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Exhibition Comic Art: 120 Years of Panels and Pages

Wayne Boring (1905–1987). Superman. One Day in Metropolis, as Reporters Clark Kent and Lois Lane Cover an Assignment, November 1954. India ink over graphite and blue pencil, with opaque white drawing. Inked by Stan Kaye (1916–1967). Published in Superman, vol. 1, no. 93, November 1954. Caroline and Erwin Swann Collection of Caricature and Cartoon, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress (019.01.00) © DC Comics, used with permission. LC-DIG-ppmsca-19722


In a full display of superhero powers, the man of steel not only deflects bullets but uses his X-ray vision to melt truck brakes. Created by writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster in 1933 in a fanzine, Superman hit the stands in Action, no. 1, in 1938. It quickly became the anchor to the DC Comics line-up. Wayne Boring succeeded Shuster in drawing the superhero. Having worked in Shuster’s studio starting in 1937, Boring was the primary penciler throughout the 1950s, giving the character his classic bulk and muscular definition. Boring was teamed with inker Stan Kaye.