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Film, Video
Tossing eggs
Egg rolling at the White House
Depicts a great crowd of men, women and children, from every walk of life, playing and scrambling together on the lawn of the White House on the occasion of the annual White House Easter Egg Roll.
Thomas A. Edison, Inc - Niver (Kemp) Collection (Library of Congress) - Paper Print Collection (Library of Congress)
Film, Video
Scrambling for eggs
Egg rolling at the White House
"The film, photographed from a single-camera position, shows a large group of boys participating in an egg hunt supervised by adults who throw eggs to the boys, causing them to scrimmage in search of the eggs"--Early motion pictures.
Thomas A. Edison, Inc - Paper Print Collection (Library of Congress)
Film, Video
Babies rolling eggs
Egg rolling at the White House
"Some small children in winter clothing face the camera in a semicircle. They throw what appear to be eggs down the incline toward the camera position. From left and right of the camera, a great number of young boys scramble for the eggs. Many close-ups and mass photographs of the activities are then shown"--Early motion pictures.
Thomas A. Edison, Inc - Paper Print Collection (Library of Congress)
Film, Video
Double Take: White House or Not?
Join Reference Specialist Kristi Finefield to look closely at a photo from the Library's collections, to apply visual literacy and photo research techniques, and finally to answer the question: is this the White House or not? This webinar is part of the "Double Take" webinar series. This series invites participants to join specialists from the Library's Prints and Photographs Division, to explore and unravel…
Library of Congress - Library of Congress. Prints and Photographs Division - Library of Congress. Professional Learning and Outreach Initiatives