Film, Video Rube and Mandy at Coney Island Title in Edison films catalog: Rube and Mandy's visit to Coney Island
Digital viewing copy
About this Item
- Rube and Mandy at Coney Island
Other Title
- Title in Edison films catalog: Rube and Mandy's visit to Coney Island
- "The first scene shows a country couple entering Steeplechase Park. They proceed to amuse themselves on the steeplechase, rope bridge, the "Down and Out" and riding the bulls. The scene then changes to a panorama of Luna Park, showing Rube and Mandy doing stunts on the rattan slide, riding on the miniature railway, shooting the chutes, riding the boats in the old mill, and visiting Professor Wormwood's Monkey theatre. They next appear on the Bowery, visiting the fortune tellers, striking the punching machine and winding up with the frankfurter man. The climax shows a bust view of Rube and Mandy eating frankfurters. Interesting for the humorous features, and the excellent views of Coney Island and Luna Park. 725 ft."--Edison films catalog no. 288.
- Porter, Edwin S., production, camera
- Thomas A. Edison, Inc
- Paper Print Collection (Library of Congress)
Created / Published
- United States : Edison Manufacturing Co., 1903.
- - Dating (Social customs)--Humor
- - Amusement parks--New York (State)--Humor
- - Amusement rides--New York (State)--Humor
- - Coney Island (New York, N.Y.)
- - Steeplechase Park (New York, N.Y.)
- - Luna Park (New York, N.Y.)
- Comedy films
- Silent films
- Short films
- Fiction films
- - H34528 U.S. Copyright Office
- - Copyright: Thomas A. Edison; 13Aug1903; H34528.
- - Duration: about 12 minutes at 16 fps.
- - Paper print shelf number (LC 2725) was changed when the paper prints were re-housed.
- - Additional holdings for this title may be available. Contact reference librarian.
- - Sources used: Copyright catalog, motion pictures, 1894-1912; Musser, C. Before the nickelodeon, p. 249-250; Niver, K. Early motion pictures, the Paper Print Collection in the Library of Congress, p. 280; Edison films catalog, no. 185, October supplement 1903, p. 16 [MI]; Edison films catalog, no. 288, July 1903, p. 79; American Film Institute catalog, film beginnings, 1893-1910, p. 922-923.
- - Filmed in 1903 at Coney Island in New York, New York.
- - Early motion pictures : the Paper Print Collection in the Library of Congress / by Kemp R. Niver. Library of Congress. 1985.
- viewing print 1 film reel of 1 (295 ft.) : si., b&w ; 16 mm.
- viewing print (copy 2) 1 film reel of 1 (295 ft.) : si., b&w ; 16 mm.
- viewing print 1 film reel of 1 (ca. 725 ft.) : si., b&w ; 35 mm.
- dupe neg pic 1 film reel of 1 (295 ft.) : si., b&w ; 16 mm.
- dupe neg pic 1 film reel of 1 (ca. 725 ft.) : si., b&w ; 35 mm.
- paper pos 1 roll of 1 (ca. 725 ft.) : b&w ; 35 mm.
- paper pos (copy 2) 1 roll of 1 (ca. 725 ft.) : b&w ; 35 mm.
Call Number/Physical Location
- FLA 5678 (viewing print)
- FLA 5846 (viewing print, copy 2)
- FEB 9451 (viewing print)
- FRA 2516 (dupe neg pic)
- FPE 5044 (dupe neg pic)
- Box 0262A (paper pos)
- Box 5203A (paper pos, copy 2)
- Library of Congress Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division Washington, D. C. 20540 USA dcu
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 00694289
Online Format
- image
- video
LCCN Permalink
Additional Metadata Formats
Part of
- America at Work, America at Leisure: Motion Pictures from 1894 to 1915 (158)
- Inventing Entertainment: The Early Motion Pictures and Sound Recordings of the Edison Companies (430)
- Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division (824)
- National Screening Room (1,221)
- Library of Congress Online Catalog (1,589,946)