Collection Items
Book/Printed MaterialPanama and the canal in picture and prose ... Published in 1913, Panama and the Canal in Picture and Prose is a comprehensive overview of Panama and the Panama Canal in the year before it was opened to commerce. Organized in 20 chapters, the book begins with an introductory chapter about Jamaica, "the front door to Panama." Chapters two through six give an overview of the history and geography of Panama. Chapter 15…
- Contributor: Abbot, Willis John
- Date: 1913
Resource: View All Pages | Images with Text | PDF
Book/Printed MaterialDocumentos historicos relativos a la fundacion do l Republica de Panama, Documentos historicos relativos a la fundacion de la Republica de Panama (Historical documents relating to the establishment of the Republic of Panama) is a compilation of documents published in Panama in 1904, shortly after the province of Panama declared its independence from Colombia. In January 1903 the representative of the Colombian government in Washington, Tomás Herrán, and the United States secretary of state, John…
- Contributor: Aguilera, Rodolfo
- Date: 1904-01-01
- Resource: - 77 pages
Book/Printed Material[Aviendo entendido la materia que se controvierte sobre si se deben fortificar la boca del Rio de la ensenada del Dariel, y el desembarcadero del Playon en el parage de los Cayos …
Binder's title: Forma de assegurar los puertos y poblaciones de todas las costas de las Indias | Text of second gathering begins: Aviendo prevenido en el papel antecedente la mejor forma de assegurar los puertos y poblaciones de todas las costas de las Indias | Facturias que dichas naciones tienen en las islas de Barlobento son como se sigue | A viendo entendido la materia que se controvierte | Habiendo entendido la materia que controvierte sobre si se deben fortificar la boca del río de la ensenada del Darién, y el desembarcadero del playón en el paraje de los cayos de las Cabezas, para estorbar a los piratas el poder pasar a las costas del Perú In the second half of the 17th century, rampant piracy threatened the economic and commercial interests of Spain in the West Indies. Piracy also introduced a complicating factor in the ongoing struggle among Spain, France, and England for preeminence in the Caribbean. This book, published around 1694, offers recommendations, apparently addressed by Governor Sebastien de Roteta of Trinidad to King Charles II, on fortifying…- Date: 1694
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MapPanama. Available also through the Library of Congress web site as a raster image.
- Contributor: Bormay & Co - Americana Company
- Date: 1904-01-01
MapProperty map of the Canal Zone showing property belonging to the United States of America, Panama R. R. Co., and lands claimed by private persons "This large, detailed, map is from the collection of the Panama Canal Zone Library, which was transferred to the Library of Congress in 1978. This collection contains various maps, plans, and diagrams detailing the history of Panama and the construction of the Panama Canal over the ten-year period of 1904 to 1914. According to a note on the map, the "map shows the land…
- Contributor: Isthmian Canal Commission (U.S.). Office of Chief Engineer - Isthmian Canal Commission (U.S.). Department of Law
- Date: 1911
MapPanoramic view of the canal of Panama, From the relief constructed by Ch. Muret on official documents Relief shown pictorially. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
- Contributor: Muret, Ch. (Muret, Charles) - Wuhrer, L.
- Date: 1881-01-01
MapMap showing line of proposed lock canal with summit elevation at 85 feet : [Panama Canal] Relief shown by contours and hachures. Transferred from the collection of the Canal Zone Library-Museum, 1980. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Vault
- Contributor: Isthmian Canal Commission (U.S.). Lock Canal Project
- Date: 1906-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialInternational canals, Appendix (p. [97]-122) : Suez canal. Convention between Great Britain and other powers, respecting the free navigation of the canal, October 29,1888.--Panama canal. Treaty of peace [&c.] between the U.S. and New-Granada, December 12, 1846. The Clayton-Bulwer treaty, April 19, 1850. The Hay-Pauncefote treaty, November 18, 1901. The Hay-Bunau-Varilla treaty, 1903 (Article XVIII) Neutrality of the Panama canal zone: Agreement with Panama, October 10,…
- Contributor: Whittuck, E. A. (Edward Arthur)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 146 pages
Book/Printed MaterialLaws of the Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama Includes index. Previous ed. cataloged under: Canal Zone. Laws, statutes, etc.
- Contributor: Canal Zone - Isthmian Canal Commission (U.S.)
- Date: 1905-01-01
- Resource: - 330 pages
Book/Printed MaterialLaws of the Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama : enacted by the Isthmian Canal Commission, August 16, 1904, to March 31, 1914, annotated 1921. Compiled and annotated by J. J. McGuigan. 050 assigned without book
- Contributor: Panama Canal - Isthmian Canal Commission (U.S.) - McGuigan, J. J.
- Date: 1922-01-01
- Resource: - 326 pages
Book/Printed MaterialCanal de Panama, actes de concession. In 1878 the government of Colombia granted to the French businessman and adventurer Lucien Napoléon Bonaparte Wyse a concession to build an interoceanic canal across Panama, which at that time was a province of Colombia. Wyse sold the concession to a French company, La Société internationale du Canal interocéanique, headed by Ferdinand Marie De Lesseps, the builder of the Suez Canal. Digging began in…
- Contributor: Compagnie Nouvelle Du Canal De Panama
- Date: 1800-01-01
- Resource: - 44 pages
Book/Printed MaterialTratado entre la República de Colombia y los Estados Unidos de América para el arreglo de sus diferencias provenientes de los acontecimientos realizados en el Istmo de Panamá en noviembre de 1903, Tratado entre la Républica de Colombia y los Estados Unidos de América para el areglo de sus diferencias provenientes de los ancontecimientos realizados en el Istmo de Panamá en noviembre de 1903, soscrito en Bogotá el 6 de Abril de 1914 (Treaty between the Republic of Colombia and the United States of America for the settlement of their differences arising from the events that…
- Contributor: Colombia (Republic of Colombia, ) - United States
- Date: 1914
- Resource: - 168 pages
Notated MusicThrough my Uncle's Panama Canal I'll sail Cl. E354109 U.S. Copyright Office For voice and piano. Staff notation.
- Contributor: Schwall, Theo - Brooks, Vivian
- Date: 1914
Resource: View All Images | PDF
Notated MusicQueen of the Panama Canal : song, march & two-step Cl. E330983 U.S. Copyright Office For voice and piano. Staff notation.
- Contributor: Carson, Jos
- Date: 1914
Resource: View All Images | PDF
Notated MusicAt the opening of the Panama Canal Cl. E347994 U.S. Copyright Office For voice and piano. Staff notation.
- Contributor: Donovan, C. - Kelsey, Henry R.
- Date: 1914
Resource: View All Images | PDF
Notated MusicWhen the first ship sails through the Panama Canal Cl. E343578 U.S. Copyright Office For voice and piano. Staff notation.
- Contributor: Walker, Margaret D. - Grinstead, J. W.
- Date: 1914
Resource: View All Images | PDF
Notated MusicThe Panama swim
Panama swim, 1915, 1902 Cl. E354792 U.S. Copyright Office Caption title. For voice and piano. Staff notation.- Contributor: Green, Gladys
- Date: 1914
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Notated MusicThe man who swung a pick at Panama For voice and piano. Cover photo titled Drilling under a ledge of rock at Pedro Miguel lock. Staff notation.
- Contributor: Leavitt, Geo. J. - Gordon, C. K.
- Date: 1909
Resource: View All Images | PDF
Notated MusicSailing through the Panama Canal Cl. E354418 U.S. Copyright Office For voice and piano. Staff notation.
- Contributor: Merrill, Adelaide M. - Donovano, Cecil E.
- Date: 1914
Resource: View All Images | PDF
Notated MusicHoneymooning on the Panama Canal Cl. E305980 U.S. Copyright Office For voice and piano. Staff notation.
- Contributor: Stanley, Jack - Delancy, William B.
- Date: 1913
Resource: View All Images | PDF
Notated MusicI'm hangin' out my washin' on the Panama Canal
I'm hanging out my washing on the Panama Canal Cl. E305316 U.S. Copyright Office For voice and piano. Staff notation.- Contributor: Wright, Charles Edward
- Date: 1913
Resource: View All Images | PDF
Book/Printed MaterialThe independence of the Isthmus of Panama. The Independence of the Isthmus of Panama: Its Antecedents, Causes and Justification is a pamphlet published in late 1903 by the Panama Star and Herald newspaper in Panama City. The purpose of the pamphlet was to justify with arguments from history the breakaway of Panama from Colombia, which had occurred in the course of the year. In January 1903 the representative of the Colombian…
- Contributor: [Valdés, Ramón M] - Valdés, Ramón M.
- Date: 1903-01-01
- Resource: - 32 pages
Book/Printed MaterialCanal de Panamá : documentos relacionados con este asunto, que se publican por orden del Senado de la república At head of title: República de Colombia.
- Contributor: Colombia. Congreso. Senado
- Date: 1903-01-01
- Resource: - 130 pages
Book/Printed MaterialA Syrian Voyage in Central and South America. Father Henri Lammens was born into a Catholic family in Ghent, Belgium, in 1862. At the age of 15 he joined the Jesuits and later settled permanently in Lebanon. He mastered Latin and Greek and taught Arabic in Beirut. His first work was an Arabic dictionary, Farā'id al-lugha (The pearls of language), dating from 1889. He also served as editor for the Jesuit newspaper…
- Contributor: Lammens, Henri - Shartouni, Rashid
- Date: 1894-01-01
- Resource: - 133 pages
Book/Printed MaterialVocabulary of the Language Used by the Indians in These Missions.
Vocabulario de la lengua que usan los indios de estas misiones This manuscript, by an unknown author probably writing at one or several Catholic missions in the 18th century, was found at the College for the Propagation of the Faith in Popayán, New Granada (the Spanish viceroyalty that comprised all or parts of present-day Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Venezuela). It consists of 103 pages, most of which are taken up by a glossary of words…- Date: 1600-01-01
- Resource: - 121 pages