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Washington, DC 20540-4935
FEDLINK Advisory Board
Section 1. Membership.
The FEDLINK Advisory Board (FAB) comprises thirteen voting members: the Chair, who serves ex officio, and twelve individuals appointed by the Chair – nine elected by the FEDLINK membership and three selected by the Chair.
A. Terms. Members serve staggered three-year terms, limited to two consecutive terms in addition to any partial term served. The Chair will recognize three elected members and one appointed member each January. Members may not name or be represented by a designate.
B. Eligibility. Candidates for elected FAB positions will be from the FEDLINK member representatives.
C. Chair-Selected Members. Chair-selected members may be from the FEDLINK member representatives or from outside the membership. FAB members must be federal employees.
D. FEDLINK Executive Director. The FEDLINK executive director will serve ex-officio as a nonvoting member of the FAB.
E. Vacancies. Should a vacancy occur among the elected FAB members, through resignation or removal, the candidate with the next highest number of votes in the most recent FAB election will fill the vacancy. Should a vacancy occur among the Chair-selected members, the Chair will appoint a replacement to complete the term of the vacancy.
F. Removal. The Chair may replace FAB members who miss three FAB meetings in a 12-month period.
Section 2. Duties and Responsibilities.
The FAB will:
A. Propose program policies, objectives and plans;
B. Recommend an annual budget and present it to the membership for review and to the Chair for approval;
C. Participate in FEDLINK meetings;
D. Establish FEDLINK committees, working groups and advisory councils as necessary, and publish a list of all such committees and councils annually;
E. Apprise the federal library community of issues of general interest and of those related to FEDLINK programs, services, policies or objectives;
F. Provide advice, policy guidance, and oversight to the FEDLINK executive director regarding FEDLINK programs and budgeting; and
G. Recommend solutions for settling disputes and interpret matters relating to all FEDLINK business.
Section 3. Meetings.
The FAB will hold its first meeting of the year in January and meet at least bi-monthly. A quorum of six voting members will be necessary to vote and conduct business.
Section 4. Vice-Chair.
At its first meeting of each year, the FAB will nominate a Vice-Chair from within its membership for appointment by the Chair. The Vice-Chair will serve a term of one year and is eligible for reappointment, limited to two consecutive terms. Should the office of Vice-Chair become vacant, the Chair will promptly appoint a new Vice- Chair from the remaining FAB Members. The Vice-Chair will act in the absence of the Chair.
Last Updated: 09/20/2024