Film, Video AWOL, all wrong old Laddiebuck All wrong old Laddiebuck / Title on liner notes: AWOL; or, All wrong old Laddiebuck / Title on the Internet movie database WWW site: A.W.O.L.
Digital viewing copy
About this Item
- AWOL, all wrong old Laddiebuck
Other Title
- All wrong old Laddiebuck
- Title on liner notes: AWOL; or, All wrong old Laddiebuck
- Title on the Internet movie database WWW site: A.W.O.L.
- From J. McIntire, Silent animated films at the Library of Congress: Concerns American soldiers in Europe after the armstice [sic]. One goes AWOL with "Joy" (Miss AWOL) and after a series of mishaps with her, he is thrown in a guard house while his fellow soldiers go home.
- From Origin of American animation 1900-1921 notes: A cautionary tale for troops impatient to return home after the November 1918 armistice.
- Bowers, Charles R., 1889-1946, animator
- American Motion Picture Corporation
- AFI/Rhode Island Historical Society Collection (Library of Congress)
Created / Published
- United States : [American Motion Picture Co., ca. 1919].
- - United States.--Army--Drama
- - World War, 1914-1918--United States--Propaganda
- - Soldiers--Conduct of life--Drama
- - Absence without leave--Drama
- - World War, 1914-1918--Armistices--Drama
- - World War, 1914-1918--Prisoners and prisons--Drama
- - Military offenses--Drama
- - Military prisons--Europe--Drama
- Instructional films
- Animated films
- Short films
- Fiction films
- - Duration: 3:05 (part 1) and 2:35 (part 2) at 22 fps.
- - Digital file includes a piano score composed and performed by Philip Carli.
- - Sources used: Copyright catalog, motion pictures, 1912-1939; Library of Congress video collection, v. 3, Origins of American animation, 1900-1921 liner notes; McIntire, J. Silent animated films at the Library of Congress, 1995; M/B/RS preliminary catalog card.
- viewing print 1 film reel of 1 (ca. 6 min., ca. 479 ft.) : si., b&w ; 35 mm.
Call Number/Physical Location
- FEA 3137 (viewing print)
- Library of Congress Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division Washington, D. C. 20540 USA dcu
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 00694022
Online Format
- image
- video
LCCN Permalink
Additional Metadata Formats
Part of
- Afi/Rhode Island Historical Society Collection (Library of Congress)
- American Motion Picture Corporation
- Bowers, Charles R.