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Collection Posters: Yanker Poster Collection

About this Collection

The Yanker Poster Collection includes more than 3,000 political, propaganda, and social issue posters and handbills, dating 1927-1980. Most posters are from the United States, but over 55 other countries and the United Nations are also represented. The materials were acquired by gift of Gary Yanker in 1975 and later.

Background and Scope

In 1975, Gary Yanker, a collector of political and social propaganda posters, began presenting his collection to the Library of Congress. The Yanker Collection numbers over 3000 posters. Most are from the United States, but over fifty other countries are also represented.

A majority of the posters were published in the 1960's and 1970's, a time of great upheaval in world politics and society. Many of the views expressed on these posters were considered radical at the time. The posters address a wide range of subjects, as suggested below.

Ecology and the Environment

Pollution: it's a crying shame (poster)
POS 6 - U.S., no. 936 (C size)
Goodbye Cruel World (poster)
POS 6 - U.S., no. 870 (C size)

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The Vietnam Conflict

Old soldiers never die : young ones do (poster)
POS 6 - U.S., no. 1220 (C size)
I want out (poster)
POS 6 - U.S., no. 1141 (C size)

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Women's Equality

ERA: yes (poster)
POS 6 - U.S., no. 821 (C size)
Don't call me girl! (poster)
POS 6 - U.S., no. 1258 (C size)

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Civil rights of African-Americans

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America ... (poster)
POS 6 - U.S., no. 1136 (C size)
By any means necessary (poster)
POS 6 - U.S., no. 470 (C size)

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Nuclear Power

Atomkraft? nein, danke (poster)
POS 6 - Germany., no. 118 (C size)
Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind (poster)
POS 6 - U.S., no. 920 (C size)

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Political Participation and Elections (local and national level; United States and abroad)

J.C. can save America! (poster)
POS 6 - U.S., no. 1341 (C size)
D'accord pour une Europe des travailleurs, mais non a l'Europe des financiers! (poster)
POS 6 - France, no. 29 (C size)

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Marches and Demonstrations

March to Wounded Knee, Earth Day : world pilgrimage (poster)
POS 6 - U.S., no. 611 (C size)
60 Jahre Internationaler Frauentag, 8. Marz 1970 ... (poster)
POS 6 - Germany, no. 26 (C size)

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Events and Anniversaries

Establish a new standard of merit for the people ...(poster)
The Cultural Revolution in China POS 6 - China, no. 70 (C size)
Moskva '80 (poster)
1980 Moscow Olympics POS 6 - U.S.S.R., no. 16 (C size)
Revolution until victory : Fatah, Palestine liberation movement (poster)
1967 Arab-Israel Six Day War POS 6 - Palestine, no. 1 (C size)
50 let Sovetskoi vlasti (poster)
Fiftieth anniversary of the Russian Revolution POS 6 - U.S.S.R., no. 150 (C size)


Todos a la plaza con Fidel, 28 de septiembre (poster)
Fidel Castro POS 6 - Cuba, no. 106 (C size)
Free Angela Davis now! (poster)
Angela Davis POS 6 - U.S., no. 733 (C size)
Portrait of Ernesto (Che) Guevara (poster)
Ernesto ("Che") Guevara POS 6 - Cuba, no. 69 (C size)
Old Fashioned Quaker Oafs (poster)
Richard Nixon POS 6 - U.S., no. 1256 (C size)