Join In: Voluntary Associations in America and related programming are made possible by funding secured by The Federalist Society, with additional funds provided by the American Bar Association, Standing Committee on the Library of Congress.
Exhibits Team
- David Mandel, Director, Center for Exhibits and Interpretation
- Karen Werth, Deputy Chief, Exhibits Office
- Cynthia Wayne, Exhibition Director, Exhibits Office
- Nathan Dorn, Curator, Rare Book Curator, Law Library of Congress
- Jurretta Heckscher, Curator, Reference Specialist for Early American History, Researcher and Reference Services Division
- Raymond Leo, Production Officer, Exhibits Office
- Dave Jung, Senior Exhibition Specialist , Exhibits Office
- Rachel Waldron, Registrar, Exhibits Office
- Naomi Coquillon, Chief of Informal Learning, CLLE
Exhibits Office Staff
Wiley Aker, Peter Bottger, Simonette dela Torre, Carroll Johnson-Welsh, Betsy Nahum-Miller, Cheryl Regan, Marc Roman, Staceya Sistare, Patrick Shepler, and intern Eimeel Castillo Dona
Library of Congress Staff
Aslihan Bulut, Robert Brammer, and Donna Sokol, Law Library of Congress; Judith A. Gray, Ann Hood, Mara Lerman, and Valda Morris Slack, American Folklife Center; Mary Champagne, Collections Development Office; Kaare Chaffe, Alicia Chipman, and Lisa Moberg, Conservation Division; Michael Munshaw, Marlena Rivera, Design Office; Barbara Bair, Adrienne Cannon, Michelle Krowl, Julie Miller, Elizabeth Novara, Ryan Reft, and Janice Ruth, Manuscripts Division; Mike Mashon, Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division; Sara Duke and Phil Michel, Prints and Photographs Division; Becky Clark, Peter Devereaux, Aimee Hess, Amy Pastan, and Zachary Klitzman, Publications Office; Mark Dimunation, Eric Frazier, Mariana Stell, and Amanda Zimmerman, Rare Book and Special Collections Division; Andrew Cook, Jade Curtis, and Dominic Sergei, Digital Scan Center; Cheryl Adams, A. J. Aiseirithe, Susan Garfinkel, Megan Metcalf, and Sibyl Moses, Researcher and Reference Services Division; Laura Moiseev and Jamie Bresner, Office of the Chief Information Officer; Brett Zongker and Shawn Miller, Office of Communications; Georgia Higley and Gary M. Johnson, Serial and Government Publications Division; Megan Harris and Kerry Ward, Veterans History Project
The Library expresses its gratitude to the following individuals for their assistance and expertise:
Roberta Shaffer, David Mao, and Jane Sanchez, former Law Librarians of Congress; Mary Sarah Bilder, Boston College Law School; Marc Grossman, Cesar Chavez Foundation; A. Tehuti Evans, M. W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Washington D. C.; David Lindsey, Suzanne Hirsch, Ann Delorey, Interfaith Council of Greater Washington; Mark Hirsch, National Museum of the American Indian; Cheryl Beredo, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, New York Public Library; Arturo de Hoyos, Scottish Rite Freemasonry, SJ; Jessica Roney, Temple University; Elvernoy Johnson and Elizabeth Carroll-Horrocks, State Library of Massachusetts; Tracy Kelley-Johnson and Jennifer Weston, Wampanoag Language Reclamation Project