- Oriana T. Atkinson, New York Times
- Marjorie Avery, Detroit Free Press
- Nellie B. Beeby, American Journal of Nursing
- Sylvia de Bettencourt, Correio de Manha
- Mrs. Victor Blakeslee, Collier's
- Therese Bonney, Duell, Sloan, & Pearce
- Margaret Bourke-White, Time
- Virginia L. Bracker, New York Times
- Julie Bridgman, Liberty
- Barbara Browne, Christian Science Monitor
- Helen Camp, Associated Press
- Georgette M. Chapelle, Look
- Minafox Chapelle, American Home
- Katherine L. Clark, WCAU radio
- Jacqueline Cochrane, Liberty
- Ruth B. Cowan, Associated Press
- Virginia Cowles, North American Newspaper Alliance
- Catherine Coyne, Boston Herald
- Elisabeth May Craig, Gannett Publishing Company
- Kathryn Cravens, Mutual Broadcasting System
- Elsie Danenberg, North American Newspaper Alliance
- Tatiana Daniel, New York Times
- Gladys Davis, Life
- Maxine Davis, Macmillan
- Anne McCormick Decormis, Fortune
- Peggy Hull Deuell, Cleveland Plain Dealer
- Mary M. Diggins, International News Service
- Dorothy Disney, Saturday Evening Post
- Catherine Drake, Readers Digest
- Margaret L. Durdin, Time
- Charlotte Ebener, International News Service
- Drucilla Evans, New York Post
- Edna Ferber, North American Newspaper Alliance
- Elizabeth S. Finan, Harper's Bazaar
- Barbara M. Finch, Reuters
- Janet Flanner, The New Yorker
- Doris Fleeson, Woman's Home Companion
- June M. Frank, This Month
- Beatrice Freeman, Magazine Digest
- Toni Frissell, Freelance
- Betty Gaskill, Liberty
- Martha Gellhorn, Collier's
- Helen Gingrich, Esquire-Coronet
- Anita Glosker, North American Newspaper Alliance
- Beatrice B. Gould, Ladies Home Journal
- Janet Green, Trans-Radio Press
- Alice R. Hager, Skyways
- Edith I. Hamburger, Cleveland Press
- Harriet C. Hardesty, United Press
- Hazel Hartzog, United Press
- Marguerite Higgins, New York Herald Tribune
- Carol Hill, Collier's-Redbook
- Clare Hollingworth, Time
- Mary Hornaday, Christian Science Monitor
- Rosemary Howard, Newsweek
- Rita Hume, International News Service
- Ann L. Jacobs, Young America
- Annalee Jacoby, Time
- Elizabeth B. John, Cleveland News
- Carol L. Johnson, Newspaper Enterprise Association
- Mary Jane Kempner, Conde-Nast
- Helen Kirkpatrick, Chicago Daily News
- Dorothy Thompson Kopf, Bell Syndicate
- Irene Kuhn, National Broadcasting Corporation
- Sara M. Lamport, New York Post
- Ida B. Landau, Overseas News Agency
- Elise Lavelle, National Catholic News Service
- Martha Lecoutre, Tri-Color
- Flora Lewis, Associated Press
- Rhona Lloyd, Philadelphia Evening News
- Mary P. Lochridge, Women's Home Companion
- Cynthia Lowry, Associated Press
- Lenore V. Lucas, Overseas News Agency
- Erika Mann, Liberty
- Cecelia (Jackie) Martin, Ladies Home Journal
- Francis McCall, National Broadcasting Corporation
- Anne O'Hare McCormick, New York Times
- Mary V.P. McGee, Toronto Globe & Mail
- Eleanor McIlhenny, Pan-American
- Kathleen McLaughlin, New York Times
- Dorothy Melendez, Star Herald
- Jane Meyer, Chicago Herald American
- Mrs. Lee Miller, Conde-Nast
- Lois Mattox Miller, Readers Digest
- Alice L.B. Moats, Collier's
- Mary T. Muller, Readers Digest
- Barbara Murdock, Philadelphia Bulletin
- Mary H. O'Brien, Fawcett Publications
- Eleanor C. Packard, United Press
- Gretta Clark Palmer, Liberty
- Mary B. Palmer, Newsweek
- Alice K. Perkins, Fairchild Publications
- Martha E. Phillips, Afro-American Newspapers
- Catherine Polk, Los Angeles News
- Peggy Poor, New York Post
- Virginia Prewett, Chicago Sun
- Helena Pringle, Women's Home Companion
- Eva B. Putnam, Trans-Radio Press
- Sarah J. Reston, New York Times
- Martha S. Reusswig, Collier's
- Ruth A. Robertson, Press Syndicate
- Iona Robinson, Saturday Review of Literature
- Ethel P. Rocho, Collier's
- Nancy W. Ross, Freelance
- Marjorie Severyns, Time
- Sigrid Shultz, Chicago Tribune
- Irina Skariatina, New York Times
- Beverly Smith, Collier's
- Monica Stirling, Atlantic Monthly
- Elizabeth Stringer, United Press
- Mary V. Thayer, International News Service
- Sonia Tomara, New York Herald Tribune
- Margrethe Vandivert, Time
- Betsey C. Whitney, Washington Times-Herald
- Bonnie Wiley, Associated Press
- Mary Day Winn, This Week
- Margaret K. Zaimes, American Red Cross
Adapted from Colonel Barney Oldfield, 'Never a Shot in Anger', Santa Barbara: Capra Press, 1990. Used by permission.