Following its initial printing by Johann Gutenberg in 1455, the Bible was consistently in publication throughout Europe. By 1500 there were well over eighty editions of the Bible printed. Although this 1479 Bible, printed on vellum, was the fourth version to be printed in Venice following the introduction of printing with movable type in Europe, its design and typography destined it to become one of the most revered publications of its kind. Its creator, Nicolas Jenson, was a Frenchman whose Venetian shop printed more than 150 works, primarily ancient classics, legal, and theological literature between 1470 and 1480. His Antiqua type, based on Roman inscriptions, was considered the perfect embodiment of humanistic ideals.
Biblia Sacre (Holy Bible). Venice: Nicolas Jenson, 1479. Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress
Call number: Rosenwald #220
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