Film, Video Scene from the elevator ascending Eiffel Tower Title in Edison films catalog: Panoramic view from the Eiffel Tower, ascending and descending / Variant title from Edison motion pictures 1890-1900: Scene from the Eiffel Tower, ascending and descending / Variant title from AFI catalog, film beginnings, 1893-1910: Eiffel Tower, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3
Digital viewing copy
About this Item
- Scene from the elevator ascending Eiffel Tower
Other Title
- Title in Edison films catalog: Panoramic view from the Eiffel Tower, ascending and descending
- Variant title from Edison motion pictures 1890-1900: Scene from the Eiffel Tower, ascending and descending
- Variant title from AFI catalog, film beginnings, 1893-1910: Eiffel Tower, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3
- "A marvelously clear picture taken from the top of the elevator of the Eiffel Tower during going up and coming down of the car. This wonderful tower is 1,000 feet in height, and the picture produces a most sensational effect. As the camera leaves the ground and rises to the top of the tower, the enormous white city opens out to the view of the astonished spectator. Arriving at the top of the tower, a bird's eye view of the Exposition looking toward the Trocadero, and also toward the Palace of Electricity, is made, and the camera begins its descent. The entire trip is shown on a 200-foot film. 30.00. We furnish the ascent in 125 foot film"--Edison films catalog, no. 105.
- White, James H. (James Henry), production
- Thomas A. Edison, Inc
- Paper Print Collection (Library of Congress)
Created / Published
- United States : Edison Manufacturing Co., 1900.
- - Exposition universelle--(1900 :--Paris, France)
- - Tour Eiffel (Paris, France)
- - Exhibitions--France--Paris
- - Paris (France)--Aerial views
- Actualities (Motion pictures)
- Silent films
- Short films
- Nonfiction films
- - D16386 U.S. Copyright Office
- - Copyright: Thomas A. Edison; 9Aug1900; D16386.
- - Duration: 1:59 at 16 fps.
- - Paper print shelf number (LC 1847) was changed when the paper prints were re-housed.
- - Additional holdings for this title may be available. Contact reference librarian.
- - Sources used: Copyright catalog, motion pictures, 1894-1912; Musser, C. Edison motion pictures 1890-1900, p. 607; Niver, K. Early motion pictures, p. 287; Edison films catalog, no. 105, July 1901, p. 17 [MI]; Musser, C. Before the nickelodeon, p. 153; AFI catalog, film beginnings, 1893-1910, p. 947.
- - Filmed July, 1900 at the Paris Exposition in Paris, France.
- - Early motion pictures : the Paper Print Collection in the Library of Congress / by Kemp R. Niver. Library of Congress. 1985.
- viewing print 1 film reel of 1 (54 ft.) : si., b&w ; 16 mm.
- dupe neg pic 1 film reel of 1 54 ft.) : si., b&w ; 16 mm.
- dupe neg pic 1 film reel of 1 (ca. 130 ft.) : si., b&w ; 35 mm.
- master pos pic 1 film reel of 1 (ca. 55 ft.) : si., b&w ; 16 mm.
- paper pos 1 roll of 1 (ca. 130 ft.) : b&w ; 35 mm.
- paper pos (copy 2) 1 roll of 1 (ca. 130 ft.) : b&w ; 35 mm.
Call Number/Physical Location
- FLA 4861 (viewing print)
- FRA 1868 (dupe neg pic)
- FPF 8072 (dupe neg pic)
- FRB 1041 (master pos pic)
- Box 0079C (paper pos)
- Box 5065C (paper pos, copy 2)
Source Collection
- Niver (Kemp) Collection (Library of Congress)
- Library of Congress Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division Washington, D. C. 20540 USA dcu
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 00694299
Online Format
- image
- video