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Chicago citation style:
Schubert, Frank N, and Conference On Cold War Archives In The Decade Of Openness. The open house collection: documents from the military archives of former Warsaw Pact countries in the Library of Congress. Washington, DC: Historical Office, Office of the Secretary of Defense: Joint History Office, Office of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2000. Pdf.
APA citation style:
Schubert, F. N. & Conference On Cold War Archives In The Decade Of Openness. (2000) The open house collection: documents from the military archives of former Warsaw Pact countries in the Library of Congress. Washington, DC: Historical Office, Office of the Secretary of Defense: Joint History Office, Office of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Schubert, Frank N, and Conference On Cold War Archives In The Decade Of Openness. The open house collection: documents from the military archives of former Warsaw Pact countries in the Library of Congress. Washington, DC: Historical Office, Office of the Secretary of Defense: Joint History Office, Office of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2000. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.