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Collection Zine Web Archive

About this Collection

The Library of Congress has a growing collection of zines. The Zine Web Archive was created to supplement the physical zine collection. In general, zines are: self-published, self-created, self-distributed, and non-commercial. The independent nature of these publications allows for an unprecedented freedom of expression, and as such, these materials are incredibly valuable primary source materials. Collection priorities include zines by people of color, women, immigrants, and LGBTQ+ and transgender and gender non-conformingĀ individuals and organizations. Subjects and perspectives which have been traditionally underrepresented in mainstream media (and therefore libraries) are also a high priority for collection. For questions related to the Library of Congress Zine Collection, e-mailĀ

Sites are selected by Recommending Officers and Subject Specialists from across the Library, but this collection is primarily curated by the Collection Specialist for Women's, Gender, and LGBTQ+ Studies.

Collection Period: November 2018 to present (this is an ongoing archive).

Frequency of Collection: The majority of sites in the collection were targeted for capture monthly or yearly, with fewer targeted for capture quarterly, twice-yearly, or once.

Languages: Collection material in English.

Acquisition Information: Sites have been added incrementally since the project began and will continue to be added as they are identified.