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Exhibition Comic Art: 120 Years of Panels and Pages

Charles M. (Monroe) Schulz (1922–2000). Peanuts. “Yahoo!!” October 19, 1952. India ink with scraping out over graphite underdrawing. Gift/purchase, 2001. Art Wood Collection of Caricature and Cartoon, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress (010.00.00) © Peanuts Worldwide LLC LC-DIG-ppmsca-09537

A Talented Beagle

As Schroeder plays his toy piano, Charlie Brown, Lucy Van Pelt, and Patty delight in urging Snoopy to dance faster and faster. They soon tire and go home, leaving Snoopy feeling abandoned and aggrieved. In this early example of Peanuts, Charles Schulz includes themes that he would explore repeatedly and develop in future strips: Schroeder’s music, Charlie Brown’s cautiousness, and Snoopy’s human feelings. This beloved, highly successful comic strip ran from 1950 to 2000 and continues in reruns.