsula, published in 1720, shows Arabia Felix, Arabia Deserta, and Arabia Petraea. Other regions included are Palestine, Mesopotamia, Chaldea, Persia, Aegyptus, and Aethiopia. A large number of towns are shown. The title cartouche includes nine vignette coins. The tribal and town names on the map are those used by Ptolemy. Some are used more than once, with variations. Thus…
    • Contributor: Weigel, Christoph
    • Date: 1720-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Arabia. This mid-19th-century British map shows the Arabian Peninsula and neighboring parts of Africa, including Egypt, the Sudan, and Abyssinia. The traditional Greek and Roman division of Arabia into the three parts of Arabia Petraea, Arabia Deserta, and Arabia Felix is used. Qatar is shown as Catura. Also indicated are Oman, Bahrain, and the territories of Mecca and Medina. The map emphasizes the vast, empty…
  • Map
    Arabia, the Red Sea and Persian Gulf. This map of the Arabian Peninsula shows international borders, caravan routes, and important cities and towns. British possessions, including the port of Aden and the island of Socotra (ʻAdan and Suquṭrā, both part of present-day Yemen), are indicated by the pink coloring. The old Qatari cities of El Bedaa and Zabara (present-day Al Bida and Al Zabara) are shown. The map appeared as plate…
    • Contributor: Blackie, W. G. (Walter Graham) - Weller, Edward, 1884
    • Date: 1870-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    A New Map of Arabia, Including Egypt, Abyssinia, the Red Sea, from the Latest Authorities.
    A New Map of Arabia, Including Egypt, Abyssinia, the Red Sea &c., &c., from the Latest Authorities
    John Cary (circa 1754-1835) was a leading London engraver, map-, chart- and print-seller, and globe maker, active between 1787 and 1834. This map of 1804 shows the Arabian Peninsula and neighboring parts of Africa and the Middle East. Important caravan routes are marked, including the "route of the grand caravan of Sudan from the Niger to Cairo," "route of the caravan from Batsora [Basra]…
    • Contributor: Cary, John
    • Date: 1804-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Colton's Persia, Arabia, Et cetera.
    Persia, Arabia &c
    This map showing the Arabian Peninsula, Persia (present-day Iran), Afghanistan, and Baluchistan (present-day Iran and Pakistan) was published in 1855 by the G.W. and C.B. Colton and Company of New York. Coloring is used to indicate borders and certain provinces or settled areas. The map shows cities, mountains, and roads, and includes some notes on topographical features. The old Qatari city of Al Zabara…
    • Contributor: Colton, G. Woolworth (George Woolworth) - J.H. Colton & Company
    • Date: 1855-01-01
    • Resource: - 2 pages

  • Map
    Overview Map of Arabia. Based on C. Ritter's Geography Book III, West Asia, Parts XII-XIII.
    bersichts-Karte Von Arabien : Zu C. Ritter's Erdkunde Buch III, West-Asien, Theil XII, XIII
    German geographer and cartographer Heinrich Kiepert (1818--99) is generally regarded as one of the most important scholarly cartographers of the second half of the 19th century. He was head of the Geographical Institute in Weimar between 1845 and 1852 and professor at the University of Berlin from 1852 until his death. Shown here is Kiepert's 1852 map of Arabia. As indicated in the title,…
    • Contributor: Kiepert, Heinrich - Mahlmann, Heinrich - Ritter, Carl
    • Date: 1852-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Map of the Persian Gulf.
    Carte Du Golphe Persique
    This map of the Persian Gulf is by the French cartographer Jacques-Nicolas Bellin (1703-72). Qatar is shown as Catura. Cities on both the Arabian and Persian sides of the gulf are indicated, and the map shows a river emptying into the gulf at the port of Julfar (present-day Ra's al-Khaymah, United Arab Emirates). The scale is in common leagues, and there are no latitudinal…
    • Contributor: Bellin, Jacques-Nicolas
    • Date: 1763-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Arabia. John Tallis and Company was a British mapmaking and publishing firm, founded by John Tallis (1817--76), which was active in London circa 1835-60. Tallis maps were known for their accurate information with numerous place-names and geographical details, as well as for the use of shaded areas to indicate topographical features. They are identifiable by the scrolling on the borders and the finely-drawn scenes inscribed…
    • Contributor: Rapkin, John - Rogers, John - Warren, H.
    • Date: 1850-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    A New Map of Arabia: Divided into Its Several Regions and Districts.
    A New Map of Arabia: Divided into its several regions and districts
    This map of Arabia, published in London in 1794, is an English translation of a map by the French cartographer and geographer Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d'Anville (1697-1782). Appointed the first geographer to the king of France in 1773, d'Anville was one of the most important mapmakers of the 18th century, known for the accuracy and scientific quality of his maps. The work presented here is…
    • Contributor: Niebuhr, Carsten - Anville, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon D
    • Date: 1794-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Northeast Africa and Arabia Drawn to the Scale of 1:12,500,000.
    Nordost-Afrika und Arabien im Maassstabe 1:12,500,000
    This map of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula is from the sixth edition (1875) of Stieler's Hand-Atlas über alle Theile der Erde (Stieler's portable atlas of all parts of the Earth), edited by August Heinrich Petermann (1822-78) and published by the firm of Justus Perthes. The map reflects the high quality of German cartography in the latter part of the 19th century and…
    • Contributor: Stieler, Adolf - Hanemann, Fritz - Kuhn, Ernst - Kramer, A. - Petermann, A. (August Heinrich)
    • Date: 1875-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Arabia: According To Its Modern Divisions. "Arabia According to Its Modern Divisions" shows the Arabian Peninsula with the three-part division traditionally used in European sources into Arabia Petraea, Arabia Deserta, and Arabia Felix. Deserts, seaports, and the pearl beds along the coast are indicated. Qatar is shown as Catura. Four different distance scales--Arabian miles, Turkish miles, Persian parasangs, and British miles--are provided. Published in 1794, the map was compiled and…
    • Contributor: Dunn, Samuel, 1794
    • Date: 1794-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Newest Map of Arabia.
    Neueste Karte Von Arabien
    This color map in German appeared as plate 80 in Grosser Hand-Atlas über alle Theile der Erde (Large portable atlas of all parts of the world), published by the Bibliographic Institute of Joseph Meyer (1796-1856). The map shows the Arabian Peninsula as well as neighboring parts of Africa, including Egypt, present-day Sudan, and Abyssinia (present-day Ethiopia). Colored lines are used to demarcate kingdoms and…
    • Contributor: Meyer, Joseph - Radefeld, Carl Christian Franz
    • Date: 1845-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Arabia. This map of the Arabian Peninsula appeared in the 1856 edition of the world atlas that was first published by James Wyld (1790-1836) in 1824 and in successive editions by his son, James Wyld the younger (1812-87). Political divisions are indicated by colored lines and the scale is in English miles. Cities, towns, wells, and caravan routes to Mecca are shown. An annotation on…