Margaret Mead: Human Nature and the Power of Culture
Exhibition Items
Shaping Forces
- Emily Fogg Mead. “Characteristics at 6 Years,”
ca. January 1908. Diary. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (5)
- Margaret Mead. Diary, begun July 11, 1911.
Holograph manuscript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (9)
- Margaret Mead and Luther Sheeleigh Cressman,
ca. 1917-18. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (14a)
- Margaret Mead. Self-portrait completed around
the age of thirteen, ca. 1914-15. Pastel on paper. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (18)
- Margaret and Richard Mead on the beach, Nantucket,
Massachusetts, summer 1911. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
- Martha Ramsay Mead. Notes on Margaret Mead's
early childhood learning, “Margaret,” possibly ca. 1905. Holograph
manuscript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (21)
- Margaret Mead. Diary record of her sister Elizabeth's
language development, probably ca. 1911–1912. Diary. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (22)
- Margaret Mead as an infant, 1902. Gelatin silver
print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (31)
- Ruth Benedict at Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire,
probably ca. 1920s. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
- Franz Boas in Ruth Benedict's living room,
undated. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (36)
- Margaret Mead. Letter to Martha Ramsey Mead,
March 11, 1923. Typescript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (38)
- Margaret Mead. Anthropology seminar notes,
March 19, 1924. Holograph manuscript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (39)
- Margaret Mead. “Traveler's Faith,” in Song
of Five Springs. Hand-bound volume, probably compiled for
Ruth Benedict, ca. 1927. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (44)
- Margaret Mead. An Inquiry into the Question
of Cultural Stability in Polynesia. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1928. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (46)
To the Field and Back
- Margaret Mead standing between two Samoan girls,
ca. 1926. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (50a)
- Margaret Mead sitting between two Samoan girls,
ca. 1926. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (50b)
- Margaret Mead sitting on a canoe in Samoa,
ca. 1926. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (50c)
- Margaret Mead. Letter to Ruth Benedict, October
11, 1925. Holograph manuscript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (52)
- Margaret Mead, “Fitiuta,” in field notebook
#3 from Samoa. 1925–26. Holograph manuscript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
- Franz Boas. Letter to Margaret Mead, July 14,
1925. Typescript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (61)
- Margaret Mead. Letter to Ruth Benedict, January
4, 1926. Holograph manuscript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (63)
- Margaret Mead. Letter to Derek Freeman, November
6, 1968. Typescript carbon. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (64)
- William Morrow. Letter to Margaret Mead, June
20, 1928. Typescript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (65)
- Margaret Mead. Coming of Age in Samoa:
A Psychological Study of Primitive Youth for Western Civilization. Translated into Japanese by Sachiko Hantanaka and Maroti
Yamamoto. Tky, Japan: Sju Shob, 1976. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (67b)
- Margaret Mead. Coming of Age in Samoa:
A Psychological Study of Primitive Youth for Western Civilization. Translated into Hebrew by Nitzah Sabo. Haifa, Israel: “Ah,” 1978.
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (67c)
- Margaret Mead's room in Samoa, ca. 1925–26.
Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (71a)
- View of Samoan yard, probably from Margaret
Mead's room, ca. 1925–26. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress.
- Margaret Mead. “Field Bulletin XIII from Samoa,
March 7, 1926.” Typescript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (78)
- Margaret Mead. Social Organization of Manu'a.
Honolulu: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 1930 (80)
- Margaret Mead. “South Sea Hints on Bringing
Up Children,” Parents' Magazine, September 1929. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (84)
- E. R. Brand, “An American Princess of the South
Seas,” The New Age Illustrated, April 1928.
Magazine article. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (84a)
- Margaret Mead. Letter to Martha Ramsey Mead,
April 24, 1927. Holograph manuscript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (85)
- Margaret Mead, photographer. Houseboys, Pere
Village, Manus, Admiralty Islands, 1928. From left to right: Kapeli,
Pomat, Yesa, Kilipak, and Loponiu. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (91)
- “Catching Fish in a Net” by Kilipak, New Guinea
male age 13. Pencil drawing. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (92)
- Margaret Mead, “Child Thought and Culture,”
undated, probably ca. 1930-31. Holograph manuscript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (94)
- Margaret Mead. Letter to Reo Fortune, January
17, 1927 [original letter is misdated as 1926]. Manuscript, with
additional notes by Fortune. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (98)
- Margaret Mead. Field notebook with projective
testing materials, Manus, Admiralty Islands, 1929. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (99)
- Margaret Mead, “Melanesian Middlemen,” Natural
History, vol. XXX, no. 2, March-April 1930. Magazine
article. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (100)
- Margaret Mead, photographer. “Ponkob plays
at writing,” Pere Village, Manus, Admiralty Islands, 1929. Gelatin
silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (104)
- Reo Fortune or Margaret Mead, photographer. Margaret Mead and
Reo Fortune in Pere Village, Manus, Admiralty Islands, 1928. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (106)
- Reo Fortune, photographer. Margaret Mead on
a canoe with Manus children, 1928. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (107)
- Reo Fortune, photographer. Margaret Mead on
crutches, Pere Village, Manus, 1929. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (109)
- Reo Fortune, photographer. Margaret Mead carrying
a Manus girl, probably Piwen, on her back, 1928. Gelatin silver
print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (110)
- Margaret Mead or Reo Fortune, photographer.
“The mariners of the next generation,” Pere Village, Manus, Admiralty
Islands, ca. 1928–29. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
- Margaret Mead. Note slip, “C & P Ponkob
Mar. 3,” 1929. Manuscript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (115a)
- Margaret Mead or Reo Fortune, photographer.
“Small girl assistants supervised by Nauna,” Pere Village, Manus,
Admiralty Islands, 1928. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
- Margaret Mead, photographer. Luwil Bomboi carrying
his 2 ½-year old daughter Piwen. Manus, Admiralty Islands, 1929.
Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (120)
- Margaret Mead. Note slip, “Piwen April 5,”
Manus, Admiralty Islands, 1929. Manuscript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
- Margaret Mead. “The Ethnographic Points of
Manus Culture,” draft of page from Appendix 2 of Growing Up
in New Guinea, ca. 1929–30. Holograph manuscript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (122)
- Alfred L. Kroeber. Letter to Margaret Mead,
May 14, 1931. Typescript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (129)
- “Tooth Money Panic Feared.” Boston Herald,
February 2, 1930. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (132b)
- Theodore or Lenora Schwartz, photographer.
“The field work team, 1953.” Margaret Mead, Lenora Schwartz, and
Theodore Schwartz [left to right] with Manus children, 1953. Gelatin
silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (267)
- Theodore or Lenora Schwartz, photographer.
“1928 Houseboys as adults,” Johanis Lokus (Loponiu), Margaret
Mead, Petrus Pomat, Raphael Manuwai [not in 1928 photo], John
Kilipak- [left to right] with Manus children, 1953. Gelatin silver
print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (268)
- Margaret Mead fieldwork dress. Fabric. Courtesy
of the Smithsonian Institution, the National Museum of American
History, Behring Center (273)
- Margaret Mead's notes on Arapesh pigs and dogs.
“Pigs.” ca. 1932. Typescript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (136b)
- Margaret Mead's notes on “women's work and
men's,” March 25, 1932. Typescript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (136c)
- Margaret Mead's notes on “reactions of a mixed
group of women and children to HOME Magazine,”
ca. 1932. Typescript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (136f)
- “Group of Anthropologists Who Arrived on Macdhui.”
July 1933. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (139a)
- Margaret Mead. Notes on squares from Tchambuli
trip, ca. Spring 1933. Holograph manuscript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
- Margaret Mead [and Reo Fortune]. “Summary Statement
on the Problem of Personality and Culture.” Tchambuli, 1933. Additional
handwritten notes by Reo Fortune, probably June-July 1935. Typescript
photocopy. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (142)
- Karen Horney. Letter to Margaret Mead, February
8, [probably 1935]. Holograph manuscript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
- Reo Fortune, photographer: . “Conducting Public
Flutes.” Alitoa Village, Arapesh, 1932. Gelatin silver print.
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (147)
- Margaret Mead or Reo Fortune, photographer.
Mundugumor woman holding baby. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (152)
- “Jungle Expected to Reveal Why Boys Are Boys,” New York Herald-Tribune, ca. Summer 1931. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (155)
- Margaret Mead, “Theoretical considerations,”
ca. 1932. Typescript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (156)
- Margaret Mead. Sex and Temperament in Three
Primitive Societies. [Inscribed from Margaret Mead to Gregory
Bateson, May 9, 1935.] New York: Morrow, 1935. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
- Therese Benedek. “Sex Relations—Primitive
& Sophisticated,” Saturday Review, October 15, 1949.
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (156d)
- Margaret Mead, “An Ethnologist's Footnote to Totem and Taboo,” 1930. Reprint. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
- “'Everybody Works But Father' in New Guinea
Tribe Visited by Dauntless Woman Scientist and Husband,” The
Pittsburgh Press, September 21, 1933. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
- Reo Fortune, probable photographer. “Her First
Doll,” photograph published ca. 1933. [Original photo ca. 1932].
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (164a)
- Mundugumor Painting I. Color painting of lizard
and frog by Maikava, male, age 17, Kenakatem, December 4, 1932.
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (172a)
- Mundugumor Painting II. Color painting by Yeshimba,
adult male, Kenakatem, December 4, 1932. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (172b)
- Margaret Mead. Letter to Maurine D. Burgess,
August 26, 1937. Typescript carbon. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (175)
- Margaret Mead. “Tchambuli Language Memorizing
Book,” ca. 1933. Holograph manuscript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (178)
- Tchambuli Lake, ca. 1933. Gelatin silver print.
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (179)
- Reo Fortune, photographer. “Tchambuli woman
and child,” ca. 1933. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
- Margaret Mead. “Medicine Book, Bajoeng Gede,
June 14, 1936-June 1937.” Bound notebook. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
- Margaret Mead. "Afternoon with the Karmas,"
September 20, 1936. Typescript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (185)
- Gregory Bateson, photographer. I Gati holding
I Kenjoen in a sling, Bajoeng Gedé, Bali, August 19, 1937.
Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (193a)
- Gregory Bateson, photographer. I Karmi holding
I Kenjoen on her lap, Bajoeng Gedé, Bali, February 12,
1939. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (193b)
- Margaret Mead's admissions permit for Batavia,
Java, Netherlands East Indies, March 16, 1936. Government document.
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (194a)
- Margaret Mead reaching out towards Doemoen,
about 18 months, in the arms of her mother's brother's wife, December
12, 1936. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (199)
- Gregory Bateson, photographer. Margaret Mead
medicating the feet of I Kenjoen, held by her father, Nang Karma.
Bajoeng Gedé, Bali, September 20, 1936. Gelatin silver
print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (200b)
- Gregory Bateson, photographer. Nang Karma holding
infant daughter I Kenjoen in his lap, with son I Gata alongside.
Bajoeng Gedé, Bali, September 20, 1936. Gelatin silver
print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (200n)
- Gregory Bateson, photographer. Nang Karma holding
infant daughter I Kenjoen in his arms, with son I Gata behind.
Bajoeng Gedé, Bali, September 20, 1936. Gelatin silver
print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (200p)
- Gregory Bateson, photographer. Nang Karma holding
infant daughter I Kenjoen in his arms, with son I Gata leaning
across his lap. Bajoeng Gedé, Bali, September 20, 1936.
Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (200v)
- Gregory Bateson, photographer. Nang Oera teaching
his son Karba, aged 393 days, to play the xylophone. Bajoeng Gedé,
February 5, 1937. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (204a)
- Gregory Bateson, photographer. I Mario of Tabanan teaching I
Dewa P. Djaja of Kedere to dance. Tabanan, Bali, December 1, 1936.
Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (204c)
- Gregory Bateson, photographer. I Karbo, 14
½ months, splashing water on I Sami, 7 months, who is in a wash
tub, April 30, 1937. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (204e)
- Margaret Mead. “Bathing I Sami (Sama),” field
notes for April 30, 1937. Bajoeng Gedé, Bali. Typescript.
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (204g)
- Gregory Bateson, photographer. Margaret Mead
and I Madé Kalér interviewing Nang Karma and I Gata,
Bajoing Gedé, Bali. Undated, probably ca. 1937. Gelatin
silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (217a)
- Ken Heyman, photographer. Margaret Mead holding
a baby who is teething on Mead's necklace. Bajoeng Gedé
(now Bayung Gedé), Bali, January 1958. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress.
- Margaret Mead. Iatmul field notes for May 5,
1938. Bound Notebook. Holograph manuscript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
- Gregory Bateson, photographer. Margaret Mead
and Gregory Bateson working among the Iatmul, Tambunam, 1938.
Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (211a)
- Gregory Bateson, photographer. Margaret Mead
and Gregory Bateson working in the mosquito room, Tambunam, 1938.
Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (211b)
- Iatmul child's drawing, probably by Pawi, June
9, 1938. Pencil on paper. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (214e)
- Gregory Bateson, photographer. Iatmul woman
holding a baby on her arm, 1938. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (215)
- Gregory Bateson, photographer. Margaret Mead
giving a doll back to a child, after showing her how to hold it.
Tambunam, Iatmul, August 7, 1938. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (216f)
- Margaret Mead. “Scenes with doll, first time
seen,” Tambunam, Iatmul, August 7, 1938. Typescript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (216i)
- I Ketoet (Ketut) Ngéndon of Batoean
(now Batuan), “Goodbye and Good Luck to Margaret Mead and Gregory
Bateson,” 1938. Ink on Paper. On loan from Mary Catherine Bateson
“Learning to Live in One World”
- Margaret Mead. And Keep Your Powder Dry:
An Anthropologist Looks at America. New York: Morrow, 1942.
Courtesy of Patricia Francis (220d)
- Schedule for Margaret Mead's December 10–13,
1942, visit to the Menninger Clinic. Typescript with handwritten
notes by Dr. Karl Menninger. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (221b)
- Edward Sherwood Mead. Letter to Margaret Mead,
August 4, [probably 1942]. Holograph manuscript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
- Fanny Buford. “A Comment on Miss Mead's Book And Keep Your Powder Dry,” January 25, 1943. Typescript.
enclosed in letter, probably from Caroline Ware, March 17, 1943.
Typescript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (230)
- Gerald W. Johnson. “A Chuckling Anthropologist
Studies Us,” New York Herald Tribune, November 22, 1942.
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (233)
- Margaret Mead. “What Makes Americans Tick?” Vogue, February 1, 1943. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (236)
- Margaret Mead. Letter to Leo Rosten [unsent].
October 14, 1942. Typescript [signed]. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (238a)
- Rumors Cost Us Lives. Offset lithograph,
ca. 1941-1945. Prints & Photographs Division, Library of Congress (238b)
- Margaret Mead. “Appendix for Part Two,” page
of notes from unpublished 1945 book manuscript, Learning to
Live in One World. Typescript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (239)
- National Research Council Committee on Food
Habits. “Food and Morale,” Appendix I, November 19, 1942. Typescript.
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (244c)
- Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson. “Disaster
for Dictators: Food shortage,” “Danger for Democracies: Destruction
of Food,” “Danger for Democracies: Corruption in Industries,”
- “Disaster for Dictators: Crippled Industries,”
playing cards for board game, ca. 1940. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (247g-j)
- Margaret Mead. Page from Learning to Live
in One World manuscript, July 9, 1945. Typescript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (249)
- Arthur Herzog, photographer. “Margaret Mead
and Rhoda Métraux looking at children's 'Sputnik' drawings,”
1958. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (252a)
- Balinese child's drawing of Sputnik orbiting
the earth by a male, aged 13, ca. 1957–58. Pencil on paper. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (252f)
- Balinese child's drawing of Sputnik by a female,
aged 13, ca. 1957–58. Pencil on paper. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (252g)
- American child's drawing of Sputnik by a female,
aged 13, October 16, 1957. Crayon on paper. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress.
- American child's drawing of Sputnik by a female,
aged 13, October 18, 1957. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (252l)
- Margaret Mead, “The Dangerous Godless Brain,” Look, 22, January 21, 1958. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (252p)
- Ken Heyman, photographer. Margaret Mead talking
to Balinese students. Denpasar, Bali, January 1958. Gelatin silver
print. Courtesy of Ken Heyman (252q)
- Margaret Mead, editor. Cultural Patterns
and Technical Change: A Manual Prepared by the World Federation
of Mental Health. Paris: UNESCO, 1953. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
- Dr. Benjamin Spock. Prescription for corrective
shoes, probably ca. November 1940. Manuscript. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
- Dr. Benjamin Spock examining Mary Catherine
Bateson, ca. early 1940. Copyprint. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (28)
- Margaret Mead and R. Buckminster Fuller at
Delos VII Conference, Greece, July 1969. Gelatin silver print.
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (253)
- Athens Technological Organization—The 1970
Athens Ekistics Month Daily Program, July 13, 1970. Typescript.
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (253b)
- Photograph of 1970 Athens Ekistics Month participants.
Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (253c)
- Margaret Mead. Culture and Commitment:
A Study of the Generation Gap. Garden City, New York: Natural
History Press/Doubleday, 1970. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (256)
- Peter Goldberg, photographer. “JK presents
a gift of Papua-New Guinea money to the American Museum of Natural
History.” New York City, 1979. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (262)
- Margaret Mead conducting a tele-lecture in
1960, probably at Omaha University, Omaha, Nebraska, November
11, 1960. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (282a)
- Audience question for Margaret Mead, May 14,
1978. Index card. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (283)
- Margaret Mead. Letter to Robert Lowie, April
8, 1956. Typescript carbon. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (291a)
- Margaret Mead's diary entry for April 20, 1940,
regarding Catherine's behavior on train trip. Diary. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (294a)
- Margaret Mead. "Violence and Your Child,"
TV Guide, March 21, 1959. Magazine article. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
- Margaret Mead. “Do We Undervalue Full-Time
Wives.” Redbook, November 1963, vol. 122, no. 1. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (299a)
- Ken Heyman, photographer. Margaret Mead with
a secretary in a storage room adjacent to her tower office at
the American Museum of Natural History, New York City, 1960. Gelatin
silver print. Courtesy of Ken Heyman (300e)
- Margaret Mead and James Baldwin. A Rap
on Race. Philadelphia and New York: Lippincott, 1971. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (304)
- Margaret Mead's testimony before the Subcommittee
on Monopoly of the Select Committee on Small Business of The U.S.
Senate, October 27, 1969. Reprint. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (306a)
- United Press International. “Margaret Mead's
for Legal Pot,” Washington, D.C., October 27, 1969. Newspaper
clipping with handwritten comments. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (306b)
- Margaret Mead. “Marriage in Two Steps.” Redbook,
July 1966, vol. 127, no. 3. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (308a)
- Margaret Mead's calendar for May 1976. Calendar.
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (309)
- Margaret Mead, “Remarks made in McMillan Auditorium
to the group assembled there at 3.20 PM, April 30, 1968.” Typescript
photocopy. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (310a)
- Paul Fusco or Charlotte Brooks, photographer.
S.D.S. (Students for a Democratic Society) at Columbia University,
May 29, 1968. Copyprint. Prints & Photographs Division, Library of Congress (310b)
- Israel Shenker. “Anthropologists Clash over
Their Colleagues' Ethics in Thailand.” The New York Times,
November 21, 1971. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (311a)
- Clyde Satterwhite. “Margaret Mead Is Dead At
76.” New York Daily News, November 16, 1978. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (312d)
- Margaret Mead. “The Natural Ferocity of the
Female.” This Week magazine, The Philadelphia Sunday
Bulletin, August 3, 1969. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (316)
- “Margaret Mead Today: Mother to the World.” Time, March 21, 1969. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (317)
- “Margaret Mead listens to him. Why don't you?”
Advertisement for Culture and Commitment, in The
Saturday Review, January 17, 1970. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (318)
- Brochure advertising Male and Female as Franklin and Marshall College Book-of-the-Semester for Spring
1959. Typescript leaflet with cartoon. © 1956 The New Yorker
Magazine, Inc. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (319a)
- Al Capp. “L'il Abner” comic strip, World News
Syndicate, March 5, 1970. Newspaper clipping. © Capp Enterprises,
Inc. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (319b)
- Mulligan cartoon. “We're putting on a show
for Margaret Mead.” Playboy, October 1962. Copyright
© 1962,1990 by Playboy. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (319d)
- [Jon?] Langan. “But I came of age in Samoa.” Esquire. December 1954. © Esquire magazine. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (319e)
- Mike Peters cartoon on Margaret Mead. The
Dayton Daily News, November 6, 1969. Newspaper clipping.
© Courtesy of Tribune Media Services. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
- John Dempsey. “Perhaps we should inform Margaret
Mead of this.” Playboy, August 1978. Copyright ©
1978 by Playboy. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (319g)
- Garry Trudeau, Doonesbury comic strip,
October 26, 1973. Newspaper clipping from Daily Press,
Newport News, Virginia. © 1973 Universal Press Syndicate.
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (319h)
- Margaret Mead, personal notebook, begun August
1, 1978. Bound notebook. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (322)
- Program from “A Washington Memorial Service:
Margaret Mead, 1901–1978,” Washington Cathedral, December 7, 1978.
Leaflet. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (325)
- Shari Segal, photographer. Margaret Mead in
Hancock, New Hampshire, May 26, 1975. Gelatin silver print. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (333)
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