Politics and the Dancing Body
Exhibition Items
Exploring National Roots
- Robertson, photographer. Ted Shawn in his work Invocation to the Thunderbird, 1931. Courtesy of Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival, Becket, Massachusetts (001.00.00)
- Toyo Miyatake, photographer. Lester Horton in his 1929 work Pueblo Eagle Dance, ca. 1929. Larry Warren Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (002.00.00)
- Martha Graham and Group in her work Primitive Mysteries, ca. 1931. Martha Graham Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (003.00.00)
- Barbara Morgan. Contact sheet of Jane Dudley in her work Harmonica Breakdown, 1938. New Dance Group Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (004.00.00)
© Barbara Morgan, The Barbara Morgan Archive
- David Linton, photographer. Sophie Maslow and William Bales in “Sweet Betsy” from Maslow’s work Folksay, 1942. New Dance Group Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (006.00.00)
- Walter E. Owen, photographer. Asadata Dafora and Bernice Samiels in Dafora’s work A Tale of Old Africa, 1946. New Dance Group Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (007.00.00)
- Jack Mitchell, photographer. April Berry in Katherine Dunham’s work Shango from Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater’s 1987 “The Magic of Katherine Dunham,” ca. 1987. Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (008.00.00)
Photo © Jack Mitchell
- Marc Enguerand, photographer. Judith Jamison (center) and members of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in Ailey’s Revelations, 1974. Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (009.00.00)
- Poster for The Eternal Prodigal, 1936. Federal Theatre Project Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (010.00.00)
- James Cochrane. Costume design for Helen Tamiris’s 1937 How Long Brethren, ca. 1937. Federal Theatre Project Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (011.00.00)
- Helen Tamiris (center), Augusta Gassner, Dvo Seron, Ailes Gilmour, Marion Appell, and Lulu Morris in Tamiris’s How Long Brethren. Federal Theatre Project Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (012.00.00)
- Swisher Studio. “Zombies Dance” from Katherine Dunham’s work L’Ag’Ya, 1938. Federal Theatre Project Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (014.00.00)
Finding a Political Voice
- Arnold Genthe, photographer. Isadora Duncan, between 1916 and 1918. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress (015.00.00)
- Edith Segal (center) with the Red Dancers in a rehearsal for a memorial to Lenin, ca. 1928. Courtesy of Paul C. Mishler. Victoria Phillips Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (016.00.00)
- Members of the New Dance Group in Improvisation, 1932. New Dance Group Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (017.00.00)
- Anna Sokolow and Alex North in Russia, ca. 1934. Larry Warren Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (018.00.00)
- Sophie Maslow in her work Two Songs about Lenin, ca. 1934. Sophie Maslow Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (019.00.00)
- Jane Dudley in her work Song for a Soviet Youth Day, ca. 1937. New Dance Group Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (020.01.00)
- Jane Dudley in her work Under the Swastika, ca. 1937. New Dance Group Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (023.01.00)
- Alfredo Valente, photographer. The New Dance Group performs the collective choreography Van der Lubbe’s Head, 1934. Muriel Manings and William Korff Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (021.00.00)
- Invitation to Graham from the Third Reich to participate in the 1936 Summer Olympic Games. Martha Graham Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (022.00.00)
- Kenneth Finch, costume designer. Costume design for Lester Horton’s work Warsaw Ghetto, 1949. Lester Horton Dance Theater Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (024.00.00)
- Constantine Photos. Bella Lewitzky (left) and Sondra Orans in Lester Horton’s work Warsaw Ghetto, 1949. Lester Horton Dance Theater Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (025.00.00)
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Turmoil at Home and Cold War Protest
- Laurance T. Clark, photographer. Unidentified dancers in the “Women Waiting” section of Lester Horton’s work The Mine, 1935. Lester Horton Dance Theater Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (026.00.00)
- Daniel Kramer, photographer. Erick Hawkins in his work John Brown, ca. 1980s. Erick Hawkins Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (028.00.00)
Photograph © Daniel Kramer. Courtesy of Daniel and Arline Kramer
- Rendering for set design of the “John Brown” section of Memorial Day: Dances for Democracy in Crisis, ca. 1930. Aaron Copland Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (029.00.00)
- Genevieve Pitot, composer. Holograph music score for Daniel Nagrin’s work Landscape with Three Figures: 1859, 1943. Daniel Nagrin Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (030.00.00)
- Lester Horton, choreographer. Costume design sketch for his work Chronicle, 1937. Lester Horton Dance Theater Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (031.00.00)
- Barbara Morgan, photographer. “Lynchtown,” from Charles Weidman’s work Atavisms, 1938. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress (032.00.00)
© Barbara Morgan, The Barbara Morgan Archive
- Oleaga Photography. Daniel Nagrin in his work Not Me But Him, ca. 1965. Daniel Nagrin Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (033.00.00)
- Barbara Morgan, photographer. Pearl Primus in her work The Negro Speaks of Rivers, 1944. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress (034.00.00)
© Barbara Morgan, The Barbara Morgan Archive
- Constantine Photos. Unidentified dancers in Lester Horton’s work The Park (later titled El Robozo), n.d. Lester Horton Dance Theater Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (035.00.00)
- Yuriko Kikuchi in her work Shut Not Your Doors, 1946. Courtesy of Yuriko and Susan Kikuchi. Victoria Phillips Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (036.00.00)
- Johan Elbers, photographer. Elbert Watson, Melvin Jones, Michihiko Oka, and Ulysses Dove in the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater’s production of Donald McKayle’s 1956 work Rainbow ‘Round My Shoulder, introduced into the Ailey repertory in 1972, n.d. Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (037.00.00)
- Rehearsal of Mary Anthony’s 1952 work The Devil in Massachusetts, ca. 1951–1952. Copyprint. Courtesy of Mary Anthony. Victoria Phillips Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (038.00.00)
- Facsimile of first page of Jane Dudley’s FBI file. Victoria Phillips Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (048.01.00)
Domestic Projects for Export
- George Platt Lynes, photographer. Detail graphic of Lew Christensen in his 1938 work Filling Station, choreographed for Ballet Caravan, n.d. Erick Hawkins Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (039.00.00)
© Estate of George Platt Lynes
- Oliver Smith. Corral backdrop design for Rodeo, set designed by Oliver Smith, choreographed by Agnes de Mille for Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, 1942. Oliver Smith Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (040.00.00) Works of Oliver Smith ©
Rosaria Sinisi
- Walter Strate Studio. José Limón and Betty Jones in Limón’s 1949 work The Moor’s Pavane, n.d. Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (041.00.00)
- Poster of Martha Graham Dance Company’s performances in Japan, 1955. Ethel Winter and Charles Hyman Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (042.00.00)
- Martha Graham and Stuart Hodes in Appalachian Spring, ca. 1955. Martha Graham Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (043.00.00)
- A. Konkov, Fotokhronika TASS. Members of the American Ballet Theater take a curtain call after a performance in Moscow of David Lichine’s 1940 work Graduation Ball, 1960. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress (044.00.00)
- Eric Smith, photographer. Carmen de Lavallade and Alvin Ailey in Glen Tetley’s 1962 work Mountainway Chant, performed on the De Lavallade-Ailey State Department-sponsored tour, 1962. Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (045.00.00)
- Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in Leningrad, 1970. Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress (046.00.00)
- David A. Fullard, Ph.D., photographer. Thea Narissa Barnes in Martha Graham’s work Frontier, 1987. Martha Graham Legacy Archive, Music Division, Library of Congress (047.00.00) By permission of David A. Fullard, Ph.D.
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